
By Aurora801 on Jul 26, 2009

Just load into Remotes.
One: Load into remotes
Two: Turn it on. (Right-click anywhere or menubar>JokeServ>System>On)
Three: Set the serv (Menubar or right-click>JokeServ>System>SetServ) It will ask you.
Four: Use it. :] (Menubar or right-click>JokeServ)
All done. :] If you find any errors PLEASE TELL ME.
Current known bugs:
Fail Action (JokeServ>Actions>Errors>FAIL) Seems to not work.
ÜberFail (JokeServ>NickMessage>FAIL!) Doesn't show up correctly in the menu.

Bagel slap now works.
ServLol (JokeServ>Messages>Errors>Fail>Lol!) Works. It will pick a random nickname in the room and set it as the lol nick, then have the "JokeServ" laugh at that nick.

Quick Intro:
What's it for- JokeServ is just a little system that I made to have fun. I use it for xBot.Net mostly, and will be updating it for that reason. I will be updating the JokeServ portion aswell, adding more features.
How do I set the JokeServ as my active server?- Go to JokeServ>System>Set Serv then enter the letters "JKS" In that oder, this will tell JokeServ that you want to use the active server, and will set JokeServ to the current. Here' what it does:

if ($1 = SetServ) {

    if ($2 = JKS) {

      set %JokeServ $server

      echo -a 4,1(7,1-4,1(0,1***JokeServ: Server Set To %JokeServ $+ 4,1)7,1-4,1)

That's the simple part. :] Will soon be adding a part for the aliases so that you can do this all manually instead of through menus, and will also, hopefully be adding a Dialog. :]

If you have any ideas on what you'd like to see in JokeServ, tell me and I'll add it. :] Just let me know what you'd like it to say, and what area (Message>Error, Message>Shock, Message>Server, Actions>Errors, Actions>Slaps, Or nick specific) and I'll be sure to add it and update this. :]







alias _Serv.wwjk {

  if ($1 = SetServ) {

    if ($2 = JKS) {

      set %JokeServ $server

      echo -a 4,1(7,1-4,1(0,1***JokeServ: Server Set To %JokeServ $+ 4,1)7,1-4,1)

    halt }

    else {

      set %JokeServ $2

      echo -a 4,1(7,1-4,1(0,1***JokeServ: Server Set To %JokeServ $+ 4,1)7,1-4,1)




  elseif ($1 = EchoServ) { echo -a 4,1(7,1-4,1(0,1***JokeServ: Server Set To %JokeServ $+ 4,1)7,1-4,1) | halt }

  elseif ($1 = Enable) { /_JokeServ On | halt }

  elseif ($1 = Disable) { /_JokeServ Off | halt }

  elseif ($1 = Advertise) { /_JokeServ Advertise | halt }


alias _JokeServ {

  if ($1 = On) {

    enable #JokeServ

    echo -a 4,1(7,1-4,1(8,1J0,1oke8,1S0,1erv 9,1Enabled4,1)7,1-4,1)


  elseif ($1 = Off) {

    disable #JokeServ

    echo -a 4,1(7,1-4,1(8,1J0,1oke8,1S0,1erv 4,1Disabled4,1)7,1-4,1)


  elseif ($1 = Advertise) { say 4,1(7,1-4,1(14,1***This is 8,1J0,1oke8,1S0,1erv14,1 on 4,1Relek6,1-0,1I9,1R8,1C14,1.4,1)7,1-4,1) | halt }





#JokeServ on

alias _JokeServ.Errors {

  if ($1 = Fail) { say 4,1(7,1-4,1(14,1****Error: The0,1 %JokeServ 14,1Server FAILS!!4,1)7,1-4,1) | halt }

  elseif ($1 = BiSH) { say 4,1(7,1-4,1(14,1****Error: The0,1 %JokeServ 14,1Server Has a BiSH on it.4,1)7,1-4,1) | halt }

  elseif ($1 = Roflmao) {

    var %Rofl = $nick(#,0)

    var %RoflNick = $nick(#,$rand(1,%Rofl))

    say 4,1(7,1-4,1(14,1****Error: The0,1 %JokeServ 14,1Server Has Lol'd at %RoflNick Like a girl!4,1)7,1-4,1)


  elseif ($1 = Lagg) { say 4,1(7,1-4,1(14,1****Error: The0,1 %JokeServ 14,1Server has Too much damn lag for me to do shit.4,1)7,1-4,1) | halt }


alias _JokeServ.Shocks {

  if ($1 = Sticker) { say 4,1(7,1-4,1(9,1****Shock: The0,1 %JokeServ 9,1Server Has Fallen Under Sticker Shock.4,1)7,1-4,1) | halt }

  elseif ($1 = Fail) { say 4,1(7,1-4,1(9,1****Shock: The0,1 %JokeServ 9,1Server Has Fallen Under FailShock.4,1)7,1-4,1) | halt }

  elseif ($1 = DunAsk) { say 4,1(7,1-4,1(9,1****Shock: The0,1 %JokeServ 9,1Server Has Fallen Under "WTF" Shock Syndrom.4,1)7,1-4,1) | halt }

  elseif ($1 = Lol) { say 4,1(7,1-4,1(9,1****Shock: The0,1 %JokeServ 9,1Server Has Lolled At The Clowns That Be In It's Face.4,1)7,1-4,1) | halt }


alias _JokeServ.Serv {

  if ($1 = Works) { say 4,1(7,1-4,1(12,1****Serv: The0,1 %JokeServ 12,1Server Is Currently 9,1OnLine12,1.4,1)7,1-4,1) | halt }

  elseif ($1 = Down) { say 4,1(7,1-4,1(12,1****Serv: The0,1 %JokeServ 12,1Server Is Currently 4,1OffLine12,1. Please Try Again Later.4,1)7,1-4,1) | halt }


alias _JokeServAction.Errors {

  if ($1 = Fail) { me 4****FailServ: The0 %JokeServ 4Server Is Currently FAIL | halt }

  elseif ($1 = YoMomma) { me 4****Y0M0mm4: The0 %JokeServ 4Has Just Been Crushed By Yo Momma. | halt }

  elseif ($1 = wtf) { me 4****WhatTheF**k!: The0 %JokeServ 4Has Just Screamed WHAT-THE-F**K At It's Users. | halt }


alias _JokeServ.Slaps {

  if ($1 = trout) { me Slaps $2 Around a bit with a Trout Monster. | halt }

  elseif ($1 = SlapBack) { me Slaps A Large Trout around a bit with $2 | halt }

  elseif ($1 = bagel) {
    set %JokeChan #

    describe %JokeChan Puts a bagel in the toaster.

    timer 1 1 describe %JokeChan Takes the bagel out of the toaster.

    timer 1 2 describe %JokeChan Starts to take the first bite.

    timer 1 3 describe %JokeChan is interrupted by $2

    timer 1 4 describe %JokeChan slaps $2 with the bagel.


  elseif ($1 = Penis) { me Slaps $2 around with a large 4P7e8n9i0s | halt }

  elseif ($1 = Random) { me Slaps $2 Around with some random object found in a strippers panties. | halt }


alias _JokeServ.Warning {

  if ($1 = FailBoat) { say 4,1(7,1-4,1(0,1****Warning!: The0,1 %JokeServ 0,1Server Is Calling $2 Back To the FailBoat.4,1)7,1-4,1) | halt }

  elseif ($1 = RedAlert) { say 4,8R8,4e4,0d0,8A8,4l4,8e8,0r0,8t9,1 $+ $chr(124) 4,1There Is A Retard In The Room. They Go by $2 $+ 9,1 $+ $chr(124) $+ 4,8R8,4e4,0d0,8A8,4l4,8e8,0r0,8t | halt }


alias _JokeServ.FAIL {

  if ($1 = Epic) { say 0,1(6,1-0,1(4,1****FailServ: %JokeServ 4,1Has Declared $2 As A EPIC Fail.0,1)6,1-0,1) | halt }

  elseif ($1 = Lev1) { say 0,1(6,1-0,1(4,1****FailServ: %JokeServ Has Declared $2 As a Level-One Fail.0,1)6,1-0,1) | halt }

  elseif ($1 = Lev2) { say 0,1(6,1-0,1(4,1****FailServ: %JokeServ Has Declared $2 As a Level-Two Fail.0,1)6,1-0,1) | halt }

  elseif ($1 = Lev3) { say 0,1(6,1-0,1(4,1****FailServ: %JokeServ Has Declared $2 As a Level-Thee Fail.0,1)6,1-0,1) | halt }

  elseif ($1 = Lev4) { say 0,1(6,1-0,1(4,1****FailServ: %JokeServ Has Declared $2 As a Level-Four Fail.0,1)6,1-0,1) | halt }

  elseif ($1 = Lev5) { say 0,1(6,1-0,1(4,1****FailServ: %JokeServ Has Declared $2 As a Level-Five Fail.0,1)6,1-0,1) | halt }

  elseif ($1 = Fcked) { say 0,1(6,1-0,1(4,1****FailServ: %JokeServ Has Declared $2 As a Über Fail.0,1)6,1-0,1) | halt }


#JokeServ end




menu channel,status,nicklist {



  ..(-(On)-):/_Serv.wwjk Enable

  ..(-(Off)-):/_Serv.wwjk Disable

  ..(-(Set Serv)-):/_Serv.wwjk SetServ $$?"What is teh JokeServ?"

  ..(-(Advetise)-):/_Serv.wwjk Advertise

  ..(-(Echo Serv)-):/_Serv.wwjk EchoServ



  ...(-(Fail)-):/_JokeServ.Errors Fail

  ...(-(BiSH)-):/_JokeServ.Errors BiSH

  ...(-(Lol!)-):/_JokeServ.Errors Roflmao

  ...(-(To Much Lag)-):/_JokeServ.Errors Lagg


  ...(-(Sticker!)-):/_JokeServ.Shocks Sticker

  ...(-(FailShock)-):/_JokeServ.Shocks Fail

  ...(-(You Asked...)-):/_JokeServ.Shocks DunAsk

  ...(-(LOL!)-):/_JokeServ.Shocks Lol


  ...(-(Down)-):/_JokeServ.Serv Down

  ...(-(OnLine)-):/_JokeServ.Serv Works



  ...(-(Fail)-):/_JokServAction.Errors Fail

  ...(-(Y0 M0mm4)-):/_JokeServAction.Errors YoMomma

  ...(-(Wtf!?)-):/_JokeServAction.Errors WTF


  ...(-(Trout!)-):/_JokeServ.Slaps Trout $$1

  ...(-(Slap Back)-):/_JokeServ.Slaps SlapBack $$1

  ...(-(Bagel)-):/_JokeServ.Slaps Bagel $$1

  ...(-(Penis)-):/_JokeServ.Slaps Penis $$1

  ...(-(A what...?)-):/_JokeServ.Slaps Random $$1



  ...(-(FailBoat)-):/_JokeServ.Warning FailBoat $$1

  ...(-(RedAlert)-):/_JokeServ.Warning RedAlert $$1


  ...(-(Epic)-):/_JokeServ.FAIL Epic $$1

  ...(-(Level-1 Fail)-):/_JokeServ.FAIL Lev1 $$1

  ...(-(Level-2 Fail)-):/_JokeServ.FAIL Lev2 $$1

  ...(-(Level-3 Fail)-):/_JokeServ.FAIL Lev3 $$1

  ...(-(Level-4 Fail)-):/_JokeServ.FAIL Lev4 $$1

  ...(-(Level-5 Fail)-):/_JokeServ.FAIL Lev5 $$1

  ...(-(ÜberFail)-):/_JokeServ.FAIL Fcked $$1


menu menubar {



  ..(-(On)-):/_Serv.wwjk Enable

  ..(-(Off)-):/_Serv.wwjk Disable

  ..(-(Set Serv)-):/_Serv.wwjk SetServ $$?"What is teh JokeServ?"

  ..(-(Advetise)-):/_Serv.wwjk Advertise

  ..(-(Echo Serv)-):/_Serv.wwjk EchoServ



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Atr   -  Jul 27, 2009

Ok, might test it a bit later.. coding looks OK though :)

Aurora801   -  Jul 27, 2009

I actually made it more than a week ago and have been using it, and I had decided to put it on Hawkee recently. Also: It has more than just slaps. It has random messages that can be used, I made it purely for fun.

Atr   -  Jul 27, 2009

So far it looks like a load of different slaps..?

blitzz   -  Jul 27, 2009

Test your code before posting..

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