Kill, kick, or stab.

By Aerialman on Jul 13, 2009

This script can kill, kick/ban, or stab on command.

on *:text:!kill*:#:{
  if ($2 == Aerialman) { msg $chan Screw you, $nick $+ . He didn't do anything. | halt }
  if ($2 == Aerialbot) { msg $chan Screw you, $nick $+ . I didn't do anything. | halt }
  if ($2 == Pickle) { msg $chan Screw you, $nick $+ . He didn't do anything. | halt }
  if ($2 == Twango) { msg $chan Screw you, $nick $+ . He didn't do anything. | halt }
  if ($2 == Ike,Jaketiger1116,dude) { msg $chan Screw you, $nick $+ . He didn't do anything. | halt }
  if ($nick == Pasha) ($2 == Aerialman || $2 == Aerialbot || $2 == Pickle || $2 == Twango || $2 == Ike) { /kick $chan Pasha Oops, wrong person! }
  if ($$2 != $null) { msg $chan RRRRAAAAWWWWRRRR!!!! DIE $2 DIE!!
    if ($me isop $chan) { /kick $chan $2 Sorry, you have been killed by $nick $+ . Luckily you will be revived in 5 minutes. Come again! | /ban $chan $2 | /timer5 1 300 /mode $chan -b $2 }
on *:text:!stab*:#:{ msg $chan $nick has stabbed $2 $+ ! $2 dies of blood loss! Nooooooo!!! | /kick $chan $2 You were stabbed by $nick $+ . Come again! }
on *:text:!kick*:#:{
  if ($2 == Aerialman) { msg $chan Screw you, $nick $+ . He didn't do anything. | halt }
  if ($2 == Aerialbot) { msg $chan Screw you, $nick $+ . I didn't do anything. | halt }
  if ($2 == Pickle) { msg $chan Screw you, $nick $+ . He didn't do anything. | halt }
  if ($2 == Twango) { msg $chan Screw you, $nick $+ . He didn't do anything. | halt }
  if ($2 == Ike,Jaketiger1116,dude) { msg $chan Screw you, $nick $+ . He didn't do anything. | halt }
  if ($nick == Pasha) ($2 == Aerialman || $2 == Aerialbot || $2 == Pickle || $2 == Twango || $2 == Ike) { /kick $chan Pasha Oops, it backfired! }
  if ($2 != $null) { Commencing kick...
    if ($me isop $chan) { /timer5 1 3 /kick $2 You have been kicked by $nick $+ . I did not have anything to do with this, so don't blame me. Come again! }


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MashhitDK   -  May 18, 2010

MannuA I don't know what wasn't working for you...
But I (re)made this... and I've so far not found any thing that doesn't work.
But I haven't fully tested it... but as fas as I can see everything is working like it should.


  1. Alt+R ( in mIRC )
  2. New ( or where ever you want )
  3. Save & Enjoy

!STAB ( Will stab / kick the user specified )
!KICK CMDS ( Will notice you a full list over all the !KICK "fuctions" )
!KILL CMDS ( Will notice you a full list over all the !KILL "fuctions" )

I added counter for !KICK & !KILL
NOT for the !STAB

;***  ######  ########    ###    ########     ##    ## ####  ######  ##    ##    ##    ## #### ##       ##       ***
;*** ##    ##    ##      ## ##   ##     ##    ##   ##   ##  ##    ## ##   ##     ##   ##   ##  ##       ##       ***
;*** ##          ##     ##   ##  ##     ##    ##  ##    ##  ##       ##  ##      ##  ##    ##  ##       ##       ***
;***  ######     ##    ##     ## ########     #####     ##  ##       #####       #####     ##  ##       ##       ***
;***       ##    ##    ######### ##     ##    ##  ##    ##  ##       ##  ##      ##  ##    ##  ##       ##       ***
;*** ##    ##    ##    ##     ## ##     ##    ##   ##   ##  ##    ## ##   ##     ##   ##   ##  ##       ##       ***
;***  ######     ##    ##     ## ########     ##    ## ####  ######  ##    ##    ##    ## #### ######## ######## ***
;*** This is remade by MashhitDK *** The Danish NUB *** Original: **************
;*** This script includes a counter *** Both KICK and KILL has counters ******** I DID NOT ADD ONE FOR !STAB *******
on *:TEXT:*:#: { 
  ;*** !STAB
  if ($1 == !stab) {
    if ($2 == $me) { notice $nick NO ! I'll cut you !
      describe # stabs $nick in the heart ( Notice: between rib 3 and 4 ) | kick # $nick Your dead !
    elseif (($2 == $nick) || (!$2)) { notice $nick You need to specify a victim. }

    else { { set %kickermsbot $r(1,2) }
      if (%kickermsbot == 1) { msg # $nick has stabbed $2 $+ ! $2 dies of blood loss! Nooooooo!!! 
        kick # $2 You were stabbed by $nick $+ . Come again!
      if (%kickermsbot == 2) { describe has stabbed $2 $+ ! $2 dies of blood loss! Nooooooo!!! 
        kick # $2 You were stabbed by $nick $+ . Come again!

    ;*** END !STAB SCRIPT *****************************************************************************************
  ;*** This is remade by MashhitDK *** The Danish NUB *** Original: ***********
  ;*** This script includes a counter *** I know I fail *** So please man... *** DON'T GIVE ME SHIT ! ! ***********
  ;*** Commands:
  ;*** !KICK COMMANDs - Will give you a list over all commands that can be used with this kick script
  ;*** !KICKs USED - Will show you how many people has been kicked in total
  ;*** !KICKs RECIVED - Will show you how many times you have been kicked
  ;*** !KICKs GIVEN - Will show you how many people you have kicked
  ;*** !KICK - Will notice you you didn't specified a victim ( or it will kick you )
  ;*** !KICK <NICK> - Will kick the user that's specified
  elseif ($1 == !kick) || ($1 == !kicks) {
    if ($2 == cmds) || ($2 == commands) { msg # 5Sending !KILL command list ->
      notice $nick - !KICK <NICK> -> Will kick the user that's specified
      notice $nick - This !KICK-script comes with a counter 4;) 
      notice $nick - !KICKs USED -> Will show you how many people has been kicked in total
      notice $nick - !KICKs RECIVED -> Will show you how many times you have been kicked
      notice $nick - !KICKs GIVEN -> Will show you how many people you have kicked... and how many kicked in total
      notice $nick - This !KICK-script is (re)made by 4MashhitDK
    ;***** !KILLs USED
    elseif ($2 == used) { notice $nick There are people who has been kicked so far | halt }
    ;***** END !KILLs USED **************************************************************************************

    ;***** !KILLs RECIVED
    elseif ($2 == recived) { notice $nick You have been kicked %recivedkickerms times so far... and in total  people has been booted | halt }
    ;***** END !KILL INTOTAL **************************************************************************************

    ;***** !KILLs GIVEN ( intotal )
    elseif ($2 == given) { notice $nick 14[ $nick  14] You have kicked %kickerms  14[ ALL IN ALL 14] The has been kicked  people | halt }
    ;***** END !KILLs GIVEN ***************************************************************************************

    ;*** !KICK <ME> / <BOT> ***************************************************************************************
    ;*** You can add more users that like the "BOT" can't be kicked... made an exsample below ;)
    ;* Ex." if ($2 == $me) || ($2 == MashhitDK) || ($2 == Made) || ($2 == This) || ($2 == Script) { "
    elseif ($2 == $me) {
      { set %kickermsbot $r(1,6) }
      if (%kickermsbot == 1) { msg # Screw you, $nick ! - I didn't do anything. }
      elseif (%kickermsbot == 2) { msg # Blow Me $nick ! - I haven't done anything. }
      elseif (%kickermsbot == 3) { msg # Up yours $nick ! - I haven't done anything. }
      ;*** Below are colored replys
      elseif (%kickermsbot == 4) { msg # Screw you,2 $nick ! - I didn't do anything. }
      elseif (%kickermsbot == 5) { msg # Blow Me2 $nick ! - I haven't done anything. }
      elseif (%kickermsbot == 6) { msg # Up yours2 $nick ! -I haven't done anything. }

      ;***** COUNTER SECTION **************************************************************************************
      ;*** END HOW MANY THE BOT RECIVED COUNTER *******************************************************************
      inc %givenkickerms. $+ $nick
      set %givenkickerms $eval( % $+ givenkickerms. $+ $nick ,5)
      inc %givencommandms. $+ $nick
      set %givencommandms $eval( % $+ givencommandms. $+ $nick ,5)
      ;*** HOW MANY GIVEN COUNTER *********************************************************************************
      ;***** END COUNTER SECTION  *********************************************************************************
    ;*** !KICK ****************************************************************************************************
    elseif (($2 == $nick) || (!$2)) {
      { set %kickermsnone $r(5,5) }
      if (%kickermsnone == 1) { notice $nick DOH ! - Use !Kick <NICK>
        notice $nick - You need to specify a victim. - Or I'll kill you ! 
      elseif (%kickermsnone == 2) { notice $nick DOH ! - Use !KICK <NICK>
        notice $nick - You have to specify a victim. - Or I will kill you !
      ;*** Colored replys below
      elseif (%kickermsnone == 3) { msg # - You need to specify a victim.
        notice $nick 0,1Ex. 0,5!Kick <2 $+ $nick $+ 0> ;)
      elseif (%kickermsnone == 4) { msg # - You have to specify a victim.
        notice $nick 0,1Ex. 0,5!KICK <2 $+ $nick $+ 0> ;)
      elseif (%kickermsnone == 5) { msg # 5,1- This !KICK-script is (re)made by 4MashhitDK
        msg # 5,1- !KICK <NICK> -> Will kick the user that's specified
        msg # 5,1- This !KICK-script comes with a counter 4;) 
        msg # 5,1- !KICKs USED -> Will show you how many people has been booted in total
        msg # 5,1- !KICKs RECIVED -> Will show you how many times you have been kicked
        msg # 5,1- !KICKs GIVEN -> Will show you how many people has been kicked...
      ;*** Below here is kick plus instant invite
      elseif (%kickermsnone == 6) { msg $chan 4RRRR5AAAA4WWWW5RRRR4 ! Die5 $nick  4! - 4,9D 4I 4E !
        if ($me isop $chan) { kick # $nick You have pissed Me off ( and more or less taken you own life ) $nick $+ . Luckily you will respawn instantly when suiciding / failing
          kick # $nick
          invite # $nick
          ;***** COUNTER SECTION **********************************************************************************
          inc %recivedkickerms. $ $nick
          set %recivedkickerms $eval( % $+ recivedkickerms. $+ $nick ,5)    
      ;***** COUNTER SECTION **************************************************************************************
      inc %commandkickerms. $+ $nick
      set %commandkickerms $eval( % $+ commandkickerms. $+ $nick ,5)
      ;***** END COUNTER SECTION **********************************************************************************

    ;*** !KICK <NICK> / <USER> ************************************************************************************
    else {
      ;* NOTE IF YOU ADD MORE REPLYS REMEMBER TO CHANGE BELOW HERE ( Ex. " { set %kickermsuser $r(1,5) } " )
      { set %kickermsuser $r(1,3) }
      ;* NOTE IF YOU ADD MORE REPLYS REMEMBER TO CHANGE ABOVE HERE ( Ex. " { set %kickermsuser $r(1,5) } " )

      if (%kickermsuser == 1) { msg # Commencing kick...
        if ($me isop $chan) { timerkickmn 1 3 kick $2 You have been kicked by $nick $+ . I did not have anything to do with this, so don't blame me. Come again! }

      elseif (%kickermsuser == 2) { msg # Commencing kick...
        if ($me isop $chan) { timerkickmn 1 3 kick $2 You have been kicked by $nick $+ . I did not have anything to do with this, so don't blame me. Come again! }

      elseif (%kickermsuser == 3) { msg # Commencing kick...
        if ($me isop $chan) { timerkickmn 1 3 kick $2 14[2 $nick 14] You have been kicked by8 $nick $+ . I did not have anything to do with this, so don't blame me. Come again! }

      ;* Here are so you can add you own messages to go with the kick
      ;elseif (%kickermsuser == 4) { }
      ;elseif (%kickermsuser == 5) { }
      ;***** COUNTER SECTION **************************************************************************************
      ;*** HOW MANY GIVEN
      inc %givenkickerms. $+ $nick
      set %givenkickerms $eval( % $+ givenkickerms. $+ $nick ,5)
      ;*** GIVEN COMMANDs
      inc %givencommandms. $+ $nick
      set %givencommandms $eval( % $+ givencommandms. $+ $nick ,5)
      ;*** END HOW MANY GIVEN ***

      inc %recivedkickerms. $ $nick
      set %recivedkickerms $eval( % $+ recivedkickerms. $+ $nick ,5)
      ;***** END COUNTER SECTION **********************************************************************************
    ;*** END !KICK SCRIPT *******************************************************************************************
  ;*** This is remade by MashhitDK *** The Danish NUB *** Original: ***********
  ;*** This script includes a counter *** I know I fail *** So please man... *** DON'T GIVE ME SHIT ! ! ***********
  ;*** Commands:
  ;*** !KILL COMMANDs - Will give you a list over all commands that can be used with this kill script
  ;*** !KILLs USED - Will show you how many lives has been taken
  ;*** !KILLs RECIVED - Will show you how many times you have been killed
  ;*** !KILLs GIVEN - Will show you how many lives you has been taken
  ;*** !KILL - Will notice you you have to specify a victim ( or it will kill you )
  ;*** !KILL <NICK> - Will kill the user that's specifyed
  elseif ($1 == !kill) || ($1 == !kills) {
    if ($2 == cmds) || ($2 == commands) { msg # 5Sending !KILL command list ->
      notice $nick - !KILL <NICK> - Will kill the user that's specifyed
      notice $nick - The !KILL-script comes with a counter 4;) 
      notice $nick - !KILLs USED - Will show you how many lives has been taken
      notice $nick - !KILLs RECIVED - Will show you how many times you have been killed
      notice $nick - !KILLs GIVEN - Will show you how many lives you have taken
      notice $nick - !KILLs GIVEN INTOTAL - Will show you how many lives there has been taken in total
      notice $nick - This !KILL-script is (re)made by 4MashhitDK
    ;***** !KILLs USED
    if ($2 == used) { notice $nick There has been taken lives so far | halt }
    ;***** END !KILLs USED **************************************************************************************

    ;***** !KILLs RECIVED
    elseif ($2 == recived) { notice $nick You have been killed %recivedkillerms times so far... and in total  people has lost there lives | halt }
    ;***** END !KILL INTOTAL **************************************************************************************

    ;***** !KILLs GIVEN ( intotal )
    elseif ($2 == given) { notice $nick 14[2 $nick 14] You have killed %killerms  so far 14[ ALL IN ALL 14] There has been killed  people | halt }
    ;***** END !KILLs GIVEN ***************************************************************************************

    ;*** !KILL <ME> / <BOT> ***************************************************************************************
    elseif ($2 == $me) {
      { set %killermsbot $r(1,6) }
      if (%killermsbot == 1) { msg # Screw you, $nick ! - I didn't do anything. }
      elseif (%killermsbot == 2) { msg # Blow Me $nick ! - I haven't done anything. }
      elseif (%killermsbot == 3) { msg # Up yours $nick ! - I haven't done anything. }
      ;*** Below are colored replys
      elseif (%killermsbot == 4) { msg # Screw you,2 $nick ! - I didn't do anything. }
      elseif (%killermsbot == 5) { msg # Blow Me2 $nick ! - I haven't done anything. }
      elseif (%killermsbot == 6) { msg # Up yours2 $nick ! -I haven't done anything. }

      ;***** COUNTER SECTION **************************************************************************************
      ;*** END HOW MANY THE BOT RECIVED COUNTER *******************************************************************
      inc %givenkillerms. $+ $nick
      set %givenkillerms $eval( % $+ givenkillerms. $+ $nick ,5)
      inc %givencommandms. $+ $nick
      set %givencommandms $eval( % $+ givencommandms. $+ $nick ,5)
      ;*** HOW MANY GIVEN COUNTER *********************************************************************************
      ;***** END COUNTER SECTION  *********************************************************************************
    ;*** !KILL ****************************************************************************************************
    elseif (($2 == $nick) || (!$2)) {
      { set %killermsnone $r(1,5) }
      if (%killermsnone == 1) { notice $nick DOH ! - Use !Kill <NICK>
        notice $nick - You need to specify a victim. - Or I'll kill you ! 
      elseif (%killermsnone == 2) { notice $nick DOH ! - Use !Kill <NICK>
        notice $nick - You have to specify a victim. - Or I will kill you !
      ;*** Colored replys below
      elseif (%killermsnone == 3) { msg # - You need to specify a victim.
        notice $nick 0,1Ex. 0,5!Kill <2 $+ $nick $+ 0> ;)
      elseif (%killermsnone == 4) { msg # - You have to specify a victim.
        notice $nick 0,1Ex. 0,5!Kill <2 $+ $nick $+ 0> ;)
      ;*** Below here is kick plus instant invite
      elseif (%killermsnone == 5) { msg $chan 4RRRR5AAAA4WWWW5RRRR4 ! Die5 $nick  4! - 4,9D 4I 4E !
        if ($me isop $chan) { kick # $nick You have pissed Me off ( and more or less taken you own life ) $nick $+ . Luckily you will respawn instantly when suiciding / failing
          kick # $nick
          invite # $nick

          ;***** COUNTER SECTION **************************************************************************************
          inc %recivedkillerms. $ $nick
          set %recivedkillerms $eval( % $+ recivedkillerms. $+ $nick ,5)    
      ;***** COUNTER SECTION **************************************************************************************
      inc %commandkillerms. $+ $nick
      set %commandkillerms $eval( % $+ commandkillerms. $+ $nick ,5)
      ;***** END COUNTER SECTION **********************************************************************************

    ;*** !KILL <NICK> / <USER> ************************************************************************************
    else {
      { set %killermsuser $r(1,5) }
      ;*** 1 minute BAN
      if (%killermsuser == 1) { msg $chan RRRRAAAAWWWWRRRR!!!! DIE $2 DIE!!
        if ($me isop $chan) { kick # $2 Sorry, you have been killed by $nick $+ . Luckily you will be revived in 1 minutes. Come again!
          ban # $2 
          timerkmn 1 60 mode # -b $2
          timerkmi 1 60 invite # $2 
      ;*** 2 minute BAN
      elseif (%killermsuser == 2) { msg $chan RRRRAAAAWWWWRRRR!!!! DIE $2 DIE!!
        if ($me isop $chan) { kick # $2 Sorry, you have been killed by $nick $+ . Luckily you will be revived in 2 minutes. Come again!
          ban # $2 
          timerkmn 1 120 mode # -b $2
          timerkmi 1 120 invite # $2 
      ;*** 3 minute BAN
      elseif (%killermsuser == 3) { msg $chan RRRRAAAAWWWWRRRR!!!! DIE $2 DIE!!
        if ($me isop $chan) { 
          kick # $2 Sorry, you have been killed by $nick $+ . Luckily you will be revived in 3 minutes. Come again!
          ban # $2 
          timerkmn 1 180 mode # -b $2
          timerkmi 1 180 invite # $2 
      ;*** 4 minute BAN
      elseif (%killermsuser == 4) { msg $chan RRRRAAAAWWWWRRRR!!!! DIE $2 DIE!!
        if ($me isop $chan) { kick # $2 Sorry, you have been killed by $nick $+ . Luckily you will be revived in 4 minutes. Come again!
          ban # $2 
          timerkmn 1 240 mode # -b $2
          timerkmi 1 240 invite # $2 
      ;*** 5 minute BAN
      elseif (%killermsuser == 5) { msg $chan RRRRAAAAWWWWRRRR!!!! DIE $2 DIE!!
        if ($me isop $chan) { kick # $2 Sorry, you have been killed by $nick $+ . Luckily you will be revived in 5 minutes. Come again!
          ban # $2 
          timerkmn 1 300 mode # -b $2
          timerkmi 1 300 invite # $2 
      ;***** COUNTER SECTION **************************************************************************************
      ;*** HOW MANY GIVEN
      inc %givenkillerms. $+ $nick
      set %givenkillerms $eval( % $+ givenkillerms. $+ $nick ,5)
      ;*** GIVEN COMMANDs
      inc %givencommandms. $+ $nick
      set %givencommandms $eval( % $+ givencommandms. $+ $nick ,5)
      ;*** END HOW MANY GIVEN ***

      inc %recivedkillerms. $ $nick
      set %recivedkillerms $eval( % $+ recivedkillerms. $+ $nick ,5)
      ;***** END COUNTER SECTION **********************************************************************************
  ;*** END !KILL SCRIPT *******************************************************************************************
ManuA   -  May 17, 2010

Thanks for the script. But how to use this script. Please tell. You didnt specify it. I loaded script VIA script /remote - file /load and then ok. Other scripts worked that way. But this script did nothing when I checked. It is not even showing when I right-click at any username. Please help and enlighten me. I feel I am not doing it in right way.

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