zOWBcommander 1.0.1

By knoeki on Jul 10, 2009


What is it?

A filemanager. It allows you to browse around your harddrives and delete files/directories, create new ones, open files and even load scripts directly into mIRC.

Why did you make it?

I was bored, looking for a challenge.

Why is some feature not working/broken?

Because it's not done yet. I tried my best to get most of the stuff down, but it's not done yet. I'll probably continue work on it, but I just wanted to have it released. It should work fine for the most part, apart from the Search function, which isn't implemented yet.


Load the script, type /z.commander, rest should be self-explainatory.

(please note, large directories may take a bit to process, although I've optimized it as much as I could...

Report any bugs you find with as much details as you can gather about the issue.

Version history:
1.0b - Initial release
1.0.1 - small bugfix; directory changing to a different disk with a label works properly now.

on *:LOAD: {
   echo -a zOWBcommander v1.0.1, by Knoeki.

;---- saying "here be dragons" would be a massive understatement.

dialog z.commander {
  title "zOWBcommander - "
  size -1 -1 390 234
  option dbu
  box "", 2, 0 23 389 198
  box "", 3, 0 219 310 15
  text "", 4, 2 224 305 8
  box "Change Directory", 5, 0 0 195 22
  box "Filter files/directories", 6, 195 0 194 22
  edit "", 7, 3 8 150 10
  button "Go!", 8, 155 8 37 10
  edit "", 9, 198 8 150 10
  button "Filter!", 10, 349 8 37 10
  list 11, 3 30 192 166, sort size extsel
  list 12, 194 30 192 166, sort size extsel
  button "Refresh", 13, 4 197 37 10
  button "Create Dir...", 14, 81 197 37 10
  button "Move Dir...", 15, 119 197 37 10
  button "Remove Dir", 16, 157 197 37 10
  button "Refresh", 17, 196 197 37 10
  button "Create File...", 18, 235 197 37 10
  button "Copy File...", 19, 273 197 37 10
  button "Move File..", 20, 311 197 37 10
  button "Delete File", 21, 349 197 37 10
  button "Load", 22, 235 208 37 10
  button "Open", 23, 273 208 37 10
  button "Search...", 24, 311 208 37 10
  button "Run...", 25, 349 208 37 10
  button "Settings...", 26, 311 222 39 12
  button "Exit", 27, 352 222 37 12, cancel

dialog z.commander.settings {
  title "zOWBcommander Settings"
  size -1 -1 166 40
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 49 2 115 10
  edit "", 2, 49 14 115 10
  button "Cancel", 3, 87 26 37 12, cancel
  button "Ok", 4, 127 26 37 12
  text "Default workdir", 5, 5 3 40 8
  text "Default filter", 6, 5 15 40 8

;---------------------Init stuff-------------------

alias z.commander {
   if ($exists($scriptdirzOWBcommander.ini) != $true) {
      echo zOWBcommander.ini not found, generating defaults.
      writeini $qt($scriptdirzOWBcommander.ini) zcommander workdir C:
      writeini $qt($scriptdirzOWBcommander.ini) zcommander filter *
      echo Done, starting zOWBcommander.
   dialog -m z.commander z.commander

on *:DIALOG:z.commander:init:0: {
   did -b $dname 24
   set %zc.filter $readini($scriptdirzOWBcommander.ini, zcommander, filter)
   cd $readini($scriptdirzOWBcommander.ini, zcommander, workdir)

;------------- settings stuff ---------------------

on *:DIALOG:z.commander.settings:init:0: {
   did -a $dname 1 $readini($scriptdirzOWBcommander.ini, zcommander, workdir)
   did -a $dname 2 $readini($scriptdirzOWBcommander.ini, zcommander, filter)

on *:DIALOG:z.commander.settings:sclick:4: {
   writeini $qt($scriptdirzOWBcommander.ini) zcommander workdir $did(1).text
   writeini $qt($scriptdirzOWBcommander.ini) zcommander filter $did(2).text
   dialog -x z.commander.settings

;--------------------Change directory field-------

on *:DIALOG:z.commander:sclick:8: {
   if ($did(7) != $null) {
      if ($isdir($did(7)) == $true) {
         cd $did(7)
      else {
         status No such directory.
   else {
      status No directory specified.

;----------------Filter files field-------------

on *:DIALOG:z.commander:sclick:10: {
   if ($did(9) != $null) {
      set %zc.filter $did(9)
      ls df
   else {
      set %zc.filter *
      ls df

;-------------directory browsing----------------

on *:DIALOG:z.commander:dclick:11: {
   if ($did(11, $did(11).sel).text == ..) {
      if ($numtok(%zc.workdir, 92) > 1) {
         cd $deltok(%zc.workdir, -1, 92)
      else {
   elseif ($right($left($did(11, $did(11).sel).text, 2), 1) == $chr(58)) {
      cd $did(11, $did(11).sel).text
   else {
      cd $seldir(path)

;-------------File browsing-------------------

on *:DIALOG:z.commander:sclick:12: {
   status $fileinfo($selfile, $selfile(path))

;------------Refresh buttons----------------

on *:DIALOG:z.commander:sclick:13,17: {
   set %target $replacex($did, 13, d, 17, f)
   ls %target

;---------Create Dir-------------------------

on *:DIALOG:z.commander:sclick:14: {
   mkdir $qt(%zc.workdir $+ $?="New directory:")
   ls d
   if ($?!="Invalid directory name. Try again?" == $true) {
      goto start

;----------Remove Dir-----------------------------

;it's a dirty hack, I know... :/

on *:DIALOG:z.commander:sclick:16: {
   run cmd /Q /C rd /Q /S $seldir(path)
   status Directory $+(',$seldir,') removed.
   did -r $dname 

;----------Create File-----------------------

on *:DIALOG:z.commander:sclick:18: {
   write $qt($+(%zc.workdir,\,$?="Create file:")) $chr(32)
   ls f *
   if ($?!="Invalid directory name. Try again?" == $true) {
      goto start

;-----------Copy File--------------------------

on *:DIALOG:z.commander:sclick:19: {
   var %dest $?="Copy to..."
   run cmd /Q /C xcopy $selfile(path) %dest /E /C /G /H /Y
   status $selfile(path)) moved to %dest
   did -d z.commander 12 $did(12).sel
   if ($?!="Invalid destination. Try again?" == $true) {
      goto start

;------------Move File-------------------------

on *:DIALOG:z.commander:sclick:20: {
   var %dest $?="Move to..."
   run cmd /Q /C move /Y $selfile(path) %dest
   status $selfile moved to %dest
   did -d z.commander 12 $did(12).sel
   if ($?!="Invalid destination. Try again?" == $true) {
      goto start

;-----------delete file--------------------

on *:DIALOG:z.commander:sclick:21: {
   remove -b $selfile(path)
   status $selfile(path) moved to trash.
   did -d z.commander 12 $did(12).sel

;-----------Load file-------------------

on *:DIALOG:z.commander:sclick:22: {
   .load -rs $selfile(path)
   status Loaded $+($selfile,$chr(44))

;---------Open file---------------

on *:DIALOG:z.commander:sclick:23: {
   run $qt($+(%zc.workdir,$did(12, $did(12).sel).text))


on *:DIALOG:z.commander:sclick:25: {
   var %command $?="Run command..."
   run %command
   status Unknown command: %command

;---------Settings button-----------

on *:DIALOG:z.commander:sclick:26: {
   dialog -m z.commander.settings z.commander.settings

;----------system aliases----------------------

alias -l ls {
   var %ctime $ctime
   var %switches $1
   if (d isin %switches) {
      clear d
      var %dir.total $finddir(%zc.workdir, %zc.filter, 0, 0)
      did -r z.commander 11
      var %dir.count 1
   if (f isin %switches) {
      clear f
      var %file.total $findfile(%zc.workdir, %zc.filter, 0, 0)
      did -r z.commander 12
      var %file.count 1
   var %main.count 1
   var %main.total %dir.total + %file.total
   while (%main.count <= %main.total) {
      if (%dir.count <= %dir.total) {
         did -a z.commander $iif(d isin %switches, 11 $nodirpath($finddir(%zc.workdir, %zc.filter, %dir.count, 0)), 12 $nopath($findfile(%zc.workdir, %zc.filter, %file.count, 0)))
         inc %dir.count
      if (%file.count <= %file.total) {
         did -a z.commander 12 $nopath($findfile(%zc.workdir, %zc.filter, %file.count, 0))
         var %size $calc(%size + $file($findfile(%zc.workdir, %zc.filter, %file.count, 0)).size)
         inc %file.count
      status Listing $+($shortfn(%zc.workdir),...) $perc(%main.count, %main.total)
      inc %main.count
   if (d isin %switches) {
      did -i z.commander 11 1 ..
   if (df isin %switches) {
      did -o z.commander 2 1 $calc(%dir.count - 1) directories, $calc(%file.count - 1) $+(files,$iif(%size > 0, $+($chr(44),$chr(32),$bytes(%size).suf)),.)
   status Listed $+($iif(d isin %switches, $calc(%dir.count - 1) directories),$iif(f isin %switches, $+($chr(44),$chr(32)) $calc(%file.count - 1) files)) in $duration($calc($ctime - %ctime))

;-------------------don't try this at home, kids.--------------------
alias -l cd {
   if ($1 != $null) {
      set %zc.workdir $+($remove($replacex($1-,$+($chr(92),$chr(92)),$chr(92)),$chr(34)),$iif($right($1-, 1) != $chr(92),$chr(92)))
      dialog -t z.commander zOWBcommander - %zc.workdir
      ls df
   else {
      unset %zc.workdir
      dialog -t z.commander zOWBcommander - Root
      did -r z.commander 11,12
      getdisk l
      did -o z.commander 2 1 $getdisk(i)

alias -l nodirpath {
   return $gettok($1-, -1, 92)

alias -l status {
   did -o z.commander 4 1 $1-

alias -l perc {
   return $+($round($calc(($1 / $2) * 100), 0),$(%))

alias -l getdisk {
   if (l isin $1) {
      var %ctime $ctime
      var %x 1
      while (%x <= $disk(0)) {
         did -a z.commander 11 $disk(%x).path $disk(%x).label
         inc %x
      status Listed $calc(%x - 1) drives in $+($duration($calc($ctime - %ctime)),.)
   if (i isin $1) {
      var %x 1
      while (%x <= $disk(0)) {
         var %disk.free $calc(%disk.free + $disk(%x).free)
         var %disk.size $calc(%disk.size + $disk(%x).size)
         inc %x
      return $calc(%x - 1) drives, $+($bytes($calc(%disk.size - %disk.free)),/,$bytes(%disk.size).suf) used, $bytes(%disk.free).suf free.

alias -l fileinfo {
   return $+($1,:) $+($bytes($file($2).size).suf,$chr(44)) Last modified: $duration($calc($ctime - $file($2).mtime)) ago.

alias -l clear {
   if (d isin $1) {
      did -r z.commander 11
   elseif (f isin $1) {
      did -r z.commander 12

alias -l selfile {
   if ($1 == path) {
      return $qt($+(%zc.workdir,\,$did(12, $did(12).sel).text))
   else {
      return $did(12, $did(12).sel).text

alias -l seldir {
   if ($1 == path) {
      return $qt($+(%zc.workdir,\,$did(11, $did(11).sel).text))
   else {
      return $did(11, $did(11).sel).text)

menu status,menubar,channel {


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Ghost-writer   -  Nov 22, 2009

Nice, the coding is good and the display of the dialog is very nice :)

knoeki   -  Aug 27, 2009

Updated it a bit.. might just be a small bugfix, but still pretty important.

knoeki   -  Jul 13, 2009

PATX: the loading of scripts is just a small part of it, I only added that because I could, so I think you missed the point a bit.

PATX   -  Jul 10, 2009

Nice. Tho I prefer doing "/load -rs robot" and to top it off mirc comes with a gui to load scripts. but the code is nice 4/10

_Daniel_   -  Jul 10, 2009

Very clean dialog0, I love it, and your code looks nice. Good job!

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