warBLITZ Addon 3DE51Z

By Aurora801 on Jun 28, 2009

A addon for warBLITZ. Paste in Remotes. At the bottom a ;-###### will seperate the addon and the file needed for the settings. It MUST be named ABDBS.mrc User file needs to be ABDBU.mrc
The Users file Format:

on *:LOAD: {
 auser Owner $address(Examplenick,5) $+ .Blitz
 auser BlitzBot $address(ExampleBot,5) $+ .BlitzBot
 auser GoodBlitzer $address(ExampleNick,5) $+ .Blitz
 auser BadBlitzer $address(ExampleNick,5) $+ .Blitz
 auser Owner ExampleNick.Blitz
 auser BlitzBot ExampleBot.BlitzBot
 auser GoodBlitzer Nick.Blitz
 auser BadBlitzer BadBlitzerNick.Blitz
 auser SysTrapUser User.SysTrap
 auser SysTrapUser $address(User,5) $+ .SysTrap

It listed ALL of the user levels. I will explain them.
Here they are EXPLAINED in detail.

Owner: Owners of the system. They, in future updates, will be able to use specific System-Vital information, and add commands (Only in warBLITZ v6.0.1 Beta 3 with Addon 24DC7V), and also add, remove, and change user levels through commands (Only in warBLITZ Addon F18K12). Most of the command-based info changes will be in the next warBLITZ version. (v3.0.1) and Beta versions will include Extras. :]

GoodBlitzer: These people are Protected from BadBlitzers (Explained later.). They also can access some of the features in v2.0.1 Beta 3. They are able to be opped in your channel, or channels, and it the next update, I will be adding a feature for GoodBlitzers to add their channel as a BlitzChan.

BlitzBots: These are BOTS, not people, who are protected and able to recieve info from the warBLITZ System (In next update.), and for now, are protected from BadBlitzers.

BadBlitzers: WARNING!!! Only List Someone As A Bad Blitzer If They Have Seriously Done Something Bad. (E.I. K-Lined you from a server for trying to get their attention...) These people are listed as Bad Blitzers because they are considered "Dangerous" or "Non-trusted".. In the warBLITZ base file, which you need for this, If these people deop a GoodBlitzer in your channel, they will be given 1 (One) count on their record. When it get's to 5, they will be banned from the room. When that count get's to 10, then it's the part where you need Admin/IRCop status. They will be "Blitzed". This means they will have their ass handed to them. They will be Killed from the server, and banned from the room.

SysTrapUser: System Trap (SysTrap) is a system that will be used in the update as something that will work like the Blitz feature for BadBlitzer, but it allows SysTrap Users to use this feature. I will be working on these updates A.S.A.P. and hopefully the wait wont be long. :] And if you want a feature added, say so, and I'll add it, and you WILL get credit. I garuntee it.

on *:START: {
 if ($exists(warBLITZ.mrc) = $true) {
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1You are using warBLITZ.4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Addon I.D. 3DE51Z4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Your WarBLITZ Version is: %warBLITZ.Version 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
  if ($exists(warBLITZ-Addons.txt) = $false) {
   echo -a You Do Not Have a WarBLITZ Addon Log. Creating Now.
   write warBLITZ-Addons.txt Addon 3DE51Z Installed and Loaded.
  if ($exists(warBLITZ-Addons.txt) = $true) {
   write warBLITZ-Addons.txt Addon 3DE51Z Installed and Loaded.
 if ($exists(warBLITZ.mrc) = $false) {
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1warBLITZ Not Found. In the popup that shows up, please give the name of the warBLITZ file.4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
  set %warBLITZ.File $$?"warBLITZ Filename?"
on *:CONNECT: {
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Connected to Server. 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Server: $server ( $+ $serverip $+ ) 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Your Nick: $me 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Your IP: $ip 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Your Address: $address($me,5) 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Disconnected from Server. 4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
 if (%warBLITZ.KeepSet = Yes) { halt }
 if (%warBLITZ.KeepSet = No) {
  echo -a Resetting Server-Based Values.
menu channel,query,nicklist {
...Run SysTrap:/SysTrap Run
...Add SysTrap User:/SysTrap AddUser $1
...Remove SysTrap User:/SysTrap DelUser $1

alias SysTrap {
 if ($1 = Run) {
  echo -a 14,1©15,1º0,1°4,1¨3,1[7,1war4,1BLITZ3,1]14,1Loading SysTrap...4,1¨0,1°15,1º14,1©
  echo -a Loading Settings...
  if ($exists(ABDBS.mrc) = $true) {
   load -rs ABDBS.mrc }
   echo -a Settings Loaded Successfully.
  if ($exists(ABDBU.mrc) = $true) {
   load -rs ABDBU.mrc }
   echo -a Users Loaded Successfully.
  if ($exists(ABDBS.mrc) = $false) { echo -a Settings Load Error }
  if ($exists(ABDBU.mrc) = $false) { echo -a Users Load Error }
 if ($1 = AddUser) {
  echo -a Adding $2 as a SysTrap User.
  auser SysTrapUser $2 $+ .SysTrap
  if ($ulevel($2 $+ .SysTrap) = SysTrapUser) { Add Successfully. }
  if ($ulevel($2 $+ .SysTrap) = $null) { User Add Error. }
if ($1 = DelUser) {
  echo -a Removing $2 from the SysTrap User List.
  if ($ulevel($2 $+ .SysTrap) = SysTrapUser) {
   ruser $2 $+ .SysTrap
   echo -a User Successfully Removed.
 if ($ulevel($2 $+ .SysTrap) = $null) { User Does Not Exist. }

;--File: ABDBS.mrc
on *:LOAD: {
 set %mIRC.Version $version
 set %Startup.Time $time
 set %Startup.Date $fulldate
 set %Startup.Server $server
 set %Startup.Server.IP $serverip
 set %Startup.Nick $me
 set %Startup.Address $address($me,5)
 set %Startup.IP $ip
 set %SysTrap.SettingsLoaded Yes


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