HellHound/Bot Pack 1

By Aurora801 on Jun 17, 2009

Just some of the scripts I made, but all in one.. They're separated. I also need a bit of help on the Talkers.. It is double sending, again.. If you have any feedback, please let me know and I'll try it. The double-send get's annoying. It does have the haltdef in it, but, is it in the right place? Please let me know.

#Screamer off
on *:input:#:{
  if (/ !isin $left($1,1)) { 
  if (! !isin $left($1,1)) {
    .msg $active 15,01..:::4,1 $+ $1- $+ 15,01:::..
    echo # $timestamp $+(<,$me,>) 15,01..:::4,1 $+ $1- $+ 15,01:::..
#Screamer end

#HellTalker off
on *:input:#:{
  if (/ !isin $left($1,1)) { 
  if (! !isin $left($1,1)) {
    .msg $active 14,01.15,01.00,01:15,01:14,01:06,01 $+ $1- $+ 14,01:15,01:0,1:15,1.14,1.
    echo # $timestamp $+(<,$me,>) 14,01.15,01.00,01:15,01:14,01:06,01 $+ $1- $+ 14,01:15,01:0,1:15,1.14,1.
#HellTalker end

#Wahoo off
on *:input:#:{
  if (/ !isin $left($1,1)) { 
  if (! !isin $left($1,1)) {
    .msg $active 14,01.15,01.00,01:15,01:14,01:4,1(6,1(7,1(8,1(9,1(06,01 $+ $1- $+ 9,1)8,1)7,1)6,1)4,1)14,01:15,01:0,1:15,1.14,1.
    echo # $timestamp $+(<,$me,>) 14,01.15,01.00,01:15,01:14,01:4,1(6,1(7,1(8,1(9,1(06,01 $+ $1- $+ 9,1)8,1)7,1)6,1)4,1)14,01:15,01:0,1:15,1.14,1.
#Wahoo end

#DefCon off
on *:input:#:{
  if (/ !isin $left($1,1)) { 
  if (! !isin $left($1,1)) {
    .msg $active 4,1°7,1Ø6,1±7,1Ø4,1°14,1«15,1«0,1 $+ $1- $+ 15,1»14,1»4,1°7,1Ø6,1±7,1Ø4,1°
    echo # $timestamp $+(<,$me,>) 4,1°7,1Ø6,1±7,1Ø4,1°14,1«15,1«0,1 $+ $1- $+ 15,1»14,1»4,1°7,1Ø6,1±7,1Ø4,1°
#DefCon end
menu channel {
..[On]:/enable #Screamer | msg $chan I have Enabled my Screamer Talker.
..[Off]:/disable #Screamer | msg $chan I have Disabled my Screamer Talker.
..[Test]:/echo -a 15,01..:::4,1 $+ Test $+ 15,01:::..
..[On]:/enable #HellTalker | msg $chan I have Enabled my HellTalker Talker.
..[Off]:/disable #HellTalker | msg $chan I have Disabled my HellTalker Talker.
..[Test]:/echo -a 14,01.15,01.00,01:15,01:14,01:06,01 $+ Test $+ 14,01:15,01:0,1:15,1.14,1.
..[On]:/enable #Wahoo | msg $chan I have Enabled my Wahoo Talker.
..[Off]:/disable #Wahoo | I has Disabled my Wahoo Talker.
..[Test]:/echo -a 14,01.15,01.00,01:15,01:14,01:4,1(6,1(7,1(8,1(9,1(06,01 $+ Test $+ 9,1)8,1)7,1)6,1)4,1)14,01:15,01:0,1:15,1.14,1.
..Delta[On]:/enable #DefCon | msg $chan DefCon Delta Achieved!! Activating Negotiationist!
..Sigma[Off]:/disable #DefCon | msg $chan A safe level of DefCon Sigma is in effect. Deactivating Negotiationist.
..Alpha[Test]:/echo -a 4,1°7,1Ø6,1±7,1Ø4,1°14,1«15,1«0,1 $+ Test $+ 15,1»14,1»4,1°7,1Ø6,1±7,1Ø4,1°

#Auto-Voice off

on *:JOIN:%AVchan: {

.mode $chan +v $nick


#Auto-Voice end

#Auto-Op off

on *:JOIN:%AOchan: {

.mode $chan +o $nick


#Auto-Op end

#Auto-Greet on

on *:JOIN:%AGchan: {

.notice $nick Hello $nick $+ . And Welcome to $chan $+ . Thank You For Coming To $server $+ . Greet Commands: !setgreet [YourGreetHere]


#Auto-Greet end

#Replier off
on *:TEXT:*:*: {
if ($1 = %Reply) .msg $chan [AutoMessage] Please wait for me to recognize that I am needed. I will respond as soon as possible.
#Replier end

menu nicklist {



.Do What??

..Kill 'em:/kill $1 $$?"Why do they die?"

..Op 'em:/mode $chan +o $1

..Take Teh Ops!:/mode $chan -o $1

..Voice 'em:/mode $chan +v $1

..Take Teh Voices!:/mode $chan -v $1

.Punish how?

..kill 'em:/kill $1 $$?"Why do they die?"

..Ban 'em:/mode $chan +b $1

..Ban 'em and kick em!:/mode $chan +b $1 | .kick $$?"Whyy?!"

..Just Kick Tehr Ass:/kick $1 $$?"Whyy?!"

..Enough is enough!:/mode $chan +b $1 | .kill $1 You Have Pushed The Limits!!



.ily!!:/msg $chan 4,1(7,1(14,1(15,1(0,1(4,1i6,1l7,1y0,1)15,1)14,1)7,1)4,1) | msg $chan 4,1i6,1L7,1ove6,1Y7,1ou0,1 $+ , 4,1 $+ $1 $+ 6,1!!! | msg $chan 4,1(7,1(14,1(15,1(0,1(4,1i6,1l7,1y0,1)15,1)14,1)7,1)4,1)

.Kissing You!!-Guy:/me Runs up to $1 and kisses him on the lips!

.Kissing You!!-Girl:/me Runs up to $1 and kisses her on the lips!

.Hugsss-Guy:/me Runs up to $1 and warmly embraces him.

.Hugsss-Girl:/me Runs up to $1 and warmly emraces her.

.Love-Note 1:/msg $chan All day I sit here and wait for your message, and when it arrives my heart melts to the ground to see you are still in my life. $1 $+ , I Love You!

.Love-Note 2:/msg $chan Everyday I'm without you is another day I hate. $1 $+ , I Love You!

.Love-Note 3:/msg $chan I'm happy when I'm around you, and I'm happy when I can see you, and I'm happy when I can talk to you. Whenever your out of reach, it's complete tourment. $1 $+ , I Love You!



menu channel {



..Ban:/mode $chan +b $$?"Ban Who?"

..kick:/kick $$?"Kick Who?"

..Moderate It!:/mode $chan +m

..Add SOP:/services SOP $chan ADD $$?"Who's That special?"

..Add AOP:/services AOP $chan ADD $$?"Add Who?"

..Add VOP:/services VOP $chan ADD $$?"Who get's teh voice?"


..UnBan:/mode $chan -b $$?"Unban Who?

..Unmoderate It!:/mode $chan -m

..Take SOP:/serivces SOP $chan DEL $$?"Who did bad?"

..Take AOP:/services AOP $chan DEL $$?"Who is no longer AOP?"

..Take VOP:/services VOP $chan DEL $$?"Who is not voice now?"


Ta da!

.Lookie Here!:/msg $chan I Am Using Connorz Hell Menuz! | echo -a You Are Using Connoz Hell Menuz!

.HellHound!:/msg $chan 15,1.:::\_4,1M7,1atrix0,1~4,1X15,1_/.:::. 4,1H7,1ell4,1H7,1ound0,1 Get it a thttp://stashbox.org/545004/HellHound.zip Official Build! | echo -a 15,1.:::\_4,1M7,1atrix0,1~4,1X15,1_/.:::. 4,1H7,1ell4,1H7,1ound0,1 Get it a thttp://stashbox.org/545004/HellHound.zip Official Build!

.ily!!:/set %Person $$?"Who? :]" | msg $chan 4,1(7,1(14,1(15,1(0,1(4,1i6,1l7,1y0,1)15,1)14,1)7,1)4,1) | msg $chan 4,1i6,1L7,1ove6,1Y7,1ou0,1 $+ , 4,1 $+ %person $+ 6,1!!! | msg $chan 4,1(7,1(14,1(15,1(0,1(4,1i6,1l7,1y0,1)15,1)14,1)7,1)4,1)




..[On]:/enable #Auto-Voice | msg $chan Auto-Voice is Enabled. | set %AVchan $chan

..[Off]:/disable #Auto-Voice | msg $chan Auto-Voice Disabled. | unset %AVchan


..[On]:/enable #Auto-Op | msg $chan Auto-Op is Enabled. | set %AOchan $chan

..[Off]:/disable #Auto-Op | msg $chan Auto-Op is Disabled. | unset %AOchan


..[On]:/enable #Auto-Greet | msg $chan WelcomeToHell Is Enabled. Users Will Be Greeted Via Notice. | set %AGchan

..[Off]:/disable #Auto-Greet | msg $chan WelcomeToHell Is Disabled. Users Will Not Be Greeted. | unset %AGchan

..[On]:/enable #Replier | msg $chan I Am Currently Busy. I have activated my Reply System. | set %Reply $me
..[Off]:/disable #Replier | msg $chan I Am Now Back. Reply System Off. | unset %reply

HellHound Commands!


..Hop Chan:/msg $chan !hop $chan

..Warn User:/msg #]-[ellPound !Base-Warn $$?"Warn Who?" $$?"Warn Where?"

..Welcome Room:/msg #]-[ellPound !Base-Welcome $$?"Welcome What Room?

..Report:/msg $chan !Base Report

..Say!!:/msg $chan !Base-Say $$?"Say What?"


..Op me!:/msg $chan !op

..Deop Me!:/msg $chan !deop

..Voice Me!:/msg $chan !Voice

..Devoice Me!:/msg $chan !devoice

..Ban Someone!:/msg !ban $$?"Ban Who?"

..Ban Forever!:/msg $chan !uban $$?"Ban Who Forever?

..Unban:/msg $chan !deban $$?"Deban Who?"


..Hop This chan:/msg #]-[ellPound !hop $chan

..Hop Another Chan:/msg #]-[ellPound !hop $$?"Hop what?"

..Join This chan:/msg #]-[ellPound !join $chan

..Join Another Chan:/msg #]-[ellPound !join $$?"Join what chan?"

..Leave a chan:/msg #]-[ellPound !part $$?"Leave where?


..Are You Sure?



.....Uh, Nevermind.:/msg #]-[ellPound Hey, ]-[ellBot! You better start paying attention! You almost got chopped!

.....Send GoodBaii Command!:/msg #]-[ellPound !goodbye


;---End Connorz Hell Menuz

on *:TEXT:!op:*: {
.mode $chan +o $nick
on *:TEXT:!deop:*: {
.mode $chan -o $nick
on *:TEXT:!invite *:*: {
.msg $chan $nick want's to be invited to $2- $+ .
.invite $nick $2-
on *:TEXT:!rminvite *:*: {
.msg $chan $nick has invited $2- to $chan $+ .
.invite $2- $chan
on *:TEXT:!voice:*: {
.mode $chan +v $nick
on *:TEXT:!devoice:*: {
.mode $chan -v $nick
on *:TEXT:!ban *:*: {
.mode $chan +b $2-
.msg $chan $nick has Banned $2- for 2 Minutes.
.timer 1 120 mode $chan -b $2-
.timer 1 121 msg $chan $2- $+ 's 2 Minute Ban has Expired.
on *:TEXT:!uban *:*: {
.mode $chan +b $2-
.msg $chan $nick has made a PermBan for $2- $+ .
on *:TEXT:!deban *:*: {
.mode $chan -b $2-
.msg $chan $nick has DeBanned $2- $+ .
on *:TEXT:!join *:*: {
.msg $chan $nick reguested me to join $2- $+ .
.join $2-
.msg $2- This Join was requested by $nick from $chan $+ .
on *:TEXT:!part *:*: {
.part $2- Part Requested by $nick $+ .
on *:TEXT:!GoodBye:*: {
.amsg GoodBaii Requested by $nick on $server at $time $+ . Quitting Now.
.quit Suicide .:::.\_Matrix~X_/.:::. (Quit Requested by $nick on $server at $time $+ . GoodBaii.)
on *:JOIN:*: {
if ($nick = $me) .msg $chan I Am ]-[llBot X.
else .notice $nick Hello $nick $+ . And Welcome to $chan $+ . Thank You For Coming To $server $+ . Greet Commands: !setgreet [YourGreetHere]
on *:TEXT:!hop *:*: {
.hop $2-
on *:TEXT:!Yaoi:*: {
on *:TEXT:!newb *:*: {
.me kicks $2- in the balls.
.msg $chan Hey! $2- $+ , Did that hurt? :P
.msg $chan Ha ha... $2- $+ , your such a newb...
.me gives $2- a Dunce cap.
.msg $chan Server Stats for teh newb: The channel is $chan $+ , The server is $server $+ , and you, $2- $+ , are a complete Newb.
on *:TEXT:!echo *:*: {
.msg $chan $2-
on *:TEXT:!Base:*: {
.join #]-[ellPound
on *:TEXT:!Base-G:*: {
if ($nick = Aurora) .msg #]-[ellPound The Greet Command Is: !setgreet [YourGreetHere]
on *:TEXT:* popcicle *:*: {
.msg $chan penis...
.msg $chan Penis!
.msg $chan PENIS!!!
on *:TEXT:!help *:*: {
if ($2- = greet) .msg $chan Greet Commands: !setgreet [YourGreetHere] and !delgreet (To delete your greet.).
if ($2- = stats) .msg The Stats commands are: !stats [Possible Stats: Server, Channel/Room, All.]
if ($2- = Base) .msg $chan Base Commands are: !Base [Possible Base Commands: Report (Tells Owners that a offence has occured.),and  and HelpMe (Tells you what the Help room is.)] Base-Option Commands are: !Base-Say [Message] (Tells The Owners Somethng.).
on *:TEXT:!Base *:#]-[ellPound: {
if ($2- = Help) .msg $chan The Base Commands Are: Report, HelpMe, Welcome. Base-Option's are Base-Warn [User] [Chan].
if ($2- = Welcome) .msg $chan Welcome Command: !Base-Welcome [Chan].
on *:TEXT:!Base-Warn * *:#]-[ellPound: {
.msg $chan Warning $2- on $3- $+ .
.msg $3- $nick has issued a Warning for $2- in $3- $+ !
on *:TEXT:!Base-Say *:*: {
.msg #]-[ellPound $nick Says $2-
on *:TEXT:!Base *:*: {
if ($2- = HelpMe && $network = .msg $chan The Help Channel is #Help $+ .
if ($2- = HelpMe && $network = irc.chattercity.net) .msg $chan The Help Channel is #Hel&Support $+ .
if ($2- = Report) .msg #]-[ellPound $nick is Reporting something in $chan $+ .
on *:TEXT:!Base-Welcome *:#]-[ellPound: {
.msg $2- $nick Would Like You To Have A Amazing Welcome!
on *:TEXT:!stats *:*: {
if ($2- = Server) .msg $chan The Current Server Is $server $+ .
if ($2- = Channel) .msg $chan The Current Channt Is $chan $+ .
if ($2- = Room) .msg The Current Room Is $chan $+ .
if ($2- = All) .msg $chan You Are in $chan on the $server Server.
;---End HellHound v3.0


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Aurora801   -  Jun 19, 2009

@Napa I can't access my help files.. I'm running Linux Mint with Wine, so most of my Windows programs have errors with big stuff, another reason why I like to keep it simple. :]

napa182   -  Jun 19, 2009

Aurora801 Said:

As I have said, I'm not good at this, most of my scripts don't even work... 'Tis one of the reasons why I post them, so I can get feedback and try out new stuff.

well then posting them as snippets isint a good idea then. use the forum for that.

also if you dont understand it then maybe you should join a server that has a msl scripting room to get help as well as reading the mirc help file.

Aurora801   -  Jun 19, 2009

@Napa, As I have said, I'm not good at this, most of my scripts don't even work... 'Tis one of the reasons why I post them, so I can get feedback and try out new stuff. I know for a fact that the talkers work fine. But, all of that code, I don't even understand it, and part of how I code is if I don't understand it, I don't use it, because I need to be able to edit the entire thing from scratch due to my computer, I am running a Custom PC[Bare Bones kit from a online store] and it has some OS issues, it will reboot without notice, and for no reason, and sometimes data get's corrupt or deleted, so I need to be able to understand it to the point of re-creation. :] I hope this helps you in realizing how I do this.

napa182   -  Jun 19, 2009

custom announcements ??
do you mean that ..[Test]: stuff under the on an off's or what ? if so then you can add that into it.
but i think what slickone is trying to say is there is no reason to have 4 on inputs

also maybe change the menu part to this

menu channel,menubar {
  .Turn Main Power To Talker $iif($group(#talker) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#talker) = on,.disable,.enable) #talker | msg # I have $iif($group(#talker) = on,Enable,Disable) Power To Main Talker  }
  . $iif($group(#talker) != on,$style(2)) Turn Screamer $iif($group(#Screamer) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#Screamer) = on,.disable,.enable) #Screamer | msg # I have $iif($group(#Screamer) = on,Enable,Disable) my Screamer Talker. | .disable #HellTalker #Wahoo #DefCon }
  . $iif($group(#talker) != on,$style(2)) Turn HellTalker $iif($group(#HellTalker) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#HellTalker) = on,.disable,.enable) #HellTalker | msg # I have $iif($group(#HellTalker) = on,Enable,Disable) my HellTalker Talker. | .disable #Screamer #Wahoo #DefCon }
  . $iif($group(#talker) != on,$style(2)) Turn Wahoo $iif($group(#Wahoo) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#Wahoo) = on,.disable,.enable) #Wahoo | msg # I have $iif($group(#Wahoo) = on,Enable,Disable) my Wahoo Talker. | .disable #Screamer #HellTalker #DefCon }
  . $iif($group(#talker) != on,$style(2)) Turn DefCon $iif($group(#DefCon) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#DefCon) = on,.disable,.enable) #DefCon | msg # I have $iif($group(#DefCon) = on,Enable,Disable) my DefCon Talker. | .disable #Screamer #HellTalker #Wahoo }

and also add an else in the on input event

#talker on
on *:input:#:{
  if (!$istok(/.!,$left($1,1),46)) { 
    if ($group(#Screamer) = on) { msg $active $Screamer($1-) }
    elseif ($group(#HellTalker) = on) { msg $active $HellTalker($1-) }
    elseif ($group(#Wahoo) = on) { msg $active $Wahoo($1-) }
    elseif ($group(#DefCon) = on) { msg $active $DefCon($1-) }
    else { msg $active $1- }
#talker end

also here is the menu with thoes tests in them

menu channel,menubar {
  .Turn Main Power To Talker $iif($group(#talker) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#talker) = on,.disable,.enable) #talker | msg # I have $iif($group(#talker) = on,Enable,Disable) Power To Main Talker  }
  . $iif($group(#talker) != on,$style(2)) Turn Screamer $iif($group(#Screamer) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#Screamer) = on,.disable,.enable) #Screamer | msg # I have $iif($group(#Screamer) = on,Enable,Disable) my Screamer Talker. | .disable #HellTalker #Wahoo #DefCon }
  . $iif($group(#talker) != on,$style(2)) [Test Screamer]:{ echo -a 15,01..:::4,1 $+ Test $+ 15,01:::.. }
  . $iif($group(#talker) != on,$style(2)) Turn HellTalker $iif($group(#HellTalker) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#HellTalker) = on,.disable,.enable) #HellTalker | msg # I have $iif($group(#HellTalker) = on,Enable,Disable) my HellTalker Talker. | .disable #Screamer #Wahoo #DefCon }
  . $iif($group(#talker) != on,$style(2)) [Test HellTalker]:{ echo -a 14,01.15,01.00,01:15,01:14,01:06,01 $+ Test $+ 14,01:15,01:0,1:15,1.14,1. }
  . $iif($group(#talker) != on,$style(2)) Turn Wahoo $iif($group(#Wahoo) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#Wahoo) = on,.disable,.enable) #Wahoo | msg # I have $iif($group(#Wahoo) = on,Enable,Disable) my Wahoo Talker. | .disable #Screamer #HellTalker #DefCon }
  . $iif($group(#talker) != on,$style(2)) [Test Wahoo]:{ echo -a 14,01.15,01.00,01:15,01:14,01:4,1(6,1(7,1(8,1(9,1(06,01 $+ Test $+ 9,1)8,1)7,1)6,1)4,1)14,01:15,01:0,1:15,1.14,1. }
  . $iif($group(#talker) != on,$style(2)) Turn DefCon $iif($group(#DefCon) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#DefCon) = on,.disable,.enable) #DefCon | msg # $iif($group(#DefCon) = on,DefCon Delta Achieved!! Activating Negotiationist!,A safe level of DefCon Sigma is in effect. Deactivating Negotiationist.) | .disable #Screamer #HellTalker #Wahoo }
  . $iif($group(#talker) != on,$style(2)) [Test Alpha]:{ echo -a 4,1°7,1Ø6,1±7,1Ø4,1°14,1«15,1«0,1 $+ Test $+ 15,1»14,1»4,1°7,1Ø6,1±7,1Ø4,1° }
Aurora801   -  Jun 19, 2009

Quick question, would the part of "if (! !isin $left($1,1))" work as a replacer? like

if (brb !isin 0,1 $left 4,1°7,1ø6,1·4,1¤6,1·7,1ø4,1°14,1«15,1« $+ 4,1B7,1e 4,1R7,1ight 4,1B7,1ack $+ 15,1»14,1»4,1°7,1ø6,1·4,1¤6,1·7,1ø4,1° $right)

Would that work?

Aurora801   -  Jun 19, 2009

@Slickone: I have the talker that way for several reasons, one being I'm not even considered a intermediat scripter, so about half of the lines in the messages are new to me. Also, with it being

.Trun Main Power To Talker $iif($group(#talker) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#talker) = on,.disable,.enable) #talker | msg # I have $iif($group(#talker) = on,Enable,Disable) Power To Main Talker

it does me no good. and with it being like that, I also cannot use the custom announcements I have on them. Although I appriciate the suggestions! :]
And @PATX: I have the greet set so if you want it on in a channel, and then change your mind, you can unset it and change it to a diff room. :] Otherwise I would have put the channel name there. ^.^

Slickone   -  Jun 19, 2009

for all them talkers an on inputs you can do somthing like this

#talker on
on *:input:#:{
  if (!$istok(/.!,$left($1,1),46)) { 
    if ($group(#Screamer) = on) { msg $active $Screamer($1-) }
    elseif ($group(#HellTalker) = on) { msg $active $HellTalker($1-) }
    elseif ($group(#Wahoo) = on) { msg $active $Wahoo($1-) }
    elseif ($group(#DefCon) = on) { msg $active $DefCon($1-) }
#talker end
#Screamer off
alias -l Screamer { return 15,01..:::4,1 $1- 15,01:::.. }
#Screamer end
#HellTalker off
alias -l HellTalker { return 14,01.15,01.00,01:15,01:14,01:06,01 $+ $1- $+ 14,01:15,01:0,1:15,1.14,1. }
#HellTalker end
#Wahoo off
alias -l Wahoo { return 14,01.15,01.00,01:15,01:14,01:4,1(6,1(7,1(8,1(9,1(06,01 $+ $1- $+ 9,1)8,1)7,1)6,1)4,1)14,01:15,01:0,1:15,1.14,1. }
#Wahoo end
#DefCon on
alias -l DefCon { return 4,1°7,1Ø6,1±7,1Ø4,1°14,1«15,1«0,1 $+ $1- $+ 15,1»14,1»4,1°7,1Ø6,1±7,1Ø4,1° }
#DefCon end
menu channel,menubar {
  .Trun Main Power To Talker $iif($group(#talker) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#talker) = on,.disable,.enable) #talker | msg # I have $iif($group(#talker) = on,Enable,Disable) Power To Main Talker  }
  .Turn Screamer $iif($group(#Screamer) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#Screamer) = on,.disable,.enable) #Screamer | msg # I have $iif($group(#Screamer) = on,Enable,Disable) my Screamer Talker. | .disable #HellTalker #Wahoo #DefCon }
  .Turn HellTalker $iif($group(#HellTalker) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#HellTalker) = on,.disable,.enable) #HellTalker | msg # I have $iif($group(#HellTalker) = on,Enable,Disable) my HellTalker Talker. | .disable #Screamer #Wahoo #DefCon }
  .Turn Wahoo $iif($group(#Wahoo) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#Wahoo) = on,.disable,.enable) #Wahoo | msg # I have $iif($group(#Wahoo) = on,Enable,Disable) my Wahoo Talker. | .disable #Screamer #HellTalker #DefCon }
  .Turn DefCon $iif($group(#DefCon) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#DefCon) = on,.disable,.enable) #DefCon | msg # I have $iif($group(#DefCon) = on,Enable,Disable) my DefCon Talker. | .disable #Screamer #HellTalker #Wahoo }
PATX   -  Jun 19, 2009

ok then make a

on *:join:#YOUR_CHANNEL_HERE: { notice $nick welcome to $chan }

Aurora801   -  Jun 19, 2009

PATX, The auto-greet is set up so it only greets on a certain channel. Hence the .set %AGchan and on *:JOIN:%AGchan: {

PATX   -  Jun 18, 2009

Also as @napa182 said, please do not post snippets that have huge bugs in them tho minor one are ok for all scripts have errors.

PATX   -  Jun 18, 2009

on *:join:#: { notice $nick welcome to $chan! }

that is the auto greet. it notices a user who joins any chan ur in.

Aurora801   -  Jun 17, 2009

It's mainly to share it with people, was just letting people know that if they do use it, I have been experiencing some minor problems with it.

napa182   -  Jun 17, 2009

if you need help with it an parts dont work please dont post it in the snippets use the forum.

Aurora801   -  Jun 17, 2009

Another thing with this.. The Auto-Greet is not working. It sends the messages, but it doesn't actually greet. Any suggestions or help with it?

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