Voting Booth v.

By Tamaki on Jun 03, 2009

This is the voting booth which you can use to provide up-to 4 options for voting in your channel.
Please note that this script will flood if you do have flood protections on.

Simply load into your remotes, if it doesn't work right, type /ivote to install it.

Type /vote to open the dialog and start the script up.

Is compatible with Voting Booth Client v.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;Voting System;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;The_Almighty_Duelist's Scripts;;;;;

;;;;;Loading and Starting;;;;;

on *:LOAD: {
  writeini vote.ini status vote_channel $$?="Please enter voting channel."
  writeini vote.ini settings vote_timeout 60
  writeini vote.ini settings change_vote on
  writeini vote.ini settings auto_start on
  writeini vote.ini settings build v.
  writeini vote.ini status installed yes
  echo -a You may now use the Voting System. Type /vote to open the dialog window.

on *:START: {
  If ($readini(vote.ini,settings,auto_start) == on) {
    dialog -m vote vote
  Else {
    echo -a Type /vote to open the voting dialog window.


alias vote {
  If ($readini(vote.ini,status,installed) == yes) {
    dialog $iif($dailog(vote) == vote,-v,-m vote) vote
  Else {
    echo -a Please type /ivote to install the voting system.

alias vchan {
  return $readini(vote.ini,status,vote_channel)

alias ivote {
  writeini vote.ini status vote_channel $$?="Please enter voting channel."
  writeini vote.ini settings vote_timeout 60
  writeini vote.ini settings change_vote on
  writeini vote.ini settings auto_start on
  writeini vote.ini settings build v.
  writeini vote.ini status installed yes
  echo -a You may now use the Voting System. Type /vote to open the dialog window.

alias vote_timeout {
  return $readini(vote.ini,settings,vote_timeout)

alias send_info {
  If (%vote == on) && ($1 != $null) {
    .notice $nick vote Q %vote.q
    .notice $nick vote 1 %vote.1
    .notice $nick vote 2 %vote.2
    If (%vote.3 != $null) {
      .notice $nick vote 3 %vote.3
    If (%vote.4 != $null) {
      .notice $nick vote 4 %vote.4
    .notice $nick vtfin
  Else {
    .notice $nick ftv

alias build {
  return $readini(vote.ini,settings,build)

alias vote_start {
  set %vote on
  msg $vchan 11,1Attention $vchan $+ ! This is the Voting System $build $+ . You can vote using Voting Booth $build or higher.
  msg $vchan 11,1Poll: %vote.q Time: $vote_timeout
  msg $vchan 11,1Answer 1: %vote.1
  msg $vchan 11,1Answer 2: %vote.2
  If (%vote.3 != $null) {
    msg $vchan 11,1Answer 3: %vote.3
    If (%vote.4 != $null) {
      msg $vchan 11,1Answer 4: %vote.4
  msg $vchan 11,1To vote, simply type !vote <answer choice> or type /notice $me !vote <answer choice>. For help, type .vhelp
  If ($readini(vote.ini,settings,change_vote) == on) {
    msg $vchan 11,1You may change your answer before time expires.
  .timervote 1 $vote_timeout vote_results

alias vote_results {
  $iif($dialog(vote) == vote,dialog -x vote,)
  set %vote off
  $iif($dialog(vote) == vote,dialog -m vote vote,dialog -m vote vote)
  msg $vchan 11,1Attention $vchan $+ ! Times up for the following vote: %vote.q $+ .
  msg $vchan 11,1Here are the results:
  msg $vchan 11,1Answer 1: %vote.1 Results: %vote.r1
  msg $vchan 11,1Answer 2: %vote.2 Results: %vote.r2
  If (%vote.3 != $null) {
    msg $vchan 11,1Answer 3: %vote.3 Results: %vote.r3
    If (%vote.4 != $null) {
      msg $vchan 11,1Answer 4: %vote.4 Results: %vote.r4

alias vote_reset {
  remini vote.ini voters
  unset %vote*
  set %vote off


dialog vote {
  title Voting System - Voting Booth
  option dbu
  size -1 -1 200 99
  text "Poll", 1, 1 1 20 10
  edit "", 2, 21 1 179 10, autohs
  text "Answer Choices", 3, 1 11 200 10
  text "1", 4, 1 22 10 10
  edit "", 5, 11 22 89 10, autohs
  text "2", 6, 101 22 10 10
  edit "", 7, 111 22 89 10, autohs
  text "3", 8, 1 33 10 10
  edit "", 9, 11 33 89 10, autohs
  text "4", 10, 101 33 10 10
  edit "", 11, 111 33 89 10, autohs
  text "Time Limit (Seconds)", 12, 1 44 100 10
  edit "", 13, 101 44 30 10, autohs
  button "Start", 14, 1 66 99 10
  button "Stop", 15, 101 66 99 10, disable
  button "Reset", 25, 1 88 199 10
  menu "Settings", 29
  item "Set Channel", 30, 29
  item "Change Vote", 31, 29


on *:DIALOG:vote:*:*: {
  If ($devent == init) {
    did -ra vote 13 $vote_timeout
    If (%vote == on) {
      did -b vote 2,5,7,9,11,13,14,25
      did -e vote 15
      did -a vote 2 %vote.q
      did -a vote 5 %vote.1
      did -a vote 7 %vote.2
      did -a vote 9 %vote.3
      did -a vote 11 %vote.4
      If ($readini(vote.ini,settings,change_vote) == on) {
        did -c vote 31
  If ($devent == edit) {
    If ($did == 13) {
      writeini vote.ini settings vote_timeout $did(13)
  If ($devent == sclick) {
    If ($did == 14) {
      If (%vote == on) {
        dialog -x vote
        dialog -m vote vote
      Elseif ((($did(2) != $null) && ($did(5) != $null)) && ($did(7) != $null)) {
        set %vote.q $did(2)
        set %vote.1 $did(5)
        set %vote.r1 0
        set %vote.2 $did(7)
        set %vote.r2 0
        If ($did(9) != $null) {
          set %vote.3 $did(9)
          set %vote.r3 0
        If ($did(11) != $null) {
          set %vote.4 $did(11)
          set %vote.r4 0
        dialog -x vote
        dialog -m vote vote
      Else {
        echo -a Please enter a question and at least (the first) 2 answers.
    If ($did == 15) {
      If (%vote != on) {
        dialog -x vote
        dialog -m vote vote
      Else {
        dialog -x vote
        dialog -m vote vote
        .timervote* off
    If ($did == 25) {
      dialog -x vote
      dialog -m vote vote
  If ($devent == menu) {
    If ($did == 30) {
      writeini vote.ini status vote_channel $?="Please enter the channel on which the poll will run."
      dialog -v vote
    If ($did == 31) {
      If ($readini(vote.ini,settings,change_vote) == on) {
        writeini vote.ini settings change_vote off
        did -u vote 31
      Else {
        writeini vote.ini settings change_vote on
        did -c vote 31

on *:TEXT:.vhelp*:*: {
  If ($2 == $null) {
    .notice $nick Please select from the following help topics (.vhelp <topic>). !vote, !results, voteclient
  Elseif ($2 == !vote) {
    .notice $nick You can either type !vote <choice number> or type /notice $me !vote <choice number> when there is voting.
  Elseif ($2 == !results) {
    .notice $nick During a vote, you can type !results or /notice $me !results to find out who's voted how, so far.
  Elseif ($2 == voteclient) {
    .notice $nick You can download the vote client here: and use it to answer votes during a poll.
  Else {
    .notice $nick I can't help you on this topic.

on *:NOTICE:.vhelp*:*: {
  If ($2 == $null) {
    .notice $nick Please select from the following help topics (.vhelp <topic>). !vote, !results, voteclient
  Elseif ($2 == !vote) {
    .notice $nick You can either type !vote <choice number> or type /notice $me !vote <choice number> when there is voting.
  Elseif ($2 == !results) {
    .notice $nick During a vote, you can type !results or /notice $me !results to find out who's voted how, so far.
  Elseif ($2 == voteclient) {
    .notice $nick You can download the vote client here: and use it to answer votes during a poll.
  Else {
    .notice $nick I can't help you on this topic.

on *:TEXT:!vote*:*: {
  If (%vote == on) && ($2 != $null) {
    If (%vote. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != $null) {
      If ($readini(vote.ini,voters,$nick) == $null) {
        inc %vote.r [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
        writeini vote.ini voters $nick $2
        .notice $nick You have voted for %vote. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
      Elseif ($readini(vote.ini,settings,change_vote) == on) && ($readini(vote.ini,voters,$nick) != $2) {
        dec %vote.r [ $+ [ $readini(vote.ini,voters,$nick) ] ]
        inc %vote.r [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
        writeini vote.ini voters $nick $2
        .notice  $nick You have changed your vote to %vote. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
      Elseif ($readini(vote.ini,settings,change_vote) == on) {
        .notice $nick You have already voted for %vote. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
      Else {
        .notice $nick You can't change your vote once you've voted.
    Else {
      .notice $nick There is no option $2 $+ .
  Elseif ($2 == $null) {
    .notice $nick Please type !vote <number>
  Else {
    .notice $nick There is no vote going on right now.

on *:NOTICE:!vote*:*: {
  If (%vote == on) && ($2 != $null) {
    If (%vote. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != $null) {
      If ($readini(vote.ini,voters,$nick) == $null) {
        inc %vote.r [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
        writeini vote.ini voters $nick $2
        .notice $nick You have voted for %vote. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
      Elseif ($readini(vote.ini,settings,change_vote) == on) && ($readini(vote.ini,voters,$nick) != $2) {
        dec %vote.r [ $+ [ $readini(vote.ini,voters,$nick) ] ]
        inc %vote.r [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
        writeini vote.ini voters $nick $2
        .notice  $nick You have changed your vote to %vote. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
      Elseif ($readini(vote.ini,settings,change_vote) == on) {
        .notice $nick You have already voted for %vote. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
      Else {
        .notice $nick You can't change your vote once you've voted.
    Else {
      .notice $nick There is no option $2 $+ .
  Elseif ($2 == $null) {
    .notice $nick Please type !vote <number>
  Else {
    .notice $nick There is no vote going on right now.

on *:TEXT:!results*:*: {
  If (%vote == on) {
    .notice $nick These are the results so far for the poll: %vote.q
    .notice $nick %vote.1 - %vote.r1 --- %vote.2 - %vote.r2 $iif(%vote.3 != $null,$iif(%vote.4 != $null, --- %vote.3 - %vote.r3 --- %vote.4 - %vote.r4, --- %vote.4 - %vote.r3 ),)
    .notice $nick Time Limit: $vote_timeout
  Else {
    .notice $nick There is no vote going on right now.

on *:NOTICE:!results*:*: {
  If (%vote == on) {
    .notice $nick These are the results so far for the poll: %vote.q
    .notice $nick %vote.1 - %vote.r1 --- %vote.2 - %vote.r2 $iif(%vote.3 != $null,$iif(%vote.4 != $null, --- %vote.3 - %vote.r3 --- %vote.4 - %vote.r4 , --- %vote.3 - %vote.r3 ),)
    .notice $nick Time Limit: $vote_timeout
  Else {
    .notice $nick There is no vote going on right now.

on *:NOTICE:showvote*:*: {
  send_info $nick


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Tamaki   -  Jun 04, 2009

lol, yeah
floods just a bit, but other than that, you should also try the client
it act's like an actual voting booth so instead of typing !vote you can vote via a pop-up

ES   -  Jun 04, 2009

Nice little script
tested it out a bit
no problems so far other than spamage
Best to make a new chan (Eg. #poll) for this one ^_^

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