ameC v1.0 by ^WeSt

By ^WeSt on Jun 02, 2009

This snippet can not send an /ame command into a exception channel(s) that you have putted!

; Full download the snippet with the following image's at:
; take a tour here >>
; contact: -j #Scripting

on *:LOAD: {
  if ($version >= 6.0) { 
  else { .amec_load_error_ver }

on *:UNLOAD: { .amec_unload }

on *:DIALOG:amec_set:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) {
    if ($group(#amec) == on) { did -ra $dname 19 Disable (/ame) | did -ra $dname 21 Status : ON - Enabled }
    if ($group(#amec) == off) { did -ra $dname 19 Enable (/ame) | did -ra $dname 21 Status : OFF - Disabled }
    set %amec_owner ^WeSt
    set %amec_home_page 
    set %amec_more_remotes
    dialog -t $dname /AME Command v $+ $amec_ver menu by %amec_owner
  elseif ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 7) {
      url -n %amec_home_page
      did -b $dname $did
    elseif ($did == 8) {
      url -n %amec_more_remotes
      did -b $dname $did
    elseif ($did == 9) {
      run about ameC v $+ $amec_ver ( $+ $me $+ )
      did -b $dname $did
    elseif ($did == 13) {
      var %e = $input(Enter the channel that you don't want to use the /AME command,e,Enter the text)
      if ($chr(35) !isin $left(%e,1)) { var %e $chr(35) $+ %e }
      if ($istok(%amec_not,%e,44)) { var %error = $input(This channel is already in the main /AME command except channel's list!,houd,Error - ameC) | halt }
      if (%e) {
        did -e $dname 15,18
        set %amec_not $addtok(%amec_not,%e,44)
        did -a $dname 12 %e
        did -r $dname 12
    elseif ($did == 14) {
      did -r $dname 12
    elseif ($did == 15) {
      if (!$did(12).seltext) { var %error = $input(Select first the channel that you want to delete from the /AME command except channel's list.,houd,Error - ameC) | halt }
      set %amec_not $remtok(%amec_not,$did(12).seltext,44)
      did -r $dname 12
    elseif ($did == 18) {
      unset %amec_not
      did -r $dname 12
    elseif ($did == 20) {
      unset %amec_not
      .disable #amec
      dialog -x $dname 
      .timer -m 1 1 amec_set
    elseif ($did == 19) {
      if ($group(#amec) == on) {
        .disable #amec
        did -b $dname $did
        did -ra $dname $did Saved.
      elseif ($group(#amec) == off) {
        .enable #amec
        did -b $dname $did
        did -ra $dname $did Saved.

; ---------------- >>> END EVENTS <<< ----------------

; ---------------- >>> START DIALOGS <<< ----------------

dialog -l amec_set {
  title "N/A"
  size -1 -1 149 83
  option dbu
  tab "Informations", 1, 1 1 147 63
  box "General informations", 10, 2 15 144 47, tab 1
  text "This remote can message your text on DESCRIBE command to any currently connected channels that you are in , try using /AME <text> for adding an except channel just go into the settings menu from this help dialog to add/remove a channel from the currently settings.", 11, 3 24 142 33, tab 1 center
  tab "Settings", 2
  list 12, 96 15 51 45, tab 2 size vsbar
  button "Add", 13, 72 16 23 9, tab 2
  button "List", 14, 72 29 23 9, tab 2
  button "Del", 15, 72 41 23 9, tab 2
  button "Del all", 18, 72 50 23 9, tab 2
  tab "About", 3
  icon 6, 89 15 56 46, $scriptdirIRCS.jpg, 0, tab 3
  button "Home page", 7, 3 22 45 9, tab 3
  button "More remotes", 8, 3 34 45 9, tab 3
  button "Report bugs", 9, 3 46 45 9, tab 3
  button "Close this window", 4, 29 70 91 11, ok default
  button "N/A (/ame)", 19, 2 18 49 12, tab 2
  button "Restore all defaults", 20, 2 51 64 12, tab 2
  text "Status : N/A", 21, 2 37 63 8, tab 2

; ---------------- >>> END DIALOGS <<< ----------------

; ---------------- >>> START ALIASES <<< ----------------

alias -l amechan_list {
  if (%amec_not == $null) { did -a $dname 12 empty list. | did -b $dname 15,18 | halt }
  if ($group(#amec) == on) { did -ra $dname 21 Status : ON - Enabled }
  elseif ($group(#amec) == off) { did -ra $dname 21 Status : OFF - Disabled }
  did -r $dname 12
  var %i = 1, %n = $numtok(%amec_not,44)
  while (%i <= %n) {
    did -a $dname 12 $gettok(%amec_not,%i,44)
    inc %i
  inc %i

alias -l amec_load_error_ver {
  var %error = $input(This version of mIRC that you are using is too old and this remote can't work on it $+ $chr(44) Download and install the latest mIRC version from the web and retry to install this remote!,houd,Error - ameC)
  url -n
  unload -rs " $+ $script $+ "

alias -l amec_unload {
  if ($dialog(amec_set)) { .dialog -x $v1 }
  .var %ty $input(Successfully unloaded. Thanks for using the ameC v $+ $amec_ver $+ $chr(44) Created by %amec_owner for the mIRC program (First version release) more informations visit our site : %amec_home_page $+ $chr(44) Have a nice day!,oid,Thank you for using!)
  .unset %amec_*
  .unload -rs " $+ $script $+ "

alias amec_set {
  if ($dialog(amec_set)) {
    var %error $input(This window is already in use!,houd,Error - ameC)
  else { dialog -m amec_set amec_set }

alias amec_ver return 1.0

#amec off
alias ame {
  if (!$server) { echo $color(info) -a - | echo $color(info) -a * /ame: not connected to a server | echo $color(info) -a - | halt }
  if (!$1-) { echo $color(info) -a - | echo $color(info) -a * /ame: insufficient parameters | echo $color(info) -a - | halt }
  if ($chan(0) == 0) { .echo $color(info) -a - | echo $color(info) -a * /ame: no channel windows open | echo $color(info) -a - | halt }
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= $chan(0)) {
    if (!$istok(%amec_not,$comchan($me,%i),44)) {
      describe $chan(%i) $1-
    inc %i
#amec end

; ---------------- >>> END ALIASES <<< ----------------

menu menubar {
  « $+ $chr(149) $+ » ameC - (/ame) command « $+ $chr(149) $+ »:.amec_set


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Aucun50   -  Jun 03, 2009


Full download the snippet with the following image's at:

take a tour here >>
miniCruzer   -  Jun 02, 2009

All of this:

Full download the snippet with the following image's at:

take a tour here >>

Needs to be like this:

;Full download the snippet with the following image's at:


;take a tour here >>
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