Secret Code Input update

By eyiezinc on May 29, 2009

Copy And Paste To Your Remote Then "Right Click" At Query Or Channel
Do Not Change Any Code Below, Unless You Know What It Is
Only #,$ and ? are available in this input

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EyiezINC Scripting Technology xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Addons Name : Secret Code Input
Inspiration : Handphone Keypad :P
Created By  : Lestat & EyiezINC
Copy And Paste To Your Remote Then "Right Click" At Query Or Channel
Do Not Change Any Code Below, Unless You Know What It Is
Only  #,$ and ? are available in this input
Any Error/Help/Scripts Help Please Visit Us At "Irc.Webchat.Org" Channel "#eyiezinc"
More Addons At  "" 
You Can Post Your Own Addons At Myx Forum "" 

menu channel,query {
  Secret Code Input
  .$iif($group(#secretcode) == ON,$style(3)) ON:.enable #SecretCode
  .$iif($group(#secretcode) == OFF,$style(3)) OFF:.disable #SecretCode
  .Unload Myx Addons:.unload -rs $script

#SecretCode on
On *:input:*: {
  if ($left($1-,1) != /) && (!$ctrlenter) { 
    if (!$regex($strip($remove($1-,$chr(35),$chr(63),$chr(36),;)),/[[:punct:]]/g)) && (!$regex($strip($1-),/[€-Ÿ|-ÿ]/g)) { msg $active $myx($1-) | halt }
On *:text:*:#: if ($remove($1-,_,-,+,.) isnum) { echo $chan $+($chr(3),12,$chr(44),5,[,$chr(3),15,$nick,$chr(3),12],$chr(3),4,:,$chr(3),0,$chr(2),$chr(2)) $ana($1-) | halt }
On *:text:*:?: if ($remove($1-,_,-,+,.) isnum) { echo $nick $+($chr(3),12,$chr(44),5,[,$chr(3),15,$nick,$chr(3),12],$chr(3),4,:,$chr(3),0,$chr(2),$chr(2)) $ana($1-) | halt }
alias ayen {
  if ($1 = a) { return 2 }
  if ($1 = b) { return 2 }
  if ($1 = c) { return 2 }
  if ($1 = d) { return 3 }
  if ($1 = e) { return 3 }
  if ($1 = f) { return 3 }
  if ($1 = g) { return 4 }
  if ($1 = h) { return 4 }
  if ($1 = i) { return 4 }
  if ($1 = j) { return 5 }
  if ($1 = k) { return 5 }
  if ($1 = l) { return 5 }
  if ($1 = m) { return 6 }
  if ($1 = n) { return 6 }
  if ($1 = o) { return 6 }
  if ($1 = p) { return 7 }
  if ($1 = q) { return 7 }
  if ($1 = r) { return 7 }
  if ($1 = s) { return 7 }
  if ($1 = t) { return 8 }
  if ($1 = u) { return 8 }
  if ($1 = v) { return 8 }
  if ($1 = w) { return 9 }
  if ($1 = x) { return 9 }
  if ($1 = y) { return 9 }
  if ($1 = z) { return 9 }
  if ($1 = 1) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = 2) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = 3) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = 4) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = 5) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = 6) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = 7) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = 8) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = 9) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = ^) { return ^ }
  if ($1 = *) { return * }
  if ($1 = &) { return & }
  if ($1 = %) { return % }
  if ($1 = $chr(0208)) { return $chr(0208) }
alias sakura {
  if ($1 = *) { return * }
  if ($1 = a) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = b) { return 2 }
  if ($1 = c) { return 3 }
  if ($1 = d) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = e) { return 2 }
  if ($1 = f) { return 3 }
  if ($1 = g) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = h) { return 2 }
  if ($1 = i) { return 3 }
  if ($1 = j) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = k) { return 2 }
  if ($1 = l) { return 3 }
  if ($1 = m) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = n) { return 2 }
  if ($1 = o) { return 3 }
  if ($1 = p) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = q) { return 2 }
  if ($1 = r) { return 3 }
  if ($1 = s) { return 4 }
  if ($1 = t) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = u) { return 2 }
  if ($1 = v) { return 3 }
  if ($1 = w) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = x) { return 2 }
  if ($1 = y) { return 3 }
  if ($1 = z) { return 4 }
  if ($1 = 1) { return 1 }
  if ($1 = 2) { return 2 }
  if ($1 = 3) { return 3 }
  if ($1 = 4) { return 4 }
  if ($1 = 5) { return 5 }
  if ($1 = 6) { return 6 }
  if ($1 = 7) { return 7 }
  if ($1 = 8) { return 8 }
  if ($1 = 9) { return 9 }
  if ($1 = ^) { return ^ }
  if ($1 = &) { return & }
  if ($1 = %) { return % }
  if ($1 = $chr(0208)) { return $chr(0208) }
alias myx {
  var %t = 1,%x = $replace($1-,$chr(32),*,0,^,$chr(35),&,$chr(63),%,$chr(36),$chr(0208))
  while ($mid(%x,%t,1)) {
    var %proses = $mid(%x,%t,1)
    if (%proses) { var %out = $+(%out,$ayen(%proses)),%out1 = $+(%out1,$sakura(%proses)) }
    inc %t
  return $replace($+(%out,%out1),*,0,^,-,&,_,%,.,$chr(0208),+)
alias ana {
  var %t = 1,%proses = $replace($1-,0,*,-,^,.,%,_,&,+,$chr(0208)),%cutx = $left(%proses,$calc($len(%proses) / 2)),%cutx1 = $mid(%proses,$calc($len(%proses) / 2 + 1))
  while ($mid(%cutx,%t,1)) {
    var %cut = $mid(%cutx,%t,1),%cut1 = $mid(%cutx1,%t,1)
    if (%cut = 1) && (%cut1 = 1) { .set %line 1 }
    if (%cut = 1) && (%cut1 = 2) { .set %line 2 }
    if (%cut = 1) && (%cut1 = 3) { .set %line 3 }
    if (%cut = 1) && (%cut1 = 4) { .set %line 4 }
    if (%cut = 1) && (%cut1 = 5) { .set %line 5 }
    if (%cut = 1) && (%cut1 = 6) { .set %line 6 }
    if (%cut = 1) && (%cut1 = 7) { .set %line 7 }
    if (%cut = 1) && (%cut1 = 8) { .set %line 8 }
    if (%cut = 1) && (%cut1 = 9) { .set %line 9 }
    if (%cut = 2) && (%cut1 = 1) { .set %line a }
    if (%cut = 2) && (%cut1 = 2) { .set %line b }
    if (%cut = 2) && (%cut1 = 3) { .set %line c }
    if (%cut = 3) && (%cut1 = 1) { .set %line d }
    if (%cut = 3) && (%cut1 = 2) { .set %line e }
    if (%cut = 3) && (%cut1 = 3) { .set %line f }
    if (%cut = 4) && (%cut1 = 1) { .set %line g }
    if (%cut = 4) && (%cut1 = 2) { .set %line h }
    if (%cut = 4) && (%cut1 = 3) { .set %line i }
    if (%cut = 5) && (%cut1 = 1) { .set %line j }
    if (%cut = 5) && (%cut1 = 2) { .set %line k }
    if (%cut = 5) && (%cut1 = 3) { .set %line l }
    if (%cut = 6) && (%cut1 = 1) { .set %line m }
    if (%cut = 6) && (%cut1 = 2) { .set %line n }
    if (%cut = 6) && (%cut1 = 3) { .set %line o }
    if (%cut = 7) && (%cut1 = 1) { .set %line p }
    if (%cut = 7) && (%cut1 = 2) { .set %line q }
    if (%cut = 7) && (%cut1 = 3) { .set %line r }
    if (%cut = 7) && (%cut1 = 4) { .set %line s }
    if (%cut = 8) && (%cut1 = 1) { .set %line t }
    if (%cut = 8) && (%cut1 = 2) { .set %line u }
    if (%cut = 8) && (%cut1 = 3) { .set %line v }
    if (%cut = 9) && (%cut1 = 1) { .set %line w }
    if (%cut = 9) && (%cut1 = 2) { .set %line x }
    if (%cut = 9) && (%cut1 = 3) { .set %line y }
    if (%cut = 9) && (%cut1 = 4) { .set %line z }
    if (%cut = *) && (%cut1 = *) { .set %line * }
    if (%cut = ^) && (%cut1 = ^) { .set %line ^ }
    if (%cut = &) && (%cut1 = &) { .set %line & }
    if (%cut = %) && (%cut1 = %) { .set %line % }
    if (%cut = $chr(0208)) && (%cut1 = $chr(0208)) { .set %line $chr(0208) }
    var %lines = $+(%lines,%line)
    inc %t
  return $replace(%lines,*,$chr(32),^,0,&,$chr(35),%,$chr(63),$chr(0208),$chr(36))
#SecretCode End



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eyiezinc   -  May 31, 2009

thanks 4 ur comment & suggestion WorldDMT

Hawkee   -  May 30, 2009

Thanks, it just covers the navigation when it gets too wide like that.

Aucun50   -  May 30, 2009

Sorry i have a wide screen so i didn't notice it.

Hawkee   -  May 30, 2009

Aucun50, maybe you could exclude those long series of x's from your comment so it doesn't extend off the side of the site. Thanks!

Aucun50   -  May 29, 2009
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EyiezINC Scripting Technology xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Addons Name : Secret Code Input
Inspiration : Handphone Keypad :P
Created By  : Lestat & EyiezINC
Copy And Paste To Your Remote Then "Right Click" At Query Or Channel
Do Not Change Any Code Below, Unless You Know What It Is
Only  #,$ and ? are available in this input
Any Error/Help/Scripts Help Please Visit Us At "Irc.Webchat.Org" Channel "#eyiezinc"
More Addons At  "" 
You Can Post Your Own Addons At Myx Forum "" 

Could mess with your code try:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EyiezINC Scripting Technology xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Addons Name : Secret Code Input
Inspiration : Handphone Keypad :P
Created By  : Lestat & EyiezINC
Copy And Paste To Your Remote Then "Right Click" At Query Or Channel
Do Not Change Any Code Below, Unless You Know What It Is
Only  #,$ and ? are available in this input
Any Error/Help/Scripts Help Please Visit Us At "Irc.Webchat.Org" Channel "#eyiezinc"
More Addons At  "" 
You Can Post Your Own Addons At Myx Forum "" 

There could be some elseif in your code instead of using if over and over making it check every if statement.

napa182   -  May 29, 2009

update ur old code instead of making a new snippet

Your snippet will be deleted if you break any of the following rules:
You may not post an updated snippet separately, you need to edit your first post.

Kirbeh_Pr0nz   -  May 29, 2009

eyiezinc, what is at the very top of the snippet should be in the introduction.

WorldDMT   -  May 29, 2009


use $istok

and $chr(0208) is $chr(208)

about your alias ayen or skura u can do like this if u want

alias ayen {
  var %x `|abc|def|ghi|jkl|mno|pqrs|tuv|wxyz
  if ($istok(^.*.&.$chr(208).%,$1,46)) var %x $1
  elseif ($1 isnum) var %x 1
  else var %x $findtok(%x,$wildtok(%x,$+(*,$1,*),1,124),1,124)
  return %x

about your alias ana u dont need to set %var global make it local and look what can u do if u want

alias ana {
  var %t 1,%proses $replace($1-,0,*,-,^,.,%,_,&,+,$chr(208)),%cutx $left(%proses,$calc($len(%proses) / 2)),%cutx1 $mid(%proses,$calc($len(%proses) / 2 + 1))
  while $mid(%cutx,%t,1) {
    var %cut $mid(%cutx,%t,1),%cut1 $mid(%cutx1,%t,1),%x `|abc|def|ghi|jkl|mno|pqrs|tuv|wxyz
    if ($istok(1.*.^.&.$chr(208).%,%cut,46)) var %line %cut1
    else var %line $mid($gettok(%x,%cut,124),%cut1,1)
    var %lines $+(%lines,%line)
    inc %t
  return $replace(%lines,*,$chr(32),^,0,&,$chr(35),%,$chr(63),$chr(208),$chr(36))

is shorter no?

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