Digital clock

By eyiezinc on May 18, 2009

Digital clock 4 ur mIRC

on 1:Load:{ set %shadow 1 | set %shon (-ON-) | set %shoff OFF | set %xpos 4 | set %ypos 5 | timer.clock off | set %cton ON | Set %ctoff (-OFF-) | window -c @Clock | set %Lsuon ON | set %Lsuoff (-OFF-) | unset %clock %color* %atime }
on 1:Start:{ set %itime $ticks | echo -a Clock Ad-On By 4EyiezINC Initializing Version 2.0 Built 3 :) | echo -a For Any Comments Or Bugs Please Send A Mail To | set %xpos 4 | set %ypos 5 | unset %color* %atime %clock %shutdown %sdtimer | timer.clock off | set %cton ON | Set %ctoff (-OFF-) | window -c @Clock | if (%lsu) { time on } | echo -a Clock Addon Initialized In $+  4 $calc(( $ticks - %itime )/1000) $+  Msecs. | unset %itime }
alias time { 
  if ($1 == on) { set %colorfont Tahoma | set %colorbg $colour(background) | set %colorf $colour(normal) | set %cton (-ON-) | set %ctoff OFF | set %xpos 4 | set %ypos 5 | window -fkp +bet @Clock -1 -1 75 30 | .timer.clock off | .timer.clock 0 1 wclock }
  if ($1 == off) { unset %color* | .timer.clock off | unset %clock | set %cton ON | Set %ctoff (-OFF-) | unset %hou %min %sec | if (%alarm) { .timer.alarm* Off | echo -a Alarm Stopped ( $+ %atime $+ ) | unset %atime %alarm } | if (%shutdown) { .timer.shutdown* off | unset %sdtimer %shutdown | echo -a ShutDown Stoped } | window -c @Clock | Echo -a Clock Addon Stoped | halt }
alias -l check {
  if ($gettok($time,1,58) != %hou) { drawrect @clock %colorbg 200 $calc(%xpos -1) $calc(%ypos -1) 20 20 | set %hou $gettok($time,1,58) } 
  if ($gettok($time,2,58) != %min) { drawrect @clock %colorbg 200 $calc(%xpos +24) $calc(%ypos -1) 20 20 | set %min $gettok($time,2,58) } 
  if ($gettok($time,3,58) != %sec) { drawrect @clock %colorbg 200 $calc(%xpos +49) $calc(%ypos -1) 20 20 | set %sec $gettok($time,3,58) } 
alias -l wclock { if $window(@Clock) == $null { time off } | check | if (%shadow) { drawtext @Clock 15 %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos -2) $calc(%ypos -2) %hou } | drawtext @Clock %colorf %colorfont 20 %xpos %ypos %hou |  if (%shadow) { drawtext @Clock 15 %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +16) $calc(%ypos -2) : } | drawtext @Clock %colorf %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +18) %ypos : | if (%shadow) { drawtext @Clock 15 %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +23) $calc(%ypos -2) %min } | drawtext @Clock %colorf %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +25) %ypos %min | if (%shadow) { drawtext @Clock 15 %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +40) $calc(%ypos -2) : } | drawtext @Clock %colorf %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +43) %ypos : | if (%shadow) { drawtext @Clock 15 %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +47) $calc(%ypos -2) %sec } | drawtext @Clock %colorf %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +50) %ypos %sec }
alias alarm {
  if $window(@Clock) == $null { echo -a Clock Addon Isn't Working You Can't Set An Alarm Now | halt }
  if ((%alarm != $null) && ($1 == stop)) { .timer.alarm* Off | echo -a Alarm Stopped ( $+ %atime $+ ) | unset %atime %alarm | halt }
  if ($1) { set %atime $1 }
  else { set %atime $$?="Enter time like 14:30" }
  if (%atime == $null) { echo -a No time set Alarm is not working | halt }
  if ($left(%atime,1) == +) { 
    .timer.alarm 1 $calc(60 * $right( %atime,-1)) Echo -a It's now $time Clock Addon By 4eyiezinc
    .timer.alarm2 1 $calc(60 * $right( %atime,-1)) beep 10 2 
    .timer.alarm4 1 $calc(60 * $right( %atime,-1)) unset %alarm
    Echo -a Alarm Seted $calc(60 * $right( %atime,-1)) Seconds Later
    set %alarm 1
  if ($numtok(%atime,58) != 2) || ($gettok(%atime,1,58) < 0) || ($gettok(%atime,1,58) > 24) || ($gettok(%atime,2,58) < 0) || ($gettok(%atime,2,58) > 59) { Echo Time format is not correct | unset %atime,2,58 | .timer 1 0 alarm | halt }
  if (%atime) {
    echo -a Alarm Seted At %atime
    .timer.alarm %atime 1 1 Echo -a It's now $time Clock Addon By 4EyiezINC
    .timer.alarm2 %atime 1 1 beep 10 2 
    .timer.alarm4 %atime 1 1 unset %alarm
alias sd {
  if $window(@Clock) == $null { echo -a Clock Addon Isn't Working You Can't Set A ShutDown Now | halt }
  if ((%sdtimer != $null) && ($1 == stop)) { .timer.shutdown* off | unset %sdtimer | unset %shutdown | echo -a ShutDown Stoped | halt }
  if (%wtrd == $null) { findrundll $1 | halt }
  if ($1) { set %sdtimer $1 }
  else { set %sdtimer $$?="Enter time like 14:30" }
  if (%sdtimer == $null) { echo -a No time set ShutDown is not working | halt }
  if ($left(%sdtimer,1) == +) {
    .timer.shutdown* off
    .timer.shutdown 1 $calc(60 * $right( %sdtimer,-1)) run %wtrd user.exe,ExitWindows
    echo -a ShutDown seted $calc(60 * $right( %sdtimer,-1)) Seconds Later
    set %shutdown 1
  if ($numtok(%sdtimer,58) != 2) || ($gettok(%sdtimer,1,58) < 0) || ($gettok(%sdtimer,1,58) > 24) || ($gettok(%sdtimer,2,58) < 0) || ($gettok(%sdtimer,2,58) > 59) { Echo Time format is not correct | unset %sdtimer,2,58 | .timer 1 0 sd | halt }
  if (%sdtimer) {
    .timer.shutdown* off
    .timer.shutdown %sdtimer 1 1 run %wtrd user.exe,ExitWindows
    echo -a ShutDown seted %sdtimer Seconds Later
    set %shutdown 1
    unset %sdtimer,2,58
alias -l findrundll {
  set %tempsd $1
  set %l 0
  set %mifc $findfile(c:\,rundll.exe,%l)
  window -lp @Shutdown @Shutdown
  aline @Shutdown Select Rundll To Use At Shutdown Process
  inc %l
  : next 
  aline @Shutdown $findfile(c:\,rundll.exe,%l)
  inc %l
  if %l != $calc(%mifc + 1) goto next else end
  : end
  unset %mifc %l
menu Menubar {
  .%cton: set %cton (-ON-) | set %ctoff OFF | time on
  .%ctoff: time off
  .Load At Startup
  ..%Lsuon:{ set %lsu 1 | set %Lsuon (-ON-) | set %Lsuoff OFF | echo -a Clock Addon Added At Startup }
  ..%Lsuoff:{ set %Lsuon ON | set %Lsuoff (-OFF-) | echo -a Clock Addon Removed From Startup }
  ..%shon: set %shadow 1 | set %shon (-ON-) | set %shoff OFF
  ..%shoff:{ set %shon ON | set %shoff (-OFF-) | unset %shadow | drawtext @Clock %colorbg %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos -2) $calc(%ypos -2) %hou | drawtext @Clock %colorbg %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +16) $calc(%ypos -2) : | drawtext @Clock %colorbg %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +23) $calc(%ypos -2) %min | drawtext @Clock %colorbg %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +40) $calc(%ypos -2) : | drawtext @Clock %colorbg %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +47) $calc(%ypos -2) %sec }
  ..Set: alarm $$?="Enter Time Like 14:30"
  ..$iif(%alarm,Stop): alarm Stop
  ..Set: sd $$?="Enter Time Like 14:30"
  ..$iif(%shutdown,Stop): unset %shutdown | sd Stop 
menu @clock {
  .%shon:set %shadow 1 | set %shon (-ON-) | set %shoff OFF
  .%shoff:{ set %shon ON | set %shoff (-OFF-) | unset %shadow | drawtext @Clock %colorbg %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos -2) $calc(%ypos -2) %hou | drawtext @Clock %colorbg %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +16) $calc(%ypos -2) : | drawtext @Clock %colorbg %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +23) $calc(%ypos -2) %min | drawtext @Clock %colorbg %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +40) $calc(%ypos -2) : | drawtext @Clock %colorbg %colorfont 20 $calc(%xpos +47) $calc(%ypos -2) %sec }
  .Set:alarm $$?="Enter Time Like 14:30"
  .$iif(%alarm,Stop): alarm Stop
  .Set:sd $$?="Enter Time Like 14:30"
  .$iif(%shutdown,Stop):unset %shutdown | sd Stop 
  Close: time off
menu @Shutdown {
  dclick {
    set %cdline $line(@Shutdown,$$1)
    if (Shutdown isin %cdline) { halt }
    set %wtrd %cdline
    unset %cdline
    echo -s %wtrd Will Be Using Shutdown Process
    if (%tempsd != $null) { sd %tempsd | unset %tempsd }
    window -c @Shutdown
  Close:window -c @Shutdown


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