Botlist 2.0

By Acclamator on May 14, 2009

This is a simple Sh1tL1st for bots. includes user list so your friends can set/delete Sh1tL1sted people if you want to let them.
if you want to edit the list name, put the cursor at the beginning of line 1, go to edit>find and put bot in the find box, and whatever you want the list to be name in the replace with box.
also fixed the name ask repeatance at the start of mirc
and the crappy auser mistake

p.s. please do not tell me how to improve the script, only comment on how great it is, or if there's an error. thank you.

on *:start: if (!%botlist) { auser botlist $$?="what is the nick of this bot's master?" | set %botlist 1 }
on botlist:text:!shit*:#: { set %global 1 | writeini Botlist $address($2,2) $address($2,2) $2 | writeini Botlist nicks $2 $address($2,2) | writeini Botlist $address($2,2) reason $3 | while (%global <= $chan(0)) { if ($2 ison $chan(%global)) { mode $chan(%global) +b-e $address($2,2) $address($2,2) | kick $chan(%global) $2 [Botlist Active: $3 ] } | inc %global 1 } | echo -a Botlistlist Entry Added. | .enable #Bot }
on botlist:text:!unshit*:#: { set %global2 1 | remini Botlist $address($2,2) $address($2,2) $1 | remini Botlist nicks $2 | remini Botlist $address($2,2) reason | msg $chan Botlist Entry Removed On $+($2,.) | while (%global2 <= $chan(0)) { mode $chan(%global2) -b $address($2,2) | inc %global2 1 } }
on botlist:text:!list:*: notice $nick Type " !unshit NAMEHERE" to unshitlist a person | var %nicks 1 | while (%nicks <= $ini(Botlist,nicks,0)) { notice $nick $ini(Botlist,nicks,%nicks) on the ip $readini(Botlist,nicks,$ini(Botlist,nicks,%nicks)) | inc %nicks 1 }
on botlist:text:!access*: auser botlist $$2 | msg $chan  $2 Granted access to Botlist.
on botlist:text:!deny*: ruser $$2 | msg $chan  $2 Denied access to Botlist.
;Botlist by Acclamator, please do not remove this.
#Bot off
on *:join:#: if ($ini(Botlist,$address($nick,2),0) >= 1) || ($readini(Botlist,nicks,$nick)) { kick $chan $nick [Botlistlist Active] $+([,$readini(Botlist,$address($nick,2),reason),]) | mode $chan +b-e $address($nick,2) $address($nick,2) }                                 
on *:nick: if ($ini(Botlist,$address($nick,2),0) > 0) || ($readini(Botlist,nicks,$nick)) { set %global2 1 | while (%global2 <= $chan(0)) { if ($newnick ison $chan(%global2)) { mode $chan(%global2) +b-e $address($newnick,2) $address($newnick,2) | kick $chan(%global2) $newnick [Botlist Active on this nick] } | inc %global2 1 } }
on *:RAWMODE:*: if ($regex($1,/\+[aqoh]/g) >= 1) && ($me == $2) { var %Botscan 1 | while (%Botscan <= $nick($chan,0)) { if ($ini(Botlist,$address($nick($chan,%Botscan),2),0) > 0) || ($readini(Botlist,nicks,$nick)) { mode $chan +b-e $address($nick($chan,%Botscan),2) $address($nick($chan,%Botscan),2) | kick $chan $nick($chan,%Botscan) [Botlist entry on this nick/mask exists] } | inc %Botscan 1 } } | elseif ($nick != $me) { if ($1 == -e) || ($1 == -ee) { if ($address($2,2) == $address($me,2)) || ($2 == $me) { mode $chan +e $address($me,2) | kick $chan $nick [Except Protection Active] } } }
#Bot end


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PATX   -  Jun 14, 2009

i have the chanserv to handle all of this but whateva. i did not even both to look at the code. way too much scrolling. :/

also: what is this "p.s. please do not tell me how to improve the script, only comment on how great it is, or if there's an error. thank you." why even post it?

also: "there's always that one guy that needs to tell another guy off for setting a simple request using PLEASE. I hope a badger eats your !@#$ off." anger management dude. maybe a badger can eat your !@#$ to teach you to be kinder.

Gottesgeschenk   -  Jun 04, 2009

It's style, if you guys don't like it then post your own scripts rather than flooding his comments page with shit he doesn't want to see. Reporting a bug or just a simple suggestion is one thing, but this is getting ridiculous. If you're going to just pick at his introduction on your hawkee high horse or waste the comment space with other useless shit, then you can shove it up your ass.

Acclamator   -  Jun 04, 2009

I happen to enjoy compact scripts, for me they are easier to both read and write. I do not design my scripts to be easier for others to read, I make them WORK. And they do. This is not hooked on phonics mIRC edition, its utilitarianism.

Ayon   -  Jun 02, 2009

/me agrees 100% with sunslayer and the other ppl on here...

Why publish it if you don't want constructive replies to become better? And WorldDMT's comment is far from counterproductive.. It might be more lines than your script, but it's the eaxct same script and WAY easier to read instead of putting everything on 1 line...

sunslayer   -  Jun 01, 2009

Acclamator could you please refresh my memory as to what kind of site this is for me again?

Hawkee strives to leverage multiple social mechanisms to best facilitate a thriving community through comments, notices, activities, friends, reviews and likes.


lmao @ Quote:
p.s. please do not tell me how to improve the script, only comment on how great it is, or if there's an error. thank you.

If you don't want people commenting on how you can do things better, then don't post it here, and if they do comment with a rewrite ignore or delete if it makes you that upset.

that pretty much says everything i have to say.

Acclamator   -  Jun 01, 2009

there's always that one guy that needs to tell another guy off for setting a simple request using PLEASE. I hope a badger eats your dick off.

slacker   -  May 22, 2009

lmao @ > p.s. please do not tell me how to improve the script, only comment on how great it is, or if there's an error. thank you.

If you don't want people commenting on how you can do things better, then don't post it here, and if they do comment with a rewrite ignore or delete if it makes you that upset.

Spanky   -  May 22, 2009

lol @ WorldDMT > levels is always a number <-- WRONG..

oh and btw acclamator nice about time u did this :P

WorldDMT   -  May 21, 2009

too many lines? it's just like yours but u have put "|" so if u remove it u will have more than me.

Acclamator   -  May 20, 2009

I'm going to have to agree with Sunslayer's kirby, WorldDMT, your code is ugly and far too many lines for a simple script. I specifically said I did not want people like yourself to post their own version of my script as that is rather completely f***ing retarded and counterproductive. I do however thank you for telling me I forgot to switch $$2 and botlist in the !access event. I also do not need numbers in the access list, as the botlist access level works completely fine. Good day.

sunslayer   -  May 15, 2009

i think wat fordlawnmower meant was that instead of redoing a script why not post some of your own

WorldDMT   -  May 15, 2009

my comments is not good or what?

FordLawnmower   -  May 15, 2009

Personally WorldDMT, I think your have gotten quite carried away with your comments ;/
Why don't you post a useful script or something ???

WorldDMT   -  May 15, 2009


@Acclamator: if u don't like comments don't post codes!

when u have 2 commande u have to put "{}" also for events

$address($nick,2) = $wildsite

and your level botlist is nothing

/help /auser

/auser [-a] <nick|address> [info]

/auser 5 Nick

levels is always a number

so if u want make a file.txt like botlist.txt

and add condition like "if $read(botlist.txt,w,$nick)" if the nick is into the file the code will be execute

so u dont need the on start event

make a sh¡tlist of hosts not for nicks

why did used a global variable "set" use a local one "var"

i saw "$readini(Botlist,nicks,$nick)" if the nick is [nick] he will be writed into ini file like this ~nick~ so no detection for this type of nicks

u add for all chan the user into sh¡tlist put only the user into the file sh¡tlist if u want do it for many chan make a chan file too is beter

so lets make botlist.txt, sh¡tlist.txt, chanlist.txt and the code will be

code for add/remove

on *:text:*:#:{
  if ($read(botlist.txt,w,$nick) {
    if $strip($1) == !sh¡t {
      var %x $chan(0),%n $2
      if (!$read(sh¡tlist.txt,w,$address(%n,2))) {
        write sh¡tlist.txt $address(%n,2)
        echo -a sh¡tlist Entry Added.
      while %x {
        if ($read(chanlist.txt,w,$chan(%x)) ban -k $v1 %n 2 Added to sh¡tlist $iif($3-,: $v1)
        dec %x
    elseif $strip($1) == !unsh¡t {
      if $read(sh¡tlist.txt,w,$address($2,2)) {
        write -dl $+ $readn sh¡tlist.txt $v1
        echo -a sh¡tlist Entry Removed
      var %x $chan(0)
      while %x {
        if ($read(chanlist.txt,w,$chan(%x)) ban -r $v1 %n 2 Removed from sh¡tlist $iif($3-,: $v1)
        dec %x
    elseif $strip($1) == !access {
      if !$read(botlist.txt,w,$2) {
        write botlist.txt $2
        msg #  $2 Granted access to Botlist.
    elseif $strip($1) == !deny {
      if $read(botlist.txt,w,$2) {
        write -dl $+ $readn botlist.txt $v1
        msg #  $v1 Denied access to Botlist.
on *:join:#:if ($read(sh¡tlist.txt,w,$wildsite)) ban -k # $nick 2 sh¡tlist.

only that will give u that u want

sunslayer   -  May 14, 2009

p.s. please do not tell me how to improve the script, only comment on how great it is, or if there's an error. thank you.


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