
By killwithme on May 10, 2009

I've made this a long time ago out of fun :D
please note garfield-991 is one of my other nicks...

This Bot is just meant to host an epic cookie collector game,
first, everyone who wants to participate has to announce himself to the bot
then, once a day a user is permitted to get a cookie for free

the bot saves the data in an ini file, statistics are being hold in variables

more features are atm:
play "guess the number" - and have a chance for an extra cookie once a day

try to steal a cookie from someone if he's online, will be like RPS I think

to use, just load it, join the channel you want the bot in and turn teh script for this channel on via channel menu.
and you have to change %cookie.chef to your nickname for errorhandling

PS: I originally wrote all the output in german, if you want that too, just leave a comment ;)

;;;                                               ;;;
;;;            Cookie Bot Script                  ;;;
;;;            #################                  ;;;
;;;                                               ;;;
;;;             (C) 2008 - 2009                   ;;;
;;;     created, mantained and published by       ;;;
;;;            >>>  garfield-991 <<<              ;;;
;;;                                               ;;;
;;;   thx to Kulimeya for testing ressources :)   ;;;
;;;                                               ;;;

ON *:TEXT:!cookie &:#: {
  if (%cookies. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) {
    if ( $readini(cookies.ini,$nick,Register $+ $chan ) = true ) {
      ;   cookies for all
      if $2 = please {
        var $time(
        if ( = $readini(cookies.ini,$nick,Date $+ $chan)) notice $nick Sorry, only one cookie a day, try again tomorrow ;)
        else {
          writeini cookies.ini $nick Date $+ $chan $time(
          givecookie $nick
      ;   cookie stats
      if $2 = stats {
        if ( %flood.s [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = 2 ) notice $nick spam protection active! try again in 5 minutes!
        if ( %flood.s [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = 0 ) {
          inc %stat.stat [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  1
          set %flood.s [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1
      if ( %flood.s [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = 1 ) {
        timerflood1 1 300 set %flood.s [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 0
        set %flood.s [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 2
      ;    cookie collector stats
      if $2 = top3 {
        if ( %flood.t [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = 2 ) notice $nick spam protection active! try again in 5 minutes!
        if ( %flood.t [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = 0 ) {
          inc %stat.t3 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  1
          set %flood.t [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1
      if ( %flood.t [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = 1 ) {
        timerflood2 1 300 set %flood.t [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 0
        set %flood.t [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 2
      ;   Cookie-Jar
      if $2 = jar {
        var %cookie.jar = $readini(cookies.ini,$nick,Cookie [ $+ [ $chan ] ] )
        var %cookie.1st = $calc( ( %top1c [ $+ [ $chan ] ] - %cookie.jar ) +1 )
        var %cookies.gamec = $readini(cookies.ini,$nick,Games_played [ $+ [ $chan ] ] )
        if (!$readini(cookies.ini,$nick,Games_won [ $+ [ $chan ] ] )) writeini cookies.ini $nick Games_won [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 0
        var %cookies.gamew = $readini(cookies.ini,$nick,Games_won [ $+ [ $chan ] ] )
        var %percent = $calc( ( %cookies.gamec  / %cookies.gamew  ) * 100 )
        if ( $nick = %top1n [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) notice $nick you are the best collector in $chan with %cookie.jar cookies!
        elseif ($readini(cookies.ini,$nick,Cookie $+ $chan >= 1) notice $nick you collected %cookie.jar cookies so far. collect %cookie.1st more to get on the first place!
        if ( %cookies.gamec >= 1 ) notice $nick you already played a game %cookies.gamec times and won %percent $+ $chr(37) of them.
      ;   Win Cookies!
      if $2 = game {
        set $time(dd:mm:yy)
        if ( = $readini(cookies.ini,$nick,Game $+ $chan) ) notice $nick sorry $nick $+ , you can only play once a day!
        else {
          writeini cookies.ini $nick Games_played [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $calc( $readini(cookies.ini,$nick,Games) + 1)
          writeini cookies.ini $nick Game [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
          inc [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  1
          wincookie $nick
      if $2 = steal {
        notice $nick coming soon...!
    else {
      notice $nick Hey $+( $nick ,!) if you want to participate in collecting cookies here, you have to register
      notice $nick to register, just query me with REGISTER $chan $+ , please note that only your current nick will be registered.
    ;   Hilfe
    if $2 = help {
      if ( $readini(cookies.ini,$nick,Register [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) = true ) {
        notice $nick Cookie help comes to query in 5 secs 
        timer 1 5 msg $nick syntax: !cookie COMMAND
        timer 1 6 msg $nick please - write this to get a cookie
        timer 1 6 msg $nick top3   - show info about the top3 in $chan
        timer 1 7 msg $nick stats  - cookie statistics about $chan
        timer 1 7 msg $nick jar    - your cookie info
        timer 1 8 msg $nick game   - win a cookie
        timer 1 8 msg $nick steal  - try to steal someone's cookie
        timer 1 9 msg $nick help   - this help
        timer 1 10 msg $nick if you encounter any problems or if you have some suggestions, write them to :-)
        timer 1 10 msg $nick (c)2008 - 2009 garfield-991 - %cookie.version

  msg %cookie.chef Error: $error


ON *:TEXT:!cookie:#:{
  if ( $readini(cookies.ini,$nick,Register [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) != true ) {
    notice $nick Hey $+( $nick ,!) if you want to participate in collecting cookies here, you have to register
    notice $nick to register, just query me with REGISTER $chan $+ , please note that only your current nick will be registered.
  else {
    notice $nick Hey $nick $+ ! try it with !cookie help ;)

  msg %cookie.chef Error: $error


  if ( $readini(cookies.ini,$nick,Register [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) != true ) {
    writeini cookies.ini $nick Register $+ $2 true
    inc %stat.users [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 1
    %stat.newest [ $+ [ $2 ] ] = $nick
    msg $nick you're now registered in $2 $+ !
    if ( $me isop $2 ) {
      mode $2 +v $nick
  else {
    msg $nick you are already registered!

  msg %cookie.chef Error: $error


ON *:TEXT:!game &:#: {
  if ( %game [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on ) {
    timergame. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] off
    if ( $2 = $rand(1,6) ) {
      msg $chan Juhuu! $nick wins!
      inc %stat.gwon [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  1
      givecookie $nick
    else {
      msg $chan Oh no! that was wrong - %wuerfel [ $+ [ $nick ] ]  would've been the correct number...

  msg %cookie.chef Error: $error


ON *:JOIN:#:{
  if ( %cookies. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) {
    if ( $readini( cookies.ini , $nick , Register [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) = true ) {
      if ( $me isop $chan ) {
        mode $chan +v $nick
      notice $nick Welcome back, $nick $+ !
    else {
      notice $nick Welcome, $nick $+ ! the cookie bakery is open in $chan - for more info just write !cookie help

  msg %cookie.chef Error: $error


ON *:OPEN:?:{
  timer 1 600 close -m $nick
  msg $nick Hey $nick $+ ! I'm a Bot, if you want more information just write in chan !cookie help

  msg %cookie.chef Error: $error


alias wincookie {
  describe $chan throws a 6-sided die...
  timer 1 2 msg $chan Go $1 $+, you have 20 secs! guess the number with !game NUMBER
  set -u20 %game [ $+ [ $1 ] ] on
  timergame. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 20 msg $chan time's up, $1 ! try again!

  msg %cookie.chef Error: $error


alias cookiestats {
  msg $chan Best collectors in $chan $+ :
  msg $chan *** 1. %top1n [ $+ [ $chan ] ] collected %top1c [ $+ [ $chan ] ] cookies (best since %top1d [ $+ [ $chan ] ] )
  msg $chan ** 2. %top2n [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ( $+ %top2c [ $+ [ $chan ] ] cookies)
  msg $chan * 3. %top3n [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ( $+ %top3c [ $+ [ $chan ] ] cookies

  msg %cookie.chef Error: $error


alias scriptstats {
  var %wongames
  %wongames = $calc( ( %stat.gwon [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  / [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  ) * 100 )
  var %percent
  %percent = $round( %wongames , 2 )
  var %dauer
  %dauer = $duration( $calc( $ctime - %stat.last ) )
  msg $chan Statistik für $chan $+ :
  msg $chan %stat.users [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  users collected %stat.cookies [ $+ [ $chan ] ] cookies, welcome our newest collector: %stat.newest [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  $+ !
  msg $chan the cookie bakery in $chan has been open for %dauer $+ ! Script version %cookie.version
  msg $chan games played: [ $+ [ $chan ] ] - %percent $+ $chr(37) won!
  msg $chan times the top 3 were requested: %stat.t3 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] - this statistic: %stat.stat [ $+ [ $chan ] ]

  msg %cookie.chef Error: $error


alias givecookie {
  set %cookie.count $calc($readini(cookies.ini,$1,Cookie [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) +1) 
  writeini cookies.ini $1 Cookie $+ $chan %cookie.count
  inc %stat.cookies [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  1
  describe $chan gives $1 a delicious cookie! *yummy*
  if ( %cookie.count > %top1c [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) {
    if ( $1 != %top1n [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) {
      %top2n [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = %top1n [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
      %top2c [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = %top1c [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
      %top1d [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = $time( HH:nn)
      %top1n [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = $1
      msg $chan $1 is now top collector with %cookie.count cookies!!
    else msg $chan $1 holds the record with %cookie.count cookies!
    %top1c [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = %cookie.count
  elseif ( %cookie.count > %top2c [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) {
    if ( $1 != %top2n [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) {
      msg $chan $1 is now top 2 with %cookie.count cookies!
      %top3n [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = %top2n [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
      %top3c [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = %top2c [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
      %top2n [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = $1
    else msg $chan $1 is still top 2 with %cookie.count cookies!
    %top2c [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = %cookie.count
  elseif ( %cookie.count > %top3c [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) {
    if ( $1 != %top3n [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) {
      %top3n [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = $1
      msg $chan $1 is now top 3 with %cookie.count cookies!
    else msg $chan $1 is still top 3 with %cookie.count cookies!
    %top3c [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = %cookie.count
  else {
    if ( %cookie.count > 1 ) msg $chan $1 has already collected %cookie.count cookies!
    else msg $chan $1 got his first cookie!

  msg %cookie.chef Error: $error


on *:load: { 
  echo -a **********
  echo -a Cookie-Bot
  echo -a Script by garfield-991
  echo -a (c)2008 - 2009 %cookie.version
  echo -a **********

alias cookierefresh {
  set %cookies. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  on
  if ( !%top1n [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) set %top1n [ $+ [ $1 ] ] nobody
  if ( !%top1c [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) set %top1c [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 0
  if ( !%top1d [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) set %top1d [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ever
  if ( !%top2n [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) set %top2n [ $+ [ $1 ] ] nobody
  if ( !%top2c [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) set %top2c [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 0
  if ( !%top3n [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) set %top3n [ $+ [ $1 ] ] nobody
  if ( !%top3c [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) set %top3c [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 0
  set %flood.t [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 0
  set %flood.s [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 0
  inc %stat.start [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1
  set %cookie.chef garfield-991
  set %cookie.version 1.9

  if ( !%stat.newest [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) set %stat.neust [ $+ [ $1 ] ] (no collector in $chan $+ !)
  if ( !%stat.users [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) set %stat.users [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 0
  if ( !%stat.cookies [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) set %stat.cookies [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 0
  if ( ! [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) set [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 0
  if ( !%stat.gwon [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) set %stat.gwon [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 0
  if ( !%stat.t3 [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) set %stat.t3 [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 0
  if ( !%stat.stat [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) set %stat.stat [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 0

  msg %cookie.chef Error: $error

menu channel {
  . $iif(%cookies. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ,$style(2)) turn Script in $chan ON:{ 
    cookierefresh $chan
    set %stat.last [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $ctime
    msg $chan Cookie-time :) write !cookie help for more.
  . $iif(!%cookies. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ,$style(2)) turn Script in $chan OFF:{
    unset %cookies. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 
    msg $chan Cookie-time is over. no cookies for now... :(


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wizard38   -  May 12, 2009

yes...and nothing

killwithme   -  May 11, 2009

but I think it should..
did you follow the instructions?

wizard38   -  May 11, 2009

for me it doesn't work, don't create a cookie .ini

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