AMIP Control Panel

By Ayon on May 09, 2009

I've just got back from a 9 year scripting break, then I started using AMIP and understood that I had to pick it up again :) So here's my first real attempt on something "usefull" :)

I know that there's some AMIP scripts out there allready, but I haven't found anyone like this so far.

The first version of ACP is

  • Hides the ACP menu, if AMIP isn't running.
  • Private / Public announcement.
  • If public, you can decide if you want it to be annoucned on all or just the active channel.
  • Access to all variables supported by AMIP. Just put the variable name inside square brackets.
  • Different announce for files and streams.
  • Search playlist.
  • Reindex playlist.
  • Clear local playlist (search results), and cached player playlist.
  • Clear cached song information.
  • Toggle Repeat/Shuffle on/off

The AMIP DDE name must be mplug or mPlug.


I could probably have made a nicer code, but it works for now :)


  • Minor update (fixed time left bug)
  • Minor update (fixed bold & color bug)

Plans for the future

  • More AMIP config controls
  • Playlist?
  • Track played counter
  • Display pettern history
  • Random display pattern?

Probably will think out more as the time goes by, but that's what I've got so far

; AMIP Control Panel v1.0 Beta
; Written by Ayon

on 1:LOAD:{
  echo -at ========================
  echo -at AMIP Control Panel v1.0
  echo -at Written by Ayon
  echo -at ========================
  echo -at Right-click on any channel to open
  echo -at the ACP. The menu will be hidden if
  echo -at the AMIP plugin isn't found.
  echo -at Commands:
  echo -at /amip cp - Opens the control panel
  echo -at /amip help - Opens the help dialog
  echo -at ========================
  if (!$exists($+($scriptdir,amip.ini))) { amip makeini }

alias amip {
  if ($1 == cp) { $iif($isdde(mplug), dialog -m amip amip, echo -at ACP > Could not find an active instance of AMIP) }
  elseif ($1 == help) { dialog -m amiphelp amiphelp }
  elseif ($1 == makeini) {
    writeini $+($scriptdir,amip.ini) display files np: [name] :: [etime]/[time] ([prc]%) :: [br]Kbps/[sr]kHz/[mode] :: Powered by ACP v1.0 ::
    writeini $+($scriptdir,amip.ini) display stream np: [name] :: [etime] :: Stream :: Powered by ACP v1.0 ::
    writeini $+($scriptdir,amip.ini) config announce public
    writeini $+($scriptdir,amip.ini) config allchans 0
  elseif ($1 == saveini) {
    if ($did(amip,11) != $amip(display,files)) { 
      var %x = 1
      var %amip.fdisp
      while ($did(amip,11).lines >= %x) {
        var %amip.fdisp = %amip.fdisp $did(amip,11,%x)
        inc %x
      writeini $+($scriptdir,amip.ini) display files $replace(%amip.fdisp,,{b},,{c})
    if ($did(amip,12) != $amip(display,stream)) {
      var %x = 1
      var %amip.sdisp
      while ($did(amip,12).lines >= %x) {
        var %amip.sdisp = %amip.sdisp $did(amip,12,%x)
        inc %x
      writeini $+($scriptdir,amip.ini) display stream $replace(%amip.sdisp,,{b},,{c})
    writeini $+($scriptdir,amip.ini) config announce $iif($did(amip,8).state, public, private)
    writeini $+($scriptdir,amip.ini) config allchans $did(amip,10).state
    dde mplug setrepeat $iif($did(amip,18).state, on, off)
    dde mplug setshuffle $iif($did(amip,19).state, on, off)
  else { return $readini($+($scriptdir,amip.ini),$1,$2) }

alias amipnp {
  if (!$exists($+($scriptdir,amip.ini))) { echo -at ACP > Missing config file (amip.ini). Launch the control panel to create a new default config file automaticly. | return }
  var %amip.output = $amip(display,$iif($dde(mplug,var_stream),stream,files))
  var %amip.vars = $regex(%amip.output,/\[([^\]]+)\]/g)
  var %x = 1
  while (%amip.vars >= %x) {
    if ($regml(%x) == time) { var %amip.output = $replace(%amip.output,[time],$+($dde(mplug,var_min),:,$dde(mplug,var_sec))) | goto continue }
    if ($regml(%x) == etime) { var %amip.output = $replace(%amip.output,[etime],$+($dde(mplug,var_pm),:,$dde(mplug,var_ps))) | goto continue }
    if ($regml(%x) == ltime) { var %amip.output = $replace(%amip.output,[ltime],$+($iif(!$dde(mplug,var_mil),00,$dde(mplug,var_mil)),:,$iif(!$dde(mplug,var_sel),00,$dde(mplug,var_sel)))) | goto continue }
    var %amip.output = $replace(%amip.output,$+([,$regml(%x),]),$dde(mplug,$+(var_,$regml(%x))))
    inc %x
  $iif($amip(config,announce) == public, $iif($amip(config,allchans), amsg, msg $active), echo -at) $replace(%amip.output,{b},,{c},)

dialog amip {
  title "AMIP Control Panel v1.0 by Ayon"
  size -1 -1 166 113
  option dbu

  menu "&File", 1
  item "&Save", 3, 1
  item break, 2, 1
  item "&Close", 4, 1, cancel

  tab "Settings", 5, 4 0 159 99
  tab "Display", 6

  box "Announcement", 7, 8 16 82 34, tab 5

  radio "Public", 8, 12 24 26 10, group tab 5
  radio "Private", 9, 56 24 26 10, group tab 5
  check "All channels", 10, 12 36 38 10, tab 5

  edit "", 11, 8 24 150 30, tab 6 multi autovs
  edit "", 12, 8 64 150 30, tab 6 multi autovs

  text "Files:", 13, 8 16 13 8, tab 6
  text "Streams:", 14, 8 56 22 8, tab 6

  button "Help", 15, 58 100 33 12
  button "Save", 16, 94 100 33 12
  button "Close", 27, 130 100 33 12, ok cancel

  box "Player config", 17, 92 16 66 34, tab 5
  check "Repeat", 18, 96 24 58 10, tab 5 push
  check "Shuffle", 19, 96 36 58 10, tab 5 push

  box "AMIP config", 20, 28 52 114 44, tab 5
  button "Playlist search", 21, 32 72 49 10, tab 5
  button "Open AMIP config", 22, 32 60 49 10, tab 5
  button "Reindex playlist", 23, 60 84 49 10, tab 5
  button "Clear local", 24, 88 60 49 10, tab 5
  button "Clear cache", 25, 88 72 49 10, tab 5

  link "AMIP Variables", 26, 4 102 38 8

dialog amiphelp {
  title "ACP Help"
  size -1 -1 174 170
  option dbu
  text "About:", 1, 4 4 17 8
  text "ACP is a small and easy to use AMIP control panel for mIRC.", 2, 4 12 146 8
  text "How to use it:", 3, 4 60 34 8
  text "It's built to make it easy to change how song info is showed announced. You can define if the announcement should be sent to you privately, or public. If you select public you can also decide whether to announce only to the active channel or to all channels on a network.", 4, 4 20 166 36
  text "It supports all AMIP variables. To trigger a variable you just wrap the variable name inside square brackets.", 5, 4 68 165 16
  text "Example:", 6, 4 120 145 8
  text "[name] :: [etime]/[time] ([prc]%) :: [br]Kbps/[sr]kHz/[mode]", 7, 4 128 145 8
  text "Result:", 8, 4 136 145 8
  text "Tatanka - Let's Rock :: 00:12/04:33 (4%) :: 192Kbps/44kHz/Stereo", 9, 4 144 165 8
  button "Close", 10, 68 156 37 12, ok cancel
  text "Other variables:", 11, 4 84 39 8
  text "[time]", 12, 4 92 14 8
  text "[etime]", 13, 4 100 17 8
  text "[ltime]", 14, 4 108 15 8
  text "Returns time left", 15, 28 108 40 8
  text "Returns elapsed time", 16, 28 100 51 8
  text "Returns total time", 17, 28 92 43 8

on 1:DIALOG:amip:init:*:{
  if (!$exists($+($scriptdir,amip.ini))) { amip makeini | echo -at ACP > A new default config file was succsessfully created. }
  did -c amip $iif($amip(config,announce) == public, 8, 9)
  did -a amip 11 $replace($readini($+($scriptdir,amip.ini),n,display,files),{c},,{b},)
  did -a amip 12 $replace($readini($+($scriptdir,amip.ini),n,display,stream),{c},,{b},)
  if ($amip(config,announce) == private) { did -b amip 10 }
  $iif($amip(config,allchans), did -c amip 10)
  $iif($dde(mplug,var_repeat) == on, did -c amip 18)
  $iif($dde(mplug,var_shuffle) == on, did -c amip 19)

on 1:DIALOG:amip:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 8) { did -u amip 9  | did -e amip 10 }
  if ($did == 9) { did -u amip 8  | did -b amip 10 }
  if ($did == 15) { dialog -m amiphelp amiphelp }
  if ($did == 16) { amip saveini }
  if ($did == 21) { dde mplug search }
  if ($did == 22) { dde mplug options }
  if ($did == 23) { dde mplug reindex }
  if ($did == 24) { dde mplug clear | echo -at ACP > Cleared local playlist (search results), and cached player playlist. }
  if ($did == 25) { dde mplug clearcache | echo -at ACP > Cleared cached song information. }
  if ($did == 26) { url }

menu channel,query {
  $iif($isdde(mplug), ACP)
  .Control Panel:amip cp
  .$iif($dde(mplug,var_playing),Announce,$style(2) Not playing):amipnp
  .Previous:dde mplug control <
  .Play/Pause:dde mplug $iif(!$dde(mplug,var_playing), Play, control pause)
  .Next:dde mplug control >


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Crissar   -  Jun 21, 2009

Well i used amip myself for a long time....made it a bit more simple tho!Yours is more like a "Script" :) and i like it very much! 7/10

Ayon   -  May 26, 2009

thanks eyiezinc :) glad u liked it

eyiezinc   -  May 26, 2009

good work Ayon.! 7/10

Ayon   -  May 10, 2009

thanks :)

^Neptune   -  May 10, 2009

Really good for a 9 year return. :P

PATX   -  May 09, 2009


Ayon   -  May 09, 2009

thanks for the reply :)

PATX   -  May 09, 2009

nice. keep up da good work! 6/10

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