Towers of Hanoi

By Firstmate on Apr 23, 2009

It's Towers of Hanoi 4 mIRC!
Simple logic game where you have to move all the blocks from the first tower to either of the other two.

Just type /hanoi N to start the game.
Where N is a number between 3-8.
Click and drag a block to the desired tower. You cannot place a block on a block with a lower #. For example, you can't place block 2 on block 1. It must be block 1 on block 2.

Have fun :)

Hope it works.


;Towers of Hanoi v0.1
;Made by Firstmate
alias hanoi {
  hanoi.load $iif($1 < 9,$1,4)
  window -pdCk0 @hanoi 1 1 700 300
alias hanoi.2 {
  ;draw lines
  clear @hanoi
  drawfill -r @hanoi $rgb(255,255,255) $rgb(255,255,255) 1 1 599 499
  drawtext -r @hanoi $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 22 260 10 Towers of Hanoi
  drawline -r @hanoi $rgb(0,0,0) 3 130 75 130 245 230 245 30 245
  drawline -r @hanoi $rgb(0,0,0) 3 350 75 350 245 450 245 250 245
  drawline -r @hanoi $rgb(0,0,0) 3 570 75 570 245 670 245 470 245

  ;Draw blocks.
  var %x $numtok($hget(hanoi.1,Towers),32), %p, %t
  if (%x != 0) {
    while (%x > 0) { %t = $gettok($hget(hanoi.1,Towers),$+(-,%x),32) | inc %p | drawrect -rf @hanoi $hanoi.getrgb($gettok($hget(hanoi.1,Towers),%x,32)) 1 $calc(130- (16+ (%t * 10))) $calc(245- (20* %p)) $calc(2 *(16+ (%t * 10))) 20 | drawtext -r @hanoi $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 14 $calc((130- (16+ (%t * 10))) + (16+ (%t * 10))) $calc(245- (20* %p)) $gettok($hget(hanoi.1,Towers),%p,32) | dec %x }
  %x = $numtok($hget(hanoi.2,Towers),32)
  %p = 0
  if (%x != 0) {
    while (%x > 0) { %t = $gettok($hget(hanoi.2,Towers),$+(-,%x),32) | inc %p | drawrect -rf @hanoi $hanoi.getrgb($gettok($hget(hanoi.2,Towers),%x,32)) 1 $calc(350- (16+ (%t * 10))) $calc(245- (20* %p)) $calc(2 *(16+ (%t * 10))) 20 | drawtext -r @hanoi $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 14 $calc((350- (16+ (%t * 10))) + (16+ (%t * 10))) $calc(245- (20* %p)) $gettok($hget(hanoi.2,Towers),%p,32) | dec %x }
  %x = $numtok($hget(hanoi.3,Towers),32)
  %p = 0
  if (%x != 0) {
    while (%x > 0) { %t = $gettok($hget(hanoi.3,Towers),$+(-,%x),32) | inc %p | drawrect -rf @hanoi $hanoi.getrgb($gettok($hget(hanoi.3,Towers),%x,32)) 1 $calc(570- (16+ (%t * 10))) $calc(245- (20* %p)) $calc(2 *(16+ (%t * 10))) 20 | drawtext -r @hanoi $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 14 $calc((570 - (16+ (%t * 10))) + (16+ (%t * 10))) $calc(245- (20* %p)) $gettok($hget(hanoi.3,Towers),%p,32) | dec %x }
alias hanoi.load {
  if ($hget(hanoi.1)) { hfree hanoi.1 | hfree hanoi.2 | hfree hanoi.3 | hfree hanoi }
  hadd -m hanoi moves 0 | hadd hanoi blocks $1
  hadd -m hanoi.1 Towers
  hadd -m hanoi.2 Towers
  hadd -m hanoi.3 Towers
  var %x $1 
  while (%x > 0) {
    hadd hanoi.1 $+(Block.,%x) %x
    dec %x
  hanoi.towers 1
alias hanoi.move {
  ;hanoi.move Tower# Before_Tower After_Tower
  var %h $+(Block.,$1), %b $+(hanoi.,$2), %a $+(hanoi.,$3), %c $iif($gettok($hget(%a,Towers),-1,32),$gettok($hget(%a,Towers),-1,32),$calc($1 + 1)), %d $iif($gettok($hget(%b,Towers),-1,32),$gettok($hget(%b,Towers),-1,32),$1)
  if ($1 < %c && %d == $1) {
    if (%b != %a && $hfind(%b,%h,1) && !$hfind(%a,%h,1)) {
      hadd %a %h $hget(%b,%h)
      hdel %b %h
    hanoi.towers $gettok(%b,2,46)
    hanoi.towers $gettok(%a,2,46)
    hinc hanoi moves
    ;show # of moves
    drawrect -fr @hanoi $rgb(255,255,255) 1 600 1 100 49 | drawtext -r @hanoi $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 14 600 5 Moves: $hget(hanoi,moves)
  else {
    if (%b != %a) {
      drawrect -fr @hanoi $rgb(255,255,255) 1 500 250 200 50
      drawtext -r @hanoi $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 11 500 255 Cannot move there.
  ;Now check if they won. %b = # of starting blocks. %n = Number of moves made so far.
  ;minimum number of moves: y=2^x -1
  var %b = $hget(hanoi,blocks), %n $hget(hanoi,moves)
  if (%n >= $calc((2^ %b) -1)) {
    if ($numtok($hget(hanoi.2,Towers),32) == %b || $numtok($hget(hanoi.3,Towers),32) == %b) { 
      drawrect -fr @hanoi $rgb(255,255,255) 1 500 250 200 50
      drawtext -r @hanoi $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 14 500 255 You won!
      .timer 1 5 hanoi $hget(hanoi,blocks)
alias hanoi.towers {
  ;Add another field for Towers in table sorted biggest to smallest.
  var %h $+(hanoi.,$1), %x $hfind(%h,Block.*,0,w).item, %p
  if ($hget(%h,Towers)) { hdel %h Towers }
  while (%x > 0) {
    %p = %p $hget(%h,$hfind(%h,Block.*,%x,w).item)
    dec %x
  hadd %h Towers $sorttok(%p,32,nr)
alias hanoi.isPos {
  ;Check if it's possible to put Block #(%tn) in tower (%a) coming from tower before (%b) $hanoi.ispos(block #,before tower, after tower)
  var %tn $1, %b $2, %a $3
  return $iif($hget(%b,%tn) < $gettok($hget(%a,Towers),1,32),$false,$true)
alias hanoi.getrgb { return $color($calc($1 + 2)) }
alias hanoi.gettower {
  ;Returns tower and block # $hanoi.gettower(x coord,y coord)
  var %x $1, %y $2, %i 15, %t $getdot(@hanoi,$1,$2)
  while (%i > 0) {
    if (%t == $color(%i)) { break }
    dec %i
  if ($inrect(%x,%y,30,75,200,170)) { var %a 1 }
  elseif ($inrect(%x,%y,250,75,200,170)) { var %a 2 }
  else var %a 3
  var %b $gettok($hget($+(Hanoi.,%a),Towers),$floor($calc(((245 - %y) / 20) + 1)),32)
  if (%a != 0) { return %a %b }
alias hanoi.unload {
  hfree -w hanoi.*
  unset %hanoi.*
menu @hanoi {
  sclick: { 
    var %x = $hanoi.gettower($mouse.x,$mouse.y)
    if ($getdot(@hanoi,$mouse.x,$mouse.y) != 16777215 && $getdot(@hanoi,$mouse.x,$mouse.y) != 0) { 
      ;if they have clicked a block
      set %hanoi.temp 1
      set %hanoi.temp1 %x
      ;draw current block in picwin
  uclick: {
    if (%hanoi.temp == 1) {
      ;If they clicked a block and now want to move it.
      var %x $mouse.x, %y $mouse.y
      if ($inrect(%x,%y,30,75,200,170)) { var %a 1 }
      elseif ($inrect(%x,%y,250,75,200,170)) { var %a 2 }
      else var %a 3
      hanoi.move $gettok(%hanoi.temp1,2,32) $gettok(%hanoi.temp1,1,32) %a
      set %hanoi.temp 0
      set %hanoi.temp1 $null
on 1:CLOSE:@hanoi: hanoi.unload


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Firstmate   -  Apr 27, 2009

Yeah I'm trying to get rid of the color problem.

Think I fixed it, I tested it a couple times and it wasn't changing color. I'll update.

Lazy   -  Apr 27, 2009

Good job with this. Only thing I see weird is that the blocks change color with every move.

5 blocks in 35 moves.

killwithme   -  Apr 26, 2009

nice one :D

got 5 blocks in 48 moves

Firstmate   -  Apr 25, 2009

lol I'm hindu too XD

Kirby   -  Apr 25, 2009

Lol @ tag 'jesus'. :D

Blitzjager   -  Apr 25, 2009

The numbers really help. (odds and evens)

Aucun50   -  Apr 24, 2009

Very nice, it gets tricky as ^Neptune said.

^Neptune   -  Apr 24, 2009

I did 5 blocks in 51 moves, but damn it was pretty tricky.

Firstmate   -  Apr 24, 2009

Posted screenshot.

FordLawnmower   -  Apr 23, 2009

Wow! Nice Firstmate.

Firstmate   -  Apr 23, 2009

NIGathan seems most persistent in me fixing a weird bug bout the color of the block. So I'll do that in the next 2 days or so if I get time.

Prelude   -  Apr 23, 2009

I give it a 15 FM!

Firstmate   -  Apr 23, 2009

Oh I see. Thank you. Will update.

Kirby   -  Apr 23, 2009

You won!
Cool Firstmate, though it took you quite a long time to finish it. :-P

Though, like I said in IRC, you can change

  hfree hanoi.1
  hfree hanoi.2
  hfree hanoi.3


  hfree -w hanoi.*

I would also unset the temporary variables %hanoi.temp and %hanoi.temp1 in the hanoi.unload alias.
Not to mention, you forgot the -m switches in many of the /hadd's.

But I like this picture window! I would give it an 8.0 if you can make the blocks follow the mouse until it is released and perfect the script!

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