A Few Cool things

By Zeppelin382 on Apr 13, 2009

I made these a while ago, didn't feel like releasing them. I didn't want them to get raped by people D:

So, the first one is a simple 8Ball snippet. The second is a gaymeter (a few personal additions, if you don't get it, it's ok), then there's the blahmeter which is kinda cool and lastly is my treasured Number Game! I have a few more I'd like to put up such as an Uno and Trivia game but still need to fix a few bugs on them.

!8Ball Does mostly everyone know what this does?

CAN YOU NOT SEE THE DO NOT DISTURB SIGN ON MY DOOR!? Gaymeter: !Gaymeter Me UHOMOLOL Blahmeter: !Lamemeter Blahmeter The Lamemeter says that.. Blahmeter is 0% Lame. Number Game: !Number Game starting, type !join to join !Join !Join !500 *notice* -> Too high !100 *notice -> Not your turn !250 *notice* -> Too low !100 *notice* -> Too low !347 You has won the game, the number was 347! ```mirc ;-Gaymeter on $*:text:/^[@!.]gaymeter */Si:#: { inc -u3 %spam. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] if (%spam. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] isnum 3-20 ) { notice $nick Please do not abuse these scripts. | set %ignore. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] | .timer 1 180 /unset %ignore. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] | halt } elseif ($address($nick,2) == %ignore. [ $+ [ $address ] ] ) { halt } if (%gaymeter == off ) { notice $nick This command is currently off. | halt } elseif (!$2) { notice $nick Please select someone to perform the gaymeter on. | halt } if (%gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != $null ) { notice $nick I already explained this.. $2 is %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ % gay goddamit! | halt } var %gm $rand(1,100) if (%gm isnum 1-10 ) { msg $chan 12Nah, $2 ain't gay. Your assholes are safe. He's about 04 $+ %gm $+ 12% homo. | set %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %gm | .timer 1 180 /unset %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } elseif (%gm isnum 11-20 ) { msg $chan 12 Eh. $2 might fantasize about you, but he's not really gay. I mean come on, the average is guy around 04 $+ %gm $+ 12% gay. | set %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %gm | .timer 1 180 /unset %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } elseif (%gm isnum 21-30) { msg $chan 12Alright! Here we go, $2 is mildly homo. Nothing to loosen your butthole though, only 04 $+ %gm $+ 12% gay, put your belts back on. | set %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %gm | .timer 1 180 /unset %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } elseif (%gm isnum 31-40) { msg $chan 12 $2 isn't sure whether he is gay or not, just leave his %gm $+ % gay ass alone. | set %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %gm | .timer 1 180 /unset %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } elseif (%gm isnum 41-50) { msg $chan 12So, you think $2 is gay? Well you may be right, this guy is04 %gm $+ 12% homo. Still in the closet though. | set %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %gm | .timer 1 180 /unset %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } elseif (%gm isnum 51-60) { msg $chan 12While $2 may have come out of the closet he isn't the most homo on the block. Although he might've stuck his04 %gm $+ 12% gay dick in another man. | set %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %gm | .timer 1 180 /unset %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } elseif (%gm isnum 61-70) { msg $chan 12Wow, flex your ass muscles guys. The resident homo has come around! $2 is04 %gm $+ 12% gay guys, wouldn't wanna be around him after he's taken some viagra or eaten green m&m's. | set %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %gm | .timer 1 180 /unset %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } elseif (%gm isnum 71-80) { msg $chan 12So.. wanna date? $2 is so gay, he turns straight men gay.04 %gm $+ 12% gay is enough to turn any man! | set %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %gm | .timer 1 180 /unset %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } elseif (%gm isnum 81-90) { msg $chan 12Eeeeeeee! $2 $+ 's been in a few porno flicks being04 %gm $+ 12% gay, including: Big Black Dildo surprise! and Once There was a Closed Hole Here. | set %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %gm | .timer 1 180 /unset %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } elseif (%gm isnum 91-95) { msg $chan 12 $+ $2 has reached MJ homo...04 %gm $+ 12% $+ .... [ $+ [ $upper$left($2,1) [ $+ [ $right($2,-1) ] ] ] ] | set %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %gm | .timer 1 180 /unset %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } elseif (%gm == 96) { msg $chan 12No comment, I don't want to be assraped. ( $+ $2 -04 %gm $+ 12%) [ $+ [ $upper$left($2,1) [ $+ [ $right($2,-1) ] ] ] ] | set %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %gm | .timer 1 180 /unset %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } elseif (%gm == 97) { msg $chan 12Guys like this are soo gay, they don't even seem gay. Take King_Josh192 for example. He's totally homo, but you wouldn't know talking to him. So yeah, $2 ranks up there with04 %gm $+ 12%. [ $+ [ $upper$left($2,1) [ $+ [ $right($2,-1) ] ] ] ] } elseif (%gm == 98) { msg $chan 12Umm.. $2 %gm $+ % gay, like this: <04@Icie_Juicy1> You can't have a female in your avatar at all, has to be a man (18:09:08) <04@Icie_Juicy1> With very little clothing (18:09:12) <04@Skit1> +1 | set %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %gm | .timer 1 180 /unset %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } elseif (%gm == 99) { msg $chan 12...... This person is 'Mary Hill' gay and I wouldn't be surprised if $2 is or is related to Mary Hill.. especially at 049912% gay.. | set %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %gm | .timer 1 180 /unset %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } elseif (%gm == 100) { msg $chan 7 $+ $UPPER($2) IS THE GAYLORD! HE IS THE MOTHER OF ALL HOMOSEXUALS AROUND THE GLOBE, THIS PERSON IS IMMORTAL, THEY CANNOT DIE, THEY ARE A WITCH OF THEIR KIND, THIS PERSON HAS NO ASSHOLE IT IS MERELY A BLACK HOLE INTO ANOTHER DIMENSION IN WHICH RAINBOWS FLOURISH AND LITTLE PINK UNICORNS DRY HUMP EACH OTHER AND EVERYTHING AROUND, THIS PERSON DESERVES NO PRAISE AND YET NO ANGER, FOR THEY ARE 100% GAY! | set %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %gm | .timer 1 180 /unset %gm. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } } ;-8Ball on $*:text:/^[@!.]8ball */Si:#: { inc -u3 %spam. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] if (%spam. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] isnum <= 3 ) { notice $nick Please do not abuse these scripts. | set %ignore. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] | .timer 1 180 /unset %ignore. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] | halt } elseif ($address($nick,2) == %ignore. [ $+ [ $address ] ] ) { halt } if (%8ball == off ) { notice $nick This command is currently off. | halt } elseif ($2-3 == $null ) { notice $nick You must ask a question! | halt } var %msg $iif($left($1,1) == @,msg $chan,notice $nick ) if (%8ball [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $2- ) { notice $nick I already told you the answer. | halt } var %8ball $rand(1,15) var %8ballsel Yes.|Nope.|OBVIOUSLY NOT!|Why.. why would you even ask that? That is the most retarded question ever.|Ask later, I'm fucking tired.|Yeah, sure, why not. 0Homo|Wow, when I was asked that I got a huuuggggeeee notion that you were gay.|Yes, I like it!|Of course.. lol..|Orly? Yarly cause it's true.|The answer is either Skittles or m&m's.|Boobs.|Hahahahaha! No|Yes, no, maybe so.|CAN YOU NOT SEE THE 'DO NOT DISTURB' SIGN ON MY DOORHANDLE!? var %8ball2 $gettok(%8ballsel,%8ball,124) %msg 6The 8ball has recieved your question and deliberated. The answer to "3 $+ $2- $+ 6" is:2 %8ball2 | set %8ball [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $2- | .timer 1 300 /unset %8ball [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $2- } ;-BlankMeter on $*:text:/^[@!.]*(meter)? */Si:#: { if (meter !isin $1 ) { halt } elseif ($2 == $null ) { notice $nick You must choose someone/thing to measure! | halt } elseif (%blahmeter == off ) { notice $nick This command is currently off. | halt } inc -u3 %spam. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] if (%spam. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] isnum <= 3 ) { notice $nick Please do not abuse these scripts. | set %ignore. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] | .timer 1 180 /unset %ignore. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] | halt } elseif ($address($nick,2) == %ignore. [ $+ [ $address ] ] ) { halt } var %msg $iif($left($1,1) == @,msg $chan,notice $nick ) if ($right($1,-1) == gaymeter) { halt } elseif (meter !isin $1 ) { halt } var %meter $rand(1,100) | %msg 12The4 $right($1,-1) 12says that..4 $2 12is4 %meter $+ 12% $left($right($1,-1),-5) $+ . } ------------------#4 on *:text:!Number:#:{ if (%num.switch != on ) && (%num.switch != playing ) { set %num.switch on set %players 1 set %turn# 1 set %number $r(1,1000) set %p. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] $nick set %turn [ $+ [ %players ] ] %p. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] msg $chan 14Hello! $+(12,$upper($left($nick,1)),$right($nick,-1),$chr(44)) 14has initiated the number game! For rules, type 12!rules14 and for instructions type 12!help14. To join the game, type 12!join14, everyone has 30 seconds to join, then the game starts. .timer 1 30 /set %num.switch playing | .timer 1 30 /msg $chan 14Number game is now starting! } else { notice $nick 14There is already a game going on! } } on *:text:!join:#cos-#game:{ if (%num.switch == playing) { notice $nick 14Sorry12 $nick $+ 14, but it seems either you are too late or no game is playing. To start a game type 12!number14. | halt } if (%num.switch == on ) { if ($nick != %p. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] ) { inc %players 1 set %p. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] $nick set %turn [ $+ [ %players ] ] %p. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] msg # $+(12,$upper($left($nick,1)),$right($nick,-1),$chr(44)) 14has joined the game! } else { notice $nick You are already playing! } } else { notice $nick 14Sorry12 $nick $+ 14, but it seems either you are too late or no game is playing. To start a game type 12!number14. } } on *:text:!*:#:{ if (%turn# > %players ) { set %turn# 1 } if (%num.switch != playing ) { halt } if (%num.switch == playing) && (%turn [ $+ [ %turn# ] ] == %p. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ]) { if (($1 isin %#commands ) || ($right($1,-1) !isnum )) { halt } if ($right($1,-1) !isnum ) { halt } if ($right($1,-1) > %number ) { inc %turn# 1 if (%turn# > %players ) { set %turn# 1 } notice $nick 4Incorrect14! You were too high. | msg $chan $right($1,-1) was incorrect, %turn [ $+ [ %turn# ] ] $+ 's turn. } elseif ($right($1,-1) < %number ) { inc %turn# 1 if (%turn# > %players ) { set %turn# 1 } notice $nick 4Incorrect14! You were too low. | msg $chan $right($1,-1) was incorrect, %turn [ $+ [ %turn# ] ] $+ 's turn. } elseif ($right($1,-1) == %number ) { notice $nick 6CONGRATULATIONS YOu HAVE CORRECTLY GUESSED THE NUMBER! msg $chan $nick 7has correctly guessed the number, which was6 %number $+ 7! The game is over! numend } } else { notice $nick 14It is not your turn. } } alias numend { unset %p.* | set %num.switch off | unset %players | unset %number |unset %turn* } ```


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Ghost-writer   -  Aug 28, 2009

2 weeks o.o thats a long time for only this lol! But i like it still.

Zeppelin382   -  Apr 27, 2009

Done! Only took me like two weeks!

Lol, laziness ftl

napa182   -  Apr 14, 2009

you can take a different approach on the 8ball code. Example only: trigger is 8ball question here followed by ? ex: 8ball will the world end?

on $*:text:/^(8ball\s(.+)\?)$/S:#:{
  if (!$($+(%,ball8flood),2)) { 
    set -u3 $+(%,ball8flood) $nick 
    var %^ = Ask again later.|Not a chance.|Pissoff|Heres an idea..Go Screw Ur Self|How the hell do I know?|Um.. do i look like a motherfing fortune teller to you?|Sigh.. why do all the morons ask me questions|Don't count on it.|My sources say no.|eh..sure why not..
    describe # shakes up the 8ball...
    .timer8ball 1 2 msg # The magic 8ball says: $gettok(%^,$r(1,10),124)
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