mIRC Notepad

By ProIcons on Apr 01, 2009


dialog Notepad {
  title "Notepad: New Text Document"
  size -1 -1 580 338
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 0 0 579 330, multi return autohs autovs hsbar vsbar
  text "", 15, 1 330 43 7, 
  text "", 16, 519 330 55 7, 
  menu "File", 2
  item "New", 5, 2
  item "Open", 6, 2
  item "Save", 7, 2
  item "Save As..", 8, 2
  item break, 9, 2
  item "Exit", 10, 2
  menu "View", 3
  item "Status Bar", 11, 3
  menu "Help", 4
  item "Help", 12, 4
  item break, 13, 4
  item "About", 14, 4

on *:dialog:Notepad:Menu:*:{
  if ($did == 5) {
    if (%notepad.lines != $did($dname,1).lines) { 
      if ($?!="Are You Want to save your project?" == $false) {
      did -r $dname 1 | dialog -t $dname Notepad: New Text Document }
      set %Notepad.lines $did($dname,1).lines
    else { did -r $dname 1 | dialog -t $dname Notepad: New Text Document 
      set %Notepad.lines $did($dname,1).lines
  if ($did == 6) { 
    if (%notepad.lines != $did($dname,1).lines) { 
      if ($?!="Are You Want to save your project?" == $false) { 
      else { .savebuf -eo $dname 1 " $+ $sfile(C:/*.txt,Save,Save) $+ " } 
    else { sload }
  if ($did == 7) { set %Notepad.lines $did($dname,1).lines | .savebuf  -eo $dname 1 " $+ $scriptdirTextDocument.txt $+ " | inc %files }
  if ($did == 8) { set %Notepad.lines $did($dname,1).lines | set %save_file $sfile(C:/*.txt,Save File as..,Save) | set %View_File $replace($nopath(%save_file),$chr(44),.) | .savebuf  -eo $dname 1 " $+ %save_file $+ .txt" | dialog -t $dname Notepad: %view_file | dialog -m Save_file save_file }
  if ($did == 10) { dialog -x $dname }
  if ($did == 14) { dialog -m Notepad_About Notepad_About }
  if ($did == 11) {
    if (%Notepad.StatusBar == off) { set %Notepad.StatusBar on | did -a $dname 15  Lines: $did(Notepad,1).lines | did -a $dname 16 $mouse.x $mouse.y | did -c $dname 11 }
    else { set %Notepad.StatusBar off | did -r $dname 15 | did -r $dname 16 | did -u $dname 11 }
alias sload { set %Text_File $sfile(C:/*.txt,Please Select a Text File To Continue,Open) | if (%text_file != $null) { did -r Notepad 1  set %View_File $replace($nopath(%text_file),$chr(44),.) | .loadbuf 0 -o Notepad 1 " $+ %text_file $+ "  unset %text_file } }
alias /Notepad { /dialog -m Notepad Notepad }

on *:dialog:Notepad:edit:*:{ 
  if (%Notepad.StatusBar == on) { did -ra $dname 15 Lines: $did(Notepad,1).lines  }
on *:dialog:Notepad:close:*:{
  if (%notepad.lines != $did($dname,1).lines) {
    if ($?!="Are You Want to save your project?" == $false) {
    else { .savebuf  -eo $dname 1 " $+ $sfile(C:/*.txt,Save File as..,Save) $+ .txt" }
  else { halt }
on *:dialog:Notepad:Mouse:*:{ 
  if (%Notepad.StatusBar == on) { did -ra $dname 16 $mouse.x $mouse.y  }

alias Proccess {
  var %a = 1
  while (%a <= 21) {
    set %b $calc(%b + $rand(0,300))
    .timer -m 1 %b .did -ra Save_File 16 %s $+ %
    inc %s 5
    inc %a



dialog Save_File {
  title "Save - File"
  size -1 -1 186 40
  option dbu
  icon $scriptdirBloc Notes SZ.ico, 0
  edit "0%", 16, 65 11 50 10, center
  text "Path File", 17, 30 2 116 8
  text "Total Size", 18, 0 26 37 8
  edit "", 19, 38 25 42 10, read center
on *:dialog:save_file:init:0:{ Proccess | .timer 1 3 did -a $dname 19 $mid($calc($file(%save_file $+ .txt).size / 1000),1,4) KB | did -a $dname 17 %save_file $+ .txt }
on *:dialog:Save_File:close:*:{ unset %b | unset %s }
alias save_As {
  var %i = 1
  while ( %i <= $did(notepad,1).lines ) {
    write " $+ %save_file $+ .txt" $did(notepad,1,%i).text
    inc %i
dialog Notepad_About {
  title "About Notepad"
  size -1 -1 147 81
  option dbu
  list 1, -1 -1 151 85,
on *:dialog:Notepad_About:active:0:{ 
  did -a $dname 1 Notepad Script By ProIcons 
  did -a $dname 1 mIRC Notepad 2007©


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