The IMDB (Internet Movie DataBase) Searcher

By Kirby on Mar 30, 2009

One of my friends coded a similar socket script but in a different coding language (he says it's not MSL and I don't know what it is), so I've decided to take his "layout" and transform it into a usable mIRC-version script.

This was one of my more difficult socket scripts, as I had to sockopen twice into the same website. One of the many problems was redirection of pages. On the first sockopen, it went to the search page as expected, but in other cases, it directly linked to the movie/tv show page.

I am surprised though, at how fast the script works (approximately > 4 ~ 5 seconds to message results), despite the two sockopens.

Anyhow I've fixed all known errors, but of course, if you find any errors please post a comment on this snippet page. :)

[size=16]Syntax: .imdb <movie/tv show>.[/size]

[size=14]I've also added a menu function to turn the script on or off, and yes, there is a 15-second flood protection[/size]

If you don't have a bot, you can use this version:
If you love expanded form and is a absolute vitality to your existence:

Thank you to Blitzjager for lending me a hand with one of the identifiers.

I hope you enjoy the [size=14]stars[/size].

[size=25]Enjoy! :D[/size]

Here's a picture:


;          IMDB Movie/TV Show Searcher           ;
;            Made by Kirby (Quakenet)            ;

;IMDB Aliases/Identifiers;
alias -l addmark { return $+($sock($1).mark,$chr($3),$2) }
alias -l between { noop $regex($1,/\Q $+ $2 $+ \E(.*?)\Q $+ $3 $+ \E/gi) | return $regml($4) }
alias -l char { return $replace($regsubex($1,/&#(x?([a-f\d]*));/gi,$chr($iif($left(\1,1) == x,$base(\2,16,10),\2))),&amp;,&,&lt;,<,&gt;,>,&quot;,") }
alias -l div { var %x $calc($0 - 1), %y 1 | while (%y < %x) { if ($ [ $+ [ %y ] ] != $null) { var %z %z $ [ $+ [ %y ] ] $chr($iif($ [ $+ [ $0 ] ] !isnum 1-,$chr(45),$v1)) } | inc %y } | var %z %z $ [ $+ [ $calc($0 - 1) ] ] | return $deltok(%z,$calc($numtok(%z,45)+1),45) }
alias -l htmlfree { var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,&nbsp;) | return $remove($replace(%x,$cr,$chr(32),$lf,$chr(32)),$chr(9)) }
alias -l lt { var %l $1, %t $2- | tokenize 94 $sock(imdb2).mark | while ($len(%t) > %l) { smsg $1 $left(%t,%l) | var %t $remove(%t,$left(%t,%l)) } | if (%t) smsg $1 %t }
alias -l smsg { msg $iif(c isincs $chan($1).mode,$1 $strip($2-),$1-) }
alias -l star { var %x $iif($abs($round($1,0)) <= 10,$v1,10) | return $+($str(8*,%x),$str(*,$calc(10-%x))) }

menu * {
  $iif($group(#IMDB) == On,$style(1)) IMDB Movie/TV Show Search
  .$iif($group(#IMDB) == On,$style(2)) On: .enable #IMDB
  .$iif($group(#IMDB) == Off,$style(2)) Off: .disable #IMDB

;Search a movie/tv show - Syntax: .imdb [movie/tv show];

on $*:text:/^[.!@]imdb*/Si:#: { if (!$2-) { .notice $nick [1,8Internet Movie Database]: You must supply a movie/tv show to search! | halt } | $iif($istok(%internetmoviedatabase,#,32),halt,set -u1 %internetmoviedatabase $addtok(%internetmoviedatabase,#,32)) | sockopen imdb 80 | sockmark imdb # $replace($2-,$chr(32),+) }

;Socket #1 (Finds first "exact match" link);

on *:sockopen:imdb: { tokenize 32 $sock(imdb).mark | sockwrite -n $sockname GET /find?s=all&q= $+ $2 HTTP/1.0 | sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $+ $crlf $+ $crlf }
 on *:sockread:imdb: {
  tokenize 32 $sock(imdb).mark | sockread %imdb
  if (<p style="margin:0 0 0.5em 0;"> isin %imdb) { if ($gettok($gettok(%imdb,4,34),1,47) != title) { halt } | elseif ($gettok($gettok(%imdb,4,34),1,47) == title) { sockmark imdb $+($1,^,$gettok(%imdb,4,34)) | halt } }
  elseif (Location: isin %imdb) { sockmark imdb $+($1,^,$gettok($gettok(%imdb,2,32),3,109)) | halt }
  elseif (<b>Titles (Exact Matches)</b> isin %imdb) { sockmark imdb $+($1,^,$noqt($between($between(%imdb,<b>Titles $+($chr(40),Exact Matches,$chr(41),</b>),$+(=",$chr(40),new Image,$chr(40),$chr(41),$chr(41),.src='),1),<a href=,onclick,1))) | halt }
on *:sockclose:imdb: { sockopen imdb2 80 | sockmark imdb2 $gettok($sock(imdb).mark,1-2,94) }

;Socket #2 (Retrieves information from page);

on *:sockopen:imdb2: { tokenize 94 $sock(imdb2).mark | sockwrite -n $sockname GET $2 HTTP/1.0 | sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $+ $crlf $+ $crlf }
on *:sockread:imdb2: {
  sockread %imdb2 | tokenize 94 $sock(imdb2).mark
  if (<title> isin %imdb2) {
    if ($htmlfree(%imdb2) == 400 Bad Request) || ($htmlfree(%imdb2) == IMDb:Permission denied) { sockclose imdb2 | msg $gettok($1,1,32) [1,8Internet Movie Database]: Error: Could not retrieve $replace($iif($gettok($1,2,32) == $null,your word,$+(',$v1,')),+,$chr(32)) from the database. Search another movie/tv show? - (15 seconds until next IMDB search) | halt }
    sockmark imdb2 $addmark(imdb2,Title: $+(,$char($htmlfree(%imdb2)),),94)
  elseif (<div class="meta"> isin %imdb2) { sockread %imdb2 | sockmark imdb2 $addmark(imdb2,Rating: $star($gettok($htmlfree(%imdb2),1,47)) $+($chr(40),,$iif($replace($htmlfree(%imdb2),$chr(40),$null,$chr(41),$null),$v1,None),,$chr(41)),94) }
  elseif (<h5>MOVIEmeter: isin %imdb2) { sockmark imdb2 $addmark(imdb2,MOVIEmeter: $+(,$iif($gettok($gettok($htmlfree(%imdb2),1,46),2-7,32),$v1,None),),94) }
  elseif (<h5>Release Date:</h5> isin %imdb2) { sockread %imdb2 | sockmark imdb2 $addmark(imdb2,Release Date: $+(,$iif(%imdb2,$v1,None),),94) }
  elseif (<h5>Genre:</h5> isin %imdb2) { sockread %imdb2 | sockmark imdb2 $addmark(imdb2,Genre: $+(,$remove($replace($htmlfree(%imdb2),|,$chr(183)),$+($chr(32),more)),),94) }
  elseif (<h5>Tagline:</h5> isin %imdb2) { sockread %imdb2 | sockmark imdb2 $addmark(imdb2,Tagline: $+($remove($htmlfree(%imdb2),$+($chr(32),more))),94) | halt }
  elseif (<h5>Awards:</h5> isin %imdb2) { var %x <a class="tn15more inline" | while (%x !isin %imdb2) { var %imdb3 $addtok(%imdb3,$htmlfree(%imdb2),32) | sockread %imdb2 } | sockmark imdb2 $addmark(imdb2,Awards: $+(,$iif($mid(%imdb3,9,$len(%imdb3)),$v1,None),),94) }

on *:sockclose:imdb2: { tokenize 94 $sock(imdb2).mark | lt 440 $remove($gettok($1,1,32),$1) [1,8Internet Movie Database]: $iif($numtok($sock(imdb2).mark,94) >= 1,$div($iif($3,$v1,$null),$iif($4,$v1,$null),$iif($5,$v1,$null),$iif($6,$v1,$null),$iif($7,$v1,$null),$iif($8,$v1,$null),$iif($9,$v1,$null),45),Error: Couldn't find your movie/tv show. Search another?) | lt 425 $remove($gettok($1,1,32),$1) [1,8Internet Movie Database]: URL: $+(,http://,$sock(imdb2).addr,$2,) - (15 seconds until next IMDB search) | unset %imdb* }



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b0sse   -  Sep 16, 2010

just a heads up, imdb just changed their website design. dunno if it messes up this script or not, just thought i'd let you know.

Jethro   -  Apr 15, 2010

After a few more rounds of testing, I seem to have resolved the issue with my edit above:> !imdb avatar

[Internet Movie Database]: Title: Avatar (2009) - MOVIEmeter: Up 12% in popularity this week - Release Date: 18 December 2009 (USA) - Genre: - Tagline: - Awards: Won 3 Oscars. Another 28 wins & 53 nominations lt 425 [Internet Movie Database]: URL: - (15 seconds until next IMDB search) !imdb chainsaw [Internet Movie Database]: Title: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) - MOVIEmeter: No change in popularity this week - Release Date: 17 October 2003 (USA) - Genre: - Tagline: - Awards: 4 wins & 10 nominations lt 425 [Internet Movie Database]: URL: - (15 seconds until next IMDB search) !imdb there's something about mary [Internet Movie Database]: Title: There's Something About Mary (1998) - MOVIEmeter: Up 19% in popularity this week - Release Date: 15 July 1998 (USA) - Genre: - Tagline: - Awards: Nominated for 2 Golden Globes. Another 16 wins & 11 nominations lt 425 [Internet Movie Database]: URL: - (15 seconds until next IMDB search) !imdb shrek [Internet Movie Database]: Title: Shrek (2001) - MOVIEmeter: Up 4% in popularity this week - Release Date: 18 May 2001 (USA) - Genre: - Tagline: - Awards: Won Oscar. Another 29 wins & 44 nominations lt 425 [Internet Movie Database]: URL: - (15 seconds until next IMDB search) !imdb Lion kings [Internet Movie Database]: Title: The Lion King (1994) - MOVIEmeter: No change in popularity this week - Release Date: 24 June 1994 (USA) - Genre: - Tagline: - Awards: Won 2 Oscars. Another 22 wins & 22 nominations lt 425 [Internet Movie Database]: URL: - (15 seconds until next IMDB search)I also removed and cleaned some bits here and there to make it more uniform. Kiby's way of scripting is putting everything together in a very long line, which makes his script harder to read. Enjoy the fix, folks.
Jethro   -  Apr 14, 2010

Here is my attempt to fix the issue, and it should work correctly now:

menu * {
  $iif($group(#IMDB) == On,$style(1)) IMDB Movie/TV Show Search
  .$iif($group(#IMDB) == On,$style(2)) On: .enable #IMDB
  .$iif($group(#IMDB) == Off,$style(2)) Off: .disable #IMDB
alias -l addmark { return $+($sock($1).mark,$chr($3),$2) }
alias -l between { noop $regex($1,/\Q $+ $2 $+ \E(.*?)\Q $+ $3 $+ \E/gi) | return $regml($4) }
alias -l char { return $replace($regsubex($1,/&#(x?([a-f\d]*));/gi,$chr($iif($left(\1,1) == x,$base(\2,16,10),\2))),&amp;,&,&lt;,<,&gt;,>,&quot;,") }
alias -l div { var %x $calc($0 - 1), %y 1 | while (%y < %x) { if ($ [ $+ [ %y ] ] != $null) { var %z %z $ [ $+ [ %y ] ] $chr($iif($ [ $+ [ $0 ] ] !isnum 1-,$chr(45),$v1)) } | inc %y } | var %z %z $ [ $+ [ $calc($0 - 1) ] ] | return $deltok(%z,$calc($numtok(%z,45)+1),45) }
alias -l htmlfree { var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,&nbsp;) | return $remove($replace(%x,$cr,$chr(32),$lf,$chr(32)),$chr(9)) }
alias -l lt { var %l $1, %t $2- | tokenize 94 $sock(imdb2).mark | while ($len(%t) > %l) { smsg $1 $left(%t,%l) | var %t $remove(%t,$left(%t,%l)) } | if (%t) smsg $1 %t }
alias -l smsg { msg $iif(c isincs $chan($1).mode,$1 $strip($2-),$1-) }
alias -l star { var %x $iif($abs($round($1,0)) <= 10,$v1,10) | return $+($str(8*,%x),$str(*,$calc(10-%x))) }
on $*:text:/^[.!@]imdb*/Si:#: { if (!$2-) { .notice $nick [1,8Internet Movie Database]: You must supply a movie/tv show to search! | halt } | $iif($istok(%internetmoviedatabase,#,32),halt,$&
  set -u1 %internetmoviedatabase $addtok(%internetmoviedatabase,#,32)) | sockopen imdb 80 | sockmark imdb # $replace($2-,$chr(32),+) }
on *:sockopen:imdb: { tokenize 32 $sock(imdb).mark | sockwrite -n $sockname GET /find?s=all&q= $+ $2 HTTP/1.0 | sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $+ $crlf $+ $crlf }
on *:sockread:imdb: {
  tokenize 32 $sock(imdb).mark | sockread %imdb
  if (<p style="margin:0 0 0.5em 0;"> isin %imdb) { if ($gettok($gettok(%imdb,4,34),1,47) != title) { halt } | elseif ($gettok($gettok(%imdb,4,34),1,47) == title) { sockmark imdb $+($1,^,$gettok(%imdb,4,34)) | halt } }
  elseif (Location: isin %imdb) { sockmark imdb $+($1,^,$gettok($gettok(%imdb,2,32),3,109)) | halt }
  elseif (<b>Titles (Exact Matches)</b> isin %imdb) { sockmark imdb $+($1,^,$noqt($between($between(%imdb,<b>Titles $+($chr(40),Exact Matches,$chr(41),</b>),$+(=",$chr(40),new Image,$chr(40),$chr(41),$chr(41),.src='),1),<a href=,onclick,1))) | halt }
on *:sockclose:imdb: { sockopen imdb2 80 | sockmark imdb2 $gettok($sock(imdb).mark,1-2,94) }
on *:sockopen:imdb2: { tokenize 94 $sock(imdb2).mark | sockwrite -n $sockname GET $2 HTTP/1.0 | sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $+ $crlf $+ $crlf }
on *:sockread:imdb2: {
  var %imdb2 | sockread %imdb2
  if (<title> isin %imdb2) {
    if ($htmlfree(%imdb2) == 400 Bad Request) || ($htmlfree(%imdb2) == IMDb:Permission denied) { sockclose imdb2 | notice $nick ERROR: Could not retrieve $replace($iif($gettok($1,2,32) == $null,$&
        your word,$+(',$v1,')),+,$chr(32)) from the database. Search another movie/tv show? - (15 seconds until next IMDB search)
    sockmark imdb2 $addmark(imdb2,Title: $+(,$char($htmlfree(%imdb2)),),94)
  elseif (<div class="meta"> isin %imdb2) { sockread %imdb2 | sockmark imdb2 $addmark(imdb2,Rating: $star($gettok($htmlfree(%imdb2),1,47)) $+($chr(40),,$iif($replace($htmlfree(%imdb2),$chr(40),$null,$chr(41),$null),$v1,None),,$chr(41)),94) }
  elseif (<h5>MOVIEmeter: isin %imdb2) { sockmark imdb2 $addmark(imdb2,MOVIEmeter: $+(,$iif($gettok($gettok($htmlfree(%imdb2),1,46),2-7,32),$v1,None),),94) }
  elseif ($regex(%imdb2,/(\d{2} \S+ \d{4} \(\S+\))/)) { sockread %imdb2 | sockmark imdb2 $addmark(imdb2,Release Date: $+(,$iif(%imdb2,$regml(1),None),),94) }
  elseif (<h5>Genre:</h5> isin %imdb2) { sockread %imdb2 | sockmark imdb2 $addmark(imdb2,Genre: $+(,$remove($replace($htmlfree(%imdb2),|,$chr(183)),$+($chr(32),more)),),94) }
  elseif (<h5>Tagline:</h5> isin %imdb2) { sockread %imdb2 | sockmark imdb2 $addmark(imdb2,Tagline: $+($remove($htmlfree(%imdb2),$+($chr(32),more))),94) | halt }
  elseif (<h5>Awards:</h5> isin %imdb2) { var %x <a class="tn15more inline" | while (%x !isin %imdb2) { var %imdb3 $addtok(%imdb3,$htmlfree(%imdb2),32) | sockread %imdb2 } | sockmark imdb2 $addmark(imdb2,Awards: $+(,$iif($mid(%imdb3,9,$len(%imdb3)),$replace($v1,&amp;,&),None),),94) }
on *:sockclose:imdb2: { tokenize 94 $sock(imdb2).mark | lt 440 $remove($gettok($1,1,32),$1) [1,8Internet Movie Database]: $iif($numtok($sock(imdb2).mark,94) >= 1,$div($iif($3,$v1,$null),$iif($4,$v1,$null),$iif($5,$v1,$null),$iif($6,$v1,$null),$iif($7,$v1,$null),$iif($8,$v1,$null),$&
    $iif($9,$v1,$null),45),Error: Couldn't find your movie/tv show. Search another?) $remove($gettok($1,1,32),$1) [1,8Internet Movie Database]: URL: $+(,http://,$sock(imdb2).addr,$2,) - (15 seconds until next IMDB search) | unset %imdb*
Jethro   -  Apr 14, 2010

I don't think Kirby has been around for two months or so now.

StonaJakey   -  Apr 14, 2010

same as VinX, needs an update to fix the release date...aweet script tho, hoping you can update soon kirby, i rated 9/10 only cuz the release date issue

VinX   -  Mar 23, 2010

(11:36:50) (VinX) !imdb New Moon
(11:37:29) (~v2-BoT) [Internet Movie Database]: Title: New Moon (2009) - MOVIEmeter: Up 17% in popularity this week - Release Date:

- Genre: - Tagline: - Awards: 9 nominations
(11:37:29) (~v2-BoT) [Internet Movie Database]: URL: - (15 seconds until next IMDB search)

Release Date : !?!

Weapon-X   -  Nov 18, 2009

Great contribution Kirby, been using this script for a couple months now on my bot, I like the look better than the previous script I was using. However, someone just noticed in one of my chans that it is not grabbing the Genre when it posts to the channel. We tried several queries, and none of them come back with a Genre result. I don't know socket scripting, so I can't really figure out a way to fix it myself, unfortunately. Just wanted to call it to your attention in case you're monitoring this post. Thanks.

RicJames   -  Sep 09, 2009

Great script kirby Thanks.

explodedk   -  Sep 06, 2009

hey Kirby , really great script... how ever the links are not working . getting a timeout trying to reach em. posible you could upload it to pastebin or something?

is it posible you could get it to spam box office aswell ? would be nice to have that imo.

great work thou :)

Kirby   -  May 02, 2009

Updated. Added a second message containing the URL.

Kirby   -  May 02, 2009

Read the description please...
Syntax: .imdb

slippy090   -  May 01, 2009

how do i get it to find a movie???

OliMaylen   -  Apr 06, 2009

Kirby, it is not a case of not understanding the script or needing you to elaborate on any parts. I'm merely stating a point that obviously others have an issue with too. Was I flaming? No, what are comments for? For leaving constructive feedback, likes/dislikes, additions etc of the script? Yes.

I was looking for a good imdb script to use as I didn't much feel like coding one myself, laziness, lack of time, whatever the reason.

As I said, the script is great & works very well. I understand how it works but don't like the colours, the way it delivers to the channel etc. Rarely when I use someone else's script do I not edit it to suit the way I like things & I'm sure I am not the only one. I was simply stating for that reason alone I would not use it. Call it constructive criticism or flaming as you wish, but if you are supplying scripts in the hope that other people will use them, maybe you would like to know what others think for future reference in the hope that more people will use it.

In future I will simply not comment on any of your snippets in an effort to avoid offending your fragile ego further.

xero_art   -  Mar 31, 2009

gr8 script...I'd suggest adding a tinyurl link to the site but I can just do that myself...still, I give it a 10 for sheer coding...

Prelude   -  Mar 31, 2009

Kirby, buddy pal, it's a decent script, and works so thats good, its not THAT useful its just a extra type script imo, nothing one truly need, it's fun, but no 10. Dunno why ppl are having fit over the WAY its coded, tbh it's irrelevant, just use it or don't?. B tw wtf happened to, this whole place has become katty as hell =\, sorta sad.

Jonesy44   -  Mar 31, 2009

Nazi [10/10 btw]

Eugenio   -  Mar 30, 2009

ROFL @ racial slur, ngr plz! wernt even talking to j00 ford lawnmower
case you hadnt noticed
/me is the only black in the village

smh @ steve refraining from doing a napa

napa182   -  Mar 30, 2009

lmao why accommodate to them... if it's such a problem to them they can make one themselves i mean ffs

Kirby   -  Mar 30, 2009

Regardless of the fact that it's a bit difficult to read, I don't see why you would not use the script.
Of course if the script doesn't interest you, you wouldn't bother to look at it; but the coding style?> would start on the next line instead of using " | " but I guess it's down to personal preferenceLike you said, it's a personal preference, but I don't see why you would want to not use it.
I can assume that the reason why you don't want to use it is because it is difficult to edit/debug; you have no idea what is happening in the script, what parts can be edited, etc. Well, there's nothing I can really do about it to make you understand; I code in a rather different way; even understanding the code may be difficult for most. I don't guarantee that the user will understand the code, because that's, ultimately, their 'job'. It's their duty, if they were to edit/debug, to understand what is going on in the script, and hold responsibility of what they've done. For example, someone edited parts of the script but had almost no idea of what he or she was doing. They would then blame it on the script maker for having the script "too hard to read" or "too bunched up". That is completely irrelevant to the script. Which leads to what I have to say next.
If you were to ask me to elaborate on the script, I would be more than happy to do so, but having interest in the script, but not even using it because it's not your coding style? Or similarly, "I don't know what's going on, so I'm going to flame the poster, why didn't you make it easier for 'us' to read?" Ridiculous, in my opinion. Like you said: "personal preference".
I do not appreciate whining and complaining about the script's structure - if the result of the code is buggy, then obviously that's something that I will take into consideration; but how I digress many times, what you are saying is completely irrelevant.

Eugenio, I will not use a script unless I can read and understand every single line of it. Doing otherwise would be ignorant on my part.I don't have to explain what every single line is in the script, because that is virtually impossible.
But don't get me wrong - what you're saying is absolutely true. It may be harder to read/debug. I just take a different approach than you do.
However, I appreciate your comments, but if you want an expanded version so much, here you go. But I am NOT changing what I have posted.

napa182   -  Mar 30, 2009

LMFAO @ eugene useing racial slurs ...
well he is the only Black Naiz i know of...

the code is a bit bunched up but i can read and understand it just fine. whats the diff you either side scroll or scroll up and down ffs
nice work Kirby..

FordLawnmower   -  Mar 30, 2009

Eugenio, I will not use a script unless I can read and understand every single line of it. Doing otherwise would be ignorant on my part.

ngr plz
Your racial slurs are completely uncalled for!!

Eugenio   -  Mar 30, 2009

They dont need to comprehend the code ffs, it workz fine.

^Neptune   -  Mar 30, 2009

He does have a point.

Most of the lines make you horizontal scroll for ages (horizontal scrolling = bad), and it's so confusing with all these $iif's and such no-one can really figure out what's going on. :C

Eugenio   -  Mar 30, 2009

You wont use a script because of how its coded, even tho it works you want to edit it to how YOU like it, use another one or re-code?!?
ngr plz

OliMaylen   -  Mar 30, 2009

Script is great and works very well, but I'm with FordLawnmower on the code layout. There is never any need for such long lines of code, that's what the Enter key is for.

I would start on the next line instead of using " | " but I guess it's down to personal preference. I think it makes it a lot easier on the eye if you wish to edit or look at the script & removes the need to scroll in the editor.

For this reason I would not use this script, I could edit it to make it how I like it, or I could just use another or write one.

slacker   -  Mar 30, 2009

hmm for some reason it didnt paste the ()'s. updated my ex: in other comment, and with the update it is $regml(2) cuz 1 would be imdb

Kirby   -  Mar 30, 2009

Believe it should be $regml(1). Not sure though.
Yup, you're right. Edited + Updated.

Blitzjager   -  Mar 30, 2009

Believe it should be $regml(1). Not sure though.

Kirby   -  Mar 30, 2009

Ah okay, thanks for the tip slacker, the on text event worked, but are you sure $regml(2) is right? It didn't work for me.

Eugenio   -  Mar 30, 2009

rofl @ abusing your bot!
that alias version pwnz
/me rates 10

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