ChannelLog v.1.0.1

By Tamaki on Mar 21, 2009


To install:
/install clog

To uninstall
/uninstall clog

Please be aware that after you install this program, you will need to restart your connection to any server(s) you might be on.

To operate:

Type /clog
Select a server from the drop-down list (do not select Server...)
Type a channel into the #channel edit box.
Select the type of report you wanna see...
then click Generate. Thats it!

Fixed a small error.

on *:LOAD: {
  createlicense clog
  echo -a Type /install clog to install the Channel Log script.

on *:START: {
  If ($readini(clog.ini,status,installed) == yes ) {
    If ($readini(clog.ini,status,auto_start) == yes ) {
      check clog
    Else {
      echo -a Type /clog to start up the Channel Log Report Maker
  Else {
    echo -a Type /install clog to install the Channel Log Script

on *:CONNECT: {
  If ($read(cservers.txt, s, $server) == $null ) {
    write cservers.txt $server $server
    write cserv.txt $server
    writeini clog.ini status servers $calc($readini(clog.ini,status,servers) + 1 )

on *:JOIN:#: {
  writeini clog.ini $server $chan $calc($readini(clog.ini,$server,$chan) + 1 )
  write $server $+ _ $+ $chan $+ _clog.txt JOIN $nick $+ ( $+ $address $+ ) on $server $+ , joined $chan on $adate at $time $+ .

on *:PART:#: {
  writeini clog.ini $server $chan $calc($readini(clog.ini,$server,$chan) + 1 )
  write $server $+ _ $+ $chan $+ _clog.txt PART $nick $+ ( $+ $address $+ ) on $server $+ , left $chan on $adate at $time $+ .

on *:QUIT: {
  writeini clog.ini $server quits $calc($readini(clog.ini,$server,quits) + 1 )
  write quits.txt $nick $+ ( $+ $address $+ ) $+ , quit from $server on $adate at $time $+ .

on *:NICK: {
  writeini clog.ini $server nicks $calc($readini(clog.ini,$server,nicks) + 1 )
  write nick.txt $nick $+ ( $+ $address $+ ) $+ , on $server $+ , has changed his/her nick to $newnick $+ .

alias clog_install {
  writeini clog.ini status installed yes
  set %show.join no
  set %show.part no
  set %show.quit no
  set %show.nick no
  echo -a Channel Log has been installed. It is recommended that you reconnect to any server(s) you might be connected to.
  echo -a To start up the Channel Log options, please type /clog

alias clog_uninstall {
  remove clog.ini
  remove cservers.txt
  remove cserv.txt
  unset %show.join
  unset %show.part
  unset %show.quit
  unset %show.nick

alias clog {
  check clog

dialog clog {
  title Channel Log
  option dbu
  size -1 -1 101  77
  combo 1, 1 1 100 10, drop
  edit "#Channel", 2, 1 11 100 10, disable
  text "Show", 3, 1 22 100 10
  check "Joins", 4, 1 33 49 10
  check "Parts", 5, 50 33 49 10
  check "Quits", 6, 1 44 49 10
  check "Nicks", 7, 50 44 49 10
  button "Generate", 8, 1 55 100 10, disable
  button "Reset", 9, 1 66 100 10

on *:DIALOG:clog:*:0: {
  If ($devent == init ) {
    did -a clog 1 Server...
    var %temp.1 $readini(clog.ini,status,servers)
    While (%temp.1 > 0 ) {
      did -a clog 1 $read(cserv.txt, %temp.1)
      dec %temp.1
    If (%show.join == yes ) {
      did -c clog 4
    If (%show.part == yes ) {
      did -c clog 5
    If (%show.quit == yes ) {
      did -c clog 6
    If (%show.nick == yes ) {
      did -c clog 7
  Elseif ($devent == close ) {
    set %clog_open no

on *:DIALOG:clog:*:*: {
  If ($devent == sclick) {
    If ($did == 1) { 
      did -ef clog 2 
    Elseif ($did == 4) {
      If (%show.join == yes ) {
        set %show.join no 
      Else {
        set %show.join yes
    Elseif ($did == 5 ) {
      If (%show.part == yes ) {
        set %show.part no
      Else {
        set %show.part yes
    Elseif ($did == 6 ) {
      If (%show.quit == yes ) {
        set %show.quit no
      Else {
        set %show.quit yes
    Elseif ($did == 7 ) {
      If (%show.nick == yes ) {
        set %show.nick no
      Else {
        set %show.nick yes
    Elseif ($did == 8 ) {
      If (($did(4).state == 1 ) || ($did(5).state == 1 ) || ($did(6).state == 1 ) || ($did(7).state == 1 )) {
        If ($did(1).seltext != Server... ) {
          If ($did(2) != $null ) {
            If ($readini(clog.ini,$did(1).seltext,$did(2)) != $null ) {
              write clog.txt CLog
              var %temp.1 $readini(clog.ini,$did(1).seltext,$did(2))
              var %temp.6 1
              If (%show.join == yes) || (%show.part) == yes ) {
                write clog.txt -Joins and Parts-
              While (%temp.1 > 0 ) {
                If (%show.join == yes) && (JOIN isin $read($did(1).seltext $+ _ $+ $did(2) $+ _clog.txt, %temp.1)) {
                  write clog.txt %temp.6 $+ . $read($did(1).seltext $+ _ $+ $did(2) $+ _clog.txt, %temp.1)
                  inc %temp.6
                  write -i clog.txt
                If (%show.part == yes) && (PART isin $read($did(1).seltext $+ _ $+ $did(2) $+ _clog.txt, %temp.1)) {
                  write clog.txt %temp.6 $+ . $read($did(1).seltext $+ _ $+ $did(2) $+ _clog.txt, %temp.1)
                  inc %temp.6
                  write -i clog.txt
                dec %temp.1
              If (%show.quit == yes ) {
                gen quits
              If (%show.nick == yes ) {
                gen nicks
              Else {
                gen finish
            Else {
              echo -a Error with program. 001
          Else {
            did -f clog 2
            echo -a Error 123
        Else {
          did -f clog 1
          echo -a Error 456
      Else {
        echo -a Please check a log you would like to see.
    Elseif ($did == 9 ) {
      close clog
      start clog
  Elseif ($devent == edit ) {
    If ($did == 2 ) {
      did -e clog 8

alias gen {
  If ($1 == $null ) {
    echo -a Error 002
  Elseif ($1 == quits ) {
    write clog.txt -Quits-
    var %temp.2 $readini(clog.ini,$did(clog, 1).seltext,quits)
    var %temp.4 1
    While (%temp.2 > 0 ) {
      If ($did(clog, 1).seltext isin $read(quits.txt, %temp.2) ) {
        write clog.txt %temp.4 $+ . $read(quits.txt, %temp.2)
        inc %temp.4
        write -i clog.txt
      dec %temp.2
  Elseif ($1 == nicks ) {
    var %temp.3 $readini(clog.ini,$did(clog, 1).seltext,nicks)
    var %temp.5 1
    write clog.txt -Nicks-
    While (%temp.3 > 0 ) {
      If ($did(clog, 1).seltext isin $read(nick.txt, %temp.3) ) {
        write clog.txt %temp.5 $+ . $read(nick.txt, %temp.3)
        inc %temp.5
        write -i clog.txt
      dec %temp.3
  Elseif ($1 == finish ) {
    .timer 1 1 /run clog.txt
    .timer 1 3 /remove clog.txt

alias regenfinish {
  gen finish


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Tamaki   -  Mar 22, 2009

then it doesn't work :/
if ur looking for a channel logger script like services has, then you'll need to own services on a network...a lot of hassle
btw Luc, my server is up permanently, i went and bought a shell, get the Help Connection Center i posted, i'll take you right to my server ^_^

LucSatise   -  Mar 22, 2009

what if ur not actually in the channel at the time?

Tamaki   -  Mar 21, 2009

thanks ^_^

it's big cause it also generates custom reports based on what server and channel you want, and what kind of report you want (i.e. joins, parts, nick changes, quits)

i didn't know how else to make it better or more customizable, if you got an idea, lemme know

Aucun50   -  Mar 21, 2009

Looks big for a channel logger. Nice script

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