
By ProIcons on Feb 07, 2009

Bugs Post Here

menu nicklist {
  .Ban SyStem by ProIcons
  ..$iif($me isop $chan,Ban,$style(2) Not Op) { set %channel_b $chan | set %user_b $$1 | /dialog -m Reasons Reasons }
  ..Reasons:{ if ($exists($mircdirReasons.txt)) { run reasons.txt } | else { write reasons.txt $me | run reasons.txt } }
  ..Info:{ set %asd $input(Ban System By ProIcons $crlf Version 1,460) }
dialog Reasons {
  title "BanSystem"
  size -1 -1 204 62
  option dbu
  list 1, 0 0 204 44, size
  button "Random", 2, 55 46 37 12
  button "Select", 3, 105 46 37 12
on *:dialog:Reasons:init:0:{
  if (!$exists($mircdirreasons.txt)) {
    write reasons.txt $me
    if ($input(A new File Reasons.txt Has Been Created,460) != 233) { halt }
    else { write_reasons }
  else {
alias write_reasons {
  var %i = 1
  while ( %i <= $lines($mircdirreasons.txt) ) {
    did -a reasons 1 $read($mircdirreasons.txt,%i)
    inc %i
on *:dialog:Reasons:Sclick:3:{
  if ($did($dname,1).seltext != $null) {
    ban -k %channel_b %user_b $did($dname,1).seltext
  else { set %asd $input(Please Select A Reason,460) }
on *:dialog:Reasons:sclick:2:{
  ban -k %channel_b %user_b $did($dname,1,$rand(1,$did($dname,1).seltext)))


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