Kirby's Microsoft Agent Dialog

By Kirby on Feb 02, 2009

Well this took a while. @_@

It's a Microsoft Agent Browser where you can load/unload Agents to perform various commands including:

  • Viewing name, filename, pitch, speed, original width/height
  • Change the visible,idle,effects, and balloon options (enabling/disabling,hide,size,pace)
  • Move, point, and change the size of the agent.
  • Play soundfiles and actions
  • ...and more!

It might be easier to just look at the dialog rather than me explaining it.

What the stuff in each of the tabs can do:

  • Tab 1 - Load/Unload Agents and displays general information about them.
  • Tab 2 - Choose a temporary default agent in which you can move, point with, and change the size of him/her.
  • Tab 3 - Choose a temporary default agent where you can have him/her speak, play .wav files, or perform actions, with some options and a STOP button (to stop specified commands).
  • Tab 4 - Credits and Links to sites where you can download Agents.

Basically, you can control almost every possible command that the Agent can do.

If you aren't familiar with Agents, I suggest you should take a peek at the help file before rating or commenting on this snippet: /help agents

When testing this script, please make sure your OS is Windows...thank you.

I originally got this idea from Kyuuryu_Kijoutsu who submitted the first Microsoft Agent Dialog to Hawkee about three years ago.
I peeked at that about a week ago and I've been motivated to make a similar dialog but with more functionality (i.e. talking, moving, sizing, etc.), and it is! :)

Here's a picture:


Enjoy! :D

dialog agent {
  title "Microsoft Agent Browser"
  size -1 -1 182 207
  option dbu
  tab "Agent Information", 4, 1 -2 181 219
  text "Installed Agents:", 2, 32 15 43 7, tab 4
  list 1, 25 25 56 52, tab 4 size
  list 3, 102 25 56 52, tab 4 size
  text "Loaded Agents:", 5, 110 15 41 7, tab 4
  button "Load Agent", 8, 28 79 50 10, tab 4
  button "Unload Agent", 9, 105 79 50 10, tab 4
  text "Name:", 11, 17 105 17 8, tab 4
  edit "", 12, 36 104 50 11, tab 4 read
  text "File:", 13, 97 105 12 8, tab 4
  box "Speech", 15, 19 119 67 35, tab 4
  box "Starting Size", 10, 98 119 66 35, tab 4
  text "Pitch:", 16, 29 128 16 8, tab 4
  text "Width:", 17, 108 128 18 8, tab 4
  text "Speed:", 18, 26 141 19 8, tab 4
  edit "", 19, 51 127 27 11, tab 4 read
  text "Height:", 21, 107 141 20 8, tab 4
  edit "", 23, 131 140 27 11, tab 4 read
  box "Settings", 24, 19 156 145 20, tab 4
  check "Visible", 25, 30 163 28 12, tab 4
  check "Effects", 27, 127 163 28 12, tab 4
  box "Agent Information", 28, 13 95 158 86, tab 4
  button "CLOSE! :D", 29, 51 184 81 20, tab 4
  edit "", 14, 111 104 54 11, tab 4 read
  edit "", 22, 131 127 27 11, tab 4 read
  edit "", 20, 51 140 27 11, tab 4 read
  check "Idle", 26, 81 163 28 12, tab 4
  tab "Agent Positioning", 6
  combo 31, 59 31 65 48, tab 6 size drop
  box "Agent Selection", 30, 35 15 115 31, tab 6
  edit "", 43, 35 63 27 11, tab 6 read
  edit "", 44, 75 63 27 11, tab 6 read
  button "Get Coordinates", 45, 109 62 45 13, tab 6
  button "Move", 46, 70 95 37 13, tab 6
  box "Move Agent", 49, 20 53 143 59, tab 6
  text "Default Agent", 58, 76 23 35 8, tab 6
  box "Point Agent", 52, 20 112 143 44, tab 6
  edit "", 47, 35 122 27 11, tab 6 read
  edit "", 48, 75 122 27 11, tab 6 read
  button "Get Coordinates", 50, 109 121 45 13, tab 6
  button "Point", 51, 70 138 37 13, tab 6
  box "Size Agent", 57, 20 156 143 47, tab 6
  edit "", 53, 35 168 27 11, tab 6
  edit "", 54, 75 168 27 11, tab 6
  button "Get Size", 55, 109 167 45 13, tab 6
  button "Set Size", 56, 36 185 53 13, tab 6
  button "Restore to Default", 59, 102 185 53 13, tab 6
  radio "Slow", 60, 50 85 24 10, tab 6
  text "Speeds:", 63, 78 78 22 8, tab 6
  radio "Fast", 61, 77 85 24 10, tab 6
  radio "Instant", 62, 103 85 29 10, tab 6
  tab "Agent Speech", 7
  combo 32, 59 31 65 50, tab 7 size drop
  text "Use the following text to preview the voice.", 33, 37 62 106 8, tab 7
  button "Preview Voice", 34, 120 73 37 12, tab 7
  check "Think", 35, 117 108 46 10, tab 7
  edit "", 36, 20 74 89 44, tab 7 multi autovs
  list 38, 19 133 47 65, tab 7 size
  text "Default Agent", 39, 76 23 35 8, tab 7
  button "Play a sound file...", 40, 114 90 49 12, tab 7
  box "Agent Selection", 41, 35 15 115 31, tab 7
  box "Agent Text/Sound Preview", 42, 15 52 153 73, tab 7
  box "List of Actions", 37, 15 125 56 78, tab 7
  box "Balloon Options", 64, 76 163 92 40, tab 7
  check "Enable/Disable", 65, 101 172 47 10, tab 7
  check "Hide", 66, 83 186 22 10, tab 7
  check "Size", 67, 114 186 21 10, tab 7
  check "Pace", 68, 141 186 23 10, tab 7
  box "Stop Agent Commands", 69, 76 125 92 35, tab 7
  button "[]", 70, 84 135 30 20, tab 7
  radio "All", 71, 134 134 17 10, tab 7
  radio "Talk", 72, 119 145 21 10, tab 7
  radio "Play", 73, 143 145 21 10, tab 7
  tab "Info", 74
  text "You can get the core components from:", 76, 44 56 98 9, tab 74
  link "", 77, 14 65 156 8, tab 74
  text "You can get additional Agents from:", 78, 48 76 88 8, tab 74
  link "", 79, 9 84 168 8, tab 74
  text "Please be careful what you download from untrusted sites:", 80, 20 112 143 8, tab 74
  link "", 81, 40 120 100 8, tab 74
  box "Hawkee Snippet Link:", 75, 26 19 131 22, tab 74
  link "", 82, 43 28 97 8, tab 74
  box "Microsoft Links:", 83, 5 48 173 49, tab 74
  text "My personal favorite: (Pikachu :D)", 84, 49 131 83 8, tab 74
  link "", 85, 24 139 134 8, tab 74
  box "Other Links:", 86, 5 104 173 48, tab 74
  box "Contact Information:", 87, 5 159 173 39, tab 74
  text "Made by: Kirby", 88, 19 171 37 8, tab 74
  text "Assistant: Blitzjager", 89, 13 183 49 8, tab 74
  link "irc://", 90, 107 170 67 8, tab 74
  text "Network:", 91, 79 170 23 8, tab 74
  link "", 92, 113 183 53 8, tab 74
  text "Website:", 93, 79 184 23 8, tab 74
menu * {
  Microsoft Agent Browser : agent
alias agent { if ($agent(0).char > 0) { dialog $iif($dialog(agent),-v,-m) agent agent } | else { echo -a You don't have any Agents installed! } }
on *:dialog:agent:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) && ($did == 0) {
    var %agent 1, %agents $agent(0).char
    while (%agent <= %agents) { did -a agent 1 $agent(%agent).char | inc %agent 1 }
    var %agent 1, %agents $agent(0)
    while (%agent <= %agents) { did -a agent 3,31,32 $agent(%agent) | inc %agent 1 }
    did $iif($agent(0) = 0,-b,-e) agent 9,31,32
    if (!$did(agent,3).sel) { did -b agent 12,14,19,20,22-23,25-27 }
    if (!$did(agent,31).sel) { did -b agent 43-48,50-51,53-56,59-63 }
    if (!$did(agent,32).sel) { did -b agent 34-36,38,40 }
    did -c Agent 62,71
    did -b Agent 65-68,70-73
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 3) {
      if ($did(agent,3).sel) {
        $iif(!$agent($did(3).sel).visible,.gshow $agent($did(3).sel)) | did -era $dname 12 $agent($did(3).sel) | did -era $dname 14 $agent($did(3).sel).fname | did -era $dname 19 $agent($did(3).sel).pitch | did -era $dname 20 $agent($did(3).sel).speed | did -era $dname 22 $agent($did(3).sel).ow | did -era $dname 23 $agent($did(3).sel).oh
        did $iif($agent($did(3).sel).visible,-ec agent 25,-eu agent 25) | did $iif($agent($did(1).sel).idle,-ec agent 26,-eu agent 26) | did $iif($agent($did(3).sel).effects,-ec agent 27,-eu agent 27)
    if ($did == 8) { if ($did(1).sel) { .gload $gettok($did(1).seltext,1,46) $did(1).seltext | $iif(!$agent($gettok($did(1).seltext,1,46)).visible,.gshow $agent($gettok($did(1).seltext,1,46))) | did -a agent 3,31,32 $gettok($did(1).seltext,1,46) | did -c agent 38 | did -b agent 34-36,38,40 | did $iif($agent(0) = 0,-b,-e) agent 9,31,32 } }
    if ($did == 9) { if ($did(3).sel) { .gunload $did(3).seltext | did -d agent 3,31-32 $did(3).sel | did -r agent 12,14,19,20,22-23,36,38,43,44,47,48,53-54 | did -u agent 25-27,60-62,65-68,71-73 | did -c agent 38 | did -b agent 9,25-27,34-36,38,40,45-46,50-51,55-56,59,60-62,65-68,70-73 | did $iif($agent(0) = 0,-b,-e) agent 9,31-32 } }
    if ($did == 25) {
      if ($agent($did(3).sel).visible) { did -u agent 25 | .ghide $agent($did(3).sel) }
      else { did -c agent 25 | .gshow $agent($did(3).sel) }
    if ($did == 26) {
      if ($agent($did(3).sel).idle) { did -u agent 26 | .gopts -i $agent($did(3).sel) off }
      else { did -c agent 26 | .gopts -i $agent($did(3).sel) on }
    if ($did == 27) {
      if ($agent($did(3).sel).effects) { did -u agent 27 | .gopts -e $agent($did(3).sel) off }
      else { did -c agent 27 | .gopts -e $agent($did(3).sel) on }
    if ($did == 29) { dialog -x agent }
    if ($did == 31) { did -e agent 43-45,47-48,50,53-55,60-63,53-54 }
    if ($did == 32) {
      .gtalk $agent($did(32).sel) You have selected Microsoft Agent $agent($did(32).sel) as mIRC's default voice.
      var %action 1, %actions $agent($agent($did(32).sel), 0).anim | did -r agent 38 | did -e agent 36,38
      while (%action <= %actions) { did -a agent 38 $agent($agent($did(32).sel), %action).anim | did -e agent 40 | inc %action 1 }
      var %x $agent($did(agent,32).sel).balloon | did -c agent $+($iif(on isin %x,$+(65,$chr(44))),$iif(hide isin %x,$+(66,$chr(44))),$iif(size isin %x,$+(67,$chr(44),)),$iif(pace isin %x,$+(68,$chr(44)))) | did -e agent 65-68,70-73
    if ($did == 34) {
      var %x $did(agent,36).lines, %y 1
      while (%y <= %x) { set %agent.text $addtok(%agent.text,$did(agent,36,%y),32) | inc %y }
      did -r agent 36 | .gtalk $iif($did(35).state == 1,-k) $gettok($did(32),1,46) %agent.text | unset %agent.text
    if ($did == 40) { if ($sfile(*.wav,Choose a sound file to play)) { did -r agent 36 | .gtalk -w $did(32) $nopath($v1) $?="Enter text for $agent($did(32)) to say with $nopath($v1) " } }
    if ($did == 45) { window -dx @agent | window -dx @agent | did -e agent 46 | .gtalk $did(31) Double click where you would like me to move. }
    if ($did == 46) { .gmove $did(31) $did(43) $did(44) $iif($did(60).state == 1,2000,$iif($did(61).state == 1,1,0)) | did -b agent 46 }
    if ($did == 50) { window -dx @agent2 | window -dx @agent2 | did -e agent 51 | .gtalk $did(31) Double click where you would like me to point. }
    if ($did == 51) { .gpoint $did(31) $did(47) $did(48) }
    if ($did == 55) { var %a $?!="Resize the window to $+($did(31),'s) desired size and hit 'Enter'." | window -dC @agent3 1 1 128 128 }
    if ($did == 56) { if ($did(53) isnum) && ($did(54) isnum) { did -b agent 56 | .gsize $did(31) $did(53) $did(54) | did -e agent 59 } }
    if ($did == 59) { did -b agent 59 | .gsize $did(31) $agent($did(31)).ow $agent($did(31)).oh | did -e agent 56 }
    if ($did == 65) { var %x $did(65).state | .gopts -b $did(32) $iif(%x == 1,on,off) | .gtalk $did(32) Balloons are now $iif(%x == 1,enabled.,disabled.) | if (%x == 0) { did -b agent 66,67,68 } | else { did -e agent 66,67,68 } }
    if ($did == 66) { .gopts -b $did(32) on $iif($did(66).state == 1,hide,nohide) | .gtalk $did(32) Balloons will $iif($did(66).state == 1,now automatically hide.,no longer automatically hide.) }
    if ($did == 67) { .gopts -b $did(32) on $iif($did(67).state == 1,size,nosize) | .gtalk $did(32) Balloons will $iif($did(67).state == 1,now,not) resize to fit text. }
    if ($did == 68) { .gopts -b $did(32) on $iif($did(68).state == 1,pace,nopace) | .gtalk $did(32) Text $iif($did(68).state == 1,will now,will not) appear as spoken. }
    if ($did == 70) { .gstop $did(32) $iif($did(72).state == 1,talk,$iif($did(73).state == 1,play)) }
    if ($istok(77 79 81 82 85 90 92,$did,32)) { run $did($did) }
  if ($devent == dclick) {
    if ($did == 1) { if ($did(1).sel) { .gload $gettok($did(1).seltext,1,46) $did(1).seltext | $iif(!$agent($gettok($did(1).seltext,1,46)).visible,.gshow $agent($gettok($did(1).seltext,1,46))) | did -a agent 3,31-32 $gettok($did(1).seltext,1,46) | did -c agent 38 | did -b agent 34-36,38,40 | did $iif($agent(0) = 0,-b,-e) agent 9,31-32 } }
    if ($did == 3) { if ($did(3).sel) { .gunload $did(3).seltext | did -d agent 3,31,32 $did(3).sel | did -r agent 12,14,19-20,22,23,36,38,43-44,47-48,53-54 | did -u agent 25-27,60-62,65-68,71-73 | did -c agent 38 | did -b agent 9,25-27,34-36,38,40,45-46,50-51,55-56,59,60-62,65-68,70-73 | did $iif($agent(0) = 0,-b,-e) agent 9,31-32 } }
    if ($did == 38) { .gplay $did(32) $did(38).sel 5 }
  if ($devent == edit) {
    if ($did == 36) { did $iif($did(agent,36).text,-e,-b) agent 34,35 }
    if ($did(53) isnum) && ($did(54) isnum) { did -e agent 56,59 }

menu @agent {
  dclick: did -ra agent 43 $mouse.x | did -ra agent 44 $mouse.y | window -c @agent
menu @agent2 {
  dclick: did -ra agent 47 $mouse.x | did -ra agent 48 $mouse.y | window -c @agent2
on *:keydown:@agent3:13: { did -ra agent 53 $window(@agent3).w | did -ra agent 54 $window(@agent3).w | did -e agent 56,59 | window -c @agent3 }


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Jethro   -  Jul 29, 2009

Kirby, well done! Keep up the good work. :-)

eyiezinc   -  Jul 29, 2009

Very good! 10/10 from me

Kirby   -  Mar 27, 2009

Ty. :D

xXLifelessxLoren__x   -  Mar 27, 2009

10/10 :D!

Kirby   -  Feb 11, 2009

Thanks. XD

Purcell   -  Feb 11, 2009

Really nice 10/10 !

Zmodem   -  Feb 04, 2009

Korvin: Of course you do! But, of course, there is help: - Microsoft Agents (as dictated by

Kirby: This is very awesome! I was always going to write one of these, just always got side-tracked. Nice job! 10/10 -- +1 like

Eugenio   -  Feb 03, 2009

lol I hadnt finished testing it kirbeh...
/me rates 9


irchainscriptz   -  Feb 03, 2009

I use Agents a lot in my IRC this nice work Kirby. Very usefull 10/10

Kirby   -  Feb 03, 2009

you didn't rate eugene ;ppp

Eugenio   -  Feb 03, 2009

fucking pwnz kirbeh
/me rates 9

Blitzjager   -  Feb 03, 2009

I had no idea that they were called Agents until I loaded one and saw what it was. :P

Korvin   -  Feb 03, 2009

do i look stupid saying: wtf is an agent?

Aucun50   -  Feb 02, 2009

/me saves as "Microsoft Kirby"

PuNkTuReD   -  Feb 02, 2009

sweet man :-)

Kirby   -  Feb 02, 2009

PunkTuReD: If you check the fourth tab (I just updated it about an hour ago), it has links to where you can download new agents. :-)

PuNkTuReD   -  Feb 02, 2009

nice script kirby, btw where can we get new agents from?

Kirby   -  Feb 02, 2009

If you have any other suggestions, please tell me and I might add them. :p

Kirby   -  Feb 02, 2009

Now there are four tabs, the fourth one being bits of small information that you may/may not be interested in. :p

Aucun50   -  Feb 02, 2009

Script number 4,800 (if you don't count the ones deleted)

Kirby   -  Feb 02, 2009

Thanks Aucun. :p

Aucun50   -  Feb 02, 2009

Very nice! 10/10 from me

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