simple !DICE game V2.0

By koekbliq on Jan 31, 2009

This is a (less) simple (by now) DICE game made by koekbliq and also my first big and more difficult script.

Commands for DICE are !dice, !dice , !points, !points , !status, !commands.

You can set it on for multiple channels and off when you want!

I've used Typo's trigger protection for the flood protection. (

-I have changed it to v2.0-

-added duell-mode
-added watching someone else's points
-added !status displaying channels DICE active in and if DICE is on or off
-added a timer to set it off automatically after a certain period


;####| DICE: the simple   |###| made by  |###| Use !dice, !dice <nick>, !commands   |####
;####| !trigger GAME V3.0 |###| koekbliq |###| and !points, !points <nick>, !status |####


on *:TEXT:!dice*:#:{
  if (%DICEon == 1) && ($2 ison $chan) && ($2 != $nick) && ($TriggerPro($nick,$v2) == $true) && ($chan isin %DICEchan) {
    set %yt1 $rand(1,6)
    set %yt2 $rand(1,6)
    set %yt3 $rand(1,6)
    set %bt1 $rand(1,6)
    set %bt2 $rand(1,6)
    set %bt3 $rand(1,6)
    set %yTOT $calc((%yt1) + (%yt2) + (%yt3))
    set %bTOT $calc((%bt1) + (%bt2) + (%bt3))
    set %player2 $2
    timerplay1 1 1 notice $nick (Your throw) $chr(91) $+ %yt1 $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %yt2  $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %yt3 $+ $chr(93) = $chr(91) $+ %yTOT $+ $chr(93) 
    timerplay2 1 2 notice $nick ( $+ $2 $+ $chr(39) $+ s throw) $chr(91) $+ %bt1 $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %bt2 $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %bt3 $+ $chr(93) = $chr(91) $+ %bTOT $+ $chr(93) 
    timerplay3 1 1 notice $2 (Your throw) $chr(91) $+ %bt1 $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %bt2 $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %bt3 $+ $chr(93) = $chr(91) $+ %bTOT $+ $chr(93) 
    timerplay4 1 2 notice $2 ( $+  $+ $nick $+ $chr(39) $+ s throw) $chr(91) $+ %yt1 $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %yt2  $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %yt3 $+ $chr(93) = $chr(91) $+ %yTOT $+ $chr(93) 
  elseif (%DICEon == 1) && ($2 == $null) && ($2 != $nick) && ($TriggerPro($nick,$v2) == $true) && ($chan isin %DICEchan) {
    set %yt1 $rand(1,6)
    set %yt2 $rand(1,6)
    set %yt3 $rand(1,6)
    set %bt1 $rand(1,6)
    set %bt2 $rand(1,6)
    set %bt3 $rand(1,6)
    set %yTOT $calc((%yt1) + (%yt2) + (%yt3))
    set %bTOT $calc((%bt1) + (%bt2) + (%bt3))
    timerplay11 1 1 notice $nick (Your throw) $chr(91) $+ %yt1 $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %yt2  $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %yt3 $+ $chr(93) = $chr(91) $+ %yTOT $+ $chr(93) 
    timerplay12 1 2 notice $nick (Comp's throw) $chr(91) $+ %bt1 $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %bt2 $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %bt3 $+ $chr(93) = $chr(91) $+ %bTOT $+ $chr(93) 
  elseif (%DICEon == 1) && ($2 == $nick) && ($TriggerPro($nick,$v2) == $true) && ($chan isin %DICEchan) {
    set %yt1 $rand(1,6)
    set %yt2 $rand(1,6)
    set %yt3 $rand(1,6)
    set %bt1 $rand(1,6)
    set %bt2 $rand(1,6)
    set %bt3 $rand(1,6)
    set %yTOT $calc((%yt1) + (%yt2) + (%yt3))
    set %bTOT $calc((%bt1) + (%bt2) + (%bt3))
    timerplay11 1 1 notice $nick (Your throw) $chr(91) $+ %yt1 $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %yt2  $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %yt3 $+ $chr(93) = $chr(91) $+ %yTOT $+ $chr(93) 
    timerplay12 1 2 notice $nick (Comp's throw) $chr(91) $+ %bt1 $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %bt2 $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ %bt3 $+ $chr(93) = $chr(91) $+ %bTOT $+ $chr(93) 
  else {


alias winner1 {
  if (%yTOT == %bTOT) { 
    timerplay13 1 3 notice $nick (Draw! 0 points)
    set %. $+ $nick $calc((%. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) + 0)
    unset %yt1 %yt2 %yt3 %bt1 %bt2 %bt3 %yTOT %bTOT
  if (%yTOT < %bTOT) && (%bTOT != 18) { 
    timerplay13 1 3 notice $nick (You lose! -1 points)
    set %. $+ $nick $calc((%. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) - 1)
    unset %yt1 %yt2 %yt3 %bt1 %bt2 %bt3 %yTOT %bTOT
  if (%yTOT > %bTOT) && (%yTOT != 18) { 
    timerplay13 1 3 notice $nick (You win! +1 points)
    set %. $+ $nick $calc((%. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) + 1)
    unset %yt1 %yt2 %yt3 %bt1 %bt2 %bt3 %yTOT %bTOT
  if (%yTOT == 18) && (%bTOT != 18) {
    timerplay13 1 3 notice $nick (You win the jackpot for the highest throw possible! +4 points)
    set %. $+ $nick $calc((%. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) + 4)
    unset %yt1 %yt2 %yt3 %bt1 %bt2 %bt3 %yTOT %bTOT

alias winner2 {
  if (%yTOT == %bTOT) { 
    timerplay11 1 5 notice $nick (Draw! 0 points)
    timerplay12 1 5 notice %player2 (Draw! 0 points)
    set %. $+ $nick $calc((%. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) + 0)
    set %. $+ %player2 $calc((%. [ $+ [ %player2 ] ] ) + 0)
    unset %yt1 %yt2 %yt3 %bt1 %bt2 %bt3 %yTOT %bTOT %player2
  if (%yTOT < %bTOT) && (%bTOT != 18) { 
    timerplay13 1 5 notice $nick (You lose! -1 points)
    timerplay14 1 5 notice %player2 (You win! +1 points)
    set %. $+ $nick $calc((%. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) - 1)
    set %. $+ %player2 $calc((%. [ $+ [ %player2 ] ] ) + 1)
    unset %yt1 %yt2 %yt3 %bt1 %bt2 %bt3 %yTOT %bTOT %player2
  if (%yTOT > %bTOT) && (%yTOT != 18) { 
    timerplay15 1 5 notice $nick (You win! +1 points)
    timerplay16 1 5 notice %player2 (You lose! -1 points)
    set %. $+ $nick $calc((%. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) + 1)
    set %. $+ %player2 $calc((%. [ $+ [ %player2 ] ] ) - 1)
    unset %yt1 %yt2 %yt3 %bt1 %bt2 %bt3 %yTOT %bTOT %player2
  if (%yTOT == 18) && (%bTOT != 18) {
    timerplay17 1 5 notice $nick (You win the jackpot with the highest throw possible! +4 points)
    timerplay18 1 5 notice %player2 (You lose! -1 points)
    set %. $+ $nick $calc((%. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) + 4)
    set %. $+ %player2 $calc((%. [ $+ [ %player2 ] ] ) - 1)
    unset %yt1 %yt2 %yt3 %bt1 %bt2 %bt3 %yTOT %bTOT %player2
  if (%bTOT == 18) && (%yTOT != 18) {
    timerplay19 1 5 notice $nick (You lose! -1 points)
    timerplay20 1 5 notice %player2 (You win the jackpot with the highest throw possible! +4 points)
    set %. $+ %player2 $calc((%. [ $+ [ %player2 ] ] ) + 4)    
    set %. $+ $nick $calc((%. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) - 1)
    unset %yt1 %yt2 %yt3 %bt1 %bt2 %bt3 %yTOT %bTOT %player2


on *:TEXT:!status*:#:{
  if (%DICEon == 1) && ($TriggerPro($nick,$v2) == $true) && ($chan isin %DICEchan) {
    notice $nick (DICE made by koekbliq) (Status:) %DICEstatus (Channels:) ( $+ %DICEchan $+ )
  elseif (%DICEon == 0) && ($TriggerPro($nick,$v2) == $true) && ($chan isin %DICEchan) {
    notice $nick (DICE made by koekbliq) (Status:) %DICEstatus
  else {


on *:TEXT:!commands*:#:{
  if (%DICEon == 1) && ($TriggerPro($nick,$v2) == $true) && ($chan isin %DICEchan) {
    notice $nick (Commands for DICE are !dice, !dice <nickname>, !points, !points <nickname>, !status, !commands)
  elseif (%DICEon == 0) && ($TriggerPro($nick,$v2) == $true) && ($chan isin %DICEchan) {
    notice $nick (Status:) %DICEstatus (Commands for DICE are !dice, !dice <nickname>, !points, !points <nickname>, !status, !commands)
  else {


on *:TEXT:!points*:#:{
  if (%DICEon == 1) && ($2 ison $chan) && ($TriggerPro($nick,$v2) == $true) && ($chan isin %DICEchan) {
    goto points2
  elseif (%DICEon == 1) && ($TriggerPro($nick,$v2) == $true) && ($chan isin %DICEchan) {
    if ($2 == $null) {
      goto points1
    elseif ($2 == $nick) {
      goto points1
    else {
      goto huh
    timerpoints1 1 1 notice $nick  $+ $chr(40) $+  $+ You have %. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] point $+ $chr(40) $+ s $+ $chr(41) $+ ! $+  $+ $chr(41) $+ 
    timerpoints2 1 1 notice $nick  $+ $chr(40) $+  $+ $2 has %. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] point $+ $chr(40) $+ s $+ $chr(41) $+ ! $+  $+ $chr(41) $+ 


menu channel {
  ..on: {
    set %DICEon 1
    set %dicestatus (3ON)
    timerdiceON1 off
    timerdiceON2 off
    timerdiceON3 off
    unset %.diceminu %.dicetimer
  ..on with timer: { 
    set %DICEon 1
    set %dicestatus (3ON)
    set %.diceminu $?="How many minutes do you want DICE to be on?"
    set %.dicetimer $calc((%. [ $+ [ diceminu ] ] ) * 60)
    echo (DICE is now:) %dicestatus (For the next %.diceminu minutes)
    timerdiceON1 1 %.dicetimer set %dicestatus (4OFF)
    timerdiceON2 1 %.dicetimer echo (DICE is now:) (4OFF) (After %.diceminu minutes of being ON)
    timerdiceON4 1 %.dicetimer set %DICEon 0    
    timerdiceON3 1 %.dicetimer unset %.diceminu %.dicetimer
  } {
    set %DICEon 0
    set %dicestatus (4OFF)
    timerdiceON1 off
    timerdiceON2 off
    timerdiceON3 off
    unset %.diceminu %.dicetimer
  ..set: {
    set %DICEchan $?="Channel(s)? i.e.: #chan1 #chan2 #chan3 etc:"
  ..set active: {
    set %DICEchan $active
  ..unset: {
    unset %DICEchan
    echo (Channel(s) are now unset) (DICE status:) %dicestatus
  } current: {


alias DICEchans {
  if (%DICEchan == $null) {
    echo (There are no channels set) (DICE status:) %dicestatus
  else {
    echo (Channel(s): %DICEchan $+  $+ ) (DICE status:) %dicestatus

alias triggerpro {
  if (%triggerpro. [ $+ [ $nick ] $+  . $+ [ $address($1,4) ] $+ . $+ [ $cid ] ] >= 1) || (%trigger. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == yes) { 
    $iif(%triggerpro. [ $+ [ $nick ] $+  . $+ [ $address($1,4) ] $+ . $+ [ $cid ] ] isnum 1,notice $nick  $+ $chr(40) $+ Flood protection $+ $chr(41) $+   $+ $chr(40) $+ Try again in about 30 seconds $+ $chr(41) $+  $iif(%triggerpro. [ $+ [ $nick ] $+  . $+ [ $address($1,4) ] $+ . $+ [ $cid ] ] == 2, $+ $chr(40) $+ Ignoring !triggers $+ $chr(41) $+   $+ $chr(40) $+ Until you wait for the 30 second period to end $+ $chr(41) $+ ))
    inc -u30 %triggerpro. $+ $nick $+ . $+ $address($1,4) $+ . $+ $cid
    return $false
  inc -u30 %triggerpro. $+ $nick $+ . $+ $address($1,4) $+ . $+ $cid
  set -u3 %trigger. $+ $nick yes
  return $true



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Pangaea   -  Jan 20, 2010

Hi koekbliq
This is a wonderful little dice game, I have added to my Bot

Just one thing I was curious about tho, Is there any reason why the whole game system is conducted via private msgs?

I have played the game and looked at the code, and reslise in some instances a private messege would make more sence as to avoid confusion, but the game itself in theory has no need for privacy, its not like its a game that uses cards where you might not want other ppl seeing.

Great dice script tho, definatly one of the most interesting ive used over the years, good one :)


Quick   -  Sep 03, 2009

very nice, i had some problems with other dice games like the diceoff commands not working or 2 ppl would ingage a game and not finish and even after unloading the script and taking compleatly out of my bot still said a game was in progress i like this version much much more and the fact that it's not as spammy as the other. Very nice

bmann_420   -  Feb 04, 2009

This is incredibly nice =) The right click commands work, although the ! commands do not. (It is enabled) I have a few other things in remote also, is their a limit to what you have in their? (Somewhat noobish to mirc scripting) Even more noobish question, could those  have something to do with it not working properly? I wonder if i do not have the right type of "reader" for that, could mean nothing.

koekbliq   -  Jan 31, 2009
on *:TEXT:!test:#: {
  set %op
  if (%op) {
    msg $chan Done testing
    unset %op

Not like that?

Thnx, changed it.

Edit: and changed it back again because it didn't work as well.

Aucun50   -  Jan 31, 2009

Np here an ex:

on *:TEXT:!test:#: {
  set %op
  if (%op) {
    msg $chan Done testing
koekbliq   -  Jan 31, 2009

So it only goes forward when %DICEon = set?
Is so: thanks I didn't know that.

Aucun50   -  Jan 31, 2009

Looks nice

BTW if (%DICEon != $null) Why not if (%DICEon)

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