Kakuro 0.1

By Firstmate on Jan 28, 2009

Kakuro v0.1

Guess I just like making puzzles, but heres Kakuro.
Like my previous script, Sudoku, this uses a socket to retrieve the puzzle from kakuro.cc

To start kakuro, load the script and type /kakuro or alternatively right click > kakuro
It'll start a window like:


The numbers with the grayish background are given numbers and are un-editable.
For those who have never heard of Kakuro, I'll give my explanation, but another source is:

To play kakuro, you must make the numbers in a row/column add up to the given number.
For example, in the picture posted above, if you look on the second row, there's a 3 (note the position of the 3) and 2 white boxes next to it. It means, that those two white boxes must equal 3. Same goes for downwards, upwards, and across.

^ Dunno if that helps.

+: Added feature
-: Removed feature
X: Fixed glitch/bug

Released Kakuro

;Kakuro 0.1 made by Firstmate on 01/28/09
;To load: 
;Go to scripts editor: File > new > paste script

alias kakuro {
  window -pdoCk0 +l @kakuro 1 1 300 400
  set %p 0
  set %k.level 1
menu status,channel,query {
on *:keydown:@kakuro:*: {
  if ($keychar isnum && $keychar !== 0 && %k.pos && $inrect($gettok(%k.mouse,1,32),$gettok(%k.mouse,2,32),5,5,285,285)) {
    var %row $gettok(%k.pos,1,32)
    var %col $gettok(%k.pos,2,32)
    drawrect -fr @kakuro $rgb(255,255,255) 1 $calc(((%row - 1) * 40) + 6) $calc(((%col - 1) * 40) + 6) 38 38
    drawtext -r @kakuro $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 15 $calc(((%row - 1) * 40) + 20) $calc(((%col - 1) * 40) + 20) $keychar
    k.replace %row %col $keychar
menu @kakuro {
  sclick: { 
    if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,5,5,285,285) && $getdot(@kakuro,$mouse.x,$mouse.y) == 16777215) {
      set %k.pos $k.checkpos($mouse.x,$mouse.y)
      set %k.mouse $mouse.x $mouse.y
    if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,5,330,80,20)) { k.win }
    if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,5,300,50,20)) { %p = 0 | k.drawlines }
alias k.drawlines {
  clear @kakuro
  drawfill -r @Kakuro $rgb(255,255,255) $rgb(255,255,255) 1 1
  drawline -r @kakuro $rgb(135,125,105) 2 5 5 5 285
  drawline -r @kakuro $rgb(135,125,105) 2 5 5 285 5
  drawline -r @kakuro $rgb(135,125,105) 2 285 285 5 285
  drawline -r @kakuro $rgb(135,125,105) 2 285 5 285 285

  drawrect -r @kakuro $rgb(0,0,0) 1 5 300 50 20
  drawtext -r @kakuro $rgb(0,0,0) tahoma 14 10 300 New? 

  drawrect -r @kakuro $rgb(0,0,0) 1 5 330 80 20
  drawtext -r @kakuro $rgb(0,0,0) tahoma 14 10 330 Did I Win?

  var %x = 7
  while (%x > 0) {
    drawline -r @kakuro $rgb(0,0,0) 1 $calc((%x * 40) + 5) 5 $calc((%x * 40) + 5) 285
    dec %x
  var %y = 7
  while (%y > 0) {
    drawline -r @kakuro $rgb(0,0,0) 1 5 $calc((%y * 40) + 5) 285 $calc((%y * 40) + 5)
    dec %y
  sockopen kakuro kakuro.cc 80
alias k.getid {
  var %x = $1, %i = 7, %p
  while (%i > 0) {
    if (%x <= $calc(%i * 7)) {
      %p = $calc(7 - ((%i * 7) - %x)) %i
    dec %i
  return %p
alias k.checkpos {
  var %x $1
  var %y $2
  var %col,%row
  var %i = 1, %j = 1
  while (%i < 7) {
    if (%x < $calc((%i * 40) + 5)) { %col = %i | break }
    inc %i
  while (%j < 7) {
    if (%y < $calc((%j * 40) + 5)) { %row = %j | break }
    inc %j
  return %i %j
alias k.replace {
  var %row $1, %col $2, %k $3
  if ($read(kakuro.txt,s,$+(%row,.,%col))) { write -ds $+(%row,.,%col) kakuro.txt $+(%row,.,%col) $keychar }
  else { write kakuro.txt $+(%row,$chr(32),%col) %k }
alias k.win {
  if ($lines(kakuro.txt) !== 20) { drawtext -r @kakuro $rgb(0,0,0) tahoma 14 100 330 Fill it all out! }
  else { sockopen kakuro_sol kakuro.cc 80 }
on *:SOCKOPEN:kakuro: {
  var %date = $replace($asctime($rand($ctime(March 01 2006),$ctime),d m yyyy),$chr(32),-)
  set %k.get $+($replace(%k.level,1,E,2,M,3,H),%date,-kakuro.aspx)
  drawrect -fr @kakuro $rgb(255,255,255) 1 175 355 200 200
  drawtext -r @kakuro $rgb(0,0,0) tahoma 14 175 355 $+($replace(%k.level,1,Easy,2,Medium,3,Hard),$chr(32),$replace(%date,$chr(32),-))
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/,%k.get) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: kakuro.cc
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
on *:SOCKREad:kakuro: {
  var %x, %id, %tn, %tb, %row, %col
  ;%p is to count which cell they're on
  ;%t # of input cells
  ;%id = X Y for kakuro window
  sockread %x
  if (<td class='black' isin %x) {
    ;not a given or input cell
    inc %p
    %id = $k.getid(%p)
    %row = $gettok(%id,1,32)
    %col = $gettok(%id,2,32)
    drawrect -fr @kakuro $rgb(135,125,105) 1 $calc(((%row - 1) * 40) + 6) $calc(((%col - 1) * 40) + 6) 39 39
  if (<td class='white' isin %x) {
    ;input cell
    inc %p
    %id = $k.getid(%p)
    %row = $gettok(%id,1,32)
    %col = $gettok(%id,2,32)
    inc %k.num
  if (<td class='infocell' isin %x) {
    ;given cell
    inc %p
    %x = $remove(%x,&)
    %id = $k.getid(%p)
    %row = $gettok(%id,1,32)
    %col = $gettok(%id,2,32)
    %tn = $remove($iif($left(%x,4) == <tr>,$gettok($gettok(%x,8,62),1,60),$gettok($gettok(%x,7,62),1,60)),nbsp;,/td,td)
    %tb = $remove($iif($left(%x,4) == <tr>,$gettok($gettok(%x,12,62),1,60),$gettok($gettok(%x,11,62),1,60)),nbsp;,td,/td)
    drawrect -fr @kakuro $rgb(135,125,105) 1 $calc(((%row - 1) * 40) + 6) $calc(((%col - 1) * 40) + 6) 39 39
    drawline -r @kakuro $rgb(0,0,0) 1 $calc(((%row - 1) * 40) + 5) $calc(((%col - 1) * 40) + 5) $calc((%row * 40) + 5) $calc((%col * 40) + 5)
    if (%tn) { drawtext -r @kakuro $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 12 $calc(((%row - 1) * 40) + 30) $calc(((%col - 1) * 40) + 10) %tn }
    if (%tb) { drawtext -r @kakuro $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 12 $calc(((%row - 1) * 40) + 10) $calc(((%col - 1) * 40) + 30) %tb }
  if (</HTML> isin %x) { sockclose kakuro }

on *:sockopen:kakuro_sol: {
  var %get $remove(%k.get,-kakuro.aspx)
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/printerfriendly.aspx?Solution=Yes&,%get) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: kakuro.cc
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:kakuro_sol: {
  var %x, %solved, %row, %col, %i, %t
  sockread %x
  %x = $remove(%x,$chr(40),$chr(41))
  if (var iGridSolved isin %x) { 
    %x = $remove(%x,var iGridSolved= new Array,;)
    sockclose kakuro_sol
    %i = 49
    while (%i > 0) {
      if ($gettok(%x,%i,44) == -1) { }
      else {
        %t = $k.getid(%i)
        %row = $gettok(%t,1,32) | %col = $gettok(%t,2,32)
        if ($read(kakuro.txt,s,$+(%row,.,%col)) == $gettok(%x,%i,44)) { %t = 1 }
        else { %t = 0 | break }
      dec %i
    if (%t == 1) { drawtext -r @kakuro $rgb(0,0,0) tahoma 14 100 330 Good job! You win! }
    if (%t == 0) { drawtext -r @kakuro $rgb(0,0,0) tahoma 14 100 330 Try Again :( }
  if (</html> isin %x) { sockclose kakuro_sol }
on 1:CLOSE:@kakuro: {
  .remove kakuro.txt
  unset %k.num


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PuNkTuReD   -  Jan 28, 2009

niice work here Firstmate

Firstmate   -  Jan 28, 2009

lol Sorry for double-post, but I fixed that bug.

Firstmate   -  Jan 28, 2009

Yeah it's pretty fun once you get the hang of it. I found the first few times playing it frustrating as hell. lol

ugh, I found a bug btw. If you click new, it doesn't actually get a new puzzle D:
I'll fix it right away.

Aucun50   -  Jan 28, 2009

Never seen that game before, looks nice

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