SassIRC Flood Protection Module V 1.7

By PuNkTuReD on Jan 24, 2009

This is an advanced flood protection script.

Flood Types:

Join Protections:
on join/part flood protection (# JoinsParts/In # Seconds)
on join flood protection (# Joins/In # Seconds)
on part/quit (part/quit message over # characters)

Text, Action And Notice Protections:
Well ill start off by saying this script will protect against channel and private floods,
and you can have different settings for each.
It will protect against "Mass messages (# Messages/In # Seconds)"
and "Long Messages (# Messages/Bigger Than #/In # Seconds)".

Channel Lockdown:
The channel lockdown system is made so every channel, can "lockdown" for different time periods and have different modes set on their channel for the "lockdown".( if your not too familiar with channel modes there is a "help" button which explains some channel modes briefly. )
Channel lockdown is done in 5 stages, ill show you a channel "Mass message flood" lockdown.

[02:10] <~The_Infected> Flood detected, 10 channel messages in 3 seconds. The channel has now gone into lockdown mode for a total of 5 minute(s). Triggered By Rage_Virus.
The_Infected sets mode: +iRSK
[02:11] Rage_Virus was kicked by The_Infected (Flooder)
The_Infected sets mode: -iSK
[02:15] The_Infected sets mode: -RC
[02:16] <~The_Infected>
Channel lockdown over.

These are the channels flood settings that were used in the above example, for a "Mass message flood".

Number of messages: 10
In seconds: 3

Extra modes needed for lockdown:
Lockdown for: 5 minutes
Phaze 1: iSK
Phaze 2: RC

These are the five stages of a channel lockdown:

1: The channel is messaged with what "type" of flood was detected, how long the channel will be in lockdown for, and the nick who triggered the "lockdown".
2: Then "Phaze 1" and "Phaze 2" modes are both set on the channel.
3: The flooder is kicked or kick/banned from the channel with the message, "Flooder"
4: After half of the channels "Lockdown time" Phaze 1 modes are unset
5: After the full lockdown time Phaze 2 modes are unset , and the channel is messaged "***** Channel lockdown over."

If you do choose to use the kick/ban option, the ban will last for a time you specify.
and as Cheiron pointed out, if you are attacked by a botnet, this could fill your ban list FAST.

i would also like to thank Cheiron for his support/suggestions with this script, it would not have gotten this far without him testing it.

; SassIRC Flood Protection V 1.7
; Scripted by PuNkTuReD

on 1:start: {
  if (!$hget(protection)) { hmake protection 20 }
  if ($exists(protection.hsh)) { hload protection protection.hsh } 
on *:exit: { 
  if ($hget(protection)) { hsave -o protection protection.hsh }
on *:disconnect: { 
  if ($hget(protection)) { hsave -o protection protection.hsh }

menu * {
  SassIRC Flood Protection V 1.7:dialog $iif($dialog(jpf2),-v,-dm) jpf2 jpf2
dialog -l jpf2 {
  title "SassIRC Flood Protection V 1.7"
  option dbu
  size -1 -1 205 268
  box "Mass Join Flood", 200, 5 5 95 33
  text "Number of Joins:" , 300, 10 15 45 8
  text "In Seconds:" , 301, 10 25 40 8
  edit "" , 302, 65 14 30 10
  edit "" , 303, 65 24 30 10
  box "Join/Part Flood (Fly-Bys)", 201, 5 38 95 33
  text "Number of Join/Parts:" , 1, 10 49 60 8
  text "In Seconds:" , 2, 10 58 40 8
  edit "" , 3, 65 47 30 10
  edit "" , 4, 65 57 30 10
  box "Part/Quit Long Message Flood", 215, 5 71 95 24
  text "Message Length:" , 216, 10 82 50 8
  edit "" , 217, 65 81 30 10
  box "Long Message Flood (Channel)", 202, 5 95 95 45
  text "Number of Long Msgs:" , 5, 10 106 60 8
  edit "" , 7, 65 105 30 10
  text "In Seconds:" , 6, 10 126 40 8
  edit "" , 8, 65 125 30 10
  text "Message Length:" , 9, 10 116 50 8
  edit "" , 10, 65 115 30 10
  box "Mass Message Flood (Channel)", 203, 5 140 95 35
  text "Number of Messages:" , 11, 10 151 60 8
  edit "" , 12, 65 150 30 10
  text "In Seconds:" , 13, 10 161 40 8
  edit "" , 14, 65 160 30 10
  box "Long Message Flood (Private)", 220, 5 175 95 45
  text "Number of Long Msgs:" , 221, 10 186 60 8
  edit "" , 222, 65 185 30 10
  text "In Seconds:" , 223, 10 206 40 8
  edit "" , 224, 65 205 30 10
  text "Message Length:" , 225, 10 196 50 8
  edit "" , 226, 65 195 30 10
  box "Mass Message Flood (Private)", 230, 5 220 95 35
  text "Number of Messages:" , 231, 10 231 60 8
  edit "" , 232, 65 230 30 10
  text "In Seconds:" , 233, 10 241 40 8
  edit "" , 234, 65 240 30 10
  box "Channels list", 211, 105 5 95 114
  list 102, 110 14 85 70, autohs, hsbar, sort
  edit "", 103, 110 77 85 10, autohs
  button "--[ Add Chan ]--" , 104, 110 90 40 10
  button "--[ Del Chan ]--" , 105, 155 90 40 10
  button "", 15, 110 103 85 10
  box "Lockdown Modes", 205, 105 119 95 34
  text "Phaze 1:", 206, 110 130 25 8
  text "Phaze 2:", 207, 110 140 25 8
  edit "" , 208, 140 129 30 10
  edit "" , 209, 140 139 30 10
  button "Help", 212, 173 135 20 10
  box "Lockdown For", 204, 105 153 95 22
  edit "", 18, 145 160 20 10, autohs
  text "Minutes", 19, 170 161 20 8
  box "Immunity", 240, 105 175 95 27
  check "Ops", 241, 115 182 50 10, left
  check "HalfOps", 242, 115 190 50 10, left
  button "---[ Save Settings ]---" , 100, 105 238 95 10
  text "SassIRC Flood Protection Coded By PuNkTuReD", 210, 44 258 200 8
  box "Kick/Kick-Ban", 60, 105 202 95 30
  check "Kick", 61, 110 210 40 10
  check "Kick/Ban", 62, 110 220 40 10
  text "Ban for:", 63, 160 205 20 8
  edit "", 64, 160 213 20 10
  text "Minutes", 65, 160 223 20 8
on *:dialog:jpf2:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did, %d = did -a jpf2
  if (%b == sclick) {
    if (%c == 61) { 
      if (!$did(jpf2,102).seltext) { echo -a ***** Please select a channel to set this setting for. } 
      else {
        $iif($+(%,fpkb,$did(jpf2,102).seltext),unset $+(%,fpkb,$did(jpf2,102).seltext)) 
        did -b jpf2 64  
    if (%c == 62) { 
      did -e jpf2 64 
      if (!$did(jpf2,102).seltext) { echo -a ***** Please select a channel to set this setting for. } 
      elseif (!$did(jpf2,64).edited) { echo -a ***** Please specify a ban length. }
      else { did -ku jpf2 61 | hadd -m protection $+(fpkb,$did(jpf2,102).seltext) on }
    if (%c == 212) { dialog $iif($dialog(jpf2help),-v,-dm) jpf2help jpf2help }
    if (%c == 15) {
      if (!$did(jpf2,102).seltext) { echo -a ***** Please select a channel to protect/deprotect. } 
      else {
        $iif($($+(%,protect,$did(jpf2,102).seltext),2) == on,set $+(%,protect,$did(jpf2,102).seltext) off,set $+(%,protect,$did(jpf2,102).seltext) on) 
        $iif($($+(%,protect,$did(jpf2,102).seltext),2) == on,%d 15 --[ Protected ]--,%d 15 --[ Unprotected ]--)
    if (%c == 100) {
      if (!$did(jpf2,102).seltext) { echo -a ***** Please select a channel to save these protection settings for. }
      else {
        if ($did(jpf2,302).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,noj) $did(jpf2,302) }
        if ($did(jpf2,303).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nojs) $did(jpf2,303) }
        if ($did(jpf2,3).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nopj) $did(jpf2,3) }
        if ($did(jpf2,4).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nopjs) $did(jpf2,4) }
        if ($did(jpf2,7).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nolm) $did(jpf2,7) }
        if ($did(jpf2,8).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nolms) $did(jpf2,8) }
        if ($did(jpf2,10).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nolml) $did(jpf2,10) }
        if ($did(jpf2,12).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,noam) $did(jpf2,12) }
        if ($did(jpf2,14).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,noams) $did(jpf2,14) }
        if ($did(jpf2,18).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,ldf) $calc($did(jpf2,18) * 60) }
        if ($did(jpf2,208).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,ldp1) $did(jpf2,208) }
        if ($did(jpf2,209).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,ldp2) $did(jpf2,209) }
        if ($did(jpf2,217).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,pqlm) $did(jpf2,217) }
        if ($did(jpf2,222).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nolmp) $did(jpf2,222) }
        if ($did(jpf2,226).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nolmlp) $did(jpf2,226) }
        if ($did(jpf2,224).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nolmsp) $did(jpf2,224) }
        if ($did(jpf2,232).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,noamp) $did(jpf2,232) }
        if ($did(jpf2,234).edited) { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,noamsp) $did(jpf2,234) }
        if ($did(jpf2,64).edited) { hadd -m protection $+(fpkbl,$did(jpf2,102).seltext) $did(jpf2,64) }  
        echo -a ***** Flood Protection Settings Updated for $+(,$did(jpf2,102).seltext,)
    if (%c == 102) { 
      $iif($($+(%,protect,$did(jpf2,102).seltext),2) == on,%d 15 --[ Protected ]--,%d 15 --[ Unprotected ]--)  
      did -ra jpf2 3 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nopj))
      did -ra jpf2 4 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nopjs))
      did -ra jpf2 217 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,pqlm))
      did -ra jpf2 302 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,noj))
      did -ra jpf2 303 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nojs))
      did -ra jpf2 18 $calc($hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,ldf)) / 60)
      did -ra jpf2 208 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,ldp1))
      did -ra jpf2 209 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,ldp2))      
      did -ra jpf2 7 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nolm))
      did -ra jpf2 8 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nolms))
      did -ra jpf2 10 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nolml))
      did -ra jpf2 12 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,noam))     
      did -ra jpf2 14 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,noams))
      did -ra jpf2 232 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,noamp))
      did -ra jpf2 234 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,noamsp))
      did -ra jpf2 222 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nolmp))
      did -ra jpf2 226 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nolmlp))
      did -ra jpf2 224 $hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,nolmsp))
      if ($hget(protection,$+(fpkb,$did(jpf2,102).seltext)) == on) { did -e jpf2 64 | did -ku jpf2 61 | did -kc jpf2 62 }
      elseif ($hget(protection,$+(fpkb,$did(jpf2,102).seltext)) != on) { did -ku jpf2 62 | did -kc jpf2 61 | did -b jpf2 64 } 
      $iif(($hget(protection,$+(fpkb,$did(jpf2,102).seltext)) == on),did -ra jpf2 64 $hget(protection,$+(fpkbl,$did(jpf2,102).seltext)) , did -r jpf2 64)
      $iif(($hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,opimmun)) == on),did -ck jpf2 241 , did -uk jpf2 241)
      $iif(($hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,hopimmun)) == on),did -ck jpf2 242 , did -uk jpf2 242)
    if (%c == 104) { 
      if ($did(jpf2,103).edited) { write protectchans.txt $did(jpf2,103) | did -r jpf2 103 | .timer 1 1 fillprotectchans2 } 
      else { echo -a ***** Please enter a channel to add to the list. }
    if (%c == 105) { 
      if (!$did(jpf2,102).seltext) { echo -a ***** Please select a channel to remove from the list. }
      else { did -r jpf2 15 | write $+(,-ds",$did(jpf2,102).seltext,") protectchans.txt | did -d jpf2 102 $did(jpf2,102).sel | .timer 1 1 fillprotectchans2 }
    if (%c == 241) { 
      $iif(($hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,opimmun)) == on),opoff,opon) 
    if (%c == 242) { 
      $iif(($hget(protection,$+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,hopimmun)) == on),hopoff,hopon) 
  if (%b == init) { fillprotectchans2 }
alias -l opon {  hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,opimmun) on | did -kc jpf2 241 }
alias -l opoff { hdel protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,opimmun) | did -ku jpf2 241 }
alias -l hopon { hadd -m protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,hopimmun) on | did -kc jpf2 242 }
alias -l hopoff { hdel protection $+($did(jpf2,102).seltext,hopimmun) | did -ku jpf2 242 }
alias -l checktextfloodchan {
  if ($len($strip($1-)) >= $hget(protection,$+($1,nolml))) { 
    $iif($($+(%,$2,bflood),2),inc $+(%,$2,bflood) 1,set -u $+ $hget(protection,$+($1,nolms)) $+(%,$2,bflood) 1)
    if ($($+(%,$2,bflood),2) == $hget(protection,$+($1,nolm))) { ignore -u180 $address($2,2) | unset $($+(%,$2,bflood),1) | chanlockdown $1 $2 Long message flood detected, $+(,$hget(protection,$+($1,nolm)),) channel messages over $+(,$hget(protection,$+($1,nolml)),) characters long in $+(,$hget(protection,$+($1,nolms)),) seconds }
  $iif($($+(%,$2,flood),2),inc $+(%,$2,flood) 1,set -u $+ $hget(protection,$+($1,noams)) $+(%,$2,flood) 1) 
  if ($($+(%,$2,flood),2) == $hget(protection,$+($1,noam))) { ignore -u180 $address($2,2) | unset $($+(%,$2,flood),1) | chanlockdown $1 $2 Flood detected, $+(,$hget(protection,$+($1,noam)),) channel messages in $+(,$hget(protection,$+($1,noams)),) seconds }
alias -l checktextfloodpriv {
  var %x = $comchan($2,0)
  while (%x) {
    if ($($+(%,protect,$comchan($2, %x)),2) == on) {
      if ($len($strip($1-)) >= $hget(protection,$+($1,nolmlp))) { 
        $iif($($+(%,$2,bflood),2),inc $+(%,$2,bflood) 1,set -u $+ $hget(protection,$+($1,nolmsp)) $+(%,$2,bflood) 1) 
        if ($($+(%,$2,bflood),2) >= $hget(protection,$+($1,nolmp))) { ignore -u180 $address($2,2) | unset $($+(%,$2,bflood),1) | chanlockdown $comchan($2, %x) $2 Private-Long message flood detected, $+(,$hget(protection,$+($1,nolmp)),) private messages over $+(,$hget(protection,$+($1,nolmlp)),) characters long in $+(,$hget(protection,$+($1,nolmsp)),) seconds | haltdef }
      $iif($($+(%,$2,flood),2),inc $+(%,$2,flood) 1,set -u $+ $hget(protection,$+($comchan($2, %x),noamsp)) $+(%,$2,flood) 1) 
      if ($($+(%,$2,flood),2) >= $hget(protection,$+($comchan($2, %x),noamp))) { ignore -u180 $address($2,2) | unset $($+(%,$2,flood),1) | chanlockdown $comchan($2, %x) $2 Private-Flood detected, $+(,$hget(protection,$+($comchan($2, %x),noamp)),) private messages in $+(,$hget(protection,$+($comchan($2, %x),noamsp)),) seconds | haltdef } 
      dec %x 
    else { dec %x }
alias fillprotectchans2 {
  did -r jpf2 102
  var %a = $lines(protectchans.txt)
  while (%a) { did -a jpf2 102 $read(protectchans.txt, %a) | dec %a }
  did -z jpf2 102
dialog -l jpf2help {
  title "Lockdown Help"
  option dbu
  size -1 -1 100 100
  box "Modes Help", 1, 5 5 90 90
  list 2, 10 15 80 80 , autohs, hsbar
on *:dialog:jpf2help:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did, %d = did -a jpf2help 2
  if (%b == init) { 
    did -r jpf2help 2
    %d --[ Channel Modes ]--
    %d A = Only Administrators may join
    %d c = No ANSI color can be sent to the channel
    %d C = No CTCP's allowed in the channel
    %d i = Invite required
    %d j = <joins:seconds> Throttles joins per-user to joins per seconds seconds
    %d K = /knock is not allowed
    %d k = <key> Sets a key needed to join
    %d l = <##> Sets max number of users
    %d M = A registered nickname (+r) is required to talk
    %d m = Moderated channel. Only +v/o/h users may speak
    %d N = No nick name changes permitted
    %d n = No messages from outside channels
    %d O = Only IRCops may join
    %d p = Makes channel private
    %d Q = Only U:Lined servers can kick users
    %d R = Requires a registered nickname to join
    %d S = Strips all incoming colors
    %d s = Makes channel secret
    %d t = Only chanops can set topic
    %d T = No NOTICE's allowed in the channel
    %d u = Auditorium – Makes /names and /who #channel only show channel ops
    %d V = /invite is not allowed
    %d z = Only clients on a Secure (SSL) Connection may join
    did -z jpf2help 2 
on *:text:*:*: { 
  if ($nick isop $chan) && ($hget(protection,$+($chan,opimmun)) == on) { halt }
  if ($nick ishop $chan) && ($hget(protection,$+($chan,hopimmun)) == on) { halt }
  else {
    if ($target == $chan) {
      if ($($+(%,protect,$chan),2) == on) { checktextfloodchan $target $nick }  
    if ($target == $me) { checktextfloodpriv $target $nick }  
on *:action:*:*: { 
  if ($nick isop $chan) && ($hget(protection,$+($chan,opimmun)) == on) { halt }
  if ($nick ishop $chan) && ($hget(protection,$+($chan,hopimmun)) == on) { halt }
  else {
    if ($target == $chan) {
      if ($($+(%,protect,$chan),2) == on) { checktextfloodchan $target $nick }  
    if ($target == $me) { checktextfloodpriv $target $nick }  
on *:notice:*:*: { 
  if ($nick isop $chan) && ($hget(protection,$+($chan,opimmun)) == on) { halt }
  if ($nick ishop $chan) && ($hget(protection,$+($chan,hopimmun)) == on) { halt }
  else {
    if ($target == $chan) {
      if ($($+(%,protect,$chan),2) == on) { checktextfloodchan $target $nick }  
    if ($target == $me) { checktextfloodpriv $target $nick }  
alias -l chanlockdown {
  if (!$($+(%,chanlocked,$1),2)) {
    set -u $+ $hget(protection,$+($1,ldf)) $+(%,chanlocked,$1) on
    mode $1 $+($chr(43),$hget(protection,$+($1,ldp1)),$hget(protection,$+($1,ldp2)) )
    msg $1 ***** $3- $+ . The channel has now gone into lockdown mode for a total of $+(,$calc($hget(protection,$+($1,ldf)) / 60),) minute(s). Triggered By $+(,$2,,$chr(46)) 
    .timer 1 $calc($hget(protection,$+($1,ldf)) / 2) mode $1 - $+ $hget(protection,$+($1,ldp1))
    .timer 1 $hget(protection,$+($1,ldf)) mode $1 - $+ $hget(protection,$+($1,ldp2))
    .timer 1 $calc($hget(protection,$+($1,ldf)) + 1) msg $1 ***** Channel lockdown over.
    if ($2 ison $1) { 
      if ($hget(protection,$+(fpkb,$1)) == on) { ban -u $+ $calc($hget(protection,$+(fpkbl,$1)) * 60) $1 $address($2,2) Flooder | kick $1 $2 }
      else { raw -q kick $1 $2 Flooder }
  else { 
    if ($hget(protection,$+(fpkb,$1)) == on) { ban -u $+ $calc($hget(protection,$+(fpkbl,$1)) * 60) $1 $address($2,2) Flooder | kick $1 $2 }
    else { raw -q kick $1 $2 Flooder }  
on 1:quit: { 
  var %a = $comchan($nick,0)
  while (%a) {
    if ($($+(%,protect,$chan($comchan($nick,%a))),2) == on) { 
      if ($($+(%,join,$chan($comchan($nick,%a)),$nick),2) > $hget(protection,$+($chan($comchan($nick,%a)),nopj))) { unset $($+(%,join,$chan($comchan($nick,%a)),$nick),1) | chanlockdown $chan($comchan($nick,%a))) $nick Join/Part flood detected, $+(,$($+(%,nopj,$chan($comchan($nick,%a)))),2),) joins/parts in $+(,$($+(%,nopjs,$chan($comchan($nick,%a)))),2),) seconds } 
      if ($len($strip($1-)) >= $hget(protection,$+($chan($comchan($nick,%a)),pqlm))) { chanlockdown $chan($comchan($nick,%a)) $nick Long Quit Message flood detected, message over $+(,$hget(protection,$+($chan($comchan($nick,%a)),pqlm),) characters long }
      dec %a
    else { dec %a }
on *:part:#: { 
  if ($($+(%,protect,$chan),2) == on) { 
    if ($($+(%,join,$chan,$nick),2) >= $hget(protection,$+($chan,nopj))) { unset $($+(%,join,$chan,$nick),1) | chanlockdown $chan $nick Join/Part flood detected, $+(,$hget(protection,$+($chan,nopj)),) joins/parts in $+(,$hget(protection,$+($chan,nopjs)),) seconds } 
    if ($len($strip($1-)) >= $hget(protection,$+($chan,pqlm))) { chanlockdown $chan $nick Long Part Message flood detected, message over $+(,$hget(protection,$+($chan,pqlm)),) characters long }
on *:join:#: { 
  if ($($+(%,protect,$chan),2) == on) { 
    $iif($($+(%,join,$chan),2),inc $+(%,join,$chan) 1,set -u $+ $hget(protection,$+($chan,nojs)) $+(%,join,$chan) 1)
    $iif($($+(%,join,$chan,$nick),2),inc $+(%,join,$chan,$nick) 1,set -u $+ $hget(protection,$+($chan,nopjs)) $+(%,join,$chan,$nick) 1) 
    if ($($+(%,join,$chan),2) >= $hget(protection,$+($chan,noj))) { unset $($+(%,join,$chan),1) | chanlockdown $chan $nick Join flood detected, $+(,$hget(protection,$+($chan,noj)),) joins in $+(,$hget(protection,$+($chan,nojs)),) seconds }
on 1:load: {
  echo -a ***** Thank you for loading "SassIRC Flood Protection V 1.7" Scripted by PuNkTuReD
  echo -a ***** This script will provide your network of channels with flood protection against,
  echo -a ***** Join/Part floods - (# JoinsParts/In # Seconds) - Per User
  echo -a ***** Mass join floods - (# Joins/In # Seconds) - Any User
  echo -a ***** Long Message floods channel - (# Messages/Bigger Than #/In # Seconds)
  echo -a ***** Mass Message floods channel - (# Messages/In # Seconds)
  echo -a ***** Long Message floods private - (# Messages/Bigger Than #/In # Seconds)
  echo -a ***** Mass Message floods private - (# Messages/In # Seconds)
on 1:unload: {
  echo -a ***** Thank you for using "SassIRC Flood Protection V 1.6" Scripted by PuNkTuReD with thanks to Cheiron


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Sonic7   -  Sep 13, 2011

Kick Ban time is not working, i was hoping for an update

OldAccount   -  Jul 19, 2011

can you put in warnings like
"WARNING 1/3" $nick Flooding Is NOT Allowed In This Channel, Please Stop.
"WARNING 2/3" $nick Flooding Is NOT Allowed In This Channel, Next Time YOU will be Kicked.
"WARNING 1/3" $nick Flooding Is NOT Allowed In This Channel, Next Time YOU will be Banned.
but as a notice to them so that it wont disrupt the channel

PuNkTuReD   -  Mar 25, 2011

that is a bug, correct.
when i have some free time i will update it, sorry for the over sight.

gasak   -  Mar 22, 2011

the kick/ban dialog is not working. I choose the kick/ban setting and add 4 minutes then save. when i open again the kick/ban is un-tick and the kick is ticked. Please advice.

InSuRedByMaFia   -  Dec 06, 2010

Nice WorK !!

amd86   -  Jul 27, 2010

how to make this script kick+ban?? sory i donno how to edit script...i already click kick/ban channel protected. the script only set mode

PuNkTuReD   -  Jul 19, 2009

yes it should.

what server are you on?

shw me if you can,
your flood settings and modes you set.

an example from the channel would be good.

StitchRokcs   -  Jul 16, 2009

If I have the bot set mode +m on a channel for a lockdown shouldnt it -m when the lockdown is over?

Cheiron   -  Feb 28, 2009

i will pm you later PunkTuReD on those updates for i have just what you need

PuNkTuReD   -  Feb 27, 2009

ty irchainscriptz,
i do plan on redoing it.
New Design:

Main dialog:
text explaining the flood type, and a button to open a new dialog to set settings for that flood type.

more "immunity" opions.

more flood types, well it is getting into just channel protection too.

Nick Change Flood
Clones Kick/ban: youll be able to specify the number of clones

Error Checks:
Like the bug if you specify a +/- when adding to phaze1 and phaze2.
Check to see if the client using the script is actually an Op or not.

atm i cant think of any other bugs that will stop it working
if you find some let me know.

also if you have any other suggestions, just suggest and i might add it.

irchainscriptz   -  Feb 27, 2009

dam nice code Ive been looking for something like this for my new script. Excellent work 10/10

Cheiron   -  Feb 25, 2009

you set the modes you want in the Phaze 1 and Phaze 2 boxes. you need both boxes to have modes in them as it works on a split timer. eg.. if you set lock down for 4 mins.. phaze1 box mode/s are unset after 2 mins and then phaze2 box unsets and clears lockdown after the 4 mins..
the help box will open a new dialogue to show you what modes are what for when you come to select them.. also DO NOT use the + symbol on the modes.. just the modes .. eg Phaze1: iKSM
Phaze2: RC

WannaKnow   -  Feb 25, 2009

Cheiron/Punkterd: I dont see the part where you set it +RC (Or does chanserv does this automatic?)

Cheiron   -  Feb 25, 2009

yeah i noticed that lol.. i did it on mine when i upgraded.

PuNkTuReD   -  Feb 24, 2009

edited: i forgot to change the dialog title to 1.7

PuNkTuReD   -  Feb 24, 2009

cheers m8

Cheiron   -  Feb 24, 2009

ok.. loaded that update up on the desktop now that i have it back. the check buttons work and show instantly alot better than the radio buttons previously used. nice minor upgrade there PunkTuReD

PuNkTuReD   -  Feb 24, 2009

cheers Warrior1968

Warrior1968   -  Feb 24, 2009

I love this,well done to you two,I was looking for something like this! 10/ b otserv can be a pain to get to work.

PuNkTuReD   -  Feb 24, 2009

updated to include immunity for Op and HalfOp

Cheiron   -  Feb 17, 2009

shunt your question there.. that is where snippet requests are asked

Kirbeh_Pr0nz   -  Feb 16, 2009

Cheiron, can you help me with something. Im noobish at the scripting business =\

Cheiron   -  Feb 16, 2009

this script here that PunkTuReD and i have been working on has been written to ideally go on a channel bot. it is not something that can be easily altered due to its complexity. as for a deop after a certain amount of time script.. all you need to do is include something like if($nick == $me) {halt} else sort of thing so that when the timer expires on your nick it halts.. but on any other op it will continue to run and deop them. but for that.. post your deop script into the forum under mirc snippet requests and ask for an edit to make it ignore you. this is not the place to be talking about that here lol..

mostafa_basha   -  Feb 16, 2009

cherion sorry i am not that good on script
can u give me more explain

Cheiron   -  Feb 16, 2009

This script is designed to be run on a bot. Either that or edit the deop feature to halt if nick is you. That is going to be your easiest option.

mostafa_basha   -  Feb 16, 2009

Cheiron i am an op in chanel but i am always idle
we have bot this bot deop any op not active for 15 minutes
so all what i need is to replace /mode #chan +mr and ban -u
to .msg cs mode #chan +mr or .msg cs ban .......

Cheiron   -  Feb 16, 2009

You would be better off getting project x clone detector as a seperate item for that. As for via channel issue you cannot change modes regardless unless you are Aop or higher

mostafa_basha   -  Feb 16, 2009

well i can rate it 200/10 its perfect
but i need help in one thing i have in my chanel Chanel Server (CS) abd i want mode to be through it like i want to replace /mode $chan +mr to be .msg CS mode #chan +mr
cause i am always idle so if i get flood it give me u r not chanel operator even i have access i bet to chanel mode i must be up @ so can u tell me how to change it
and also it will be tootaly perfect if u added clone kicker on it

Kirbeh_Pr0nz   -  Feb 16, 2009

nice ^^;
11/10 :P

Cheiron   -  Feb 16, 2009

it takes a bit of fidling to get the settings right for the kick / kickban but it does work Mhz. ideally you should be running mirc 6.35 for this script as the older ones will have issues with the coding used.
PunkTuReD and i have been toying with a beta 1.7 version atm that allows selective immunity from triggering to either halfops, ops, or both depending on the settings selected.
it has been a lot of trial and error but the beta 1.7 is looking good and runs well. no errors that i can find and i have tried lol... only issue we have atm is the radio buttons. but with a bit of fiddling this is overcome anyway with the script. the bugfix may or may not be fixable but it is not vital to the script as it will work with some patience. Maybe RusselB if he gets a look at this comment may want to have a look and a ponder over.
otherwise i think the beta 1.7 can be released and the introduction here edited just to show how to set the immunity and the way to do it.

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