SassIRC input theme

By PuNkTuReD on Jan 20, 2009

This script has
Acro Theme
Message Theme
Nick Theme

Acro's you create yourself,
and there is an option to make your own Message Theme.
acro's nick's and your messages will be encased with --()--
--( Hi --(PuNkTuReD)-- this is a test --(Laugh Out Loud)-- )--

I do plan on "revamping" this, so any ideas would be appreciated.


on 1:input:*: {
  if ($left($1,1) == /) && ($left($1,1) != /server) || ($ctrlenter) || ($inpaste) { return }
  else {
    set %output $1-
    if (%messagethemes == ON) { set %output 4--( $+ %inputcolor %output 4)-- | goto next2 }
    if (%custommessagethemes == ON) { set %output %theme1 %output %theme2 | goto next2 }
    else { goto next2 }
    if (%nickthemes == ON) {
      var %a = 1
      var %b = $nick($chan,0)
      while %a <= %b {
        if ($nick($chan,%a) isin $strip(%output)) { set %output $replace(%output,$($nick($chan,%a)), $(4--(14 $+ $nick($chan,%a) $+ 4)-- $+ %inputcolor )) | inc %a }
        else { inc %a }
      while %a > %b { goto next3 }
    else { goto next3 }
    if (%acros == ON) {
      var %a = 1
      var %b = $lines(myacros1.txt)
      var %c = 1
      var %d = $calc($numtok(%output,32) + 1 )
      while %c <= %d {
        if ($read(myacros1.txt, %a) == $gettok(%output,%c,32)) { set %output $replacex(%output,$read(myacros1.txt, %a),4--( $+ $read(myacros2.txt, %a) $+ 4)-- $+ %inputcolor ) | inc %c }
        else { if (%c <= %d) { inc %c } }
        if (%c > %d) { inc %a | var %c = 1 }
        if (%a > %b) { goto msg }
    else { goto msg }
    msg $active $iif(%inputcolor = $null,,%inputcolor) %output 


menu * {
  --( Inputs )--
  .--( Nick Theme )--
  ..$iif(%nickthemes == ON,$style(1)) --( On )--:set %nickthemes ON | echo -a 4(14--4S14ass4IRC14--4)4(14--4N14ick4T14heme14--4)4[14 Activated 4]
  ..$iif(%nickthemes == OFF,$style(1)) --( Off )--:set %nickthemes OFF | echo -a 4(14--4S14ass4IRC14--4)4(14--4N14ick4T14heme14--4)4[14 DeActivated 4]
  .--( Message Theme )--
  ..$iif(%messagethemes == ON,$style(1)) --( Default On )--:set %custommessagethemes OFF | set %messagethemes ON | echo -a 4(14--4S14ass4IRC14--4)4(14--4M14essage4T14heme14--4)4[14 Activated 4]
  ..$iif(%messagethemes == OFF,$style(1)) --( Default Off )--:set %messagethemes OFF | echo -a 4(14--4S14ass4IRC14--4)4(14--4M14essage4T14heme14--4)4[14 DeActivated 4]
  ..$iif(%custommessagethemes == ON,$style(1)) --( Custom )--:dialog $iif($dialog(my.themes),-v,-dm) my.themes my.themes
  .--( Text Effects )--
  ..--( Acros )--
  ...$iif(%acros == ON,$style(1)) --( On )--:set %acros ON | echo -a 4(14--4S14ass4IRC14--4)4(14--4A14cros14--4)4[14 Activated 4]
  ...$iif(%acros == OFF,$style(1)) --( Off )--:set %acros OFF | echo -a 4(14--4S14ass4IRC14--4)4(14--4A14cros14--4)4[14 DeActivated 4]
  ...--( Customise )--:dialog $iif($dialog(my.acros),-v,-dm) my.acros my.acros
  ..--( Color Text )--
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 0,$style(1)) --( White )--:set %inputcolor 0
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 1,$style(1)) --( Black )--:set %inputcolor 1
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 2,$style(1)) --( Blue )--:set %inputcolor 2
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 3,$style(1)) --( Green )--:set %inputcolor 3
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 4,$style(1)) --( Light Red )--:set %inputcolor 4
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 5,$style(1)) --( Brown )--:set %inputcolor 5
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 6,$style(1)) --( Purple )--:set %inputcolor 6
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 7,$style(1)) --( Orange )--:set %inputcolor 7
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 8,$style(1)) --( Yellow )--:set %inputcolor 8
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 9,$style(1)) --( Light Green )--:set %inputcolor 9
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 10,$style(1)) --( Cyan )--:set %inputcolor 10
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 11,$style(1)) --( Light Cyan )--:set %inputcolor 11
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 12,$style(1)) --( Light Blue )--:set %inputcolor 12
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 13,$style(1)) --( Pink )--:set %inputcolor 13
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 14,$style(1)) --( Grey )--:set %inputcolor 14
  ...$iif(%inputcolor == 15,$style(1)) --( Light Grey )--:set %inputcolor 15
  ...$iif(%text.colortext == ON,$style(1)) --( On )--:set %text.colortext ON | set %inputcolor 7 | echo -a 4(14--4S14ass4IRC14--4)4(14--4C14olor4T14ext14--4)4[14 Activated 4] 
  ...$iif(%text.colortext == $null,$style(1)) --( Off )--:unset %text.colortext | unset %inputcolor | echo -a 4(14--4S14ass4IRC14--4)4(14--4C14olor4T14ext14--4)4[14 DeActivated 4] 


dialog my.acros {
  title "my.acros"
  size -1 -1 200 110
  option dbu
  button "Acros ON", 11, 50 95 40 10
  button "Acros OFF", 12, 110 95 40 10
  text "", 1, 5 5 90 8 
  edit "", 2, 5 15 90 10, autohs
  button "Add", 3, 5 25 45 10
  button "Preview", 4, 50 25 45 10
  list 5, 5 35 90 60, 
  text "", 6, 105 5 90 8 
  edit "", 7, 105 15 90 10, autohs
  button "Add", 8, 105 25 45 10
  button "Preview", 9, 150 25 45 10
  list 10, 105 35 90 60
on *:dialog:my.acros:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { }
  if (%b == sclick) {
    if (%c == 11) { set %acros ON | echo -a 4(14--4S14ass14--4)4(14--4A14cros14--4)4[14 Activated 4] }
    if (%c == 12) { set %acros OFF | echo -a 4(14--4S14ass14--4)4(14--4A14cros14--4)4[14 DeActivated 4] }
    if (%c == 3) { write myacros1.txt $did(my.acros,2) | did -r my.acros 5,10 | | did -r my.acros 1,2, | did -c my.acros 5 $did(my.acros,5).lines }
    if (%c == 4) { echo -a $did(my.acros,2) }
    if (%c == 5) { did -ra my.acros 1 $did(my.acros,5).seltext | did -ra my.acros 2 $did(my.acros,5).seltext } 
    if (%c == 8) { write myacros2.txt $did(my.acros,7) $+  | did -r my.acros 5,10 | | did -r my.acros 6,7 | did -c my.acros 10 $did(my.acros,10).lines }
    if (%c == 9) { echo -a $did(my.acros,7) }
    if (%c == 10) { did -ra my.acros 6 $did(my.acros,10).seltext | did -ra my.acros 7 $did(my.acros,10).seltext }
  if (%b == edit) {
    if (%c == 2) { did -ra my.acros 1 $did(my.acros,2) | did -t my.acros 3 }
    if (%c == 7) { did -ra my.acros 6 $strip($did(my.acros,7)) | did -t my.acros 8 }
dialog my.themes {
  title "My Themes"
  size -1 -1 200 110
  option dbu
  button "Themes ON", 11, 50 95 40 10
  button "Themes OFF", 12, 110 95 40 10
  text "", 1, 5 5 90 8 
  edit "", 2, 5 15 90 10, autohs
  button "Add", 3, 5 25 45 10
  button "Preview", 4, 50 25 45 10
  list 5, 5 35 90 60
  text "", 6, 105 5 90 8 
  edit "", 7, 105 15 90 10, autohs
  button "Add", 8, 105 25 45 10
  button "Preview", 9, 150 25 45 10
  list 10, 105 35 90 60
on *:dialog:my.themes:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { }
  if (%b == sclick) {
    if (%c == 11) { set %messagethemes OFF | set %custommessagethemes ON | set %theme1 $did(my.themes,2) | set %theme2 $did(my.themes,7) | echo -a 4(14--4S14ass4IRC14--4)4(14--4C14ustom4T14heme14--4)4[14 Activated 4] }
    if (%c == 12) { set %custommessagethemes OFF | echo -a 4(14--4S14ass4IRC14--4)4(14--4C14ustom4T14heme14--4)4[14 DeActivated 4] }
    if (%c == 3) { write mythemes1.txt $did(my.themes,2) $+  | did -r my.themes 5,10 | | did -r my.themes 1,2, | did -c my.themes 5 $did(my.themes,5).lines }
    if (%c == 4) { echo -a $did(my.themes,2) }
    if (%c == 5) { did -ra my.themes 1 $did(my.themes,5).seltext | did -ra my.themes 2 $did(my.themes,5).seltext } 
    if (%c == 8) { write mythemes2.txt $did(my.themes,7) $+  | did -r my.themes 5,10 | | did -r my.themes 6,7 | did -c my.themes 10 $did(my.themes,10).lines }
    if (%c == 9) { echo -a $did(my.themes,7) }
    if (%c == 10) { did -ra my.themes 6 $did(my.themes,10).seltext | did -ra my.themes 7 $did(my.themes,10).seltext }
  if (%b == edit) {
    if (%c == 2) { did -ra my.themes 1 $did(my.themes,2) | did -t my.themes 3 }
    if (%c == 7) { did -ra my.themes 6 $did(my.themes,7) | did -t my.themes 8 }


alias {
  var %a = 1
  var %b = $lines(myacros1.txt)
  while %a <= %b { 
    did -a my.acros 5 $read(myacros1.txt, %a) 
    did -a my.acros 10 $read(myacros2.txt, %a) 
    inc %a 
    did -z my.acros 5,10
alias {
  var %a = 1
  var %b = $lines(mythemes1.txt)
  while %a <= %b { 
    did -a my.themes 5 $read(mythemes1.txt, %a) 
    did -a my.themes 10 $read(mythemes2.txt, %a) 
    inc %a 
    did -z my.themes 5,10


on *:load: {
  echo -a Thank you for using PuNkTuReD's Input themes.
  echo -a If you have any questions or suggestions, you can find PuNkTuReD on the following servers.
  echo -a IrCQNet #The_Secret_Society
  echo -a SassNet #Help
  echo -a QuakeNet #PuNkTuReD


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JoRdY   -  Mar 24, 2010

Its nice PuNkTureD.

PuNkTuReD   -  Mar 24, 2010

yes, because you have more than one, that is probably the problem.

Lenooox   -  Mar 24, 2010

yes i have some on :input:#:{ line in my remote
and i can use this script only
if im not have another on
:input:#:{ line?

PuNkTuReD   -  Mar 23, 2010

in another remote file

Lenooox   -  Mar 22, 2010


PuNkTuReD   -  Mar 22, 2010

you must have another "on input" event in your scripts, somewhere.

Lenooox   -  Mar 22, 2010

o.O i tried your script but i got duplicated messages :(

(14:11:03) (@Lenoox) test
(14:11:03) (@Lenoox) test

Lenooox   -  Jan 24, 2010

i tried to change
(line 41) halt to haltdef
but nothing

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