Server Manager 1.3

By Silverwing on Jan 18, 2009


A Server Manager for mIRC.

  • Supports adding servers from mIRC's server.ini list (download servers.ini here)
  • Ability to assign different autojoin channels to each server, you can add multiple channels at once
  • Ability to assign a registered nickname and password to each server, so you don't have to worry about identifying your nick each time you connect
  • Can be started with mIRC automaticcaly
  • You can connect to a server without using autojoin for a single time


As far as I know, there is 1 serious bug:

  1. If you specify a server like, it will automatically redirect you to a "sub-server" of the QuakeNet network, like As a result, autojoin will not work, nor will registered nickname / password automatically be identified.

A workaround for this is adding the sub-server to your serverlist, like, so you will not be redirected to another one.

on *:START: {
  if (%servermanager_autostart == 1) {

on *:CONNECT: {
  var %a = 1
  var %b = $lines(serverlist.swf)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    var %c1 = $gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),1,182)
    if (%c1 == $server || %c1 == $serverip) {
      var %c2 = $gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),2,182)
      var %c3 = $gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),3,182)
      var %c4 = $gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),4,182)
      if (%servermanager_noautojoin != 1) {
        var %d = 1
        var %e = $numtok(%c2,59)
        while (%d <= %e) {
          /join2 $gettok(%c2,%d,59)
          inc %d
      if (%c3) {
        ./nick %c3
      if (%c4) {
        /msg NickServ IDENTIFY %c4
      var %a = %b
    inc %a

alias join2 {
  /join #$$1 $2-

menu * {
  .Server Manager: /dialog $iif($dialog(SERVERMANAGER),-vie,-md) SERVERMANAGER SERVERMANAGER

  title "Server Manager"
  size -1 -1 317 170
  option dbu
  text "Servers:", 5, 4 4 24 8
  list 6, 4 15 92 130, hsbar vsbar size sort
  text "Autojoin channels:", 7, 104 4 50 8
  list 8, 104 15 92 130, hsbar vsbar size sort
  text "Double click any server to connect", 9, 4 147 101 8
  text "Add channel(s):", 10, 203 61 42 8
  edit "", 11, 203 73 76 42, autovs multi
  button "Add", 12, 202 117 29 12
  button "Remove selected", 13, 202 132 51 12
  text "Seperate multiple channels by semicolon (no space after semicolon)", 14, 283 72 32 50
  check "Do NOT use Autojoin only for this time", 15, 3 157 104 8
  button "Connect to all", 16, 266 154 45 12
  check "Start Server Manager with mIRC", 17, 225 4 91 8
  box "Registered", 1, 203 20 109 34
  text "Nick:", 2, 207 29 14 8
  edit "", 3, 222 28 84 10
  text "Password:", 4, 207 40 28 8
  edit "", 18, 236 40 70 10, pass
  menu "File", 100
  item "Add server", 101, 100
  item "Remove selected", 102, 100
  item "break", 103, 100
  item "Add all default servers", 104, 100
  item "break", 105, 100
  item "Remove all servers", 107, 100
  item "break", 108, 100
  item "Close", 106, 100, ok

dialog ADDSERVER {
  title "Add Server"
  size -1 -1 93 78
  option dbu
  combo 1, 4 4 85 9, drop sort
  edit "", 2, 4 17 85 10
  button "Add", 3, 11 62 32 12
  button "Cancel", 5, 48 62 32 12, ok
  text "Select a server from the list or specify an address in the second box.", 4, 4 32 72 22

  if ($devent == init) {
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 1 && $did(1).seltext) {
      /did -ar $dname 2 $did(1).seltext
    if ($did == 3 && $did(2)) {
      /addserver $dname $did(2)

  if ($devent == init) {
    /unset %servermanager_noautojoin
    /did -u $dname 17
    if (%servermanager_autostart == 1) {
      /did -c $dname 17
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 6) {
    if ($did == 12) {
      if ($did(6).seltext && $did(11)) {
    if ($did == 13) {
      if ($did(8).seltext) {
    if ($did == 16) {
      if ($did(15).state == 1) {
        /set %servermanager_noautojoin 1
    if ($did == 17) {
      if ($did(17).state == 1) {
        /set %servermanager_autostart 1
      if ($did(17).state == 0) {
        /unset %servermanager_autostart
  if ($devent == dclick) {
    if ($did == 6) {
      if ($did(15).state == 1) {
        /set %servermanager_noautojoin 1
      /server -m $did(6).seltext
  if ($devent == edit) {
    if ($did == 3) {
      /updateregistered $dname 3 18
    if ($did == 18) {
      /updateregistered $dname 3 18
  if ($devent == menu) {
    if ($did == 101) {
      /dialog $iif($dialog(ADDSERVER),-vie,-md) ADDSERVER ADDSERVER
    if ($did == 102) {
      if ($did(6).seltext) {
    if ($did == 104) {
      var %temp = $?="WARNING: You're about to add ALL default servers to your serverlist. This might take a while! Enter Continue below to proceed:"
      if (%temp == Continue) {
        if ($file(servers.ini)) {
          var %a = 0
          var %b = $calc($ini(servers.ini,servers,0)-1)
          while (%a <= %b) {
            /addserver $dname $left($gettok($readini(servers.ini,servers,n $+ %a),2-3,58),-5)
            inc %a
      /dialog -vie $dname $dname
    if ($did == 107) {
      var %temp = $?="WARNING: You're about to remove ALL servers in your serverlist! Enter Continue below to proceed:"
      if (%temp == Continue) {
        /write -c serverlist.swf
      /dialog -vie $dname $dname

alias -l loadservers {
  /did -r SERVERMANAGER 6 8
  var %a = 1
  var %b = $lines(serverlist.swf)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    /did -a SERVERMANAGER 6 $gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),1,182)
    inc %a

alias -l loaddefaultservers {
  if ($file(servers.ini)) {
    var %a = 0
    var %b = $calc($ini(servers.ini,servers,0)-1)
    while (%a <= %b) {
      /did -a ADDSERVER 1 $left($gettok($readini(servers.ini,servers,n $+ %a),2-3,58),-5)
      inc %a

alias -l loadautojoin {
  var %a = 1
  var %b = $lines(serverlist.swf)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    if ($gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),1,182) == $did(SERVERMANAGER,6).seltext) {
      var %c = $gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),2,182)
      var %d = 1
      var %e = $numtok(%c,59)
      while (%d <= %e) {
        /did -a SERVERMANAGER 8 $gettok(%c,%d,59)
        inc %d
      /did -ar SERVERMANAGER 3 $gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),3,182)
      /did -ar SERVERMANAGER 18 $gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),4,182)
      var %a = %b
    inc %a

alias -l addserver {
  if ($file(serverlist.swf)) {
    var %a = 1
    var %b = $lines(serverlist.swf)
    while (%a <= %b) {
      if ($gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),1,182) == $2-) {
        goto end
      inc %a
  /write serverlist.swf $2- $+ $chr(182)
  if ($1 == ADDSERVER) {
    /dialog -x $1 $1

alias -l removeserver {
  var %a = 1
  var %b = $lines(serverlist.swf)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    if ($gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),1,182) == $did(SERVERMANAGER,6).seltext) {
      /write -dl $+ %a serverlist.swf
    inc %a

alias -l addautojoin {
  var %a = 1
  var %b = $did(SERVERMANAGER,11).lines
  while (%a <= %b) {
    var %c = %c $did(SERVERMANAGER,11,%a)
    inc %a
  var %a = 1
  var %b = $lines(serverlist.swf) 
  while (%a <= %b) {
    if ($gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),1,182) == $did(SERVERMANAGER,6).seltext) {
      var %d = 1
      var %e = $numtok(%c,59)
      while (%d <= %e) {
        /write -l $+ %a serverlist.swf $gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),1,182) $+ $chr(182) $+ $addtok($gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),2,182),$gettok(%c,%d,59),59)
        inc %d
      var %a = %b     
    inc %a
  /did -r SERVERMANAGER 11

alias -l removeautojoin {
  var %a = 1
  var %b = $lines(serverlist.swf)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    if ($gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),1,182) == $did(SERVERMANAGER,6).seltext) {
      var %c = $gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),2,182)
      /write -l $+ %a serverlist.swf $gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),1,182) $+ $chr(182) $+ $remtok(%c,$did(SERVERMANAGER,8).seltext,0,59)
      var %a = %b
    inc %a

alias -l updateregistered {
  var %a = 1
  var %b = $lines(serverlist.swf) 
  while (%a <= %b) {
    if ($gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),1,182) == $did(SERVERMANAGER,6).seltext) {
      /write -l $+ %a serverlist.swf $gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),1,182) $+ $chr(182) $+ $gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),2,182) $+ $chr(182) $+ $did($1,$2) $+ $chr(182) $+ $did($1,$3)
      var %a = %b
    inc %a

alias -l connectall {
  var %a = 1
  var %b = $lines(serverlist.swf)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    /server -m $gettok($read(serverlist.swf,%a),1,182)
    inc %a


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Pepsi_Man0077   -  Jan 20, 2009

Quite simple, if you would like help in person, you can find me here


Best of luck

Silverwing   -  Jan 20, 2009

Hmm, I have to learn how to use hash tables first. Will do that soon.

Also, I got rid of the default servers list. It now reads the default servers directly from mIRC's servers.ini

PuNkTuReD   -  Jan 20, 2009

how about 2 hash tables
one for server
example: Servers
one for your channels
example: AutoJoin $network channels
then when your on said network it will autojoin said channels

on *:start: {  
  if (!$hget(AutoJoin)) { hmake AutoJoin 20 }
  if ($exists(AutoJoin.hsh)) { hload AutoJoin AutoJoin.hsh } 
  if (!$hget(Servers)) { hmake Servers 20 }
  if ($exists(Servers.hsh)) { hload Servers Servers.hsh } 
  set -u5 %a 1
  set -u5 %b $hget(Servers,0).item
  while %a <= %b {
    if (%a == 1) { server $hget(Servers,%a).item | inc %a }
    else { server -m $hget(Servers,%a).item | inc %a }
  else { haltdef }
on *:connect: { join $hget(Autojoin,$network) }

i come across the same problems with my bot

Silverwing   -  Jan 20, 2009

I might look into fixing the subserver-issue another time. Thanks for your tip though.

Pepsi_Man0077   -  Jan 19, 2009

I have a script similar to this, and the way i went around that bug is to specifically join that subserver. So if i specified a server without the sub-server, it would join a random one, override the original with the sub server, and use that as the server to join everytime. If you are interested in looking at how i went around it by viewing the code, i have it posted here on hawkee

AlienDK   -  Jan 19, 2009

Very nice script, thanks ;P 8/10

Bluepower10   -  Jan 19, 2009

Ok, thanks!

Silverwing   -  Jan 19, 2009

@Bluepower10: You can add your own by typing it in the second box on the Add Server dialog (File > Add Server). The first box is for the default servers list, so if you don't have that, it should be empty, which doesn't matter as it adds the server from the second box (when you select something from the first box, it will be automatically copied to the second one)

@Aucun50: it should work perfectly without restarthing the dialog or even mIRC.

Edit: I've edited the description on the Add Server dialog. I think it should be clear now ;) If not, let me know

Aucun50   -  Jan 18, 2009

Think there was the same problem with another script like this one, you add the servers channel and whatever you want then close mIRC reopen.

Bluepower10   -  Jan 18, 2009

I got it in #remotes, but I can't add any servers! But, I deleted the bottom part because i didn't use those servers, I used one that wasn't on there. So, how can I add my own?

Silverwing   -  Jan 18, 2009

Ah I see. Well, it appears I accidentally left a backslash in somewhere it shouldn't be :P

Fixed now.

Spanky   -  Jan 18, 2009

its adding channels to a server D: i cant add i type them in but it dont add them

Silverwing   -  Jan 18, 2009

Have you read the bug report at the bottom of the description? As that might be the reason you can't get autojoin to work. Or is there a problem adding channels to a server?

Edit: Can you post a copy of your serverlist.swf file?

Spanky   -  Jan 18, 2009

its good. i like it good job just a bit awkaward to get server list up if ur stupid like me ^.^ i can't get the autojoin bit working.

Silverwing   -  Jan 18, 2009

OK, added a little more logic to it :P

Just put the script in Remote.

Bluepower10   -  Jan 18, 2009

So you don't put it in remotes? If not, then where does it go?

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