Sudoku v0.2

By Firstmate on Jan 06, 2009

Well I have never seen a sudoku script, so I decided to make one.
At first, I wondered how I could make my own thing that generates sudoku puzzles, but I gave up on that, and decided to use sockets.

I socketed to websudoku for those who want to know, and it was difficult for me to grab the information out of (if anyone decides to see what the socket gives back hehe)

Anyways, type /sudoku or right click > sudoku to start
You'll be presented to a window similar to:


Red numbers denote a given number (I'm going to try to make it so you can't edit this)
There are 4 levels of difficulty: Easy, Medium, Hard, Evil
In the bottom-right corner, there's the puzzle id, in case you want to see the puzzle-id on the website.

Now I have a very crude checker to see if you won or not, and if anyone would like to help me, and create a more efficient one, I'd be glad to look at it.

**Note: I have found a few people who helped test the script have issues with the background. Again, if anyone can help find the solution, I'd be glad to accept it. I also noticed people who use an addon and themes might find that it's a little weird.

-Better interface
-Better fix to preference stated by Kirby

Special thanks: vskyzv for helping with code and testing. kuru for testing

Hope you like it :)
Rate or hate.

+: Added feature
-: Removed feature
X: Fixed glitch/bug

Released Sudoku

+: Can't change or delete given numbers
+: Added delete feature, Just hit Backspace on a cell
+: Added temporary fix, waits 10 seconds before clearing board when you win
X: Fixed bug where two numbers appear in the top-left box

;Sudoku 0.02
;Updated by Firstmate 01/14/09
;Place this script in remotes (alt-R or Tools > Script Editor)
;Right click in channel > Sudoku OR type /sudoku alternatively
;Click a box and fill in a number
;Click boxes to change difficulty

menu status,channel,query {
alias sudoku {
  window -pdoCk0 @Sudoku -1 -1 380 480
  drawrect -fr @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 0 5 400 15 15
alias -l s.drawlines {
  clear @Sudoku
  drawfill -r @Sudoku $rgb(255,255,255) $rgb(255,255,255) 1 1
  drawline -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 2 5 5 365 5
  drawline -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 2 5 5 5 365
  drawline -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 2 5 365 365 365
  drawline -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 2 365 5 365 365

  drawrect -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 0 5 370 80 25
  drawtext -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 14 15 372 Did I Win?

  drawrect -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 1 5 400 15 15
  drawtext -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 14 25 400 Easy
  drawrect -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 1 65 400 15 15
  drawtext -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 14 85 400 Medium
  drawrect -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 1 145 400 15 15
  drawtext -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 14 165 400 Hard
  drawrect -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 1 205 400 15 15
  drawtext -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 14 225 400 Evil

  var %x 1
  var %y 1
  while (%x < 9) {
    if ($calc(%x % 3) == 0) { drawline -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 2 5 $calc((%x * 40) + 5) 365 $calc((%x * 40) + 5) }
    else { drawline -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 1 5 $calc((%x * 40) + 5) 365 $calc((%x * 40) + 5) }
    inc %x
  while (%y < 9) {
    if ($calc(%y % 3) == 0) { drawline -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 2 $calc((%y * 40) + 5) 5 $calc((%y * 40) + 5) 365 }
    else { drawline -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 1 $calc((%y * 40) + 5) 5 $calc((%y * 40) + 5) 365 }
    inc %y
menu @sudoku {
  sclick: {
    if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,5,400,15,15)) {
      drawrect -fr @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 0 5 400 15 15
      .remove Sudoku.txt
      set %s.level 1
    if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,65,400,15,15)) { 
      drawrect -fr @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 0 65 400 15 15
      .remove Sudoku.txt
      set %s.level 2 
    if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,145,400,15,15)) { 
      drawrect -fr @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 0 145 400 15 15 
      .remove Sudoku.txt
      set %s.level 3
    if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,205,400,15,15)) {
      drawrect -fr @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 0 205 400 15 15
      .remove Sudoku.txt
      set %s.level 4
    if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,5, 370, 75, 30)) {
      ;did you win?
    if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,5,5,365,365)) {
      var %pos $s.checkpos($mouse.x,$mouse.y)
      var %col $gettok(%pos,1,32)
      var %row $gettok(%pos,2,32) 
      set %s.pos %pos
      if (!%s.temp) { set %s.temp %pos | drawrect -f @Sudoku 0 0 $calc(((%col - 1) * 40) + 34) $calc(((%row - 1) * 40) + 6) 10 10 }
      else { 
        var %cols $gettok(%s.temp,1,32)
        var %rows $gettok(%s.temp,2,32)
        drawrect -fr @Sudoku $rgb(255,255,255) 1 $calc(((%cols - 1) * 40) + 36) $calc(((%rows - 1) * 40) + 6) 8 8
        set %s.temp %pos
        drawrect -fr @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 0 $calc(((%col - 1) * 40) + 36) $calc(((%row - 1) * 40) + 6) 8 8
      ;if they clicked in sudoku chart 
on 1:KEYDOWN:@Sudoku:*: { 
  if ($keychar isnum && %s.pos && $keychar !== 0) {
    var %col $gettok(%s.pos,1,32)
    var %row $gettok(%s.pos,2,32)
    if ($read(Sudoku.txt,s,$+(%col,$chr(44),%row))) {
      write -ds $+ $+(%col,$chr(44),%row) Sudoku.txt
    write sudoku.txt $+(%col,$chr(44),%row) $keychar
    drawrect -fr @Sudoku $rgb(255,255,255) 1 $calc(((%col -1) * 40) + 6) $calc(((%row -1) * 40) + 6) 30 30
    drawtext -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 24 $calc(((%col - 1) * 40) + 15) $calc(((%row - 1) * 40) + 10) $keychar
  if ($keyval == 8 && %s.pos) {
    var %col $gettok(%s.pos,1,32)
    var %row $gettok(%s.pos,2,32)
    write -ds $+ $+(%col,$chr(44),%row) Sudoku.txt
    drawrect -fr @Sudoku $rgb(255,255,255) 1 $calc(((%col -1) * 40) + 6) $calc(((%row -1) * 40) + 6) 30 30
    drawrect -fr @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) 0 $calc(((%col - 1) * 40) + 36) $calc(((%row - 1) * 40) + 6) 8 8

alias s.socket {
  if ($sock(sudoku)) { sockclose sudoku }
  sockopen sudoku 80
on *:sockopen:sudoku: {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /index.php?level= $+ %s.level HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host:
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:sudoku: {
  var %s
  sockread %s
  if (Copy link for this puzzle isin %s) {
    var %x = $remove($gettok($gettok($gettok($remove(%s,$chr(44),$chr(40),$chr(41)),2,62),2,32),4,61),$chr(34))
    drawtext -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 10 290 430 ID: %x
  .s.split %s
alias -l s.checkpos {
  var %x $1
  var %y $2
  var %col,%row
  var %i = 1, %j = 1
  while (%i < 9) {
    if (%x < $calc((%i * 40) + 5)) { %col = %i | break }
    inc %i
  while (%j < 9) {
    if (%y < $calc((%j * 40) + 5)) { %row = %j | break }
    inc %j
  return %i %j
alias -l s.split {
  var %t $remove($1-,$chr(40),$chr(44),$chr(41))
  var %i = 1, %x = $gettok(%t,0,60), %p, %d, %y
  while (%i < %x) {
    %p = $gettok($gettok(%t,%i,62),1,60)
    if ($left(%p,5) == INPUT && READONLY isin %p) {
      ;If they give a number
      ;Location of number cXY e.g. x45
      %d = $remove($gettok($gettok($gettok($gettok(%t,$calc(%i -1),62),1,60),3,32),2,61),c)
      %y = $noqt($gettok($gettok(%p,7,32),2,61))
      var %col $left(%d,1)
      var %row $right(%d,1)
      write sudoku.txt $+($calc(%col + 1),$chr(44),$calc(%row + 1)) %y
      drawtext -r @Sudoku $rgb(255,0,0) Tahoma 24 $calc((%col * 40) + 15) $calc((%row * 40) + 10) %y      
    inc %i
alias -l s.checkwin {
  if ($lines(Sudoku.txt) !== 81) { drawrect -fr @Sudoku $rgb(255,255,255) 1 90 370 300 30 | drawtext -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 14 90 370 Fill in all the boxes! }
  else {
    var %x = 1, %p, %i
    while (%x < 10) {
      %p = %p $read(Sudoku.txt,s,$+(%x,$chr(44),1)) | %p = %p $read(Sudoku.txt,s,$+(%x,$chr(44),2)) | %p = %p $read(Sudoku.txt,s,$+(%x,$chr(44),3)) | %p = %p $read(Sudoku.txt,s,$+(%x,$chr(44),4)) | %p = %p $read(Sudoku.txt,s,$+(%x,$chr(44),5))
      %p = %p $read(Sudoku.txt,s,$+(%x,$chr(44),6)) | %p = %p $read(Sudoku.txt,s,$+(%x,$chr(44),7)) | %p = %p $read(Sudoku.txt,s,$+(%x,$chr(44),8)) | %p = %p $read(Sudoku.txt,s,$+(%x,$chr(44),9))
      echo -a %p
      if ($istok(%p,1,32) && $istok(%p,2,32) && $istok(%p,3,32) && $istok(%p,4,32) && $istok(%p,5,32) && $istok(%p,6,32) && $istok(%p,7,32) && $istok(%p,8,32) && $istok(%p,9,32)) {
        inc %i
      %p = $null
      inc %x
    if (%i == 9) { drawrect -fr @Sudoku $rgb(255,255,255) 1 90 370 300 30 | drawtext -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 14 90 370 You Win! | s.drawlines }
    else { drawrect -fr @Sudoku $rgb(255,255,255) 1 90 370 300 30 | drawtext -r @Sudoku $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 14 90 370 You lost :( Keep trying! }
on 1:CLOSE:@Sudoku: {
  unset %s.*
  .remove Sudoku.txt


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Firstmate   -  Jan 14, 2009

I have an idea how to do your idea Kirby, but I just can't think atm lol.

So I just made a reeaallllly temporary thing to do it lol. Not really even a fix.

Kirby   -  Jan 14, 2009

Looks great!

Firstmate   -  Jan 14, 2009

Updated Script. Read changelog for more info.

Zeppelin382   -  Jan 13, 2009

/me likes
:D Going to see if I can't learn something from this too, rated 9 (not very useful)

Kirby   -  Jan 13, 2009

This is very neat...I just don't like one thing though; when you hit "Did I win?", if I did win, it just automatically switches to a new game.
Otherwise, I haven't found any bugs or errors.
[10/10] from me. :O

Firstmate   -  Jan 08, 2009

lol yeah, not really different feedback. Just gave a different comment for each :p

Anyways, thanks guys! I'll try to keep this updated

Lazy   -  Jan 08, 2009

Napa and mountaindew posted the exact same script, yet you gave diff feed back for each :P

Anyhow this looks nice, I'll def have to give it a shot and see if I can help with any bugs I find. Good Job!

Pepsi_Man0077   -  Jan 08, 2009

Nice script, i liked it!

Zmodem   -  Jan 08, 2009

sercan386: Why didn't you like/rate this yourself? ;)

Anyways, +like/10rate from me! Outstanding!

sercan386   -  Jan 08, 2009

wow this looks awesome! WHY DIDNT ANYBODY LIKE/RATE THIS?
10/10 ftw

Firstmate   -  Jan 07, 2009

Dam thats really nice D:

napa182   -  Jan 07, 2009
Firstmate   -  Jan 07, 2009

@mountaindew: yeah. And that sudoku is different. It has files for its puzzles. But I guess yeah, it IS a sudoku :p

@blitz, lol, I'll try to get a workaround to that. Maybe split the line a few times before doing the stuff.

Blitzjager   -  Jan 07, 2009

I got 1-4 numbers to show up before I start getting a lot of /s.split: line too long (line 133, Sudoku) =/

guest598594   -  Jan 07, 2009

Nice job, I can't believe it's your first picwin :)

(Here's another Sudoku btw:

Firstmate   -  Jan 07, 2009

Thanks napa and aucun50. It's my first picwin script.

@napa could you show me one? I'd like to see how they did.

napa182   -  Jan 07, 2009

nice work, but i have seen a few diff versions of this for mirc before.

Aucun50   -  Jan 06, 2009

Works good for me, Good job on it this is something new that no one has do as far as i know.

Finally something new that's not a bot commands or something along that line lol.

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