Darkengine 4.0

By darkengine on Dec 21, 2008

Darkengine 4.0 is a complete recode from the ground up with accuracy and stability in mind. Currently darkengine 4.0 is the most stable version ever developed, it features many improvements over previous versions. See below for major highlights. Currently darkengine 4.0 betas are only available to beta testers and contributors (supporters of the project). If you wish to beta test please click on the paypal link below. Darkengine can only continue if there are donations. Donations go towards paying for hosting of this website and furthuring developement of darkengine, a lot of work / countless hours go into programming the dll. Darkengine 3.4 is still available for download below but is no longer being developed. Thank you and enjoy!



Download here with dll

on *:load:{ echo -ae DarkEngine installed sucessfully... | dek 3 | fde }

alias biosvendor { dem Bios Vendor: $de(bios_vendor) }
alias biosdate { dem Bios Date: $de(bios_date) }
alias biosversion { dem Bios Version: $de(bios_version) }

;Operating System Information
alias osver { dem Operating System: $de(winver) }
alias winuser { dem Windows User: $de(win_username) }
alias osinfo { dem OS info: $de(win_username) on $de(winver) }
alias uptime { dem Uptime: $de(uptime_short) }
alias luptime { dem Uptime: $de(uptime) }
alias record { dem Record Uptime: $de(record_uptime) }
alias winstall { dem Installed On: $de(win_install_date) }
alias winall { dem OS Info: $de(winver) $+  [ $+ $de(win_username) $+ ] installed on  $+ $de(win_install_date) }
alias pcname { dem Computer Name: $de(computer_name) }

;Central Processing Unit Information
alias cpu { dem CPU: $de(cpuname) }
alias cpuspeed { dem CPU Speed: $de(cpuspeed) }
alias cpudetail { dem CPU Details: $de(cpudetails) }
alias cpuload { dem CPU Load: $de(cpuload) }
alias cpuarch { dem CPU Architecture: $de(cpuarchitech) }
alias cpucount { dem CPU Count: $de(cpucount) }
alias cpuinfo { dem CPU: $de(cpuname) $+ , $de(cpuspeed) $+ ,  $+ $de(cpu_cache_l2) $+  ( $+ $de(cpuload) Load $+ ) }
alias l1cache { dem L1 Cache: $de(cpu_cache_l1) }
alias l2cache { dem L2 Cache: $de(cpu_cache_l2) }
alias l3cache { dem L3 Cache: $de(cpu_cache_l3) }
alias cpu_socket { dem CPU Socket: $de(cpu_sockettype) }
alias cpu_cores { dem CPU Cores: $de(cpu_core_count) }
alias cpu_extclock { dem CPU External Clock: $de(cpu_external_clock) $+  MHz }
alias cpu_multiplier { dem CPU Multiplier: $de(cpu_multiplier) }

;Video Information
alias monitor { dem Monitor: $de(monitor) }
alias videocard { dem Video Card: $de(videocard) }
alias res { dem Resolution: $de(screen_res) }
alias video { dem Video: $de(monitor) on $de(videocard)  $chr(40) $+ $de(screen_res) $+ $chr(41) }

;Sound Information
alias soundcard { dem Sound Card: $de(soundcard) }

;Hard Drive Information
alias hd { dem Hard Drives: $de(harddrive_space) }
alias hdspace { dem Hard Drive: $dll(deultimate.dll,harddrive_space_drive,$1) }
alias hdtotal { dem Total Free: $de(harddrive_space_free) $+ / $+ $de(harddrive_space_total) }
alias hdtotal2 { dem Total Free: $de(harddrive_space_free_exclude_network) $+ / $+ $de(harddrive_space_total_exclude_network) }

;Memory Information
alias memload { dem Memory Load: $de(memory_load) }
alias mem { dem Avaliable Memory: $de(memory_avail) MB }
alias usedmem { dem Used Memory: $de(memory_used) MB }
alias totalmem { dem Total Memory: $de(memory_total) MB }
alias memratio { dem RAM: Used: $de(memory_used) $+ / $+ $de(memory_total) $+ MB }
alias vmemratio { dem Virtual RAM: Used: $de(memory_virtual_used) $+ / $+ $de(memory_virtual_total) $+ MB }
alias memsum { dem RAM: Used: $de(memory_used) $+ / $+ $de(memory_total) $+ MB ( $+ $de(memory_load) Load $+ ) }
alias memslots { dem Total Memory Slots: $de(memory_slots) }

;Internet Connection Information
alias conn { dem Connection: $de(adapter_info_all) }
alias chadapter { $de(adapter_change) }
alias totaldown { dem Total Downloaded: $de(bandwidth_down_total) $+ MB }
alias totalup { dem Total Uploaded: $de(bandwidth_up_total) $+ MB }
alias tottrans { msg $active  $+ $dek $+ Downloaded: $de(bandwidth_down_total) MB  $+ $dek $+  Uploaded: $de(bandwidth_up_total) MB }

alias band { 
  set %de.band.down $de(bandwidth_down_total)
  set %de.band.down.ticks $ticks
  .timer 1 1 de_band_calc_down

alias upband {
  set %de.band.up $de(bandwidth_up_total)
  set %de.band.up.ticks $ticks
  .timer 1 1 de_band_calc_up

alias totband { 
  set %de.band.up $de(bandwidth_up_total)
  set %de.band.up.ticks $ticks
  set %de.band.down $de(bandwidth_down_total)
  set %de.band.down.ticks $ticks
  .timer 1 1 de_band_calc_total 

alias de_band_calc_down {
  set %de.band.down2 $de(bandwidth_down_total)
  set %de.band.down.curr $calc( ( %de.band.down2 - %de.band.down ) * 1000000 / ( $ticks - %de.band.down.ticks ) )
  dem Current Downstream:  $+ $round( %de.band.down.curr,2 ) $+  KBytes/s 
  unset %de.band.down
  unset %de.band.down2
  unset %de.band.down.curr
  unset %de.band.down.ticks

alias de_band_calc_up {
  set %de.band.up2 $de(bandwidth_up_total)
  set %de.band.up.curr $calc( ( %de.band.up2 - %de.band.up ) * 1000000 / ( $ticks - %de.band.up.ticks ) )
  dem Current Upstream:  $+ $round( %de.band.up.curr,2 ) $+  KBytes/s
  unset %de.band.up
  unset %de.band.up2
  unset %de.band.up.curr
  unset %de.band.up.ticks

alias de_band_calc_total {
  set %de.band.down2 $de(bandwidth_down_total)
  set %de.band.down.curr $calc( ( %de.band.down2 - %de.band.down ) * 1000000 / ( $ticks - %de.band.down.ticks ) )
  set %de.band.up2 $de(bandwidth_up_total)
  set %de.band.up.curr $calc( ( %de.band.up2 - %de.band.up ) * 1000000 / ( $ticks - %de.band.up.ticks ) )
  dem Downstream:  $+ $round( %de.band.down.curr, 2 ) $+   KBytes/s  $+ $dek $+  Upstream:  $+ $round( %de.band.up.curr, 2 ) $+  KBytes/s
  unset %de.band.down
  unset %de.band.down2
  unset %de.band.down.curr
  unset %de.band.down.ticks
  unset %de.band.up
  unset %de.band.up2
  unset %de.band.up.curr
  unset %de.band.up.ticks

;Winamp Information
alias wamp { dem Playing: $de(winamp) }
alias id3 { dem ID3: $de(id3_test) }

;Misc Functions
alias about { $de(about) }
alias sys { dem OS: $de(winver)  $+ $dek $+ CPU: $de(cpuname) $+ ,  $de(cpuspeed) $+ ,  $+ $de(cpu_cache_l2) $+   $+  $+ $dek $+ Video: $de(videocard) $+  ( $+ $de(screen_res) $+ )  $+ $dek $+ Sound:  $+ $de(soundcard)  $+ $dek $+ Memory: Used: $de(memory_used) $+ / $+ $de(memory_total) $+ MB  $+ $dek $+ Uptime: $de(uptime_short)  $+ $dek $+ HD Space: Free: $de(harddrive_space_free) $+ / $+ $de(harddrive_space_total)  $+ $dek $+ Connection: $de(adapter_info_all) }

;Mainboard Functions
alias mobo_manu { dem Mainboard Vendor: $de(mobo_vendor) }
alias mobo_name { dem Mainboard Name: $de(mobo_name) }
alias mobo_ver { dem Mainboard Version: $de(mobo_version) }

;Unsupport Functions
;alias batlife { dem Battery Life: $de(BatteryLifeLeft) }
;alias batcharge { dem Battery Charged: $de(BatteryChargeStatus) }
;alias batpower { dem AC Power: $de(ACPowerStatus) }

;Darkengine Core Functions (do not modify)
alias fde { flushini de.ini }
alias de { return $dll(deultimate.dll,$1,_) }
alias dem { msg $active  $+ $dek $+  $+ $1- } 
alias deq { return $$?="Enter message/text" }
alias dek { if ($isid == $true) { return $readini(de.ini,options,color) } | if ($isid == $false) { writeini de.ini options color $remove($1,) | flushini de.ini } }

; Darkengine Script Menus
menu channel,query {
  System Information.:/sys
  Operating System
  .Install Date:/winstall
  .Computer Name:/pcname
  .Show All:/winall
  Processor Details
  .Clock Speed:/cpuspeed
  .External Clock Speed:/cpu_extclock
  ;.Model Details:/cpudetail
  .Total Cores:/cpu_cores
  .L1 Cache:/l1cache
  .L2 Cache:/l2cache
  .L3 Cache:/l3cache
  .Show All:/cpuinfo
  .Memory Load:/memload
  .Total Memory Used:/memratio
  .Total Memory Slots:/memslots
  .Total Virtual Memory Used:/vmemratio
  .Show All Physical:/memsum
  Hard Drive
  .Total Space (Local):/hdtotal2
  .Total Space (Local + Networked):/hdtotal
  ;.Show Drive:/deq hdspecific
  .Show All Drives: /hd
  .System Uptime:/luptime
  .Record Uptime:/record
  .Video Card:/videocard
  .Screen Resolution:/res
  .Monitor Manufacturer:/monitor
  .Show All:/Video
  Sound Card:/soundcard
  .Connection Info:/conn
  .Current Upstream Usage:/upband
  .Current Downstream Usage :/band
  .Current Bandwidth Usage:/totband
  .Total Transferred:/tottrans
  .Change Adapter:/chadapter
  .Product Name:/mobo_name

  System Bios
  ;Battery (Laptops Only)
  ;.Life Remaining:/batlife
  ;.Charge Status:/batcharge
  ;.Power Status:/batpower
  .Current Playing:/wamp


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rebel9   -  Jun 09, 2017


pwnflakes  -  Jul 10, 2017

ehh, yes and no. Just because something requires 'less' files to do something doesn't mean it's a better way. I'm fairly sure the DLLs can retrieve certain info a lot faster than mSL can retrieve from WMI -- and you can't make a live preview in the dialog without a .DLL.

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pwnflakes   -  Jun 03, 2017

hey all, if you're encountering any bugs or problems you should check out mINFO, written based on darkengine - made a few improvements since it was no longer maintained, check out http://hawkee.com/snippet/18471/

interdome   -  Jan 01, 2017


Needs a working link for the dlls...

PraetorianGuard   -  Mar 13, 2011

Its not working !!

  • $dll: unable to open 'C:.......\AppData\Roaming\mIRC\deultimate.dll' (line 163, de4.mrc)
}{exer   -  Jun 17, 2010

by click on Sys Info my Script shut down :\

NIGathan   -  Dec 21, 2008

Download here with dll

Also, Essence > DE

AMA  -  Jan 06, 2013

File not found.

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BlueThen   -  Dec 21, 2008

Looks to me like this requires a DLL,

alias de { return $dll(deultimate.dll,$1,_) }
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