Go Fish v1.5

By Blitzjager on Dec 17, 2008

It's Go Fish.
When you load it right click and open the Go Fish dialog. Add any channels you want it to work on and how many points you want it to go up to.
New: You can also now add the amount of time before !skip can be used and which theme you would like to use.

To play:
One person types !gf
Anyone who wants to join types !gofish
To start the game the captain has to type !gf again

Once the game is started (starting with the captain) players type
!gofish # Name (ex. !gofish 7 Blitzjager or !gofish Q Blitzjager)

Hope you enjoy it and hope there isn't many bugs :X

  • !gf
    First time allows people to join, second time starts the game.
  • !gofish
    Either joins the game or to play the game. !gofish # Name (ex. !gofish 7 Blitzjager or !gofish Q Blitzjager)
  • !hand
    It will show you your hand as well as the number of cards in everyone's hands.
  • !shipwreck
    For the captain or an op. It ends the game but the captain doesn't get any points.
  • !skip
    Skips the current player if a certain amount of time, specified in the dialog, has passed.
  • Admiral(Bot master) commands: !addcom/!delcom
    Adds or removes commodores(trusted users)
  • Admiral/Commodore commands: !skiptime # and !points #
    Changes the time before !skip can be used and the amount of points until the game is over.


  • !enablegf/!disablegf
    An op can say this to have it enabled or disabled for that channel.
  • !notheme
    If +c is set use !notheme so that you can see what the bot says.

To do

  • Automatically disable themes if mode +c
  • Possibly a highscore thing


on *:LOAD: {
  set %gofishcards A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K
  set %gofishpoints 5
  set %gofishskiptime 60
  set %gofishthemes 11,12 12,11 03,12 03,02 09,02
  guser admiral $$?="Set the name of the bot master" 2
  echo -a Right click and open the Go Fish dialog and add any channels you want Go Fish to work on.
menu * {
  Go Fish: GoFish
alias GoFish { dialog $iif($dialog(GoFish),-v,-m) GoFish GoFish }
dialog GoFish {
  title "<°)))))>< Go fish! ><(((((°>"
  size -1 -1 133 95
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 7 9 62 10
  box "Channels", 99, 4 1 125 37
  list 4, 74 9 50 25, size vsbar
  button "Add", 2, 8 22 27 12
  button "Rem", 3, 41 22 27 12
  box "Points to win", 98, 4 64 42 26
  combo 5, 8 73 34 34, edit edit vsbar drop
  button "Ok", 6, 99 66 25 11, ok
  button "Cancel", 7, 99 79 25 11, cancel
  combo 8, 54 74 34 34, edit vsbar drop
  box "Skip time", 9, 50 64 42 26
  combo 10, 9 48 32 30, edit vsbar drop
  button "Test", 13, 99 47 25 11
  ;edit "", 11, 41 48 83 11, read
  box "Theme", 12, 4 40 125 23
on *:dialog:GoFish:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) {
    didtok GoFish 4 44 %gofishchans
    didtok GoFish 5 32 3 5 7 10 15 20
    didtok GoFish 8 32 5 10 15 30 45 60 90 120 999
    didtok GoFish 10 32 %gofishthemes
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 2) {
      if ($left($did(1),1) != $chr(35)) && ($did(1)) {
        didtok GoFish 4 44 $chr(35) $+ $did(1)
        did -r GoFish 1
      else {
        didtok GoFish 4 44 $did(1)
        did -r GoFish 1
    if ($did == 3) {
      did -d GoFish 4 $did(4,1).sel
    if ($did == 10) {
      ;did -ra GoFish 11 $did(10) $+ <°)))))>< Go fish! ><(((((°>
      echo -a $did(10) $+ <°)))))>< Go fish! ><(((((°>
    if ($did == 13) {
      if ($mid($did(10),1,1) == $chr(3)) && ($mid($did(10),4,1) == $chr(44)) && ($mid($did(10),2,2) isnum 00-15) && ($mid($did(10),5,2) isnum 00-15) && ($len($did(10)) == 6) {
        echo -a $did(10) $+ <°)))))>< Go fish! ><(((((°>
      else { echo -a To add custom themes: In the themes box hit Control+K followed by 2 numbers(00-15) followed by a comma, and then 2 more numbers(00-15) }
    if ($did == 6) {
      set %gofishchans $didtok(GoFish,4,44)
      if ($did(5) isnum) { set %gofishpoints $did(5) }
      if ($did(8) isnum) { set %gofishskiptime $did(8) }
      if ($did(10)) {
        if ($mid($did(10),1,1) == $chr(3)) && ($mid($did(10),4,1) == $chr(44)) && ($mid($did(10),2,2) isnum 00-15) && ($mid($did(10),5,2) isnum 00-15) && ($len($did(10)) == 6) {
          set %gofishthemes $addtok(%gofishthemes,$did(10),32)
          set %gofishtheme $did(10)
        else { echo -a To add custom themes: In the themes box hit Control+K followed by 2 numbers(00-15) followed by a comma, and then 2 more numbers(00-15) }
on *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($istok(%gofishchans,$chan,44)) {
    if (!%gofishact) {
      if ($1 == !gf) && (!%captain) {
        set %captain $nick
        set %fishermen $addtok(%fishermen,$nick,32)
        set %gofishchan $chan
        inc %gofishplayers
        .msg # $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ $nick is now the captain. To go fishing with them type !gofish
      if ($1 == !gf) && ($nick != %captain) { .notice $nick %captain has already started a game in %gofishchan }
      if ($chan == %gofishchan) {
        if ($1 == !gofish) {
          if ($istok(%fishermen,$nick,32) == $false) {
            .notice $nick You are going fishing with %fishermen
            set %fishermen $addtok(%fishermen,$nick,32)
            inc %gofishplayers
            .msg $chan $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ There are now %gofishplayers people on the fishing trip.
        if (%gofishplayers >= 2) && ($nick == %captain) && ($1 == !gf) {
          set %gofishact 1
          var %x 1
          while (%x <= %gofishplayers) {
            while ($numtok(%gofishhand. [ $+ [ %x ] ],32) < 5) {
              set %gofishhand. [ $+ [ %x ] ] $addtok(%gofishhand. [ $+ [ %x ] ],$gettok(%gofishcards,$rand(1,13),32),32)
            .notice $gettok(%fishermen,%x,32) Your hand is [ %gofishhand. [ $+ [ %x ] ] ]
            inc %x
            set %gofishy 1
            set %gofishturn $gettok(%fishermen,%gofishy,32)
          .msg $chan $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ The fishing trip has started. /¯! Go fish %captain $+ ! (Up to %gofishpoints points)
        if ($1 == !shipwreck) {
          .msg %gofishchan $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ The weather was too bad for fishing so %captain went to play Uno.
          unset %captain %gofishchan %gofishact %gofishy %gofishscores %gofishturn %gofishplayers %fishermen %gofishhand*
    if (%gofishact) {
      if ($1 == !gofish) {
        if ($chan == %gofishchan) {
          if (%gofishturn == $nick) {
            if ($istok([ %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ,$2,32) ] == $true) {
              if ($istok(%gofishcards,$2,32) == $true) && ($istok(%fishermen,$3,32) == $true) && ($3 != $nick) {
                if ($istok([ %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$3,1,32) ] ,$2,32) ] == $true) {
                  inc %gofish $+ $nick
                  .msg # $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ $nick caught a fish! $nick has caught [ % $+ [ gofish $+ [ $nick ] ] ] fish! Go again $nick $+ . ( $+ %gofishskiptime seconds)
                  if ([ % $+ [ gofish $+ [ $nick ] ] ] >= %gofishpoints) {
                    .msg $chan $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ The trip is over and $nick has caught the most fish!
                    var %z 1
                    while (%z <= %gofishplayers) {
                      set %gofishscores $addtok(%gofishscores,$gettok(%fishermen,%z,32) $+ : $+ [ % $+ [ gofish $+ [ $gettok(%fishermen,%z,32) ] ] ],32) ~
                      inc %z
                    .msg $chan $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ %gofishscores
                    unset %captain %gofishchan %gofishact %gofishy %gofishscores %gofishturn %gofishplayers %gofishhand*
                    while ($numtok(%fishermen,32) > 0) {
                      unset %gofish [ $+ [ $gettok(%fishermen,1,32) ] ]
                      set %fishermen $deltok(%fishermen,1,32)
                    unset %fishermen
                    .timergfskip off
                  set %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ] $remtok(%gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ],$2,1,32)
                  set %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$3,1,32) ] ] $remtok(%gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$3,1,32) ] ],$2,1,32)
                  if ($numtok([ %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ] ],32) == 0) {
                    while ($numtok([ %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ] ],32) < 3) {
                      set %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ] $addtok(%gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ],$gettok(%gofishcards,$rand(1,13),32),32)
                  if ($numtok([ %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$3,1,32) ] ] ],32) == 0) {
                    while ($numtok([ %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$3,1,32) ] ] ],32) < 3) {
                      set %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$3,1,32) ] ] $addtok(%gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$3,1,32) ] ],$gettok(%gofishcards,$rand(1,13),32),32)
                  .notice $nick Your hand is [ %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ] ]
                elseif ($istok([ %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$3,1,32) ] ,$2,32) ] == $false) {
                  var %draw $gettok(%gofishcards,$rand(1,13),32)
                  if (%draw == $2) {
                    .msg $chan $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ Fish, fish, you got your wish!
                    set %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ] $remtok(%gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ],$2,1,32)
                    inc %gofish $+ $nick
                    if ([ % $+ [ gofish $+ [ $nick ] ] ] >= %gofishpoints) {
                      .msg $chan $iif(%gofishtheme != $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ The trip is over and $nick has caught the most fish!
                      var %z 1
                      while (%z <= %players) {
                        set %gofishscores $addtok(%gofishscores,$gettok(%fishermen,%z,32) $+ : $+ [ % $+ [ gofish $+ [ $gettok(%fishermen,%z,32) ] ] ],32) ~
                        inc %z
                      .msg $chan $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ %gofishscores
                      unset %captain %gofishchan %gofishact %gofishy %gofishscores %gofishturn %gofishplayers %gofishhand*
                      while ($numtok(%fishermen,32) > 0) {
                        unset %gofish [ $+ [ $gettok(%fishermen,1,32) ] ]
                        set %fishermen $deltok(%fishermen,1,32)
                      unset %fishermen
                      .timergfskip off
                    else {
                      .msg # $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ $nick has caught [ % $+ [ gofish $+ [ $nick ] ] ] fish! Go again $nick $+ . ( $+ %gofishskiptime seconds)
                      .notice $nick Your hand is [ %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ] ]
                  while (%draw isin [ %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ] ]) {
                    var %draw $gettok(%gofishcards,$rand(1,13),32)
                    if (%draw == $2) {
                      .msg $chan $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ Fish, fish, you got your wish!
                      set %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ] $remtok(%gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ],$2,1,32)
                      inc %gofish $+ $nick
                      if ([ % $+ [ gofish $+ [ $nick ] ] ] >= %gofishpoints) {
                        .msg $chan $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ The trip is over and $nick has caught the most fish!
                        var %z 1
                        while (%z <= %gofishplayers) {
                          set %gofishscores $addtok(%gofishscores,$gettok(%fishermen,%z,32) $+ : $+ [ % $+ [ gofish $+ [ $gettok(%fishermen,%z,32) ] ] ],32) ~
                          inc %z
                        .msg $chan $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ %gofishscores
                        unset %captain %gofishchan %gofishact %gofishy %gofishscores %gofishturn %gofishplayers %gofishhand*
                        while ($numtok(%fishermen,32) > 0) {
                          unset %gofish [ $+ [ $gettok(%fishermen,1,32) ] ]
                          set %fishermen $deltok(%fishermen,1,32)
                        unset %fishermen
                        .timergfskip off
                      else {
                        .msg # $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ $nick caught a fish! $nick has caught [ % $+ [ gofish $+ [ $nick ] ] ] fish! Go again $nick $+.
                        .notice $nick Your hand is [ %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ] ]
                  set %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ] $addtok(%gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ],%draw,32)
                  .notice $nick You drew %draw
                  inc %gofishy
                  if (%gofishy > %gofishplayers) {
                    set %gofishy 1
                  set %gofishturn $gettok(%fishermen,%gofishy,32)
                  .msg # $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ <°)))))>< Go fish! ><(((((°> It is %gofishturn $+ 's turn. ( $+ %gofishskiptime seconds)
                  .notice %gofishturn Your hand is [ %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,%gofishturn,1,32) ] ] ]
              else { .notice $nick !gofish <Card> <Nick> }
            elseif ($2) { .notice $nick You do not have that card. }
        set %gofishskip 0
        .timergfskip off
        .timergfskip 1 %gofishskiptime /set %gofishskip 1
      elseif ($1 == !hand) {
        var %x 1
        while (%x <= %gofishplayers) {
          set %gofishhand $addtok(%gofishhand,$gettok(%fishermen,%x,32) $+ : $+ $numtok([ %gofishhand. [ $+ [ %x ] ] ],32),32)
          inc %x
        .notice $nick Your hand is [ %gofishhand. [ $+ [ $findtok(%fishermen,$nick,1,32) ] ] ] $+ . %gofishhand
        unset %gofishhand
      elseif ($1 == !skip) && (%gfskip == 1) {
        var %gofishsturn %gofishturn
        inc %gofishy
        if (%gofishy > %gofishplayers) {
          set %gofishy 1
        set %gofishturn $gettok(%fishermen,%gofishy,32)
        set %gofishskip 0
        .msg # $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ %gofishsturn drank too much rum and passed out. It is %gofishturn $+ 's turn. ( $+ %gofishskiptime seconds)
        .timergfskip 1 %gofishskiptime /set %gofishskip 1
      elseif ($1 == !shipwreck) {
        if ($nick == %captain) || ($nick isop %gofishchan) {
          .msg $chan $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ The ship hit an iceberg. Everyone got in the lifeboat except for %captain who went down with the ship.
          var %z 2
          while (%z <= %gofishplayers) {
            set %gofishscores $addtok(%gofishscores,$gettok(%fishermen,%z,32) $+ : $+ [ % $+ [ gofish $+ [ $gettok(%fishermen,%z,32) ] ] ],32) ~
            inc %z
          .msg $chan $iif(%gofishtheme != $+(01,$chr(44),00),%gofishtheme) $+ %gofishscores
          unset %captain %gofishchan %gofishact %gofishy %gofishscores %gofishturn %gofishplayers %gofishhand*
          while ($numtok(%fishermen,32) > 0) {
            unset %gofish [ $+ [ $gettok(%fishermen,1,32) ] ]
            set %fishermen $deltok(%fishermen,1,32)
          unset %fishermen
          set %gofishskip 0
          .timergfskip off
      if (%gofishtheme != 01,00) && ($1 == !notheme) {
        set %gofishtheme 01,00
        .msg $chan Theme disabled
  if ($ulevel == admiral) {
    if (($1 == !addcom) && ($2 ison $chan) && ($ulist($address($2,2),commodore,1) == $null)) {
      guser commodore $2 2
      .notice $nick $2 is now a commodore.
    if ($1 == !delcom) && ($ulist($address($2,2),commodore,1)) {
      ruser commodore $2 2
      .notice $nick $2 is no longer a commodore.
  if ($ulevel == commodore) || ($ulevel == admiral) {
    if ($1 == !skiptime) && ($2 isnum) {
      set %gofishskiptime $2
      .notice $nick The skip time is now $2
    if ($1 == !points) && ($2 isnum) {
      set %gofishpoints $2
      .notice $nick Points to win Go Fish is now set to $2
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if (!%endis. $+ $chan) && ($1 == !enablegf) {
      set -u900 %endis. $+ $chan 1
      msg $chan Go Fish enabled for $chan (Cannot be disabled for 15 mins)
      set %gofishchans $addtok(%gofishchans,$chan,44)
    if (!%endis. $+ $chan) && ($1 == !disablegf) {
      set -u900 %endis. $+ $chan 1
      msg $chan Go Fish disabled for $chan (Cannot be enabled for 15 mins)
      set %gofishchans $remtok(%gofishchans,$chan,1,44)


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b0sse   -  Jul 16, 2009

To do
Possibly a highscore thing

Looking forward to this highscore thing XD

Blitzjager   -  Jan 31, 2009

No lie. :P
Just didn't get around to testing/posting it.

Hopefully there's no bugs with it. :X

Oh and there is some updated stuff and I'll update the intro in a few mins.

Bluepower10   -  Jan 31, 2009

Is it updated now? Or did you lie again? :p

Blitzjager   -  Jan 24, 2009

I was just having a bad week. :P
I haven't updated this script but I added !enablegf/!disablegf (so that ops can turn it on/off) and !notheme (For if someone sets +c)
I figured I wouldn't update this until I changed the vars so now, and I'm now lying this time, I'll post an updated script sometime today. :P

If there's any minor options you'd like added please tell me soon so you don't have to wait a week.

bourneident   -  Jan 24, 2009

lmfao i'm hibetnating to :)

Bluepower10   -  Jan 21, 2009

Ok, I'll wait then. :)

Blitzjager   -  Jan 21, 2009

Sorry I lied. I've got the stupidest family who wont stop telling me how important sleep is and will even wake me up to do it. I'm hibernating the rest of winter. -_-

Bluepower10   -  Jan 21, 2009

Ok, thanks!

Blitzjager   -  Jan 21, 2009

I'll have a new one sometime today Bluepower10.

Bluepower10   -  Jan 20, 2009

Then how do I fix it so I can use it?

bourneident   -  Jan 19, 2009

Blitzjager i think i narrowed the final bug down to your point system i changed
set %gfpoints 5
to set %gfpoints 20
and %cards to %gfcards
and it plays great now fixing the error in line 167 or 195 you pointed out

bourneident   -  Jan 19, 2009

bluepower10 that means one of your other addons in the mirc your using has one of the same vars set most likely %cards

Bluepower10   -  Jan 19, 2009

When I say !gf for the second time, mIRC freezes.

Blitzjager   -  Jan 19, 2009

I just played a game perfectly. I removed the colour from the notices, I'll make some of the vars more unique and I'll look into playing against the bot.
I'm not sure what your problem is but I know there's a problem in your script with either line 167 or 195.
&HelpDesk » BourneIdent:BourneIdent ~~ BourneIdent187:BourneIdent187 ~~

bourneident   -  Jan 19, 2009

ok so i got everything working that you have but there seems to be a big flaw i found
[04:13pm] « ~BourneIdent » !gf
[04:13pm] « &HelpDesk » BourneIdent is now the captain. To go fishing with them type !gofish
[04:13pm] « @BourneIdent187 » !gofish
[04:13pm] « &HelpDesk » There are now 2 people on the fishing trip.
[04:13pm] « ~BourneIdent » !gf
[04:13pm] -&HelpDesk- Your hand is 4 5 Q 2 A
[04:13pm] « &HelpDesk » The fishing trip has started. /¯! Go fish BourneIdent!
[04:13pm] « ~BourneIdent » !gofish 4 BourneIdent187
[04:13pm] -&HelpDesk- You drew 6
[04:13pm] « &HelpDesk » <°)))))>< Go fish! ><(((((°> It is BourneIdent187's turn. (30 seconds)
[04:14pm] « @BourneIdent187 » !gofish 9 BourneIdent
[04:14pm] « &HelpDesk » <°)))))>< Go fish! ><(((((°> It is BourneIdent's turn. (30 seconds)
[04:14pm] -&HelpDesk- Your hand is 4 5 Q 2 A 6
[04:14pm] « ~BourneIdent » !gofish a BourneIdent187
[04:14pm] « &HelpDesk » Fish, fish, you got your wish! Go again BourneIdent! (30 seconds)
[04:14pm] « &HelpDesk » The trip is over and BourneIdent has caught the most fish!
[04:14pm] « &HelpDesk » BourneIdent:BourneIdent ~~ BourneIdent187:BourneIdent187 ~~
[04:14pm] « &HelpDesk » BourneIdent caught a fish! BourneIdent has caught BourneIdent fish! Go again BourneIdent
everytime the game ends after no more then two turns even though the other player doesn't have the card you ask for and even if he does no matter what you set the points at

bourneident   -  Jan 19, 2009

i would also suggest making it so you can play single player against the bot

bourneident   -  Jan 18, 2009

and the colors could use some rewrite since a lot of people use black background they can't see the hands and stuff
also once i get it running i try to play a card and it say i don't have the card when it is in my hand so i can't continue

bourneident   -  Jan 18, 2009

the biggest problem i find right now is the vars cause problems when other scripts have the same vars they conflict i would consider making them totally unique so there is no way for them to get messed up with any other card games addons other then that it's not keeping the settings for me

Blitzjager   -  Jan 09, 2009

I have this running on 6.17 and it works. =/ (cleared the vars and made a new script with what I have posted here)
I'm not sure why it's crashing but if it's saying you don't have that card I'm thinking you missed changing a var somewhere in line 120-122 or 156.

Updated it so that you don't have to open the dialog to change options.
It's just a small thing so I don't think there should be any bugs but with my luck who knows.

bourneident   -  Jan 08, 2009

great idea but doesn't seem to work i tried changing the %vars so they were totally unique to the ones my other scripts use and it started to work stopped crashing mirc anyway then started the game fine delt hands vars did set but it just keeps saying you do not have that card

psychokinetic   -  Jan 05, 2009

Cool, thanks a lot for that. I thought I was going mad! :P
Sorry I can't vote for your snippet yet <account isn't old enough> but i would if i could :)

Blitzjager   -  Jan 05, 2009

I knew about the !shipwreck not working if the game hadn't started, not sure why I didn't fix it yet. :X
And I didn't try changing my name but I didn't think it would be screwed up if you changed back. I'll look into it.

I'm also going to make it so that people can choose the points it goes to and stuff but I wasn't sure if I should make it everyone or just the people that you add to a 'trusted list'.

!shipwreck should work now.

psychokinetic   -  Jan 05, 2009

Hi there, I'm rather new to this part of IRC - and I've come upon a problem. So being new to this I wasn't sure if it was something I was doing wrong, or soemthing wrong with the snippet.

When someone starts a game, and no one else responds - the person who started the game can no longer !shipwreck. <on that note, neither can ops.

Also, if the captain changes their nick their captainship appears to be null and void.

No matter how hard i rack my brain, I can't get the game to end. Or start for that matter....

Psychokinetic ;)

Kirby   -  Jan 04, 2009

So why didn't anyone tell me that I put 1 instead of A? :*(
Pretty massive mistake lol.

Yeah Blitzjager!
Why did you do that! >:D

Blitzjager   -  Jan 02, 2009

So why didn't anyone tell me that I put 1 instead of A? :*(
Pretty massive mistake lol.

Blitzjager   -  Dec 31, 2008

I cleared my vars and loaded it up again and everything worked fine. =/
Do you get any errors or can you not see them because it crashes?
If it starts crashing hit Ctrl+Break and tell me what shows up.

kortho   -  Dec 31, 2008

it's probably just me but it is crashing my mirc when i engage a game

Blitzjager   -  Dec 30, 2008

The game itself isn't original but I think IRC Go Fish is original.

Also, updated!
Oh and I haven't been able to test it so if you find any bugs please post.

kortho   -  Dec 30, 2008

I like it, I don't know if it's original or not but it's the first i've heard of it on IRC

Blitzjager   -  Dec 27, 2008

That's strange. =/
I'm pretty sure the only place where there's anything about ops is in the !shipwreck command.

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