µTorrent WebUI mIRC Addon

By Jonesy44 on Dec 12, 2008

This is a beta version of the uTorrent web client, it streams the information from the web user interface function, therfore you will need to enable it in the utorrent options panel.
One note i have to add, until the bug is fixed, if there are any commas in the name of the torrent, some errors may occur since the script depends on commas to seperate tokens.

dcx.dll Can be found here: http://dcx.scriptsdb.org/archive.htm
dcx_tools.mrc loaded. Found in the package above
For the icon: http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/2133718_g2by2/utorrent.ico

Version 1.0

  • Initial script created

Version 1.1

  • Added status alias & Status column
  • Faster refreshing
  • No flickering of rows
  • Name -> Hash alias added
  • Script released

Versions 1.2-1.6

  • Removed 3 small bugs & 1 major one
  • Mini toolbar version


Creds to napalm

; µTorrent Addon by Jonesy44 =======;
; irc.chatscape.net // #chatscape ==;
; Version 1.6 ======================;
; ==================================;
; ==================================;
; You will need µTorrent open and ==;
; running with the webUI enabled. ==;
; check µTorrent settings for these ;
; options, you will need to know ===;
; your webUI port, username, and ===;
; password. if you are unsure of ===;
; your user/pass use User:guest and ;
; no password ======================;
; ==================================;
menu * {
  µTorrent $chr(9) /ut:ut
dialog ut {
  title "µTorrent - mIRC Addon"
  size -1 -1 800 320
  icon "images/utorrent.ico"
on *:dialog:ut:init:*: {
  unset %at
  dcx Mark $dname ut_cb
  xdialog -c $dname 1 listview 5 5 790 290 report fullrow showsel nolabelwrap tooltip tabstop fullrow autoarrange
  xdialog -c $dname 2 button 613 297 90 20
  xdid -t $dname 2 Refresh
  xdialog -c $dname 3 button 705 297 90 20
  xdid -t $dname 3 Close
  xdialog -c $dname 4 text 5 300 500 20
  xdid -t ut 4 Connecting on: $qt(%ut.addr $+ : $+ %ut.port) with the user name: $qt(%ut.user) (Click to edit)
  xdid -t $dname 1 +c 0 100 Name $chr(9) +l 0 25 $chr(35) $chr(9) +l 0 70 Size $chr(9) +l 0 100 Status $chr(9) +l 0 100 Done $chr(9) +l 0 100 Seeds $chr(9) +l 0 100 Peers $chr(9) +l 0 100 Download Speed $chr(9) +l 0 100 Upload Speed $chr(9) +l 0 150 ETA
  .timerut 0 1 ut.ref
on *:dialog:ut:close:*: {
  .timerut off
  unset %at
alias ut_cb {
  ; =================================================================================
  ; DCX callback alias
  ; =================================================================================
  if ($2 == sclick) {
    if ($3 == 2) { ut.ref | .timerut 0 1 ut.ref }
    if ($3 == 3) { xdialog -x $1 }
    if ($3 == 4) { ut.setup }
  if ($2 == dclick) {
    if ($3 == 1 && $xdid(ut,1,$4,1).text) {
      if ($input(Would you like to view the µTorrent toolbar for $qt($xdid(ut,1,$4,1).text),iy,µTorrent Hash) == $true) {
        ut.window $read(utorrentnthash.temp,s,$xdid(ut,1,$4,1).text))
alias ut {
  dialog $iif(!$dialog(ut),-m,) ut ut 
alias ut.setup {
  set %ut.addr $input(Please enter your uTorrent WebUI address ( for the local machine),qe,uTorrent - Address input,%ut.addr)
  set %ut.port $input(And which port is this on? (default is your peer connection port),qe,uTorrent - Port input,%ut.port)
  set %ut.user $input(Please enter your username for the uTorrent webUI,qe,uTorrent - User input,%ut.user)
  set %ut.pass $input(Please enter your password for the uTorrent webUI,qep,uTorrent - Password input,%ut.pass)
  if ($dialog(ut)) {
    xdid -t ut 4 Connecting on: $qt(%ut.addr $+ : $+ %ut.port) with the user name: $qt(%ut.user) (Click to edit)
    .timerut 0 1 ut.ref
alias ut.ref {
  if (!%ut.user || !%ut.addr || !%ut.port) { ut.setup | xdid -r ut 1 | unset %at }
  if (!$sock(ut)) {
    sockopen ut %ut.addr %ut.port
alias ut.error {
  noop $input(mIRC was unable to connect to your uTorrent webUI. Please make sure it is enabled and your connection information is correct [/ut.setup],io,µTorrent)
  if ($dialog(ut)) { xdid -r ut 1 }
  unset %at
  .timerwindowut* off
  .timerut* off
on *:SOCKOPEN:ut: {
  if ($sockerr) { .timer 1 0 ut.error }
  else {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /gui/?list=1 HTTP/1.1
    sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: %ut.addr
    sockwrite -nt $sockname Authorization: Basic $encode(%ut.user $+ : $+ %ut.pass,m)
    sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf 
    write -c utorrent.temp
    write -c utorrentnthash.temp
    if (!%at && $dialog(ut)) { did -r ut 1 }
on *:SOCKREAD:ut: {
  var %x
  sockread %x
  if (*torrentc*:* iswm %x) {
    unset %ut.n
    set %at 1
    sockclose $sockname
  if (%ut.n && %x) {
    write utorrent.temp $remove($gettok(%x,1,44),[,],") $gettok(%x,2 - $calc($numtok(%x,44) - 1),44) $+ , $+ $remove($gettok(%x,$numtok(%x,44),44),[,],")
    write utorrentnthash.temp $remove($gettok(%x,3,44),") $remove($gettok(%x,1,44),[,],")
    if ($dialog(ut)) {
      if (!%at) {
        xdid -a ut 1 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 $remove($gettok(%x,3,44),") $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $iif($gettok(%x,18,44) >= 1,$gettok(%x,18,44),*) $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $b2m($gettok(%x,4,44)) $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $ut.status($gettok(%x,2,44)) $chr(9) +p 0 0 0 0 DONE notheme $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $gettok(%x,15,44) ( $+ $gettok(%x,16,44) $+ ) $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $gettok(%x,13,44) ( $+ $gettok(%x,14,44) $+ ) $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $b2m($gettok(%x,10,44)) $+ /s $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $b2m($gettok(%x,9,44)) $+ /s $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $replace($duration($gettok(%x,11,44)),years,y,months,m,day,d,days,d,hrs,h,mins,m,secs,s)
      else {
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 1 $remove($gettok(%x,3,44),")
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 2 $iif($gettok(%x,18,44) >= 1,$gettok(%x,18,44),*)
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 3 $b2m($gettok(%x,4,44))
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 4 $ut.status($gettok(%x,2,44))
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 6 $gettok(%x,15,44) ( $+ $gettok(%x,16,44) $+ )
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 7 $gettok(%x,13,44) ( $+ $gettok(%x,14,44) $+ )
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 8 $b2m($gettok(%x,10,44)) $+ /s
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 9 $b2m($gettok(%x,9,44)) $+ /s
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 10 $replace($duration($gettok(%x,11,44)),years,y,months,m,day,d,days,d,hrs,h,mins,m,secs,s)
      xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 5 -v $round($calc($gettok(%x,5,44) / 10),2)
      inc %ut.n
  if (*"torrents": [* iswm %x) {
    set %ut.n 1 
alias b2m {
  ; =================================================================================
  ; Usage: $b2m(N,[inp])[.out]
  ; Where the values "N", "inp" and ".out" represent;
  ;     N    = The size in bytes.
  ;     inp  = NOT MANDATORY; The input, if the value of N is NOT in bytes, enter the type here, "kb","mb","gb". Else the script will presume N is in bytes.
  ;     .out = NOT MANDATORY; But if you want it specifically in a certain output switch ".out" to ".b",".kb",".mb","gb". Else the script will output the most appropriate type.
  ; Using input without ouput of course is pretty useless at will just resolve the same number as you entered.
  ; =================================================================================
  if ($1 isnum) {
    var %size = $1
    if ($istok(kb mb gb,$2,32)) {
      if ($2 == kb) { var %c = 1 }
      if ($2 == mb) { var %c = 2 }
      if ($2 == gb) { var %c = 3 }
      var %x = 1
      while (%x <= %c) { var %size = $calc(%size * 1024) | inc %x }
    if ($istok(b kb mb gb,$prop,32)) { goto $prop }
    if (%size <= 1024) { :b | var %val = $round(%size,2) B }
    elseif ($calc(%size / 1024) <= 1024) { :kb | var %val = $round($calc(%size / 1024),2) KB }
    elseif ($calc(%size / 1024 / 1024) <= 1024) { :mb | var %val = $round($calc(%size / 1024 / 1024),2) MB }
    else { :gb | var %val = $round($calc(%size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024),2) GB }
    return %val
  else { return error; $iif($1,$qt($1) is not a number,no number was entered) }
alias ut.status {
  ; =================================================================================
  ; Usage: $ut.status(S)
  ; Where:
  ;     S = the status number (bit)
  ; =================================================================================
  if ($isbit($1,5)) { return Error }
  if ($isbit($1,2)) { return Checking }
  if ($isbit($1,1)) {
    if ($isbit($1,6)) { return Paused }
    else {
      if ($isbit($1,7)) {
        if ($2 == 1000) { return Seeding }
        else { return Downloading }
      else {
        if ($2 == 1000) { return Seeding [F] }
        else { return Downloading [F] }
  if ($isbit($1,7)) {
    if ($2 == 1000) { return Seeding }
    else { return Queued }
  if ($2 == 1000) { return Complete }
  else { return Stopped }
alias ut.getinfo {
  ; =================================================================================
  ; Usage: $ut.getinfo([h],[x],<y>)
  ; Where the letters respond to:
  ;     h     = hash for utorrent file (40 characters)
  ;     x     = data type, refering to the line "var %s = .." eg: 1 = STATUS, 2 = NAME etc..
  ;     y     = if you would like the alias to return the name of the data type, enter any value here (Not mandatory) eg: STATUS: xx
  ; Note, this returns the raw values
  ; =================================================================================
  if ($len($1) != 40) { return incorrect hash code }
  if ($2 isnum 1-18) { var %type = $2 }
  if ($findtok(%s,$2,44)) { var %type = $findtok(%s,$2,44) }
  else { return $qt($2) is an unknown term to search }
  if (!$read(utorrent.temp)) { return the utorrent.temp file was not found, please refresh it [/ut.ref] }
  if (!$read(utorrent.temp,s,$1)) { return the hashcode $qt($1) was not found in the utorrent directory }
  else {
    var %x = $read(utorrent.temp,s,$1)
    return $iif($3,$gettok(%s,$2,44);,) $gettok(%x,%type,44)
alias ut.getname {
  ; =================================================================================
  ; Usage: $ut.getname([h])
  ; Where the letters respond to:
  ;     h = the hash of the name given. must be accurate enough to be picked up as the first result
  ; =================================================================================
  if ($read(utorrentnthash.temp,s,$1-)) { return $gettok($read(utorrentnthash.temp,s,$1-),$numtok($read(utorrentnthash.temp,s,$1-),32),32) }
alias ut.window {
  if (!$1) { echo -a 2* /ut.window: missing paramater, /ut.window <hash> | echo -a 2- }
  elseif ($len($1) != 40) { echo -a 2* /ut.window: incorrect paramater, $1 $+([,$iif(- isin $calc(40 - $len($1)),+,-),$remove($calc(40 - $len($1)),-),$chr(32),chars]) is not a correct hash | echo -a 2- }
  else {
    set %ut.window.string $remove($ut.getinfo(%hash,name),")
    set %ut.window.len $ceil($calc($len(%ut.window.string) * 4.6))
    set %ut.window.pos 125
    set %ut.window.hash $1
    if (!$window(@uTorrent)) {
      window -pCk0adho +fbn @uTorrent 0 0 256 44
      window -pCk0adho +fbn @uTorrent.buf -1 -1 256 44
    .timerwindowut 0 0 ut.window.update
    .timerwindowut2 0 1 ut.window.update.data

alias ut.window.off {
  window -c @uTorrent
  window -c @uTorrent.buf
  toolbar -d ut
  unset %ut.window.*
  .timerwindowut* off
alias ut.window.update {
  clear @uTorrent.buf
  if ($calc(%ut.window.pos) < $calc($+(-,%ut.window.len) - 125)) { set %ut.window.pos 125 }
  else { dec %ut.window.pos 0.7 }
  drawtext -c @uTorrent.buf 1 Arial 11 %ut.window.pos 2 240 11 %ut.window.string
  drawrect -f @uTorrent.buf 0 0 124 0 200 15
  drawrect @uTorrent.buf 1 0 134 3 112 4
  drawrect -f @uTorrent.buf 9 0 135 4 %ut.window.percent 2
  drawtext -c @uTorrent.buf 14 Arial 8 134 6 110 8 D: $+ %ut.window.dls $+ /s U: $+ %ut.window.uls $+ /s
  drawtext -c @uTorrent.buf 1 Arial 10 175 14 30 10 %ut.window.percent.a $+ %
  drawrect @uTorrent.buf 1 0 0 0 256 32
  drawcopy @uTorrent.buf 0 0 256 32 @uTorrent 0 0
  if (!$toolbar(ut)) { toolbar -a ut uTorrent @uTorrent /ut.window.off }
  toolbar -p ut @uTorrent /ut.window.off
alias ut.window.update.data {
  var %hash = %ut.window.hash
  set %ut.window.string $remove($ut.getinfo(%hash,name),")
  set %ut.window.dls $b2m($ut.getinfo(%hash,download_speed))
  set %ut.window.uls $b2m($ut.getinfo(%hash,upload_speed))
  set %ut.window.percent $round($calc(($ut.getinfo(%hash,downloaded) / $ut.getinfo(%hash,size)) * 110),0)
  set %ut.window.percent.a $calc($ut.getinfo(%hash,percent) / 10)


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napalm`   -  Jul 03, 2011

I appreciate the appreciation.

Jonesy44   -  Jul 03, 2011

Can't deny that. Sorry dude. :)

napalm`   -  Jun 29, 2011

Wow, I just saw this. No creds to the guy who told you how to interface with uTorrent via the webapi? Shame..

Slyvar   -  Mar 10, 2011

okay man, suit yourself :D

Jonesy44   -  Mar 10, 2011

Ahh that sucks. Right.. I moved to Mac a few months ago so I'll sort this when I get uT & mIRC 7 Installed :p

Slyvar   -  Mar 09, 2011

I did it installed it, I put everything in order but I don't see any torrents downloading on the torrent box.

Jonesy44   -  Mar 09, 2011

Really this one too? Are you sure you're installing them right. What problems are you getting? I have no idea. uT may give out different information.

Slyvar   -  Mar 09, 2011

Not working I think it has something to do with mIRC version 7.17

also I do have Bittorrent not utorrent But I don't think that matters

Jonesy44   -  Apr 13, 2009

Already done mate, double click a torrent in the dialog :)

Keiro   -  Apr 13, 2009

No, no errors.

Though, I was wondering if you'd dock it into mIRC? Much like some of the scripts I've seen around integrating into mIRC.

Or a custom @window with the dialog?

Just thoughts, man, just thoughts. Lol

But hey, should be interesting. ;x

Also, rated this script a 10.

Jonesy44   -  Apr 13, 2009

LoL, atleast it all works now! Any other bugs/errors? :P

Keiro   -  Apr 13, 2009


And how would I get dcxtools installed? ;x

Oh, duh.

Never mind. >_> Still waking up.

Works great, man. Love it.

And wow, I dunno how I missed dcxtools last night. >_>

Jonesy44   -  Apr 13, 2009

You don't have dcxtools installed ;)

Keiro   -  Apr 13, 2009


I tried it in my bot so that I could see if it was just my particular script preventing the script from playing correctly.

Welp... this is the result I got on my bot, which is a vanilla mIRC install.

DCX Unknown command

XDIALOG Unknown command

XDIALOG Unknown command

XDID Unknown command

XDIALOG Unknown command

XDID Unknown command

XDIALOG Unknown command

XDID Unknown command

XDID Unknown command

  • /did: 'ut' invalid id '1' (line 96, utorrentmircaddon.mrc)
  • XDID Unknown command

  • XDID Unknown command

  • XDID Unknown command

  • XDID Unknown command

  • XDID Unknown command

  • XDID Unknown command

  • XDID Unknown command

  • XDID Unknown command

  • Closing Link: Kaiya[adsl-XX-XXX-XXX-XX.dsl.XXXXXX.sbcglobal.net] (Excess Flood)

  • [10101] Host disconnected

Any ideas?

Edit: The WebUI addon is working correctly in uTorrent, but that's about it. :/

Jonesy44   -  Jan 07, 2009

lol. i switched from mdx because dcx is MUCH more powerfull. it can do much better things, not only that but it has a much bigger community & an official site for help. whereas i can't even open the mdx files on this computer.

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Jan 07, 2009

^_^ woah you just contradicted yourself... Saying don't bother with DCX, its more complicated with MDX... then you can do nearly everything that you can in DCX.....

what have you been smoking?

^Neptune   -  Jan 07, 2009

Jonesy, seriously, don't bother with DCX. :P It's alot more complicated with MDX. With the 5 .mdx extensions to MDX.dll, you can do nearly everything that you can in DCX (listview, trackbar, etc.)

NIGathan   -  Jan 07, 2009

Ya, its weird, the one I pasted works for me, and all I did was rearrange the info in the window

Jonesy44   -  Jan 06, 2009

I can't work out the problem with your script NIGathan.. and since it happens with noone else it makes it one hell of a lot harder. This was my first time using DCX it might be due to that? i've no idea! but i'm still working on it.

NIGathan   -  Jan 06, 2009

Ive been using the most recent version, so I had nothing to blame it on except the script :/

Blitzjager   -  Jan 05, 2009

It wouldn't load my torrents. =/
I was probably doing something wrong.

Oh actually I just remembered I had an older version of it.
hopes that's the problem

NIGathan   -  Jan 05, 2009

It never worked for me :/

And I have yet to rate, once it works, I will rate

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Jan 05, 2009

OMG, this is like the best script here on Hawkee, and all its got is a lousy a$s 7.... seriously people what the hell is wrong with you... there are crappy scripts that are getting 8's and 9's and this awesome script is getting a 7.....

this is just an all time low for Hawkee.com

I give it a 10 because a 7 is too low for something like this, and a like.

I'm not saying it deserves a 10, it deserves a 9.5 but a 7 is just too damn low for something this good.

and no i'm not saying this because Jonesy is my friend, i'm saying this because i think this script deserves higher then a fricken 7..... no offence to mountain dew, but he did a youtube script, and thats getting what, 9.5 and that returns fricken TEXT.... in my opinion this is way better AND TIS GETTING A FUCKING 7... nothing is wrong with MD's its just this is alot Better, Neater...

so all the lazy slobs out there that use this, think this is really good, BUT GIVE IT A FRICKEN GOOD RATING.......

And yes i like this script.

Eugenio   -  Dec 27, 2008

ROFL @ bullet dodger seeing an IP address

Jonesy44   -  Dec 27, 2008

Thanks buddy. i've made a load of updates including a bug which is now gone, it was real simple but gone now. gone from ver 1.1 -> 1.6 so quite a few updates. i will integrate your updates into mine and i'll post when the final ver is done

NIGathan   -  Dec 27, 2008

Well, I went ahead and took a look myself, and I seemed to have fixed the majority of the problems. Only thing I couldnt figure out was how to set the position of the progress bar :/

Heres my modifications:

on *:SOCKREAD:ut: {
  var %x
  sockread %x
  ;write utordebug.txt %x
  if (*torrentc*:* iswm %x) {
    unset %ut.n
    set %at 1
    sockclose $sockname
  if (%ut.n && %x) {
    write utorrent.temp $remove($gettok(%x,1,44),[,],") $gettok(%x,2 - $calc($numtok(%x,44) - 1),44) $+ , $+ $remove($gettok(%x,$numtok(%x,44),44),[,],")
    write utorrentnthash.temp $remove($gettok(%x,3,44),") $remove($gettok(%x,1,44),[,],")
    if ($dialog(ut)) {
      if (!%at) {
        xdid -a ut 1 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 $remove($gettok(%x,3,44),") $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $iif($gettok(%x,18,44) >= 1,$gettok(%x,18,44),*) $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $bytes($gettok(%x,4,44)).suf $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $ut.status($gettok(%x,2,44)) $chr(9) +p 0 0 0 0 DONE notheme $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $gettok(%x,15,44) ( $+ $gettok(%x,16,44) $+ ) $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $gettok(%x,13,44) ( $+ $gettok(%x,14,44) $+ ) $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $bytes($gettok(%x,10,44)).suf $+ /s $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $bytes($gettok(%x,9,44)).suf $+ /s $chr(9) + 0 0 0 0 $replace($duration($gettok(%x,11,44)),years,y,months,m,day,d,days,d,hrs,h,mins,m,secs,s)
      else {
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 1 $iif($gettok(%x,18,44) >= 1,$v1)
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 2 $bytes($gettok(%x,4,44)).suf
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 3 $ut.status($gettok(%x,2,44))
        ;xdid -v ut 4 $round($calc($gettok(%x,5,44) / 10),2)
        ;xdid -j ut 1 1 4 p
        ;xdid -i ut 1 4 % $+ d % $+ %
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 6 $gettok(%x,13,44) ( $+ $gettok(%x,16,44) $+ )
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 7 $bytes($gettok(%x,10,44)).suf $+ /s
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 8 $bytes($gettok(%x,9,44)).suf $+ /s
        xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 9 $replace($duration($gettok(%x,11,44)),years,y,months,m,day,d,days,d,hrs,h,mins,m,secs,s)
        ;xdid -v ut 1 10 $round($calc($gettok(%x,5,44) / 10),2)
      xdid -v ut 1 %ut.n 5 $gettok(%x,15,44) ( $+ $gettok(%x,14,44) $+ )
      inc %ut.n
  if (*"torrents": [* iswm %x) {
    set %ut.n 1 

It also uses $bytes with the .suf $prop so it will convert the bytes into their proper formatting. This removes the need for the $b2m identifier.

As you can see, I tried to figure out the progress bar, but just couldnt get it to work, so its all commented out. I also couldnt figure out what you were using the 10th thing for? Nothing seemed to change when I edited it.

Heres a screen of my modifications: http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p299/NIGathan/utorrentmircaddon.png

It would be nice if you could add the ratio to it. To get that info merely: $round($calc($gettok(%input,7,44) / $gettok(%input,6,44)),3)

In this case %input would be %x

Jonesy44   -  Dec 24, 2008

I'm not sure since i've been away a while & without internet so i havent been able to try, it adds but doesn't refresh properly so if any dcx geniuses can take a peek :]

I have a lil upodate to release with the whole picwin thing soon :]

NIGathan   -  Dec 19, 2008

Any luck?

Jonesy44   -  Dec 16, 2008

ooh ok, so it might be in the refreshing stages, i'll check the code roughly to see if i can see it, if not i will have to use yoour data to test x]

NIGathan   -  Dec 16, 2008

jonesy: Alright the page loads now, I enter my user/pass and I see this info:

{"build":12639,"label": [
,"torrents": [

["0127EA0CA115E57B3633B281C807E549147DBFDE",136,"3rd Rock from the Sun",26230617764,1000,21984966308,11111612416,505,0,0,0,"",0,0,0,0,65536,-1,0],
["AE63A2DD8AD660BCF94E05762F8A041D27815036",136,"Alice Cooper - 37 Album",2805652711,1000,2935659751,2897072905,986,0,0,0,"",0,87,0,39,65536,-1,0],
["465BEAB7E3738FE0233BD75AD2553F837C7DAA10",136,"Call Of Duty World At War-RELOADED (Kingdom-Release)",7473134325,1000,7477082869,2003795968,267,0,0,0,"",0,238,0,276,65536,-1,0]]
,"torrentc": "332107537"}

But in the dialog window, for a split second right when it opens, I think its all correct, or at least more correct, but then the info is misplaced again.

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