Ping-Tick Skript v2.1

By newklear on Dec 02, 2008

All the Ping and Ping Reply scripts I have seen use $ctime so thought to try be more accurate let's use $ticks instead. Have tested quite a few times and find this pretty accurate down to 1/1000th of a second.

Can ping one person at a time or ping all people in channel.
Best used in another copy of mIRC i.e a bot

!phelp - Displays Ping commands.
!ping - Pings the nick that used !ping and displays result in channel.
!mping - Pings every nick in channel and displays result in channel. (Do not abuse)
!rping - Retrieves your own ping record when used as !rping or !rping nickname retrieves nickname you specified.
!wping - Retrieves your own worst ping record when used as !wping or !wping nickname retrieves nickname you specified.
!aping - Retrieves your own mean ping average when used as !aping or !aping nickname retrieves nickname you specified.
!top10 - Displays Top 10 Pings Recorded.

Note: After 120 seconds (2mins) with no ping reply variables will unset
!ping has flood control for 3 seconds
!mping has flood control for 5 seconds
All other commands have flood control for 3 seconds

Copy below snippet, Alt + R, File > New, Paste, save As.. whatever.mrc


  1. Using hash tables instead of global variables.
  2. Now Keeps track of Nick names record ping.
  3. Added Top 10 Ping Records.
  4. Added Best, worst and mean average ping records.
  5. Added Menu Popup

Edit to your hearts desire and personal preference.
Ratings, comments and suggestions are welcome.

on *:LOAD: {
  echo -a Ping Tick v2.1 by Kasbah 2008 Loaded.
  echo -a Commands: !phelp, !ping, !mping, !rping, !wping, !aping, !top10 or use the popup Menu via Commands, Channel and Status.

on *:UNLOAD: {
  var %s $hget(0)
  var %ss 1
  while (%ss <= %s) { hsave $hget(%ss) $hget(%ss) $+ .hsh | write -c backup.txt $hget(%ss) | hfree -s $hget(%ss) | inc %ss 1 }
  echo -a Ping Tick v2.1 by Kasbah 2008 unloaded.
  echo -a Hash tables removed but backed-up to backup.txt, Record.txt containing ping records remain.

on *:START: {
  var %s $lines(backup.txt)
  var %ss 1
  while (%ss <= %s) { 
    var %nick $read(backup.txt, %ss) 
    if !$hget(%nick) { .hmake %nick 100 }
    if $exists(%nick $+ .hsh) { hload $read(backup.txt, %ss) %nick $+ .hsh }
    inc %ss 1 

on *:QUIT: {
  if ($nick == $me ) {
    var %s $hget(0)
    var %ss 1
    while (%ss <= %s) { hsave $hget(%ss) $hget(%ss) $+ .hsh | write -c backup.txt $hget(%ss) | inc %ss 1 }

on *:EXIT: {
  var %s $hget(0)
  var %ss 1
  while (%ss <= %s) { hsave $hget(%ss) $hget(%ss) $+ .hsh | write -c backup.txt $hget(%ss) | inc %ss 1 }

  var %s $hget(0)
  var %ss 1
  while (%ss <= %s) { hsave $hget(%ss) $hget(%ss) $+ .hsh | write -c backup.txt $hget(%ss) | inc %ss 1 }

menu menubar,channel {
  Ping Tick V2.1 by Kasbah
  .Mass Ping Channel:$Mping
  .Ping Records
  ..Best by Nick:set -u10 %getnick $?="Enter Nickname?" | $Rpingbest
  ..Worst by Nick:set -u10 %getnick $?="Enter Nickname?" | $Rpingworst
  ..Mean Ping Average by Nick:set -u10 %getnick $?="Enter Nickname?" | $Rpingmedium
  .Display Help:msg $active $Phelp
  .Advertise:msg $active Ping Tick Version 2.1 By Kasbah 2008 Get it:
  .About:msg $active Ping Tick Version 2.1 By Kasbah 2008 using System ticks for accuracy.

alias Mping {
  var %p $nick(#,0) 
  var %pp 1 
  while (%pp <= %p) { var %nick $nick(#,%pp) | if (!$hget(%nick)) { var %nick $nick(#,%pp) | hadd -m %nick record 20 | hadd %nick worst 0.1 } | hadd -u120 %nick pnick %nick | hadd -u120 %nick pchan $chan | hadd -u120 %nick pping $ticks | ctcp $nick(#,%pp) ping | inc %pp 1 }  

alias Top10 {
  var %file = Records.txt, %l = 10, %d = $lines(%file), %w = @top10
  window -hn %w
  clear %w
  while %d {
    tokenize 32 $read(%file,nt,%d)
    aline %w $2 $1 $+ secs $+ : $duration($calc($ctime - $3),2) ago
    dec %d
  filter -ctuww 2 32 %w %w
  var %k = 1, %k1
  while %k <= %l  {
    %k1 = $addtok(%k1,$+($chr(32),12,$chr(35),%k,) $iif($line(%w,%k),$v1,N/A),44)
    inc %k
  msg $chan Top 10 Ping Times:
  msg $chan %k1 $+ .

alias Rpingbest {
  if (!$hget(%getnick)) { msg $chan I have no record of %getnick | halt }
  if ($hget(%getnick,record) == 20) { msg $chan I have no best ping reply for %getnick yet lol, problems aye ;) | halt }
  if ($hget(%getnick,record)) { msg $chan %getnick $+ 's Ping Record is $hget(%getnick,record) seconds. }

alias Rpingworst {
  if (!$hget(%getnick)) { msg $chan I have no record of %getnick | halt }
  if ($hget(%getnick,worst) == 0.1) { msg $chan I have no worst ping reply for %getnick yet lol, problems aye ;) | halt }
  if ($hget(%getnick,worst)) { msg $chan %getnick $+ 's Ping Record is $hget(%getnick,worst) seconds. }

alias KaiPing { return Ping Tick v2.1 by Kasbah 2008 }
alias Rpingmedium {
  if (!$hget(%getnick)) { msg $chan I have no record of %getnick | halt }
  if ($hget(%getnick,worst) == 0.1) || ($hget(%getnick,record) == 20) { msg $chan I cannot calculate %getnick $+ 's Mean Average due to insufficient data | halt }
  var %high $hget(%getnick,record)
  var %low $hget(%getnick,worst)
  msg $chan %getnick $+ 's High-Low Ping Medium is $calc( (%high + %low) / 2)

alias Phelp {
if ($hget($nick,help) == yes) { halt }
hadd -u3 $nick help yes
  .notice $nick $KaiPing
  .notice $nick Commands: !ping, !mping, !rping, !wping, !aping, !top10 or use the popup Menu via Commands, Channel and Status.

on *:TEXT:!Phelp*:#: {
if ($hget($nick,help) == yes) { halt }
hadd -u3 $nick help yes
  .notice $nick $KaiPing
  .notice $nick Commands: !ping, !mping, !rping, !wping, !aping, !top10 or use the popup Menu via Commands, Channel and Status.

on *:TEXT:!top10*:#: {
if ($hget($nick,top) == yes) { halt }
hadd -u3 $nick top yes
  var %file = Records.txt, %l = 10, %d = $lines(%file), %w = @top10
  window -hn %w
  clear %w
  while %d {
    tokenize 32 $read(%file,nt,%d)
    aline %w $2 $1 $+ secs $+ : $duration($calc($ctime - $3),2) ago
    dec %d
  filter -ctuww 2 32 %w %w
  var %k = 1, %k1
  while %k <= %l  {
    %k1 = $addtok(%k1,$+($chr(32),12,$chr(35),%k,) $iif($line(%w,%k),$v1,N/A),44)
    inc %k
  msg $chan Top 10 Ping Times:
  msg $chan %k1 $+ .

on *:TEXT:!ping*:#: {
  if ($hget($nick,pinged) == yes) { halt }
  if ($hget($nick)) { hadd -u3 $nick pinged yes | hadd -u120 $nick pnick $nick | hadd -u120 $nick pchan $chan | hadd -u120 $nick pping $ticks | ctcp $nick ping }
  else { hadd -m $nick record 20 | hadd $nick worst 0.1 | hadd -u3 $nick pinged yes | hadd -u120 $nick pnick $nick | hadd -u120 $nick pchan $chan | hadd -u120 $nick pping $ticks | ctcp $nick ping }

on *:TEXT:!mping*:#: {
  if ($hget($nick,mpinged) == yes) { halt }
  hadd -mu5 $nick mpinged yes 
  var %p $nick(#,0) 
  var %pp 1 
  while (%pp <= %p) { var %nick $nick(#,%pp) | if (!$hget(%nick)) { hadd -m %nick record 20 | hadd $nick worst 0.1 } | hadd -u120 %nick pnick %nick | hadd -u120 %nick pchan $chan | hadd -u120 %nick pping $ticks | ctcp $nick(#,%pp) ping | inc %pp 1 }  

on *:TEXT:!rping*:#: {
if ($hget($nick,flood) == yes) { halt }
hadd -u3 $nick flood yes
  if (!$2) { 
    if ($hget($nick,record) == 20) { msg $chan I have no ping reply from you yet $nick lol, problems aye ;) | halt }
    if ($hget($nick,record)) { msg $chan $nick $+ , Your Ping Record is $hget($nick,record) seconds. }
    else { msg $chan I have no ping record for you $nick $+ . }
  else {
    if ($hget($2,record) == 20) { msg $chan I have no ping reply from $2 yet lol, problems aye ;) | halt }
    if ($hget($2,record)) { msg $chan $nick $+ , $2 $+ 's Ping Record is $hget($2,record) seconds. }
    else { msg $chan I have no ping record for $2 $+ . }

on *:TEXT:!wping*:#: {
if ($hget($nick,flood) == yes) { halt }
hadd -u3 $nick flood yes
  if (!$2) { 
    if ($hget($nick,worst) == 0.1) { msg $chan I have no ping reply from you yet $nick lol, problems aye ;) | halt }
    if ($hget($nick,worst)) { msg $chan $nick $+ , Your Worst Ping Record is $hget($nick,worst) seconds. }
    else { msg $chan I have no ping record for you $nick $+ . }
  else {
    if ($hget($2,worst) == 0.1) { msg $chan I have no ping reply from $2 yet lol, problems aye ;) | halt }
    if ($hget($2,worst)) { msg $chan $nick $+ , $2 $+ 's Worst Ping Record is $hget($2,worst) seconds. }
    else { msg $chan I have no ping record for $2 $+ . }

on *:TEXT:!aping*:#: {
if ($hget($nick,flood) == yes) { halt }
hadd -u3 $nick flood yes
  if (!$2) { 
    if ($hget($nick,worst) == 0.1) || ($hget($nick,record) == 20) { msg $chan I cannot calculate your Mean Average due to insufficient data, $nick $+ . | halt }
    var %high $hget($nick,record)
    var %low $hget($nick,worst)
    msg $chan $nick Your High-Low Ping Medium is $calc( (%high + %low) / 2)
    else { msg $chan I have no ping record for you $nick $+ . }
  else {
    if ($hget($2,worst) == 0.1) || ($hget($2,record) == 20) { msg $chan I cannot calculate $2 $+ 's Mean Average due to insufficient data, $nick $+ . | halt }
    var %high $hget($2,record)
    var %low $hget($2,worst)
    msg $chan $2 $+ 's High-Low Ping Medium is $calc( (%high + %low) / 2)
    else { msg $chan I have no ping record for $2 $+ . }

  var %ans $calc( ($ticks - $hget($nick,pping)) / 1000 )
  write Records.txt %ans $nick $ctime
  if (%ans > $hget($nick,worst)) { hadd $nick worst %ans }
  if (%ans < $hget($nick,record)) { 
    msg $hget($nick,pchan) $hget($nick) you have a New Record: by $calc(%ans - $hget($nick,record)) seconds 
    hadd $nick record %ans 
  msg $hget($nick,pchan) $nick ping reply is %ans seconds from server: $server $+ .


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newklear   -  Dec 05, 2008

Any comments, suggestions or ratings ? Anyone please ?
^^ First time I have used hash tables, so not to sure on any neat secrets or tips, come guys this aint your old boring Ping script, this is certainly different.

TheImrac   -  Dec 03, 2008

Probably not for channels under 50 people. But I just love hash tables. They might be easier to do than all the brackets and such though. I didn't know about the unreal servers, thanks for the info. Looks good none the less.

newklear   -  Dec 03, 2008

Thank you for prod in the right direction TheImrac, and you are so right, I think I prefer hash tables and was even reading that hash tables sometimes process faster than variables do.

Cleaned up and alot neater I think.

TheImrac   -  Dec 03, 2008

For the mass ping you could just /ctcp # PING, it will send it to the channel and everyone will reply to you. That way you only have 1 %start $tick and not a while loop.

Edit I was also look into hash tables for something like this =)

Anish   -  Dec 03, 2008

Awesome! Haven't seen any mass ping script on hawkee before , nice job :)

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