Sky's Script II

By vSkyzv on Nov 07, 2008

This is an update of my script 'Sky's Script'.


  • Firstmate: For reviewing the code and script and correcting a few errors I made.


  • Completely new design which is smaller and hopefully easier to use.
  • Shorter code (due to a more unified dialog control code).
  • Added a CTCP Blocker (prevents users from sending you CTCP messages or requests, including ping, version, time, and finger).
  • Added a Numeric Event Blocker (allows you to block server messages via their number).
  • Added an Auto-Voice feature (voices all users that enter the channels you specify).
  • Removed feature to type in nickname for 'Action Revenge' feature as this was causing confusion. If you do miss this feature, then you can modify the "on :ACTION::#:{" line (replace the after ACTION: with your name separated by asterisks, e.g. "on :ACTION:vSkyzv*:#:{").
  • Removed feature to not alert if your name was said in a specified channel. (This feature was getting very buggy but will return bug-free in v3).
  • Added ability to set your custom 'thank you' message for the 'Thank Inviters' function.
  • The 'Re-Promote' function now works by asking ChanServ to repromote you. (Does not work if ChanServ does not exist or does not support the commands VOICE, HALFOP, and OP).
  • 'Revenge Ban' function will no longer ban nicks if their hostmask matches your hostmask.
  • A simple "Pastebin" has been added. Can be accessed by Right Click -> Pastebin. (If you do not like this, then find and remove the line "Pastebin { run notepad.exe scripts/pastebin.txt }").
  • 'Name Alerts' no longer alerts you if your name was said in a query window (because you are already alerted anyways) or a channel window.

Overall list of Functions:

  • Auto-Unban
  • Revenge Ban
  • Name Alert
  • CTCP Blocker
  • Re-Promote
  • Thank Inviters
  • Rejoin if Kicked
  • Join on Invite
  • Channel Greeting
  • Action Revenge
  • Numeric Event Blocker
  • Auto-Voice

Instructions on Installing and Configuring:
1) Copy the code.
2) Press Alt + R.
3) Goto File > New.
4) Paste the code.
5) Press Ok.
6) Goto Right Click > Sky's Script on a channel or private message window.
7) Follow the instructions provided in the dialog from there on.

raw *:*:{
  if ($event isin $readini(skyscript.ini, data, Numeric_Event_Blocker)) { halt }
on >=*:KICK:#: {
  if ($knick == $me) && ($readini(skyscript.ini, status, Rejoin_if_Kicked) == 1) { join $chan }
on >=*:BAN:#: { 
  if ($readini(skyscript.ini, status, Auto-Unban) == 1) {
    if ($remove($banmask,*!*@) isin $address($me,2) || $replace($ip,.,-) isin $banmask || $me $+ ! isin $banmask) { skyscript ban }
on *:ACTION:*:#:{
  if ($readini(skyscript.ini, status, Action_Revenge) == 1) && ($me isin $1-) {
    inc -u2 %sky.action.spam
    if (%sky.action.spam < 2) { describe $chan $replace($1-,$me,$nick) }
on *:INVITE:#:{
  if ($readini(skyscript.ini, status, Join_on_Invite) == 1) { join $chan }
  if ($readini(skyscript.ini, status, Thank_Inviters) == 1) && ($readini(skyscript.ini, data, Thank_Inviters) != $null) { notice $nick $readini(skyscript.ini, data, Thank_Inviters) }
on *:DEVOICE:#:{ if ($readini(skyscript.ini, status, Re-Promote) == 1 && $vnick == $me) { msg ChanServ voice $chan $me } }
on *:DEHELP:#:{ if ($readini(skyscript.ini, status, Re-Promote) == 1 && $hnick == $me) { msg ChanServ halfop $chan $me } }
on *:DEOP:#:{ if ($readini(skyscript.ini, status, Re-Promote) == 1 && $opnick == $me) { msg ChanServ op $chan $me } }
on *:JOIN:#:{  
  if ($nick == $me && $readini(skyscript.ini, status, Channel_Greeting) == 1) && ($readini(skyscript.ini, data, Channel_Greeting) != $null) { msg $chan $readini(skyscript.ini, data, Channel_Greeting) }
  elseif ($readini(skyscript.ini, status, Auto-Voice) == 1) && ($wildtok($readini(skyscript.ini, data, Auto-Voice), $chan, 0, 32) > 0) { mode $chan +v $nick }
on *:TEXT:*:#:{
  if ($readini(skyscript.ini, status, Name_Alert) == 1 && $chan != $active && $chan != $null && $me isin $1-) {
    echo -a 5 $+ $nick said your name in $chan -> (Original Message: $1- $+ )
menu Channel,Query { 
  Pastebin { run notepad.exe scripts/pastebin.txt }
  Sky's Script { dialog -m ssii ssii }
dialog ssii {
  title "Sky's Script"
  size -1 -1 125 150
  option dbu
  text "Double click an item on the menu below to modify the settings for that feature." 1,5 5 115 20
  combo 2,5 25 115 120, vsbar
  button "Menu" 3, 46 136 25 12
  button "Ok" 4, 72 136 25 12
  button "Cancel" 5, 98 136 25 12
  text "Description" 6, 5 5 115 40
  box "Enable Feature" 7, 5 45 115 25
  button "On" 8, 10 55 30 10
  button "Off" 9, 40 55 30 10
  box "..." 10, 5 75 115 25
  edit "..." 11, 10 85 105 10,
on *:dialog:ssii:*:*: {
  var %sky.edit = Thank Inviters Channel Greeting Numeric Event Blocker Auto-Voice
  if ($devent == init) {
    didtok $dname 2 44 Auto-Unban,Revenge Ban,Name Alert,CTCP Blocker,Re-Promote,Thank Inviters,Rejoin if Kicked,Join on Invite,Channel Greeting,Action Revenge,Numeric Event Blocker,Auto-Voice,--------------------,About this Script
    did -h ssii 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 3) { dialog -c ssii ssii | dialog -m ssii ssii }
    if ($did == 8) { set %sky.dialog 1 | did -e ssii 9 | did -b ssii 8 }
    if ($did == 9) { set %sky.dialog 0 | did -e ssii 8 | did -b ssii 9 } 
    if ($did == 4) { 
      if (%sky.dialog != $null) {
        if ($did(ssii,2) == CTCP Blocker) {
          writeini skyscript.ini status $replace($did(ssii,2),$chr(32),$chr(95)) %sky.dialog
          unset %sky.dialog
          dialog -c ssii ssii
          $iif($readini(skyscript.ini, status, CTCP_Blocker) == 1,/ignore -t *!*@,/ignore -r *!*@)
        else {
          set %sky.feat $did(ssii,2)
          writeini skyscript.ini status $replace($did(ssii,2),$chr(32),$chr(95)) %sky.dialog
          dialog -c ssii ssii 
          writeini skyscript.ini data $replace(%sky.feat,$chr(32),$chr(95))
          unset %sky.dialog %sky.feat
        dialog -m ssii ssii
      else { dialog -c ssii ssii }
    if ($did == 5) { unset %sky.dialog | dialog -c ssii ssii }
  if ($devent == close) { unset %sky.dialog }
  if ($devent == dclick) {
    if ($readini(skyscript.ini,status,$replace($did(ssii,2),$chr(32),$chr(95))) == $null) { writeini skyscript.ini status $replace($did(ssii,2),$chr(32),$chr(95)) 0 }
    if ($did(ssii,2) != $null && $did(ssii,2) != --------------------) {
      dialog -t ssii $did(ssii,2) $iif($did(ssii,2) == About this Script,$null,Settings)
      did -h ssii 1,2
      did -v ssii 3,4,5,6,7,8,9
      $iif($readini(skyscript.ini,status,$replace($did(ssii,2),$chr(32),$chr(95))) == 1,/set %sky.dialog 1,/set %sky.dialog 0)
      $iif($readini(skyscript.ini,status,$replace($did(ssii,2),$chr(32),$chr(95))) == 1,/did -b ssii 8,/did -b ssii 9)
    if ($did(ssii,2) isin %sky.edit) { did -v ssii 10,11 }
    if ($did(ssii,2) == Auto-Unban) { did -a ssii 6 The 'Auto-Unban' feature will unban you if you are banned (assuming you have the power to unban yourself). }
    if ($did(ssii,2) == Revenge Ban) { did -a ssii 6 The 'Revenge Ban' feature will ban the person who banned you if you are banned (assuming you have the power to do so). *Note: 'Auto-Unban' must be enabled. }
    if ($did(ssii,2) == Name Alert) { did -a ssii 6 The 'Name Alert' feature will alert you with a message and beeping when somebody says your name. *Note: No alert will be given if your name was said in a query window or the channel you are viewing. }
    if ($did(ssii,2) == CTCP Blocker) { did -a ssii 6 The 'CTCP Blocker' will tell mIRC not to send a reply when somebody sends a CTCP ping, version, time, or finger. *Note: This requires your ignore list to be enabled. }
    if ($did(ssii,2) == Re-Promote) { did -a ssii 6 The 'Re-Promote' feature will ask ChanServ to promote you if your status is removed, e.g. operator status. *Note: ChanServ must exist on the network you are on and have the commands VOICE, HALFOP, and OP. }
    if ($did(ssii,2) == Thank Inviters) { did -a ssii 6 The 'Thank Inviters' feature will thank users that invite you to a channel. | did -a ssii 10 Enter Your 'Thank You' Message | did -o ssii 11 1 $readini(skyscript.ini, data, Thank_Inviters) }
    if ($did(ssii,2) == Rejoin if Kicked) { did -a ssii 6 The 'Rejoin if Kicked' feature will make you rejoin any channels you have been kicked from. *Note: This may infuriate some channel operators who will use this as a reason for a ban. }
    if ($did(ssii,2) == Join on Invite) { did -a ssii 6 The 'Join on Invite' feature will make you join any channels you are invited to. }
    if ($did(ssii,2) == Channel Greeting) { did -a ssii 6 The 'Channel Greeting' feature will send your custom greeting when you enter any channels. | did -a ssii 10 Enter Your Custom Greeting | did -o ssii 11 1 $readini(skyscript.ini, data, Channel_Greeting) }
    if ($did(ssii,2) == Action Revenge) { did -a ssii 6 The 'Action Revenge' feature will reply whenever somebody does an action using your name. }
    if ($did(ssii,2) == Numeric Event Blocker) { did -a ssii 6 The 'Numeric Event Blocker' is an advanced feature that allows you to block server messages by their number. *Note: Please seperate the numbers by a space, e.g. "311 378 318". | did -a ssii 10 Enter Numberic Events Here | did -o ssii 11 1 $readini(skyscript.ini, data, Numeric_Event_Blocker) }
    if ($did(ssii,2) == Auto-Voice) { did -a ssii 6 The 'Auto-Voice' feature will automatically voice any users that enter the channels you specify below. *Note: Seperate all channel names with a space. | did -a ssii 10 Enter Channels Here | did -o ssii 11 1 $readini(skyscript.ini, data, Auto-Voice) }
    if ($did(ssii,2) == About this Script) { did -h ssii 7,8,9 | did -b ssii 5 | did -a ssii 6 Sky's Script II by vSkyzv (November 29, 2008) }
alias skyscript {
  if ($1 == $null) { echo -a No SKYSCRIPT parameters specified. }
  elseif ($1 == ban) { $iif($readini(skyscript.ini, status, Revenge_Ban) == 1,$iif($address($nick,2) != $address($me,2),/mode $chan -b+bb $banmask $nick $address($nick,2),/mode $chan -b $banmask),/mode $chan -b $banmask) }
  else { echo -a  $+ $1 $+  is an invalid SKYSCRIPT command. }


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vSkyzv   -  Nov 29, 2008

Sky's Script has been updated to Sky's Script II.

vSkyzv   -  Nov 15, 2008

Thanks for the comment but I plan to redo it as a few mIRC newbies are having trouble using it.

PuNkTuReD   -  Nov 11, 2008

looks gd, look forward to seeing you add to it.

vSkyzv   -  Nov 08, 2008

Thanks for the help.

Update: Shortened code with napa's advice.

Update 2: Dialog has been shrunk from 300 x 250 to 300 x 150.

napa182   -  Nov 08, 2008

any reason for the huge dialog? are you going to be adding more to it?

on this

      did -a config 1 Ban: Unban when Banned
      did -a config 1 Ban: Revenge Ban
      did -a config 1 Join: Rejoin when Kicked
      did -a config 1 Join: Auto-join when Invited
      did -a config 1 Auto-Promote: Re-promote when Demoted
      did -a config 1 Alert: Notice if My Name is Said
      did -a config 1 Greetings: Display Greeting when Entering a Channel
      did -a config 1 Auto-Reply: Action Revenge
      did -a config 1 Auto-Reply: Give a 'Thank You' when Invited

you can shorten it up with didtok

didtok $dname 1 44 Ban: Unban when Banned,Ban: Revenge Ban,Join: Rejoin when Kicked,Join: Auto-join when Invited,Auto-Promote: Re-promote when Demoted,Alert: Notice if My Name is Said,Greetings: Display Greeting when Entering a Channel,Auto-Reply: Action Revenge,Auto-Reply: Give a 'Thank You' when Invited

as well on this

did -h config 10
      did -h config 9
      did -h config 7

could be

did -h config 7,9,10

also maybe add some error check's as well

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