Quote System w/Txt. Files + UserList

By Kirby on Oct 08, 2008

This isn't the best "method" of a quote system, as it uses .txt files and the mIRC built-in userlist that uses .ini files; I found that hashes prove to be much more of use.
So please check the Rehashed Quote System if you want a "better" version.

Quote System v.2

More flexibility
New triggers (themes/flood)
Alternative Friend/Operator/Master/Owner adding
Fixed bugs/errors

If you've tried out my other quote system and liked it, you're going to love this one even more!

This is an overview of basically what this script can do.



!addquote - allows you to add new quotes to the database. Has 3 second DEFAULT flood protection.

!delquote <quote ID (the number of the quote itself)> - allows you to remove specific quotes from the database. Also has 3 second DEFAULT flood protection.

!delquote all - allows you to remove ALL added quotes, instead of manually removing them through going through the .txt file.

Note: If a quote is deleted "in the middle"; i.e. There are 3 quotes, but quote 2 is deleted, the script makes it so that the quotes "slide down" when a line is to be blank.

!quote - shows you a random quote from the database. Has 5 second DEFAULT flood protection.

!quote <quote ID (the number of the quote itself)> - allows you to see specific quotes. Also has 5 second DEFAULT flood protection.

!findquote - allows you to search through the database for related, particular quotes. Has 5 second DEFAULT flood protection.

!totalquote - shows you the total amount of quotes added to the database. Has 10 second DEFAULT flood protection.

!lastquote - shows you the last quote added to the database, along with information. Has 10 second DEFAULT flood protection.

!quote help - gives you help based on the quote system. Has 120 second DEFAULT flood protection.

!status <on/off/none> - allows you to turn the quote script on or off, and let's you see the status.

!add/del(friend/op/master/owner) - slightly modified part. Allows you to add or delete friends, operators, masters, and owners to the 'User List' of the bot.
Uniqueness in Authority:
Friend - can add/del quotes
Operator - can change themes/flood protection + all of above
Master - can add new users (friends, operators) + all of above
Owner - can add new users (masters, owners) and delete all quotes + all of above

!theme set <color code (mirc colors #0~15)> - new function! You can now set color themes for your bot. :) Use !theme set default if you want to set it back to your default text color (or no color).

!flood set <add/del/total/last/num/rand/help> <duration (in seconds)> - another new function! Instead of going through your bot's remotes and editing the portions, you can now edit them through a command.
Default flood protection are listed next to each trigger description.

Final Note:
Flood protection activated on certain triggers only affect "reg'd users".
Some triggers have certain access levels.
***Again, flood/themes can be edited through the triggers.


Helpers: Blitzjager and DimeCadmium, for some scripting help,


;Make sure the person you are adding as a friend,operator,master, or owner is on your internal address list! Otherwise, it's a little glitchy.

on *:load: { qinstall }
on *:unload: { quinstall }

on master:text:!addfriend*:*: {
  var %active $chan
  guser friend $2 2
  msg %active %color $+ $nick made $2 Friend on $me $+ .
  notice $2 %color $+ You have been given level: Friend on bot: $me by: $nick $+ .

on master:text:!delfriend*:*: {
  var %active $chan
  ruser friend $2 2
  msg %active %color $+ $nick made $2 No access on $me $+ .
  notice $2 %color $+ You have been given level: No access on bot: $me by: $nick $+ .

on master:text:!addop*:*: {
  var %active $chan
  guser friend,operator $2 2
  msg %active %color $+ $nick made $2 Operator on $me $+ .
  notice $2 %color $+ You have been given level: Operator on bot: $me by: $nick $+ .

on master:text:!delop*:*: {
  var %active $chan
  ruser friend,operator $2 2
  msg %active %color $+ $nick made $2 No access on $me $+ .
  notice $2 %color $+ You have been given level: No access on bot: $me by: $nick $+ .

on owner:text:!addmaster*:*: {
  var %active $chan
  guser friend,operator,master $2 2
  msg %active %color $+ $nick made $2 Master on $me $+ .
  notice $2 %color $+ You have been given level: Master on bot: $me by: $nick

on owner:text:!delmaster*:*: {
  var %active $chan
  ruser friend,operator,master $2 2
  msg %active %color $+ $nick made $2 No access on $me $+ .
  notice $2 %color $+ You have been given level: No access on bot: $me by: $nick $+ .

on owner:text:!addowner*:*: {
  inc %new
  var %code $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9)
  if (%new == 1) {
    notice $nick %color $+ 1,8/!\ 4WARNING 1,8/!\: %color $+ This command will give COMPLETE control over  $+ $me $+  to $+  $+ $2 $+  including the ability to REMOVE you as owner. If you are sure you want to do this, type: /msg $me !addowner $2  $+ %code $+ 
    set %active $chan
    timer 1 60 /unset %new
  elseif (%new == 2) {
    guser friend,operator,master,owner $2 2
    notice $nick %color $+ Done. $2 is now an Owner of $me $+ .
    msg %active %color $+ $nick made $2 Owner on $me $+ .
    notice $2 %color $+ You have been given level: Owner on bot: $me by: $nick $+ .
    unset %new
    unset %active

on owner:text:!delowner*:*: {
  var %active $chan
  ruser friend,operator,master,owner $2 2
  notice $nick %color $+ Done. $2 is no longer an Owner of $me $+ .
  msg %active %color $+ $nick made $2 No Access on $me $+ .
  notice $2 %color $+ You have been given level: No access on bot: $me by: $nick $+ .

on friend:TEXT:!addquote*:*: {
  if (%quote == on) {
    set %user $fulladdress
    set %date $fulldate
    set %chan $chan
    if (!%addtest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
      set -u $+ [ %flood.add ] %addtest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
      ;set %add yes
      ;if (%add == yes) {
      if (%add == yes) {
        if ($2 == $null) {
          notice $nick %color $+ You didn't specify a quote to add. Use:  $+ !addquote <quote> $+ 
        else {
          write quotes.txt $2-
          msg $chan %color $+ Added Quote  $+ $chr(35) $+ $lines(quotes.txt) $+  $+ : $- $read(quotes.txt, $lines(quotes.txt))

on friend:TEXT:!delquote*:*: {
  if (%quote == on) {
    if (!%deltest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
      set -u $+ [ %flood.del ] %deltest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
      ;set %del yes
      ;if (%del == yes) {
      if (%del == yes) {
        if ($2 isnum) {
          if ($2 > $lines(quotes.txt)) {
            if ($file(quotes.txt).size == 0) { msg $chan %color $+ There are no quotes. }        
            else { notice $nick %color $+ I couldn't find a quote with that ID, it has probably been deleted already or does not exist. }
          if ($2 <= $lines(quotes.txt)) { 
            msg $chan %color $+ Deleted Quote  $+ $chr(35) $+ $2 $+  $+ : $- $read(quotes.txt, $2)
            write -dl $+ $2 quotes.txt
          else { halt }
        elseif ($2 isalpha) {
          if ($address($nick,2) == %owner) {
            if ($2 == all) {
              if ($file(quotes.txt).size == 0) {
                msg $chan %color $+ There are no quotes.
              else {
                inc %all
                if (%all == 1) {
                  .timer 1 1 notice $nick %color $+ Are you sure you want to delete all quotes in  $+ $chan $+  $+ ?
                  .timer 1 3 notice $nick %color $+ Use !quote del all to permanently delete all quotes.
                elseif (%all == 2) { 
                  msg $chan %color $+ Deleted all quotes.
                  write -dc quotes.txt
                  unset %all
            else {
              notice $nick %color $+ You didn't specify a valid quote ID. Use: !quote del <id>
          else {
            notice $nick %color $+ You need to have the 'Master' level (or higher) to be able to delete all quotes.
        if ($2 == $null) {
          notice $nick %color $+ You didn't specify a quote to delete. Use:  $+ !quote del <id> $+ 
        else { halt }
      else {
        notice $nick %color $+ You need to have the 'Friend' level (or higher) to be able to delete quotes.

on *:text:!totalquote:*: {
  if (%quote == on) {
    if ($nick isreg $chan) {
      if (!%totaltest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
        set -u $+ [ %flood.total ] %totaltest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
        ;set %total yes
        ;if (%total == yes) {
        if (%total == yes) {
          msg $chan %color $+ Total Quotes Added: $- $lines(Quotes.txt)
    else {
      msg $chan %color $+ Total Quotes: $- $lines(Quotes.txt)

on *:text:!findquote*:*: {
  if (%quote == on) {
    if ($nick isreg $chan) {
      if (!%findtest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
        set -u $+ [ %flood.find ] %findtest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
        ;set %find yes
        ;if (%find == yes) {
        if (%find == yes) {
          var %find $read(quotes.txt, w, * $+ $2- $+ *) 
          var %lineno = $readn
          if ($2 == $null) { notice $nick You didn't specify text to search for. Use: !findquote <text> }
          else {
            if ($file(quotes.txt).size == 0) { msg $chan %color $+ There are no quotes. }
            elseif ($2- !isin $read(quotes.txt, w, * $+ $3- $+ *)) { msg $chan %color $+ I didn't find any quotes on  $+ $chan $+  matching  $+ $2- $+ . }
            else {
              msg $chan %color $+ Matching Quote  $+ $chr(35) $+ %lineno $+  $+ : $- %find
    else {
      var %find $read(quotes.txt, w, * $+ $2- $+ *) 
      var %lineno = $readn
      if ($file(quotes.txt).size == 0) { msg $chan %color $+ There are no quotes. }
      elseif ($2- !isin $read(quotes.txt, w, * $+ $2- $+ *)) { msg $chan %color $+ I didn't find any quotes on  $+ $chan $+  matching  $+ $2- $+ . }
      else {
        msg $chan %color $+ Matching Quote  $+ $chr(35) $+ %lineno $+  $+ : $- %find

on *:text:!lastquote:*: {
  if (%quote == on) {
    if ($nick isreg $chan) {
      if (!%lasttest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
        set -u $+ [ %flood.last ] %lasttest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
        ;set %last yes
        ;if (%last == yes) {
        if (%last == yes) {
          .timer 1 0 msg $chan %color $+ Last Quote $-  $+ $chr(35) $+ $lines(quotes.txt) $+  $+ : $- $read(quotes.txt, $lines(quotes.txt))
          .timer 1 1 msg $chan %color $+ Added by  $+ %user $+  on  $+ %chan $+  at  $+ %date $+ 
    else {
      .timer 1 0 msg $chan %color $+ Last Quote $-  $+ $chr(35) $+ $lines(quotes.txt) $+  $+ : $- $read(quotes.txt, $lines(quotes.txt))
      .timer 1 1 msg $chan %color $+ Added by  $+ %user $+  on  $+ %chan $+  at  $+ %date $+ 

on *:text:!quote*:*: {
  if (%quote == on) {
    if ($2 isnum) {
      if ($nick isreg $chan) {
        if (!%numtest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
          set -u $+ [ %flood.num ] %numtest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
          ;set %num yes
          ;if (%num == yes) {
          if (%num == yes) {
            if ($2 > $lines(quotes.txt)) {
              if ($file(quotes.txt).size == 0) { msg $chan %color $+ There are no quotes. }
              else { notice $nick %color $+ I couldn't find a quote with that ID, it has probably been deleted. }
            elseif ($2 <= $lines(quotes.txt)) {
            msg $chan %color $+ Quote  $+ $chr(35) $+ $2 $+  $+ : $+ $- $read(quotes.txt, $2) }
      else {
        if ($2 > $lines(quotes.txt)) {
          if ($file(quotes.txt).size == 0) { msg $chan %color $+ There are no quotes. }
          else { notice $nick %color $+ I couldn't find a quote with that ID, it has probably been deleted. }
        elseif ($2 <= $lines(quotes.txt)) {
        msg $chan %color $+ Quote  $+ $chr(35) $+ $2 $+  $+ : $+ $- $read(quotes.txt, $2) }
    if ($2 isalpha) {
      if ($2 == help) {
        if (!%helptest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
          set -u $+ [ %flood.help ] %helptest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
          ;set %help yes
          ;if (%help == yes) {
          if (%help == yes) {
            .timer 1 1 notice $nick Quote help:
            .timer 1 2 notice $nick 4!quote - Will show you a random quote.
            .timer 1 3 notice $nick 7!quote <quote ID> - Will show you a specific quote.
            .timer 1 4 notice $nick 8!addquote <quote> - Will add a new quote.
            .timer 1 5 notice $nick 9!delquote <quote ID>/all - Will delete a specific quote or delete all quotes.
            .timer 1 6 notice $nick 11!findquote <text> - Will search for a particular quote.
            .timer 1 7 notice $nick 10!(total/last)quote - Will tell you the total amount of quote or the last quote added to the database.
            .timer 1 8 notice $nick 3!status - Will tell you if quotes are on or off.
            .timer 1 9 notice $nick 12!status on/off - Will turn quotes on or off.
            .timer 1 10 notice $nick 6!add/del(friend/op/master/owner) - Will give/take access to/from the nicks you desire.
            .timer 1 11 notice $nick 13!theme - Will show you all the color codes.
            .timer 1 12 notice $nick 5!theme set <color code> - Will set a theme according to the Color Code you give it.
            .timer 1 13 notice $nick 14!flood set <add/del/total/last/num/rand/help> <duration (secs)> - Will change flood settings for triggers.
      else { notice $nick %color $+ Unknown command. If you need help, please type: !quote help. }
    if ($2 == $null) {
      if ($nick isreg $chan) {
        if (!%nulltest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
          set -u $+ [ %flood.null ] %nulltest. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
          ;set %null yes
          ;if (%null == yes) {
          if (%null == yes) {
            if ($file(quotes.txt).size == 0) { msg $chan %color $+ There are no quotes. }
            else { var %lineno = $rand(1,$lines(quotes.txt)) | msg $chan %color $+ Random Quote  $+ $chr(35) $+ %lineno $+  $+ : $- $read(quotes.txt,%lineno) }
      else {
        if ($file(quotes.txt).size == 0) { msg $chan %color $+ There are no quotes. }
        else { var %lineno = $rand(1,$lines(quotes.txt)) | msg $chan %color $+ Random Quote  $+ $chr(35) $+ %lineno $+  $+ : $- $read(quotes.txt,%lineno) }
    else { halt }

on *:text:!status*:*: {
  if ($nick !isreg $chan) {
    if ($2 == $null) {
      if (%quote == on) {
        msg $chan %color $+ Quotes are currently turned 9ON.
      elseif (%quote == off) {
        msg $chan %color $+ Quotes are currently turned 4OFF.
    if ($2 == on) {
      if (%quote == on) {
        notice $nick %color $+ Quotes are already turned 9ON.
      elseif (%quote == off) {
        set %quote on
        msg $chan %color $+ Quotes are now turned 9ON.
    if ($2 == off) {
      if (%quote == off) {
        notice $nick %color $+ Quotes are already turned 4OFF.
      elseif (%quote == on) {
        set %quote off
        msg $chan %color $+ Quotes are now turned 4OFF.
  elseif ($nick isreg $chan) {
    if ($2 == $null) {
      if (%quote == on) {
        msg $chan %color $+ Quotes are currently turned 9ON.
      elseif (%quote == off) {
        msg $chan %color $+ Quotes are currently turned 4OFF.
    elseif ($2 == on || $2 == off) {
      notice $nick %color $+ You need to have be 'voiced' (or higher) to be able to turn on/off quotes.

on operator:text:!theme*:*: {
  if ($2 isnum) {
    notice $nick %color $+ To change themes, type: !theme set color code.
    notice $nick %color $+ Color Codes: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15  Default
  if ($2 isalpha) {
    if ($2 == set) {
      if ($3 == $null) {
        notice $nick %color $+ To set a theme, type: !theme set color code.
        notice $nick %color $+ Color Codes: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15  Default
      if ($3 isalpha) {
        if ($3 == default) {
          if (%colorcode == default) {
            .timer 1 0 notice $nick %color $+ Theme  $+ %colorcode $+  is already set.
            .timer 1 1 notice $nick %color $+ Color Codes: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15  Default
          else {
            unset %color
            set %colorcode Default
            notice $nick %color $+ Done. Theme set to Default.
            msg $chan %color $+ Quote theme is now set to Default.
        else {
          .timer 1 1 notice $nick %color $+ Theme  $+ $chr(35) $+ $3 $+  $+ : Invalid Color Code.
          .timer 1 1 notice $nick %color $+ Color Codes: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15  Default
      if ($3 isnum) {
        if ($3 > 15 || $3 < 0) {
          .timer 1 1 notice $nick %color $+ Theme  $+ $chr(35) $+ $3 $+  $+ : Invalid Color Code.
          .timer 1 1 notice $nick %color $+ Color Codes: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15  Default
        elseif ($3 == %colorcode) {
          .timer 1 0 notice $nick %color $+ Theme  $+ $chr(35) $+ %colorcode $+  is already set.
          .timer 1 1 notice $nick %color $+ Color Codes: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15  Default
        else {
          set %color  $+ $3
          set %colorcode $3
          notice $nick %color $+ Done. Theme set to Color Code  $+ $chr(35) $+ %colorcode $+ .
          msg $chan %color $+ Quote theme is now set to Color Code  $+ $chr(35) $+ %colorcode $+ .
    else {
      notice $nick %color $+ To change themes, type: !theme set color code.
      notice $nick %color $+ Color Codes: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15  Default
  elseif ($2 == $null) {
    notice $nick %color $+ Current theme: Color Code  $+ $chr(35) $+ %colorcode $+ .
    notice $nick %color $+ To change themes, type: !theme set color code.
    notice $nick %color $+ Color Codes: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15  Default
  else { halt }

on operator:text:!flood*:*: {
  if ($2 == $null) {
    .timer 1 1 notice $nick %color $+ To change flood protection for triggers, type: !flood set <trigger-type> <duration (secs)>.
    .timer 1 2 notice $nick %color $+ Trigger types: add/del/total/last/num/rand/help
  if ($2 == set) {
    if ($3 isalpha) {
      if ($3 == add) {
        if ($4 == 0) {
          set %flood.add $4
          notice $nick %color $+ Done. Flood protection for adding quotes: None.
        else {
          set %flood.add $4
          notice $nick %color $+ Done. Flood protection for adding quotes:  $+ $4 seconds.
      if ($3 == del) {
        if ($4 == 0) {
          set %flood.del $4
          notice $nick %color $+ Done. Flood protection for deleting quotes: None.
        else {
          set %flood.del $4
          notice $nick %color $+ Done. Flood protection for deleting quotes:  $+ $4 seconds.
      if ($3 == total) {
        if ($4 == 0) {
          set %flood.total $4
          notice $nick %color $+ Done. Flood protection for viewing total quotes added: None.
        else {
          set %flood.total $4
          notice $nick %color $+ Done. Flood protection for viewing total quotes added:  $+ $4 seconds.
      if ($3 == last) {
        if ($4 == 0) {
          set %flood.last $4
          notice $nick %color $+ Done. Flood protection for viewing last quote added: None.
        else {
          set %flood.last $4
          notice $nick %color $+ Done. Flood protection for viewing last quote added:  $+ $4 seconds.
      if ($3 == num) {
        if ($4 == 0) {
          set %flood.num $4
          notice $nick %color $+ Done. Flood protection for viewing specific quotes: None.
        else {
          set %flood.num $4
          notice $nick %color $+ Done. Flood protection for viewing specific quotes:  $+ $4 seconds.
      if ($3 == rand) {
        if ($4 == 0) {
          set %flood.null $4
          notice $nick %color $+ Done. Flood protection for viewing random quotes: None.
        else {
          set %flood.null $4
          notice $nick %color $+ Done. Flood protection for viewing random quotes:  $+ $4 seconds.
      if ($3 == help) {
        if ($4 == 0) {
          set %flood.help $4
          notice $nick %color $+ Done. Flood protection for viewing quote help: None.
        else {
          set %flood.help $4
          notice $nick %color $+ Done. Flood protection for viewing quote help:  $+ $4 seconds.
    elseif ($3 isnum) {
      .timer 1 1 notice $nick %color $+ To change flood protection for triggers, type: !flood set <trigger-type> <duration (secs)>.
      .timer 1 2 notice $nick %color $+ Trigger types: add/del/total/last/num/rand/help
  else {
    .timer 1 1 notice $nick %color $+ To change flood protection for triggers, type: !flood set <trigger-type> <duration (secs)>.
    .timer 1 2 notice $nick %color $+ Trigger types: add/del/total/last/num/rand/help

alias qinstall {
  set %quote on
  set %add yes
  set %del yes
  set %num yes
  set %find yes
  set %total yes
  set %last yes
  set %help yes
  set %null yes
  set %status yes
  set %colorcode Default
  set %flood.add 3
  set %flood.del 3
  set %flood.total 10
  set %flood.last 10
  set %flood.num 5
  set %flood.null 5
  set %flood.help 120

alias quninstall {
  unset %quote %add %del %num %find %total %last %help %null %status %owner %chan %color %colorcode %flood.add %flood.del %flood.total %flood.last %flood.num %flood.null %flood.help
  ruser %owner

alias quotehelp {
  echo -a Quote help:
  echo -a 4!quote - Will show you a random quote.
  echo -a 7!quote <quote ID> - Will show you a specific quote.
  echo -a 8!addquote <quote> - Will add a new quote.
  echo -a 9!delquote <quote ID>/all - Will delete a specific quote or delete all quotes.
  echo -a 11!findquote <text> - Will search for a particular quote.
  echo -a 10!(total/last)quote - Will tell you the total amount of quote or the last quote added to the database.
  echo -a 3!status - Will tell you if quotes are on or off.
  echo -a 12!status on/off - Will turn quotes on or off.
  echo -a 6!add/del(friend/op/master/owner) - Will give/take access to/from the nicks you desire.
  echo -a 13!theme - Will show you all the color codes.
  echo -a 5!theme set <color code> - Will set a theme according to the Color Code you give it.
  echo -a 14!flood set <add/del/total/last/num/rand/help> <duration (secs)> - Will change flood settings for triggers.

alias owner {
  set %owner $address($1,2) | guser friend,operator,master,owner $1 2


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Gosy   -  Feb 24, 2011

have the same problem as @morfina

morfina   -  Feb 08, 2010

add/dell friend/owner/master/

functions are not working for me... Is there somewhere I can identify my self to the bot as a owner or it's automaticly identified ?

also how to make !status on/off useble for ops and above because it's set for voice too...

PATX   -  Mar 13, 2009

wow this is very very good script! good job i rate 9 :)

Kirby   -  Mar 08, 2009

If you just want the access system, then this isn't what you want.
This is based solely on quotes, and just happens to have access levels.

xplo   -  Mar 08, 2009

i honestly just want the acess system in it for my bot, do you have a personal website for the credits, the bot will be downloadable from www.whitebot.skripting.net

and on ircd there is no +c
this bot is intended for undernet mostly.

Kirby   -  Mar 08, 2009

I actually wanted to delete this snippet, but I guess since people still use this, I think I will probably make it better, but only with the use with .txt files and the mIRC built-in userlist. :\

And specifically, Xpl0reR, do you mean disable colors all together? I was thinking if the channel has mode +c in it, it'll strip it.

Here's the link to the quote system that uses hashes instead of .txt's.

xplo   -  Mar 08, 2009

it would be great if we could disable the colors.

Kirby   -  Feb 15, 2009

I'm going to keep this as is, but I will be working on a completely redone quote system made with hash tables and a dialog for it.
Don't check this script anymore!

crysis992   -  Jan 29, 2009

Eh, bit late but

the bot owner thingy didnt work..
All can change status in on/off
All can change theme
All can Add masters . . .

Maybe you can fix that?

Blitzjager   -  Oct 28, 2008

a careful warchild

immence script, but if you add colour $stripping then ill give 10/10 atm its 7/10
Kirby's response:
Ooh, forgot about that. I'll go work on it later.


Jordy, Just type /ignore -k !@*
no need to $strip -.-
My response:
Wouldn't that strip the quotes as well?


you should really do away with the txt file and go hash on this.
My/Kirby's Response:
We're not familiar with those, but we'll try.

napa182   -  Oct 28, 2008

you should really do away with the txt file and go hash on this.

@ cafontaine.. it's a quote code so it's only going to say back what you have put into it. read the intro it tells you..

cafontaine   -  Oct 28, 2008

Does this randomly say back sentences people say in the chat channel or do you have to tell it to or when to say them back?

Bullet_Dodger   -  Oct 28, 2008


a careful warchild   -  Oct 27, 2008

Blitzjager: $strip for the commands.

Bullet_Dodger   -  Oct 27, 2008

Jordy, Just type /ignore -k !@*
no need to $strip -.-

Blitzjager   -  Oct 27, 2008

$strip for the commands or $strip for the quotes?

a careful warchild   -  Oct 27, 2008

immence script, but if you add colour $stripping then ill give 10/10 atm its 7/10

Kirby   -  Oct 26, 2008

Took out the apparently "annoying" thing that starts up when you load the quote system. :p

Kirby   -  Oct 26, 2008


Bullet_Dodger   -  Oct 25, 2008

You Still Fail Jordan

a careful warchild   -  Oct 25, 2008

Learn The BBCodes ;)

Learn To Script ;)

Bullet_Dodger   -  Oct 24, 2008

Kirby, That loading thing at the start is so retarded whats the point of it lolol

Bullet_Dodger   -  Oct 24, 2008

<-- Dont wear glasses
i would just get laser vision anyway.


quote]Updated. Sorry about that, I forgot that I was not allowed to make a new snippet of the same thing, and call it "new".[/quote

Learn The BBCodes ;)

a careful warchild   -  Oct 24, 2008

Updated. Sorry about that, I forgot that I was not allowed to make a new snippet of the same thing, and call it "new".[/quote

[quote]^should off gone to specsavers


you should join him too bullet_Dodger :)

Bullet_Dodger   -  Oct 21, 2008

Updated. Sorry about that, I forgot that I was not allowed to make a new snippet of the same thing, and call it "new".

^should off gone to specsavers


Kirby   -  Oct 20, 2008

Updated. Sorry about that, I forgot that I was not allowed to make a new snippet of the same thing, and call it "new".

Currently Modifying: !findquote

Kirby   -  Oct 19, 2008

Very Good Script im impressed


/me runs away to test

Thanks. :P
But the 'Adding Friend' thing is messed up, so I'm resorting back to /guser and /ruser for this.

Bullet_Dodger   -  Oct 19, 2008

Very Good Script im impressed


/me runs away to test

Kirby   -  Oct 18, 2008

New quote system coming (Updates):

  • Different trigger names
  • Alternative way of adding friends
  • Personal settings of flood
  • Fixed bugs

Thanks for testing it out everyone!

Bullet_Dodger   -  Oct 16, 2008

Dont Look at teh host ehh


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