Service Commands Dialog v1.3

By Pepsi_Man0077 on Sep 27, 2008

I have been working on this WAY too Long!!!!

Basically its a dialog with help to all the basic Service Commands. It gives a description of each service command, and even sends the command for you after you fill out the easy to use dialog. I will add Operserv and other services later on down the road. But for now enjoy what is there :)

To use: Right click a window (most windows work) and go to =Service Commands=
and enjoy :)

Screen Shot:

Currently Supports These Services:


Soon to Add Services:

maybe more... :-/

You can also download this script from:

;######### Dialog Start #########

dialog Service_Commands {
  title "mIRC Service Commands - by PePSiMaN"
  size -1 -1 407 184
  option dbu
  icon C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\Website\New Home\shrooms.jpg, 0
  box "", 99, 2 2 196 66
  text "1st Option", 100, 6 9 41 8, center
  text "2nd Option", 101, 6 20 41 8, center
  text "3rd Option", 102, 6 31 41 8, center
  text "4th Option", 103, 6 42 41 8, center
  edit "", 104, 51 8 144 10
  edit "", 105, 51 19 144 10
  edit "", 106, 51 30 144 10
  edit "", 107, 51 41 144 10
  button "Send Command", 108, 151 53 43 12
  text "", 109, 6 55 143 8
  box "Personal Info", 110, 2 123 196 47
  text "Name", 111, 6 132 42 8, center
  text "Email", 112, 6 141 42 8, center
  text "IP Address", 113, 6 150 42 8, center
  text "mIRC Version", 114, 6 159 42 8, center
  text "", 115, 50 132 145 8
  text "", 116, 50 141 145 8
  text "", 117, 50 150 145 8
  text "", 118, 50 159 145 8
  link "", 121, 84 173 88 8
  text "For more info, go to:", 119, 28 173 54 8, center
  button "Next", 120, 41 110 37 12
  button "Previous", 122, 2 110 37 12
  text "Selected Server:", 123, 80 112 45 8, center
  text "", 124, 127 112 70 8
  box "Command Info", 125, 2 67 196 42
  text "", 126, 4 73 191 34, center
  button "", 127, 199 57 9 44
  box "Service Result", 128, 208 2 197 180
  list 129, 210 20 192 160, size
  edit "", 130, 210 10 182 9
  button "clr", 131, 392 10 10 9

  ;######### Chanserv Menu #########

  menu "Chanserv", 1
  item "Register", 2, 1
  item "Identify", 3, 1
  item "Set", 4, 1
  item "Sop", 5, 1
  item "Aop", 6, 1
  item "Hop", 7, 1
  item "Access", 9, 1
  item "Levels", 10, 1
  item "Akick", 11, 1
  item "Drop", 12, 1
  item "Ban", 13, 1
  item "Unban", 14, 1
  item "Clear", 15, 1
  item "Owner", 16, 1
  item "Deowner", 17, 1
  item "Protect", 18, 1
  item "Deprotect", 19, 1
  item "Op", 20, 1
  item "Deop", 21, 1
  item "Halfop", 22, 1
  item "Dehalfop", 8, 1
  item "Voice", 23, 1
  item "Devoice", 24, 1
  item "Getkey", 25, 1
  item "Invite", 26, 1
  item "Kick", 27, 1
  item "List", 28, 1
  item "Logout", 29, 1
  item "Topic", 30, 1
  item "Info", 31, 1
  item "Getpass", 32, 1
  item "Forbid", 33, 1
  item "Suspend", 34, 1
  item "Unsuspend", 35, 1
  item "Status", 36, 1
  item "AppendTopic", 37, 1
  item "Enforce", 38, 1
  item "OInfo", 39, 1

  ;######### Nickserv Menu #########

  menu "Nickserv", 40
  item "Register", 41, 40
  item "Group", 42, 40
  item "GList", 43, 40
  item "Identify", 44, 40
  item "Access", 45, 40
  item "Set", 46, 40
  item "Drop", 47, 40
  item "Recover", 48, 40
  item "Release", 49, 40
  item "Ghost", 50, 40
  item "Alist", 51, 40
  item "Info", 52, 40
  item "List", 53, 40
  item "Logout", 54, 40
  item "Status", 55, 40
  item "Update", 56, 40
  item "GetPass", 57, 40
  item "GetEmail", 58, 40
  item "Forbid", 59, 40
  item "Suspend", 60, 40
  item "Unsuspend", 61, 40
  item "OInfo", 62, 40
  item "SaSet", 63, 40

  ;######### Memoserv Menu #########

  menu "Memoserv", 64
  item "Send", 67, 64
  item "Cancel", 68, 64
  item "List", 69, 64
  item "Read", 70, 64
  item "Del", 71, 64
  item "Set", 72, 64
  item "Info", 73, 64
  item "Check", 74, 64
  item "Staff", 75, 64
  item "SendAll", 76, 64

  ;######### Botserv Menu #########

  menu "Botserv", 65
  item "BotList", 77, 65
  item "Assign", 78, 65
  item "Set", 79, 65
  item "Kick", 80, 65
  item "Badwords", 81, 65
  item "Act", 82, 65
  item "Info", 83, 65
  item "Say", 84, 65
  item "Unassign", 85, 65
  item "Bot", 86, 65

  ;######### Hostserv Menu #########

  menu "Hostserv", 66
  item "On", 87, 66
  item "Off", 88, 66
  item "Group", 89, 66
  item "List", 90, 66
  item "Set", 92, 66
  item "SetAll", 91, 66
  item "Del", 93, 66
  item "DelAll", 94, 66
  item "Request", 95, 66
  item "Activate", 96, 66
  item "Reject", 97, 66
  item "Waiting", 98, 66

;######### Dialog End #########

Menu Channel,Nicklist,Query,Status {
  _=Service Commands=_ {
    dialog -m Service_Commands Service_Commands

;######### Remotes Start #########

on ^*:NOTICE:*:?:{
  if ($dialog(Service_Commands)) {
    if (%Size = Closed) { xopen }
    did -a Service_Commands 129 $remove($1-,$chr(2),$chr(31))
    .timer 1 2 did -r Service_Commands 126

alias networkdisplay {
  inc %networkcnt
  if ($scon(%networkcnt)) {
    inc %networkcnt
    goto Network
  if (!$scon(%networkcnt)) {
    did -a Service_Commands 129 Networks Found:
    did -a Service_Commands 129 $calc(%networkcnt -1)
    did -a Service_Commands 129 -------------
    set %networkcnt 1

on *:DIALOG:Service_Commands:init:*: {
  dialog -s Service_Commands -1 -1 418 390
  did -a $dname 127 >
  set %networkcnt 1
  set %Size Closed
  scid $scon(%networkcnt)
  set %snetwork $network
  did -a $dname 126 Service Commands dialog - By PePSiMaN $crlf $+ Select a Service menu from the top to get started and then select the command. $crlf $+ Note: Make sure you have the right server selected to perform on. $crlf $+ If you have any questions you can Email me at
  did -a $dname 115 $fullname
  did -a $dname 116 $emailaddr
  did -a $dname 117 $ip
  did -a $dname 118 $version
  did -a $dname 124 %snetwork

on *:DIALOG:Service_Commands:close:*: {
  unset %networkcnt
  unset %snetwork
  unset %service
  unset %command
  unset %Size

on *:DIALOG:Service_Commands:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 122) {
    if (%networkcnt = 1) { halt }
    else {
      dec %networkcnt
      scid $scon(%networkcnt)
      set %snetwork $network
      did -a $dname 115 $fullname
      did -a $dname 116 $emailaddr
      did -a $dname 117 $ip
      did -a $dname 118 $version
      did -a $dname 124 %snetwork
      did -a $dname 129 Network changed to $network $+ .
  if ($did == 120) {
    if (%networkcnt = $scon(0)) { halt }
    else {
      inc %networkcnt
      scid $scon(%networkcnt)
      set %snetwork $network
      did -a $dname 115 $fullname
      did -a $dname 116 $emailaddr
      did -a $dname 117 $ip
      did -a $dname 118 $version
      did -a $dname 124 %snetwork
      did -a $dname 129 Network changed to $network $+ .
  if ($did == 108) {
    if ($did(107)) {
      did -a Service_Commands 126 Gathering service reply... One moment please...
      scid $scon(%networkcnt)
      .msg %service %command $did(104) $did(105) $did(106) $did(107)
    elseif ($did(106)) {
      did -a Service_Commands 126 Gathering service reply... One moment please...
      scid $scon(%networkcnt)
      .msg %service %command $did(104) $did(105) $did(106)
    elseif ($did(105)) {
      did -a Service_Commands 126 Gathering service reply... One moment please...
      scid $scon(%networkcnt)
      .msg %service %command $did(104) $did(105)
    elseif ($did(104)) {
      did -a Service_Commands 126 Gathering service reply... One moment please...
      scid $scon(%networkcnt)
      .msg %service  %command $did(104)
    elseif (!$did(104)) {
      did -a $dname 129 Nothing to send, please fill out required areas to continue...
  if ($did == 127) {
    if (%Size = Closed) { xopen }
    if (%Size = Open) { xclose }
  if ($did == 129) { did -r $dname 131 | did -a $dname 131 $did(129) }
  if ($did == 131) {
    did -r $dname 129

on *:DIALOG:Service_Commands:dclick:*: {
  if ($did == 121) { url -an }

alias smartcheck {
  if ($did(104).enabled = $true) { did -b $dname 104 | did -r $dname 100 }
  if ($did(105).enabled = $true) { did -b $dname 105 | did -r $dname 101 }
  if ($did(106).enabled = $true) { did -b $dname 106 | did -r $dname 102 }
  if ($did(107).enabled = $true) { did -b $dname 107 | did -r $dname 103 }
  if ($did(108).enabled = $true) { did -b $dname 108 }

alias xopen {
  dialog -s Service_Commands -1 -1 820 390
  did -a Service_Commands 127 $chr(60)
  .timer 1 1 set %Size Open

alias xclose {
  dialog -s Service_Commands -1 -1 418 390
  did -a Service_Commands 127 $chr(62)
  set %Size Closed

on *:DIALOG:Service_Commands:menu:*: {

  ;######### Chanserv Commands START #########

  ;#### Register ####

  if ($did == 2) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: REGISTER channel password description
    set %service Chanserv
    set %command Register
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Password
    did -a $dname 102 Description
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 106
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Registers the specified channel with Chanserv. Make sure your password is secure so the channel cannot be stolen!

  ;#### Identify ####

  if ($did == 3) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: IDENTIFY channel password
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Identify
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Password
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Identifies you as the channel founder and gives you ability channel access as the owner (+q). Need to specify the password used to register the channel.


  ;#### Set ####

  if ($did == 4) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: SET channel option parameters
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Set
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Option
    did -a $dname 102 Parameters
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 106
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Set an option for your channel that you cannot set in the channel modes. For more info on all of the options, close this window and type /cs help set [option]
    var %Option $?="Options: $crlf $crlf $+ Founder, Successor, Password, Desc, URL, Email, EntryMsg, BanType, MLock, KeepTopic, OpNotice, Peace, Private, Restricted, Secure, SecureOps, SecureFounder, SignKick, TopicLock, and xOp. $crlf $crlf $+ Please pick one."
    did -a $dname 105 %Option

  ;#### SOP ####

  if ($did == 5) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: SOP channel ADD/DEL/LIST/CLEAR nick
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command SOP
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Parameter
    did -a $dname 102 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 106
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Modify the SOP list for a channel. Only for use with channels that have xOp enabled. SOP's have access to +oa channel modes.

  ;#### AOP ####

  if ($did == 6) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: AOP channel ADD/DEL/LIST/CLEAR nick
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command AOP
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Parameter
    did -a $dname 102 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 106
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Modify the AOP list for a channel. Only for use with channels that have xOp enabled. AOP's have access to +o channel modes.

  ;#### HOP ####

  if ($did == 7) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: HOP channel ADD/DEL/LIST/CLEAR nick
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command HOP
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Parameter
    did -a $dname 102 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 106
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Modify the HOP list for a channel. Only for use with channels that have xOp enabled. HOP's have access to +h channel modes.

  ;#### Access ####

  if ($did == 9) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: ACCESS channel ADD/DEL/LIST/CLEAR nick level
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Access
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Parameter
    did -a $dname 102 Nick
    did -a $dname 103 Level
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 106
    did -e $dname 107
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Modify access level of a channel. Only for use with channels that do not have xOp enabled. Access generally is 1-10. 1 = Reg, 3 = +v, 4 = +h, 5-9 = +o, 10 = +oa.

  ;#### Levels ####

  if ($did == 10) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: LEVELS channel SET/DIS/LIST/RESET type level
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Levels
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Parameter
    did -a $dname 102 Type
    did -a $dname 103 Level
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 106
    did -e $dname 107
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 The LEVELS command allows fine control over the meaning of the numeric access levels used for channels.  With this command, you can define the access level required for most of ChanServ's functions.  (The SET FOUNDER and SET PASSWORD commands, as well as this command, are always restricted to the channel founder.)

  ;#### Akicks ####

  if ($did == 11) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: AKICK channel PARAMETER mask/nick [reason]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Akick
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Parameter
    did -a $dname 102 Mask/Nick
    did -a $dname 103 Reason
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 106
    did -e $dname 107
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Adds a ban for a nick, and if it is removed and the user comes back, he is banned and kicked.
    var %Option $?="Parameters: $crlf $crlf $+ ADD/STICK/UNSTICK/DEL/LIST/VIEW/ENFORCE/CLEAR $crlf $crlf $+ Please pick one."
    did -a $dname 105 %Option

  ;#### Drop ####

  if ($did == 12) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: DROP channel
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Drop
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Drops the specified channel. You must be identified to drop the channel unless you are Services Admin

  ;#### Ban ####

  if ($did == 13) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: BAN [#channel [nick [reason]]]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Ban
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Nick
    did -a $dname 102 Reason
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 106
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Bans a selected nick on a channel. If nick is not given, it will ban you. If channel and nick are not given, it will ban you on all channels you're on, provided you have the rights to.

  ;#### Unban ####

  if ($did == 14) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: UNBAN [#channel [nick]]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Unban
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Unbans a selected nick on a channel. If nick is not given, it will unban you.

  ;#### Clear ####

  if ($did == 15) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: CLEAR channel parameter
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Clear
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Parameter
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Tells ChanServ to clear/remove certain settings or users on a channel. By default it is limited to channel owner (+q).
    var %Option $?="Parameters: $crlf $crlf $+ MODES/BANS/EXCEPTS/OPS/HOPS/VOICES/USERS $crlf $crlf $+ Please pick one."
    did -a $dname 105 %Option


  ;#### Owner ####

  if ($did == 16) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: OWNER [#channel]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Owner
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 When a channel is specified; gives you owner status on that channel. Otherwise it will give you owner status on all channels provided you have the rights to do so. Limited to those with founder access on the channel.

  ;#### Deowner ####

  if ($did == 17) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: DEOWNER [#channel]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Deowner
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 When a channel is specified; removes you owner status on that channel. Otherwise it will remove you owner status on all channels provided you have the rights to do so. Limited to those with founder access on the channel.

  ;#### Protect ####

  if ($did == 18) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: PROTECT [#channel [nick]]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Protect
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Protects a selected nick on a channel. If a nick is not given, it will protect you. If a channel and a nick are not given, it will protect you on all channels you're on, provided you have the rights to.

  ;#### Deprotect ####

  if ($did == 19) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: DEPROTECT [#channel [nick]]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Deprotect
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Deprotects a selected nick on a channel. If a nick is not given, it will deprotect you. If a channel and a nick are not given, it will deprotect you on all channels you're on, provided you have the rights to.

  ;#### Op ####

  if ($did == 20) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: OP [#channel [nick]]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Op
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Ops a selected nick on a channel. If a nick is not given, it will op you. If a channel and a nick are not given, it will op you on all channels you're on, provided you have the rights to.

  ;#### Deop ####

  if ($did == 21) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: DEOP [#channel [nick]]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Deop
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Deops a selected nick on a channel. If a nick is not given, it will deop you. If a channel and a nick are not given, it will deop you on all channels you're on, provided you have the rights to.

  ;#### Halfop ####

  if ($did == 22) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: HALFOP [#channel [nick]]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Halfop
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Halfops a selected nick on a channel. If a nick is not given, it will halfop you. If a channel and a nick are not given, it will halfop you on all channels you're on, provided you have the rights to.

  ;#### Dehalfop ####

  if ($did == 8) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: DEHALFOP [#channel [nick]]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Dehalfop
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Dehalfops a selected nick on a channel. If a nick is not given, it will dehalfop you. If a channel and a nick are not given, it will dehalfop you on all channels you're on, provided you have the rights to.

  ;#### Voice ####

  if ($did == 23) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: VOICE [#channel [nick]]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Voice
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Voices a selected nick on a channel. If a nick is not given, it will voice you. If a channel and a nick are not given, it will voice you on all channels you're on, provided you have the rights to.

  ;#### Devoice ####

  if ($did == 24) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: DEVOICE [#channel [nick]]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Devoice
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Devoices a selected nick on a channel. If a nick is not given, it will devoice you. If a channel and a nick are not given, it will devoice you on all channels you're on, provided you have the rights to.

  ;#### Getkey ####

  if ($did == 25) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: GETKEY #channel
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Voice
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 If you have access to the channel you use this command on, it will notice you the key to the channel in case you forget it or it is changed.

  ;#### Invite ####

  if ($did == 26) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: INVITE #channel
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Invite
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Tells ChanServ to invite you into the given channel. Limited to AOPS usually.

  ;#### Kick ####

  if ($did == 27) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: KICK [#channel [nick]]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Kick
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Kicks a selected nick on a channel. If a nick is not given, it will kick you. If a channel and a nick are not given, it will kick you on all channels you're on, provided you have the rights to.

  ;#### List ####

  if ($did == 28) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: LIST pattern [FORBIDDEN] [SUSPENDED] [NOEXPIRE]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command List
    did -a $dname 100 Pattern
    did -a $dname 101 Options
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Lists all channels in specific patterns if specified. Options in []'s are limited to service admins only. Hidden/Secret/Private channels will not be shown.

  ;#### Logout ####

  if ($did == 29) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: LOGOUT channel [nickname]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Logout
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Limited to channel owners. Allows you to logout nicks so they have to re-identify to have access on the channel. Great use if suspected account stealer is around.

  ;#### Topic ####

  if ($did == 30) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: TOPIC channel [topic]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Topic
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Topic
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 If a topic is specified, it will change the topic (if you have rights to do so). If topic is not given, then an empty topic is given.

  ;#### Info ####

  if ($did == 31) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: INFO channel [ALL]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Info
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 [ALL]
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Gives info on the channel specified (founder, date created, etc..). If all is specified, then it will dispay all the channel info. All is usually limited to founders.

  ;#### Getpass ####

  if ($did == 32) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: GETPASS channel
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Getpass
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Displays channel password to the channel specified. This command is limited to Service Admins only.

  ;#### Forbid ####

  if ($did == 33) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: FORBID channel [reason]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Forbid
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Reason
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Disallows anyone from registering or using the given channel. May be cancelled by dropping the channel. Limited to Service Admins.

  ;#### Suspend ####

  if ($did == 34) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: SUSPEND channel [reason]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Suspend
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Reason
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Suspends a channel until, making users not able to register it or use it until the UNSUSPEND command is used to preserve all previous channel data/settings. Limited to Service Operators.

  ;#### Unsuspend ####

  if ($did == 35) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: UNSUSPEND channel
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Unsuspend
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 After using the suspend command, it will allow all previous settings to be restored to the channel and able to be used again. Limited to Service Operators.

  ;#### Status ####

  if ($did == 36) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: STATUS channel nickname
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Status
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Returns the current status of a given nick on a given channel.

  ;#### Append Topic ####

  if ($did == 37) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: APPENDTOPIC channel text
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command AppendTopic
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Text
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Allows users to add specific text to the end of the current topic if TOPICLOCK is set.

  ;#### Enforce ####

  if ($did == 38) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: ENFORCE channel [what]
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command Enforce
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 What
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Enforce channel modes and set options. The what option indicates what modes and options to enforce, and can be any of SET, SECUREOPS, RESTRICTED, MODES, or +R. When left out, it defaults to SET.

  ;#### OInfo ####

  if ($did == 39) {
    did -a $dname 109 Chanserv: OINFO [ADD|DEL] chan <info>
    set %Service Chanserv
    set %command OInfo
    did -a $dname 100 ADD/DEL
    did -a $dname 101 Channel
    did -a $dname 102 Info
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 106
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Add or Delete Oper information for the given channel. This will show up when any oper /cs info's the channel. and can be used for 'tagging' channels etc. Limited to IRC Operators.

  ;######### Chanserv Commands END #########

  ;######### Nickserv Commands START #########

  ;#### Register ####

  if ($did == 41) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: REGISTER password email
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Register
    did -a $dname 100 Password
    did -a $dname 101 Email
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Registers the nick you are using with Nickserv. You will be promted to identify when you join a server by using the /identify <password> command.

  ;#### Group ####

  if ($did == 42) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: GROUP target password
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Group
    did -a $dname 100 Target Nick
    did -a $dname 101 Password
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Groups your current nick with "target nick's" and gives you same access as that nick. Password must be "Target Nicks" pass.

  ;#### GList ####

  if ($did == 43) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: GLIST [nickname]
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Glist
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Lists all nicks in the group of Nick. If nick is not gives, lists all nicks in your group.

  ;#### Identify ####

  if ($did == 44) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: IDENTIFY password
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Identify
    did -a $dname 100 Password
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Activates your registered account and activates all access within all channels that provide it.

  ;#### Access ####

  if ($did == 45) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: ACCESS ADD/DEL/LIST mask
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Access
    did -a $dname 100 Parameter
    did -a $dname 101 Mask
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Makes certain Hosts not have to identify to use your registered nickname from the given host.

  ;#### Set ####

  if ($did == 46) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: SET option parameters
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Set
    did -a $dname 100 Option
    did -a $dname 101 Parameters
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Makes certain Hosts not have to identify to use your registered nickname from the given host.
    var %Option $?="Options: $crlf $crlf $+ DISPLAY / PASSWORD / LANGUAGE / URL / EMAIL / ICQ / GREET / KILL / SECURE / PRIVATE / HIDE / MSG / AUTOOP $crlf $crlf $+ Please pick one."
    did -a $dname 104 %Option

  ;#### Drop ####

  if ($did == 47) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: DROP [nickname]
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Drop
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Un-Registers the specified nick if you are either grouped, or identified as that nick. Nick must be registered to drop.

  ;#### Recover ####

  if ($did == 48) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: RECOVER nickname [password]
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Recover
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -a $dname 101 Password
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Allows a user to recover their nick if someone is on it. It will kill them and allow you to use it after 1 minute. Your host must be in Nicks access.

  ;#### Release ####

  if ($did == 49) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: RELEASE nickname [password]
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Release
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -a $dname 101 Password
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 If you dont want to wait a whole minute after the Recover command, then use this command and you can change to that nick faster. Your host must be in Nicks access.

  ;#### Ghost ####

  if ($did == 50) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: GHOST nickname [password]
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Ghost
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -a $dname 101 Password
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 If a nick is online but isn't actually connected. This command will terminate that users session. Meant for terminating your own account when you ping timeout.

  ;#### Alist ####

  if ($did == 51) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: ALIST [nickname] [level]
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Alist
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -a $dname 101 Level
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 With no parameters, lists channels you have access on. With one parameter, lists channels that nickname has access on. With two parameters lists channels that nickname has level access or greater on. This use limited to Services admins.

  ;#### Info ####

  if ($did == 52) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: INFO nick
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Info
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Lists info about the specified nick. (Email, Name, etc..)

  ;#### List ####

  if ($did == 53) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: INFO nick [ALL]
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Info
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Lists info about the specified nick (Email, Name, etc..). Services admins may use the ALL parameter with any nick.

  ;#### Logout ####

  if ($did == 54) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: LOGOUT [nickname [REVALIDATE]]
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Logout
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -a $dname 101 Parameter
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Without a parameter, reverses the effect of the IDENTIFY command, i.e. make you not recognized as the real owner of the nick anymore. Note, however, that you won't be asked to reidentify yourself. With a parameter, does the same for the given nick. If you specify REVALIDATE as well, Services will ask the given nick to re-identify. This use limited to Services admins.

  ;#### Status ####

  if ($did == 55) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: STATUS nickname
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Status
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -a $dname 101 Parameter
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Displays if the given nickname is the actual owner of the nick specified.

  ;#### Update ####

  if ($did == 56) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: UPDATE
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Update
    did -a $dname 104 Send the command.
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Checks all updates (new memos, vhost's, etc..).

  ;#### Get Pass ####

  if ($did == 57) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: GETPASS nickname
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command GetPass
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Returns the specified nicks password. Limited to Service Admins only.

  ;#### Get Email ####

  if ($did == 58) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: GETEMAIL user@emailhost
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command GetEmail
    did -a $dname 100 user@emailhost
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Returns the nicks on nick@emailhost.

  ;#### Forbid ####

  if ($did == 59) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: FORBID nickname [reason]
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Forbid
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -a $dname 101 Reason
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Forbids anyone from using the specified nickname. Limited to Service Admins.

  ;#### Suspend ####

  if ($did == 60) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: SUSPEND nickname reason
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Suspend
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -a $dname 101 Reason
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Suspends a Nickname from being used. Limited to Service Operators.

  ;#### Unsuspend ####

  if ($did == 61) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: UNSUSPEND nickname
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command Unsuspend
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Unsuspends a Nickname from being used. Limited to Service Operators.

  ;#### OInfo ####

  if ($did == 62) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: OINFO [ADD|DEL] nick <info>
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command OInfo
    did -a $dname 100 ADD / DEL
    did -a $dname 101 Nick
    did -a $dname 102 Info
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 106
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Add or Delete Oper information for the given nick. This will show up when any oper /ns info nick's the user. and can be used for 'tagging' users etc.... Limited to IRCops

  ;#### SaSet ####

  if ($did == 63) {
    did -a $dname 109 Nickserv: SASET nickname option parameters.
    set %service Nickserv
    set %command SaSet
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -a $dname 101 Option
    did -a $dname 102 Parameters
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 106
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Forcefully sets options on other nicknames. Limited to Services Operators.
    var %Option $?="Options: $crlf $crlf $+ DISPLAY / PASSWORD / LANGUAGE / URL / EMAIL / ICQ / GREET / KILL / SECURE / PRIVATE / HIDE / MSG / NoExpire / AUTOOP $crlf $crlf $+ Please pick one."
    did -a $dname 105 %Option

  ;######### Nickserv Commands END #########

  ;######### Memoserv Commands START #########

  ;#### Send ####

  if ($did == 67) {
    did -a $dname 109 Memoserv: SEND [nick | channel] memo-text
    set %service Memoserv
    set %command Send
    did -a $dname 100 Nick/Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Memo-text
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Sends a message to a channel/nick even if they are offline and they will recieve it when they come back online.

  ;#### Cancel ####

  if ($did == 68) {
    did -a $dname 109 Memoserv: CANCEL [nick | channel]
    set %service Memoserv
    set %command Cancel
    did -a $dname 100 Nick/Channel
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Cancels the last memo sent to the specified Channel/Nick

  ;#### List ####

  if ($did == 69) {
    did -a $dname 109 Memoserv: LIST [channel] [list | NEW]
    set %service Memoserv
    set %command List
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 New/#?
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Lists any memo's you have, if you specify new it lists all the new ones. All new memos are marked with a "*"

  ;#### Read ####

  if ($did == 70) {
    did -a $dname 109 Memoserv: READ [channel] {num | list | LAST | NEW}
    set %service Memoserv
    set %command Read
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 New/Last/#?
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Sends you the text of the memos specified.  If LAST is given, sends you the memo you most recently received.  If NEW is given, sends you all of your new memos.  Otherwise, sends you memo number num.  You can also give a list of numbers, as in this example:

  ;#### Del ####

  if ($did == 71) {
    did -a $dname 109 Memoserv: DEL [channel] {num | list | LAST | ALL}
    set %service Memoserv
    set %command Del
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 ALL/#?
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Deletes the specified Memo

  ;#### Set ####

  if ($did == 72) {
    did -a $dname 109 Memoserv: SET option parameters
    set %service Memoserv
    set %command Set
    did -a $dname 100 Option
    did -a $dname 101 Parameters
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Sets various memo options. Option can be one of: NOTIFY Changes when you will be notified about new memos (only for nicknames). LIMIT Sets the maximum number of memos you can receive

  ;#### Info ####

  if ($did == 73) {
    did -a $dname 109 Memoserv: INFO [nick | channel]
    set %service Memoserv
    set %command Info
    did -a $dname 100 Nick/Channel
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Too large of a description, please expand the dialog and read the service results section...
    msg memoserv help info

  ;#### Check ####

  if ($did == 74) {
    did -a $dname 109 Memoserv: CHECK nick
    set %service Memoserv
    set %command Check
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Checks if the last memo sent to NICK has been read or not. Note: This cannot be used with channels.

  ;#### Staff ####

  if ($did == 75) {
    did -a $dname 109 Memoserv: STAFF memo-text
    set %service Memoserv
    set %command Staff
    did -a $dname 100 Memo Text
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Sends a memo to all the staff members. If a user is on the access list twice, they will recieve the memo twice. Limited to Service Admins only.

  ;#### Send All ####

  if ($did == 76) {
    did -a $dname 109 Memoserv: SENDALL memo-text
    set %service Memoserv
    set %command SendAll
    did -a $dname 100 Text
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Sends all registered users a memo. Limited to Service Admins only.

  ;######### Memoserv Commands END #########

  ;######### Botserv Commands START #########

  ;#### Botlist ####

  if ($did == 77) {
    did -a $dname 109 Botserv: Botlist
    set %service Botserv
    set %command Botlist
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Gives a list of all the service bots that are accessable and that can be assigned to channels.

  ;#### Assign ####

  if ($did == 78) {
    did -a $dname 109 Botserv: Assign Channel Bot
    set %service Botserv
    set %command Assign
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Bot
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Assigns the specified bot to the specified channel

  ;#### Set ####

  if ($did == 79) {
    did -a $dname 109 Botserv: SET (channel | bot) option parameters
    set %service Botserv
    set %command Set
    did -a $dname 100 Channel/Bot
    did -a $dname 101 Options
    did -a $dname 102 Parameters
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 106
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Too large of a description, please expand the dialog and read the service results section...
    msg Botserv help set

  ;#### Kick ####

  if ($did == 80) {
    did -a $dname 109 Botserv: KICK channel option parameters
    set %service Botserv
    set %command Kick
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Options
    did -a $dname 102 Parameters
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 106
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Tells the bot what things to kick for in the specific channel
    var %Option $?="Options: $crlf $crlf $+ BOLDS / BADWORDS / CAPS / COLORS / FLOOD / REPEAT $crlf $crlf $+ Please pick one."
    did -a $dname 105 %Option

  ;#### Badwords ####

  if ($did == 81) {
    did -a $dname 109 Botserv: Refer to service results
    set %service Botserv
    set %command Badwords
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Add/Del/List/Clear
    did -a $dname 102 word
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 106
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Too large of a description, please expand the dialog and read the service results section...
    msg Botserv help badwords

  ;#### Act ####

  if ($did == 82) {
    did -a $dname 109 Botserv: ACT channel text
    set %service Botserv
    set %command Act
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Text
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 The assigned bot does a /me command to the text specified

  ;#### Info ####

  if ($did == 83) {
    did -a $dname 109 Botserv: INFO {chan | nick}
    set %service Botserv
    set %command Info
    did -a $dname 100 Chan/Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Allows you to see BotServ information about a channel or a bot.

  ;#### Say ####

  if ($did == 84) {
    did -a $dname 109 Botserv: SAY channel text
    set %service Botserv
    set %command Say
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Text
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 The assign bot sends Text to the specified Channel

  ;#### Unassign ####

  if ($did == 85) {
    did -a $dname 109 Botserv: Unassign Channel Bot
    set %service Botserv
    set %command Unassign
    did -a $dname 100 Channel
    did -a $dname 101 Bot
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Unassigns the specified bot to the specified channel

  ;#### Bot ####

  if ($did == 86) {
    did -a $dname 109 Botserv: Refer to service results
    set %service Botserv
    set %command Bot
    did -a $dname 100 Add/Change/Del
    did -a $dname 101 Paramters
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Too large of a description, please expand the dialog and read the service results section...
    msg botserv help bot

  ;######### Botserv Commands END #########

  ;######### Hostserv Commands START #########

  ;#### On ####

  if ($did == 87) {
    did -a $dname 109 Hostserv: ON
    set %service Hostserv
    set %command On
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Activates the vhost currently assigned to the nick in use.

  ;#### Off ####

  if ($did == 88) {
    did -a $dname 109 Hostserv: OFF
    set %service Hostserv
    set %command Off
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Deactivates the vhost currently assigned to the nick in use.

  ;#### Group ####

  if ($did == 89) {
    did -a $dname 109 Hostserv: Group
    set %service Hostserv
    set %command Group
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 This command allows users to set the vhost of their CURRENT nick to be the vhost for all nicks in the same group.

  ;#### List ####

  if ($did == 90) {
    did -a $dname 109 Hostserv: LIST [<key>|<#X-Y>]
    set %service Hostserv
    set %command List
    did -a $dname 100 Paramters
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Too large of a description, please expand the dialog and read the service results section...
    msg Hostserv help list

  ;#### Set ####

  if ($did == 92) {
    did -a $dname 109 Hostserv: SET <nick> <hostmask>
    set %service Hostserv
    set %command Set
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -a $dname 101 Hostmask
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Sets the vhost for the given nick to that of the given hostmask. Limited to Host Setters

  ;#### Setall ####

  if ($did == 91) {
    did -a $dname 109 Hostserv: SETALL <nick> <hostmask>
    set %service Hostserv
    set %command Setall
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -a $dname 101 Hostmask
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 105
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Too large of a description, please expand the dialog and read the service results section...
    msg Hostserv help Setall

  ;#### Del ####

  if ($did == 93) {
    did -a $dname 109 Hostserv: DEL <nick>
    set %service Hostserv
    set %command Del
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Deletes the vhost assigned to the given nick from the database. Limited to Host Removers

  ;#### Delall ####

  if ($did == 94) {
    did -a $dname 109 Hostserv: DELALL <nick>
    set %service Hostserv
    set %command Delall
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Deletes the vhost for all nick's in the same group as that of the given nick. Limited to Host Removers

  ;#### Request ####

  if ($did == 95) {
    did -a $dname 109 Hostserv: REQUEST vhost
    set %service Hostserv
    set %command Request
    did -a $dname 100 vHost
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Request the given vHost to be actived for your nick by the network administrators. Please be patient while your request is being considered.

  ;#### Activate ####

  if ($did == 96) {
    did -a $dname 109 Hostserv: ACTIVATE nick
    set %service Hostserv
    set %command Activate
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Activate the requested vHost for the given nick. Limited to Host Setters

  ;#### Reject ####

  if ($did == 97) {
    did -a $dname 109 Hostserv: REJECT nick
    set %service Hostserv
    set %command Reject
    did -a $dname 100 Nick
    did -e $dname 104
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 Reject the requested vHost for the given nick. Limited to Host Setters

  ;#### Waiting ####

  if ($did == 98) {
    did -a $dname 109 Hostserv: REJECT nick
    set %service Hostserv
    set %command Waiting
    did -e $dname 108
    did -a $dname 126 This command is provided for convenience. It is essentially the same as performing a LIST +req. Limited to Host Setters

  ;######### Hostserv Commands END #########



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Pepsi_Man0077   -  May 20, 2009

Thank you sir

datahawkee   -  May 15, 2009

Thats really great snippet man

Pepsi_Man0077   -  Dec 25, 2008

Read the Description, i will update later. Well possibly, doesn't seem like many people like it as it is so i might just leave it alone

Bullet_Dodger   -  Dec 19, 2008

What about, Operserv

^Neptune   -  Sep 27, 2008

Can we have a screenshot? :D

Pepsi_Man0077   -  Sep 27, 2008

Haha ya like i said i was working on this forever (with huge gaps of time in between working on it) so i probably had that in there and forgot to delete it. But ya i will remove it now, thanks for letting me know haha.

Typo   -  Sep 27, 2008

I haven't actually loaded this but it looks nice. I did notice right away the icon id in the dialog that points to icon C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\Website\New Home\shrooms.jpg, 0 which obviously isnt going to work for anyone but you and could maybe even stop the dialog from loading properly.

I will habe a look again when I have more extra time so I can actually try it out and rate it.

Looks pretty good tho.

Edit Scakk pointed out to me that the icon id actually has no position or size info and doesnt seem to be preventing the dialog from opening.

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