Cross-network notices to active window

By Romulus777 on Sep 20, 2008

This script takes notices from multiple networks and places them in your active window and the status window of that network and beeps your window. It's amazingly useful to keep tabs on global notices and other things. It also works well if you're an IRCop and want the regular notices in your active channel while keeping the snotices in the status window (as far as I'm aware, the built-in options do both Snotices and notices)
NOTE: the notcies will NOT be logged, as this would interfere with anything log-sensitive.

This script will replace your current notice and will trigger automaticly, but please put this script in its own remote if you have anything else triggering on notices.

the notices will come out as
{hours:minutes:seconds} (network) -nick- message.
for example:

[13:47:43] (Nightstar) -Kazuma- This is how the notice looks

I will happily make this more user friendly, with setable options should enough people want it, otherwise, you can ask me here if you need to make a minor tweak. The script was made for personal use, but I'll happily tweak it if needed.

on ^*:notice:*:*:{
  beep 3
  echo -ags 12 $+ $chr(91) $+ $time(HH:nn:ss) $+ $chr(93) ( $+ $network $+ ) - $+ $nick $+ - $1-


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Romulus777   -  Sep 21, 2008

Ah, I didn't notice the rest of the script. sorry, I'm a bit sick at this time, and can't think straight, I'll re-evaluate the situation when my mind's back in place

napa182   -  Sep 21, 2008

that does the same thing but put's them in their own window as well as flash and beeps
so there is no missing them.
i dont know why you say that way is not a convenience. say you got up to take a leek and came back you would have to scroll to find the notice but with that you just look at the window where all user notices are.

Romulus777   -  Sep 21, 2008

Napa: The idea was convenience and the ability to quickly respond to notices. I, personally, tend to forget to check windows. Being an IRCop on a network with an AnnounceServ, which allows people to send in announcements and wait for IRCop approval, and also lets me see right when I get a memo from memoserv on ANY network I go to.

napa182   -  Sep 20, 2008

why not make them go to their own window say @Notices

on ^*:notice:*:*:{ beep 3 900 | haltdef | window -e @Notices | echo 12 -tbf @Notices $+($chr(40),$network,$chr(41),$chr(32),-,$nick,-) $1- }

then you can log them if you want by /log on @Notices

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