
By Acclamator on Sep 16, 2008

This is slunkbot, i am going to say right now that i am not an experienced scripter, i just got bored and made this fella. He is basically made to help people keep control of their channels, by using a specified user list for command that only friends can use etc...
you paste this code neatly in the remotes section of mirc (press alt+r to get to remotes)
and paste the code in there. after you paste the code AND SAVE IT, type /slunkstart to begin using the script.

alias slunkstart { auser slunkaccess $address($me ,1)
  auser slunklord $address($me ,1)
  echo -a hello, welcome to slunkbot. the commands for you, the owner, are:
  echo -a /scom (tells you the commands in case you forget)
  echo -a /ipban (for the more permanent ban ie: /ipban bob)
  echo -a /unipban (undoes the ban ie: /unipban bob
  echo -a /addslunk (adds people to your special access list, this means only they can use your bot.)
  echo /delslunk (removes people from the access list, so they no longer have access.)
  echo /sban (starts a timed ban, for example "/sban bob 120" will ban bob for 120 seconds. (two minutes))
echo /smute (mutes the person for a selected amount of time, "/smute bob 120" will mute bob for 120 seconds. (two minutes)) }
alias scom { echo hello, welcome to slunkbot. the commands for you, the owner, are:
  echo /ipban (for the more permanent ban ie: /ipban bob)
  echo /unipban (undoes the ban ie: /unipban bob
  echo /addslunk (adds people to your special access list, this means only they can use your bot.)
  echo /delslunk (removes people from the access list, so they no longer have access.)
  echo /sban (starts a timed ban, for example "/sban bob 120" will ban bob for 120 seconds. (two minutes))
echo /smute (mutes the person for a selected amount of time, "/smute bob 120" will mute bob for 120 seconds. (two minutes)) }
on slunkaccess:TEXT:!opmy*:#: { mode $chan +o $2 
if ( $2 == $null ) { mode $chan +o $nick } }
on slunkaccess:TEXT:!deopmy*:#: { mode $chan -o $2 
if ( $2 == $null ) { mode $chan -o $nick } }
on slunkaccess:TEXT:!ipban*:#: { mode $chan +b $address($2 ,1) }
on slunkaccess:TEXT:!unipban*:#: { mode $chan -b $address($2 ,1) 
kick $chan $2 ipbankik }
on slunkaccess:TEXT:!addslunk*:#: { auser slunkaccess $address($2 ,1) 
msg $chan " $2 has been added to slunkaccess " }
on slunklord:TEXT:!delslunk*:#: { ruser slunkaccess $address($2 ,1)
msg $chan " $2 has been removed from slunkaccess " }
on slunkaccess:TEXT:!slunk:#: { query $nick these are my commands vvvvvvv
  msg $nick the commands are !opmy (for opping yourself, or someone else)
  msg $nick !ipban (for banning those who piss u off) 
  msg $nick !unipban (does the opposite)
  msg $nick !sban (bans a person for a certain length of time, type !sban bob 120 (bob will be banned for 120 seconds, or two minutes)
  msg $nick !smute ( mutes the person for a certain amount of time: !smute bob 120 (bob will be muted for 120 seconds, or two minutes)
  msg $nick !addslunk (for adding ppl to the list of ppl who can use these commands) 
  msg $nick !skick (for kicking ppl) and 
  msg $nick !delslunk... (my command only)
closemsg $nick }
on *:JOIN:#: mode $chan +v $nick
on slunkaccess:TEXT:!skick*:#: kick $chan $2 byebye
alias /ipban { mode $chan +b $address($1 ,1) }
alias /unipban { mode $chan -b $address($1 ,1) }
alias /addslunk { auser slunkaccess $address($1 ,1) 
  echo -a $1 has been added to slunkaccess.
.notice $1 You have been added to slunkbot's access user list. Type !slunk for the commands. }
alias /delslunk { ruser slunkaccess $address($1 ,1) 
  echo -a $1 has been removed from slunkaccess. 
.notice $1 You have been removed from slunkbot's access user list. }
alias sban { mode $chan +b $address($1 ,1) 
  .timer 1 $2 mode $chan -b $address($1 ,1)
msg $chan $1 has been banned for $2 seconds }
on slunkaccess:TEXT:!sban*:#: { mode $chan +b $address($2 ,1) 
  .timer 1 $3 mode $chan -b $address($2 ,1)
msg $chan $2 has been banned for $3 seconds }
on slunkaccess:TEXT:!smute*:#: { mode $chan +m 
  msg $chan $2 has been muted for $3 seconds
  mode $chan -v $2
  .timer 1 $3 mode $chan +v $2 
  .timer 1 $3 mode $chan -m 
.timer 1 $3 msg $chan you have been unmuted }
alias sban { mode $chan +b $address($1 ,1) 
  .timer 1 $2 mode $chan -b $address($1 ,1)
msg $chan $1 has been banned for $2 seconds }
alias smute { mode $chan +m 
  msg $chan $1 has been muted for $2 seconds
  mode $chan -v $1
  .timer 1 $2 mode $chan +v $1 
.timer 1 $2 mode $chan -m }


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^Neptune   -  Sep 21, 2008

/me slunkz

Acclamator   -  Sep 17, 2008

The point was to give the person ops if they change computer, but you are right, the i should have made it accept the nick in case of the owner using a diff ip... anyways, i made this in an hour, its my very first time scripting, and honestly it works and i like it, so maybe others will too. But yeah, it has some major issues...

Jamiie   -  Sep 17, 2008

Whats the point of this?

alias slunkstart { auser slunkaccess $address($me ,1)
  auser slunklord $address($me ,1)

I would assume /auser is used for another nick, not the nick the script is loaded on for $me

Cheiron   -  Sep 17, 2008

without my first cuppa coffee in the morning.... firstly... you have noisy commands flying all over the place.. eg

 timer 1 $2 mode $chan -b $address($1 ,1) 
 echo -a $1 has been removed from slunkaccess. 
notice $1 You have been removed from slunkbot's access user list. } 

make the timers and notices all .timer and .notice.

also whilst on the subject of timers.. they are non working as you have only given one parameter. to make a timer work you need 2 parameters. eg (.timer 1 5 ) that example gives a 5 second delay. umm what else.. oh yes.. the echos. you have some labelled as echo -a and others just as echo. you need to take time to ensure all commands are labelled correctly :)

gonna leave the rest till i either get a decent brew on or the others get there first. otherwise the script seems to cover a good part of the basics. with some editing and cleaning up of code it has potential :)

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