
By PuNkTuReD on Sep 10, 2008

work in progress
load into remotes
set your bot options in any menu
click run


+commands - lists commands
+op -op - give or take ops
+hop -hop - give or take hops
+vop -vop - give or take vop
!readquote <Quote #>

+op PuNkTuReD
-op PuNkTuReD
!seen PuNkTuReD
!addquote Hi guys how r ya all?
!readquote 1

has owner section and users section

users section is currently very basic storing names in a variable only

on *:load: {
  Echo -a W|ck3d^Bot Has Been Loaded Successfully.
  Echo -a Written by PuNkTuReD
menu * {
  † W|ck3d^Bot
  .Control Console:dialog $iif($dialog(Socket.Bot),-v,-dm) Socket.Bot Socket.Bot
  ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sets Bots Users
  . Bots Users (Add via List):set %bot.users $$1 %bot.users | msg 4 $$1 7You now have4 USER 7level access to4 $+ 4.
  . Bots Users (Add manually):set %bot.users $$?"Nick To Add" %bot.users | msg 4 $1 7You now have4 USER 7level access to4 $+ 4.
  ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Echos the bots current stored info
  . Announce Bot
  . Protection
  .. $iif(%bot.spam.protect == ON,$style(1)) Spam Protect ON:set %bot.spam.protect ON 
  .. $iif(%bot.spam.protect == OFF,$style(1)) Spam Protect OFF:set %bot.spam.protect OFF 
  . Help:dialog $iif($dialog(,-v,-dm)
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Main Dialog
dialog Socket.Bot {
  title "W|ck3d^BoT"
  size -1 -1 250 250
  option dbu
  text "Bot Owner", 1, 5 11 30 8
  edit "", 2, 40 10 50 10,autohs
  text "Bots Nick", 3, 5 24 30 8
  edit "", 4, 40 23 50 10,autohs
  text "Bots Ident", 5, 5 36 30 8
  edit "", 6, 40 35 50 10,autohs
  text "Bots Server", 7, 5 49 30 8
  edit "", 8, 40 48 50 10,autohs
  text "Bots Channel", 9, 5 61 35 8
  edit "", 10, 40 60 50 10,autohs
  button "Save Info" 11, 5 73 40 10
  button "Reset Info" 12, 50 73 40 10
  button "Run Bot" 13, 5 85 40 10
  button "Kill Bot" 14, 50 85 40 10
  list 15, 5 100 240 145, size, vsbar, hsbar
  text "Target:", 16, 100 11 30 8
  edit "", 17, 130 10 60 10,autohs 
  text "Message:", 18, 100 24 30 8
  edit "", 19, 130 23 115 10,autohs 
  button "Send", 20, 195 10 50 10

  button "Join", 21, 130 36 50 10
  button "Part", 22, 195 36 50 10

  text "Nick:", 23, 100 50 30 8
  edit "", 24, 130 49 60 10,autohs 
  button "Change", 25, 195 49 50 10

  menu "Txt Files" 100
  item "Seen File" 101, 100
  item "Quotes File" 102, 100
on *:dialog:Socket.Bot:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { did -z %a 15 1000 1000 | var %d = did -ra Socket.Bot | %d 2 %bot.owner | %d 4 | %d 6 %bot.ident | %d 8 %bots.server | %d 10 | %d 17 }
  if (%b == edit) { 
    if (%c == 2) { did -t %a 11 }
    if (%c == 4) { did -t %a 11 }
    if (%c == 6) { did -t %a 11 }
    if (%c == 8) { did -t %a 11 }
    if (%c == 10) { did -t %a 11 }
    if (%c == 17) { did -t %a 20 }
    if (%c == 19) { did -t %a 20 }
    if (%c == 24) { did -t %a 25 }
  if (%b == sclick) {
    if (%c == 11) { write.main.conf }
    if (%c == 12) { clear.main.conf | var %d = did -ra Socket.Bot | %d 2,4,6,8,10 Field Required | %d 17 }
    if (%c == 20) { did -a %a 15 PRIVMSG $did(Socket.Bot,17) $did(Socket.Bot,19) | sockwrite -nt PRIVMSG $did(Socket.Bot,17) $did(Socket.Bot,19) | did -r %a 19 | did -c Socket.Bot 15 $did(Socket.Bot,15).lines | did -z Socket.Bot 15 }
    if (%c == 13) { did -ra %a 15 Online. | }
    if (%c == 14) { | did -a %a 15 Killing $+ . | .timer 1 1 did -ra %a 15 Offline. }
    if (%c == 21) { sockwrite -nt JOIN $did(Socket.Bot,17) }
    if (%c == 22) { sockwrite -nt PART $did(Socket.Bot,17) }
    if (%c == 25) { sockwrite -nt NICK $did(Socket.Bot,24) }
  if (%b == menu) {
    if (%c == 101) { run $mircdirlastseen.txt }
    if (%c == 102) { run $mircdirquotes.txt }
alias { sockopen %bots.server 6668 }
alias { sockclose }
alias clear.main.conf { var %d = unset | %d %bot.owner | %d | %d %bot.ident | %d  %bots.server | %d | did -ra Socket.Bot 15 W|ck3d^BoT Reset To Factory Settings. | did -t Socket.Bot 2 }
alias write.main.conf { var %d = set | %d %bot.owner $did(Socket.Bot,2) | %d $did(Socket.Bot,4) | %d %bot.ident $did(Socket.Bot,6) | %d  %bots.server $did(Socket.Bot,8) | %d $did(Socket.Bot,10) | did -ra Socket.Bot 15 W|ck3d^BoT Has Been Re-Configured. | did -t Socket.Bot 13 }
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lists Bot Current Stored Info
alias {
  var %a = sockwrite -nt PRIVMSG
  %a 4W|ck3d^FuRy SocketBot Info:
  %a 4*****************************
  %a 4Owner:7 %bot.owner
  %a 4Users:7 %bot.users
  %a 4Bots Nick:7
  %a 4Bots Email:7 %bot.ident
  %a 4Bots Server:7 %bots.server
  %a 4Bots Channel:7
  %a 4Most users chatting:7
  %a 4*****************************
  %a 4Spam Protect:7 %bot.spam.protect
  %a 4*****************************
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Notice Owner Commands
alias bot.list.commands.owner {
  var %a = sockwrite -nt NOTICE %respond.nick
  %a 4Available Commands For Bot Owner
  %a 7+op 4and 7-op 4- 7syntax4:7 +op PuNkTuReD
  %a 7+hop 4and 7-hop 4- 7syntax4:7 +hop PuNkTuReD
  %a 7+vop 4and 7-vop 4- 7syntax4:7 +vop PuNkTuReD
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Notice Users Commands
alias bot.list.commands.users {
  var %a = sockwrite -nt NOTICE %respond.nick
  %a 4Available Commands For Bot Users
  %a 7+vop 4and 7-vop 4- 7syntax4:7 +vop PuNkTuReD
  %a 7!seen 4- 7syntax4:7 !seen PuNkTuReD
  %a 7!addquote 4- 7syntax4:7 !addquote (PuNkTuReD) hi guys hope your all doing well.
  %a 7!readquote 4- 7syntax4:7 !readquote 2
  %a 7!countquote 4- 7syntax4:7 !countquote 
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sock Open
on * {
  ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Error Check
  if ($sockerr) { did -i Socket.Bot 15 1 Error - $sockname - $sockerr | return }
  else { 
    var %a = sockwrite -nt
    ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nick to use
    sockwrite -n $sockname user %bot.ident %bot.ident
    sockwrite -n $sockname nick
    ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Channel to join
    %a JOIN $($+(%,,2)
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sock Read
on * {
  set %respond.nick $mid($gettok($gettok(,1,32),1,33),2-)
  ; did -a Socket.Bot 15 %respond.nick $strip($gettok(,2-,32))
  ; did -c Socket.Bot 15 $did(Socket.Bot,15).lines
  ; did -z Socket.Bot 15 
  ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Error Check
  if ($sockerr) { did -a Socket.Bot 15 Error - $sockname - $sock($sockname).wsmsg | return }
  ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PING/PONG Section
  if (PING isin { sockwrite -nt $sockname PONG $($+(%,bots.server),2) $2- | .halt }
  ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JOIN section
  if (JOIN : $+ isin { 
    did -a Socket.Bot 15 %respond.nick $strip($gettok(,2-,32))
    did -c Socket.Bot 15 $did(Socket.Bot,15).lines
    did -z Socket.Bot 15 
    if (%respond.nick == { sockwrite -nt $sockname PRIVMSG Ahhh it's good to be home. | .halt }
    if (%respond.nick isin %bot.users) { sockwrite -nt $sockname PRIVMSG 7Welcome to4 %respond.nick | sockwrite -nt $sockname PRIVMSG 7For a list of available commands type4:7 +commands }
    if ( == $null) || ($nick(,0) > { set $nick(,0) | sockwrite -nt $sockname PRIVMSG 4[7NEW RECORD4] 7most users to chat on4 7is now set to4 $+ 7. On4 $fulldate $+ 7. }
  ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART/QUIT section
  if (PART isin { 
    did -a Socket.Bot 15 %respond.nick $strip($gettok(,2-,32))
    did -c Socket.Bot 15 $did(Socket.Bot,15).lines
    did -z Socket.Bot 15 
    write -ds $+ %respond.nick lastseen.txt 
    write lastseen.txt %respond.nick last seen parting from - $fulldate 
  if (QUIT :Quit: isin { 
    did -a Socket.Bot 15 %respond.nick $strip($gettok(,2-,32))
    did -c Socket.Bot 15 $did(Socket.Bot,15).lines
    did -z Socket.Bot 15 
    write -ds $+ %respond.nick lastseen.txt 
    write lastseen.txt %respond.nick last seen quiting from - $fulldate 
  ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRIVMSG Section
  if (PRIVMSG isin {
    did -a Socket.Bot 15 %respond.nick $strip($gettok(,2-,32))
    did -c Socket.Bot 15 $did(Socket.Bot,15).lines
    did -z Socket.Bot 15 
    ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spam Protect
    if ((http://) || (https://) || (www.) || (.net) || (.com isin $strip($gettok(,4-,32))) && (%bot.spam.protect == ON)) { 
      if ($($+(%,%respond.nick,spam),2) == $null) {
        sockwrite -nt $sockname PRIVMSG 4[7WARNING4][7 $+ %respond.nick $+ 4]7 Spamming is not tolerated in this channel4.  
        set -u300 % $+ $($+(%,respond.nick),2) $+ spam 1
      if ($($+(%,%respond.nick,spam),2) == 1) {
        sockwrite -nt $sockname PRIVMSG 4[7WARNING4][7 $+ %respond.nick $+ 4]7 You have been warned about spamming in this channel4.7 Once more and you will be removed4.  
        set -u300 % $+ $($+(%,respond.nick),2) $+ spam 2
      if ($($+(%,%respond.nick,spam),2) == 2) {
        sockwrite -nt $sockname PRIVMSG 4[7WARNING4][7 $+ %respond.nick $+ 4]7 You have had your warnings for spamming4,7 You will now be removed from the channel4.  
        sockwrite -nt $sockname KICK %respond.nick
        unset % $+ $($+(%,respond.nick),2) $+ spam 
    ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Users Section
    if (hello isin $gettok(,4-,32)) && (%respond.nick isin %bot.users) { sockwrite -nt $sockname PRIVMSG Hello %respond.nick | .halt }
    ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Users Commands
    if (+vop isin $gettok(,4,32)) && (%respond.nick isin %bot.users) { sockwrite -nt $sockname MODE +v $gettok(,5,32) | .halt }
    if (-vop isin $gettok(,4,32)) && (%respond.nick isin %bot.users) { sockwrite -nt $sockname MODE -v $gettok(,5,32) | .halt }
    if (!seen isin $strip($gettok(,4,32))) { 
      if ($read(lastseen.txt, s, $strip($gettok(,5-,32))) == $null) {  
        sockwrite -nt $sockname PRIVMSG Currently no Seen info stored for $strip($gettok(,5-,32)) $+ .
      else {
        set %last.seen $read(lastseen.txt, s, $strip($gettok(,5-,32)))
        sockwrite -nt $sockname PRIVMSG $strip($gettok(,5-,32)) Was %last.seen 
    if (!addquote isin $strip($gettok(,4,32))) { 
      write quotes.txt %respond.nick : $asctime(dddd) $ord( $+ $asctime(dd) $+ ) Of $asctime(mmmm) $+ , $asctime(hh:nn:tt)  $asctime(yyyy) : Quote Stored : $strip($gettok(,5-,32))
      sockwrite -nt $sockname PRIVMSG Added quote  $lines(quotes.txt) successfully.
    if (!readquote isin $strip($gettok(,4,32))) { 
      if ($strip($gettok(,5,32)) > $lines(quotes.txt)) { 
        sockwrite -nt $sockname PRIVMSG Sorry we only have $lines(quotes.txt) Quotes.
      else {
        sockwrite -nt $sockname PRIVMSG Quote: $strip($gettok(,5,32)) : $read(quotes.txt, $strip($gettok(,5,32)))
    if (!countquote isin $strip($gettok(,4,32))) { 
      sockwrite -nt $sockname PRIVMSG Total Quotes: $lines(quotes.txt)
    if (+commands isin $gettok(,4,32)) && (%respond.nick isin %bot.users) { bot.list.commands.users }
    ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Owners Section
    ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Owners Commands
    if (+op isin $gettok(,4,32)) && (%respond.nick == %bot.owner) { sockwrite -nt $sockname MODE +o $gettok(,5,32) | .halt }
    if (-op isin $gettok(,4,32)) && (%respond.nick == %bot.owner) { sockwrite -nt $sockname MODE -o $gettok(,5,32) | .halt }
    if (+hop isin $gettok(,4,32)) && (%respond.nick == %bot.owner) { sockwrite -nt $sockname MODE +h $gettok(,5,32) | .halt }
    if (-hop isin $gettok(,4,32)) && (%respond.nick == %bot.owner) { sockwrite -nt $sockname MODE -h $gettok(,5,32) | .halt }
    if (+vop isin $gettok(,4,32)) && (%respond.nick == %bot.owner) { sockwrite -nt $sockname MODE +v $gettok(,5,32) | .halt }
    if (-vop isin $gettok(,4,32)) && (%respond.nick == %bot.owner) { sockwrite -nt $sockname MODE -v $gettok(,5,32) | .halt }
    if (+commands isin $gettok(,4,32)) && (%respond.nick == %bot.owner) { bot.list.commands.owner | .halt }
    ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Everything else gets echoed into your status screen
    ;else { did -a Socket.Bot 15 }
alias bt {
  //sockwrite -nt PRIVMSG $1 $2-
alias bj { 
  //sockwrite -nt JOIN $1-
alias bp {
  //sockwrite -nt PART $1-
alias bn {
  //sockwrite -nt NICK $1-
dialog {
  title "((o- Help -o))"
  size -1 -1 200 200
  option dbu
  list 1, 5 5 190 190, size, hsbar
on **: {
  var %a = did -a 1
  %a ************************************************
  %a Welcome to W|ck3d^Bot
  %a Made by: PuNkTuReD 
  %a ************************************************
  %a //bt ($chan) Msg-Here
  %a sends msg to channel
  %a ***********************************
  %a //bj ($chan)
  %a joins channel
  %a ***********************************
  %a //bp ($chan)
  %a parts channel
  %a ***********************************
  %a //bn ($nick)
  %a changes the bots nick
  %a ***********************************
  %a !seen ($nick)
  %a returns last quit or part time of said nick
  %a ***********************************
  %a !addquote (Quote to add)
  %a Adds the quote to a txt file
  %a ***********************************
  %a !readquote (Quote to read)
  %a Reads the quote from the quotes txt file
  %a ***********************************


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PuNkTuReD   -  Sep 11, 2008

lmao no problem,
and didnt update properly b4 so have now :)

napa182   -  Sep 11, 2008

hey PunkTuReD that person mircse is nothing but a comment spammer pay them no mind

PuNkTuReD   -  Sep 11, 2008

no problem any suggestions?

PuNkTuReD   -  Sep 10, 2008

sorry yes your right mountaindew i just didnt get the time to get back here.

guest598594   -  Sep 10, 2008
alias bot.list.commands.owner {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname NOTICE %respond.nick 4Available Commands For Bot Owner
  sockwrite -nt $sockname NOTICE %respond.nick 7+op 4and 7-op 4- 7syntax4:7 +op PuNkTuReD
  sockwrite -nt $sockname NOTICE %respond.nick 7+hop 4and 7-hop 4- 7syntax4:7 +hop PuNkTuReD
  sockwrite -nt $sockname NOTICE %respond.nick 7+vop 4and 7-vop 4- 7syntax4:7 +vop PuNkTuReD
;------------------------------------------------------------------------Notice Users Commands
alias bot.list.commands.users {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname NOTICE %respond.nick 4Available Commands For Bot Users
  sockwrite -nt $sockname NOTICE %respond.nick 7+vop 4and 7-vop 4- 7syntax4:7 +vop PuNkTuReD
  sockwrite -nt $sockname NOTICE %respond.nick 7!seen 4- 7syntax4:7 !seen PuNkTuReD

Wouldn't $sockname be $null in those aliases?

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