CService popups.

By xplo on Sep 08, 2008

This is a simple popups script.
in it there is all the cservice right click menu popups sent via notice
some are sent via msg in french and some in english.

Enjoy and rate if you like/use it.

menu nicklist {
  .Cservice Popups notices
  ...Access:/say $$1 Information on how to see if an username has access on a channel is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to see if an username has access on a channel just /msg x  access <#channel> <username> | /notice $$1 This Can look up the access for a certain person or a string. The information indicates level, suspension status and level if suspended, and when the user was last seen. | /notice $$1 If there are more than 15 entries, go to the cservice web page and login on your username, to see the entire list by clicking on the "Channel Information" link and submitting the channel name. 
  ...AddUser:/say $$1 Information on how to add a user on X is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to add an user to a channel /msg x adduser <#channel> <username> <nivel_access>. Needs  access 400 or higher. | /notice $$1 Adds a user to the channel's userlist. You cannot ADDUSER someone with equal or higher access than your own. | /notice Please be carefull about who you give access to. | /notice $$1 *REMEMBER* you only need level 75 to do a mass ban.
  ...Auto Join:/say $$1 Information how to set autojoin on X is sent to you via /notice | /notice  $$1 Autojoin makes X always join your channel after a netsplit.To set it /msg x set  <#channel> autojoin <on|off>. Needs access 500. | /notice $$1 This command make X come back in a channel after a net* Split*  or after a rehash. ( disconnection of the X ) | /notice $$1 I Suggest you to set it ON as we speak
  ...Auto Mode:/say $$1 Information how to set a auto mode on a username is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to change Automode for an username you have to /msg x modinfo <#channel>  automode <username> <none|op|voice>. Needs access 400 or higher. | /notice $$1 This will Give the Auto Voice/op/none on join of a specific usernname ONLY.
  ...Auto Topic:/say $$1 Information on how to set auto topic is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 Autotopic - makes X reset the topic to the channel DESCRIPTION and URL every 30  minutes.To set it /msg x set <#channel> autotopic <on|off>. Needs access 450 or higher. | /notice $$1  This flag makes X reset the topic to the channel DESCRIPTION and URL every 30 minutes. | /notice $$1 *Note* that if the channel is idle, the topic will not be reset during that time. (idle = no users joining )
  .. B
  ...Ban List:/say $$1 Information how to see X's ban list is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to see a channel banlist /msg x banlist <#channel>. Needs access 1 or higher. | /notice $$1 Shows the channel banlist. This command works whether you are on the channel or not.
  .. C
  ...Channel Info:/say $$1 Information on how to see a channel's info is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 ChanInfo - Displays informations about a channel : /msg x chaninfo <#channel>  or /msg x info <#channel> | /notice $$1 Displays whether or not a channel is registered, to whom, and the currently set DESCRIPTION and URL, if any.
  ...Clear Modes:/say $$1 Information on how to clear modes is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1  Try  /msg x  clearmode <#channel>. Needs access 400 or higher. | /notice $$1 Clears all channel modes. Can be used when your channel has been locked up (set +i or +k without your knowledge).  *NOTE* This is not necessarily the best method to gain entry to your channel, because other people or bots may be opped in the channel that may reset the modes as you clear them. 
  .. D
  ...DeOp:/say $$1 Information on how to deop you/user is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 Try  /msg x deop <#channel> [nick] [nick2]...[nick6].  Needs access 100 or higher. | /notice $$1 Deops one or more persons in your channel. If no nick is specified, and you are opped on the channel, X will deop you. *NOTE* be mindful of triggering the limit that may be in effect with MASSDEOPPRO
  ...Description:/say $$1 Information on how to set a channel's description is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to set Description (the default channel topic - max 80 characters) : /msg  x set <#channel> desc [text]. Needs access 450 or higher.
  ...DeVoice:/say $$1 Information on how to devoice you/user is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to devoice one or more users in your channel /msg x devoice <#channel> [nick]  [nick2]...[nick6]. Needs access 25 or higher.
  .. E
  ...E-Mail changechatpox:/say $$1 Information on how to change your e-mail adress attached to your username is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 Go on http://services.chatpox.com/live -> log on your username -> click the Forms button -> click on E-Mail change Request. and follow the steps :)
  .. F
  ...FloatGrace:/say $$1 Information on how to set the FloatGrace is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 FloatGrace - Sets the floating-limit grace value to be used in the channel : /msg x  set <#channel> floatgrace <0-19>. Needs access 450 or higher.
  ...FloatLimit:/say $$1 Information on how to set the FLoatLImit is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 FloatLim - If it's turned on, X will reset the channel limit within a preset margin  above the number of users in the channel, and within a preset period of time.To set it /msg x set <#channel> floatlim <on|off>. Needs access 450 or higher.
  ...FloatMargin:/say $$1 Information on how to set the Float Margin is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 FloatMargin - Sets the FloatLim margin to be used in the channel. To set it /msg  x set <#channel> floatmargin <2-20>. Needs access 450 or higher.
  ...FloatMax:/say $$1 Information on how to set the FloatMax is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 FloatMax - This setting will prevent X from changing the channel limit to a number  higher than the chosen number.To set it /msg x set <#channel> floatmax <number>. Needs access 450 or higher.
  .. H
  ...Help:/say $$1 Information on how to use X's help file is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 for any x command help /msg x help [command]
  ...helping in $chan:/say $$1 information concerning your interest in helping in $chan being sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 We are currently fully staffed at $chan . If you wish to idle on the channel for the purpose of learning, you may do that but do not answer questions from our guests unless you are 100% sure of the answer. | /notice $$1 Always remember to *never* help in /msg, /notice, or in the user's channels. | /notice $$1 Everyone is welcome to help as they can but I just wanted you to know that we are fully staffed at this moment.
  .. I
  ...impossibility of oper:/say $$1 Info on the *impossibility* of becoming an IRC Operator being sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 To become an IRC Operator, you need to be chosen by a Server Administrator. Chosen IRC Operators are responsible, dedicated & knowledgable people who can represent the server's presence on the net to the benfit of its users. | /notice $$1 You don't apply for this job! If you are qualified, you will stand out on your own and someday, somewhere, someone will notice you. This could take several years, if ever. The best way NOT to become an IRC Operator is to ASK to become one! ¶:~}
  ...Info:/say $$1 Information on how to see a username's information is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 Try  /msg x info <username> | /notice $$1 This will Displays information about a username such as their nick and user@host if they are currently online, their language and invisible settings, last seen information, and whether they may have been suspended by a CService Administrator. | /notice $$1 If used on yourself, it also lists all channels which you have access on (only CService Representatives, administrators and you can see this information, not other users). 
  ...Invite:/say $$1 Information on how to invite yourself/user with X is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to invite someone throught x (including yourself) /msg x invite <#channel>.  Needs access 100 or higher.
  ...Invizible:/say $$1 Information on how to set +i (usermode) is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 if you want to be visible or hidden to Info command /msg x set invisible <on|off>
  .. J
  ...Join:/say $$1 Information on how to make X join a channel is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to make x to join your channel (channel must be registered) /msg x join <#channel>.  Needs access 450 or higher.
  .. K
  ...KeyWords:/say $$1 Information on how to set the KeyWorks is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to set keywords or a text (max 80 characters) for channels search /msg x set <#channel>  keywords [text]. Needs access 450 or higher. | /notice $$1 Keywords could be some words about your channel purpose, Ex:. Friends, Love, Cars .... You name it .
  ...Kick:/say $$1 Information on how to kick someone with X is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to kick someone from your channel /msg x kick <#channel> <nick|host> [reason]. Needs  access 50 or higher.
  .. L
  ...Lang:/say $$1 Information on how to set X's language (and language code) is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to set x to respond in your language /msg x set lang <language code> |  /say $$1 Languages available: ar - Arabic, ca - Catalan, de - German, dk - Danish, en - English, es - Spanish, fr - French, hu - Hungarian, it - Italian, nl - Dutch, no - Norwegian, pt -  Portuguese, ro - Romanian, tr - Turkish .
  ...LBanList:/say $$1 Information how on to search X's banlist for a certain string is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to search X's banlist for a certain string /msg x lbanlist  <#channel> <*|host> | /notice $$1 Searches X's banlist for a certain string. Use * to see the whole list, or specify a *!*user@*.host to find a specific ban. If there are more than 15 entries, go to the Cservice Web Page and login to your username  see the entire list by clicking on the "Channel Information" link and submitting the channel name.
  ...Login on Chatpox:/say $$1 Information on how to login on Chatpox's X is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to login to x /msg X@services.chatpox.com login <username> <password> | /notice $$1 Please type this command in your status window because if you misstype it .. *maybe* it will shows in the channel to other user to see.
  ...Login on SideNet:/say $$1 Information on how to login on Chatpox's X is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to login to x /msg X@channels.sidenet.org login <username> <password> | /notice $$1 Please type this command in your status window because if you misstype it .. *maybe* it will shows in the channel to other user to see.
  .. M
  ...MassDeopPro:/say $$1 Information on how to set the massdeop pro is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to set MassDeopPro (maximum number of deops X will allow in a 15 sec period)  /msg x set <#channel> massdeoppro <0-7>. Needs access 500. 
  ...Mode:/say $$1 Information on how to save channel modes is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to save the current channel modes as default /msg x set <#channel> mode. Needs access 450  or higher.
  ...modif-Access:/say $$1 Information on increasing/decreasing a user's access level being sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 To increase/decrease a user's access level, you must know their username, you can obtain it with: /msg X verify nick | /notice $$1 After you find the correct username, type /msg X ModInfo #channel access username level | /notice $$1 Use the actual word 'access' and replace 'level' with the new level you want to give the user | /notice $$1 You can not modify your own access and can only modify an access lower than your own
  ...Motd:/say $$1 Information on how to see X's motd is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to see X's message of the day(Motd) /msg x motd
  .. N
  ...New Pass:/say $$1 Information on how to chance your password is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 password can not be changed throught X anymore, so in order to change your  password please go to the Cservice Login page and Log in on your username then click on new password | /notice *REMEMBER* This is case sentitive Ex:.  A a B b C c ...
  ...NoOp:/say $$1 Information on how to set the no op feature is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to set NoOp /msg x set <#channel>  noop <on|off>. Needs access 500.  | /notice $$1 This will not trigger the MASSDEOPPRO because it X's own feature | /notice $$1 *NOTE* This will Deop everyone except X and you *ARE* still allowed to use X Normally
  .. O
  ...Op:/say $$1 Information on how to op yourself/users is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to op one or more users in your channel /msg x op <#channel> [nick] [nick2]...[nick6]. Needs  access 100 or higher. | /notice $$1 If no nick is specified, and you are not opped on the channel, X will op you.
  .. P
  ...Part:/say $$1 Information on how to make X part your channel is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to make x leave your channel /msg x part <#channel>. Needs access 500. | /notice $$1 ... there is no reason to make X part from your channel since you need to apply for this service
  ...Purge:/say $$1 Information on how to Purge Your Channel is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 Go on http://services.chatpox.com/live -> log on your username -> click the Forms button -> and then click the Purge Request ->  fill out the form and good luck :)
  .. R
  ...RemUser:/say $$1 Information on how to erase a user from X access list is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to remove an username's access from a channel /msg x remuser <#channel>  <username>. Needs access 400 or higher. | /notice $$1 Removes a user from the channel database. You must have higher access than the user you want to remove. You can also remove yourself from any channel, as long as you are not the channel manager (500 access level in that channel).  | /notice $$1  Managers wishing to remove themselves will need to purge their channel.
  ...Register Unet:/say $$1 Information on how to Register your Channel With X is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 To Register your channel click on htp://cservice.undernet.org/live then log on your username and click Register a channel. | /notice $$1 Make sure your channel have 10 Valid Suporters on it, and when you are finished with the registration process you will need to ask your suporters to type /msg x support #channel YES or NO. | /notice $$1 *Note* Be carefull who you give op to, and make sure your suporters join everyday untill your channel is Accepted/Rejected. Good Luck :)
  .. S
  ...Search:/say $$1 Information on how to search for a channel with x is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 try  /msg x search <Keyword> | /notice $$1 Makes X list channels where the given search parameters match set keywords on the channel, if any. ( The use of wildcards are not required. )
  ...Show Commands:/say $$1 Information on how to see the availlable commands you have access for a specific channel is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to see all the commands you can  use on a channel, according to your X access level /msg x showcommands [#channel]
  ...Show Ignore:/say $$1 Information on how to see X's ignore list is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to see X's ignore list /msg x showignore | /notice $$1 *REMEMBER* this command will *NOT* work if x is ignoring you. and the result is shown in alphabetical order.
  ...Status:/say $$1 Information on how to see a channel's status is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to see all channel modes(+k,...),all authentificated users...etc /msg x status  <#channel>. Needs access 200 or higher.
  ...StrictOp:/say $$1 Information on how to set the Strictop flag is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to set StrictOp (allows only Level 100+ users to be opped) /msg x set <#channel>  strictop <on|off>. Needs access 500.
  ...Support:/say $$1 Information on how to give your support is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to confirm or deny your support for a channel application which you are listed as a  supporter on /msg x support <#channel> <yes|no>
  ...Suspend:/say $$1 Information on how to suspend a user is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to suspend a user's access to X on a channel /msg x suspend <#channel> <username>  <duration> [level]. (Time Values: D = days H = hours M = minutes) Needs access 100 - 399. | /notice $$1 Suspends a user's access to X on your channel's userlist for the specified period of time, at the specified level if given. If a level is not specified, the default suspension level used will be the access level of the user. | /notice $$1 You can only SUSPEND someone with access lower than your own. The maximum duration is 372 days (8928 hours, 535680 minutes). 
  .. T
  ...Topic:/say $$1 Information on how to set a topic with X is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to change topic throught X /msg x topic <#channel> <topic>. Needs access 50 or higher (x  includes your username in topic). | /notice $$1 Makes X change the topic in your channel (maximum of 145 characters) *+* includes your username enclosed in parentheses, at the beginning of the topic.  | /notice $$1 *NOTE* If a DESCRIPTION or URL has been set and AUTOTOPIC is ON, the channel topic will be overwritten in 30 minutes, unless the channel is idle.
  .. U
  ...UnBan:/say $$1 Information on how to unban yourself/user with X is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to remove a ban from a channel /msg x unban <#channel> <nick | *!*user@*.host> . Needs access  75 or higher. | /notice $$1 Removes a *!*user@*.host from the X banlist of your channel and any matching bans   from the channel banlist also. | /notice $$1 You can only remove bans from X's banlist that are equal to or lower than your own access. 
  ...UnSusspend:/say $$1 Information on how to Unsuspend a user is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to remove a suspend from a channel /msg x unsuspend <#channel> <username>. Needs  access 100 or higher. | /notice $$1 Unsuspends a user's access to X on your channel's userlist. | /notice $$1 You can only UNSUSPEND someone with access lower than your own. | /notice $$1 provided that the suspension level is also less than or equal to your own access level.
  ...Url:/say $$1 Information on how to set a channel url is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to set the url for a channel (if AutoTopic is on appears in topic) /msg x set <#channel>  url [url]. Needs access 450 or higher.
  ...User Flags:/say $$1 Information on how to set the channels userflag is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to set an AutoMode for every new user added to channel's access list /msg x  set <#channel> userflags <0-2>. (Values: 0 = None , 1 = Op , 2 = Voice). Needs access 450 or higher.
  ...Username Netchatirc:/say $$1 information on how to make a username is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 go on http://cservice.netchatirc.org/ click on Register and follow the steps. @Yahoo.com @Gmail.com @hotmail.com ARE accepted. | /notice $$1 Make sure you choose a username you will remember easilly and wont want to change it later, we will *not* be making username changes. | /notice $$1 Your username *may* be the same of your nick, but *not* necessarily. It is *not* a nick registreation system.
  ...Username Unet:/say $$1 information on how to make a username is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 go on http://cservice.undernet.org/live/ click on Register and follow the steps. @Yahoo.com @Gmail.com @hotmail.com Are *NOT*accepted. | /notice $$1 Make sure you choose a username you will remember easilly and wont want to change it later, we will *not* be making username changes. | /notice $$1 Your username *may* be the same of your nick, but *not* necessarily. It is *not* a nick registreation system.
  .. V
  ...Verify:/say $$1 Information on how to see if a user logged in , part of the cservice team or an IRCoperator is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to verify if a user is logged in or  not and if it is an Official CService Administrator or Representative, and/or an IRC Operator /msg x verify <nick>
  ...Voice:/say $$1 Information on how to voice yourself/user is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 to voice one or more users in a channel /msg x voice <#channel> [nick] [nick2]... [nick6]. Needs access 25 or higher. | /notice $$1 *IF* no nick is given X will voice you in the channel.
  .Cservice Popups MSG EN
  .. A
  ...Access:/say $$1 Try this /msg x access #channel-here username
  ...Add User:/say $$1 Try this /msg x adduser #channel-name username access_here  
  ...Auto Join:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set #channel autojoin on , but its reserved to 500 access only
  ...Auto op on X:/say $$1 Type this  /msg x modinfo #channel automode username op
  ...Auto voice on X:/say $$1 Type this  /msg x modinfo #channel automode username voice
  ...Auto op none X:/say $$1 Type this  /msg x modinfo #channel automode username none
  ...Auto Topic on:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set #channel autotopic on 
  ...Auto Tpoic off:/say $$1 try /msg x set #channel autotopic off
  ...Auto Description as topic:/say $$1 type this /msg x set #channel desc text and /msg x set #channel autotopic on
  ...Automode Channel Voice:/say $$1 Type this /msg x set #channel userflags 2
  ...Automode Channel Op:/say $$1 Type this /msg x set #channel userflags 1 
  ...Automode Channel none:/say $$1 Type this /msg x set #channel userflags o 
  .. B
  ...Ban Host:/say $$1 Type this/msg x ban #channel *!*@host time level reason
  ...Ban Ident:/say $$1 Type this  /msg x ban #channel *!*ident@* time level reason
  ...Ban List:/say $$1 Type this /msg x banlist #channel 
  .. C
  ...Channel Info:/say $$1 Type this /msg x info #channel
  ...Change manager:/say $$1 : Go to http://cservice.undernet.org/live Log on your username and click Forms then Manager change request :)
  ...Clear Modes:/say $$1 Type this /msg x clearmode #channel
  .. D
  ...DeOp:/say $$1 type this /msg x deop #channel nick 
  ...Description:/say $$1 Type this /msg x set #channel desc text-here
  ...DeVoice:/say $$1 Type this /msg x devoice #channel nick
  .. F
  ...FloatGrace:/say $$1 Try /msg x set #channel floatgrace (0-19)
  ...FloatLimit:/say $$1 Type /msg x set #channel floatlim (on - off) 
  ...FloatMargin:/say $$1 Try /msg x set #channel floatmargin (2-20)
  ...FloatMax:/say $$1 Type /msg x set #channel floatmax (number)
  .. H
  ...Help:/say $$1 Try this /msg x help command*
  .. I
  ...Info:/say $$1 Try this /msg x info username
  ...Invite:/say $$1 Type this /msg x invite #channel
  ...Invizible on:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set invisible on
  .. J
  ...Join:/say $$1 Type this /msg x join #channel
  .. K
  ...KeyWords:/say $$1 Type this /msg x set #channel keywords Word-here*
  ...Kick nick:/say $$1 Type this /msg x kick #channel nick reason
  ...Kick host:/say $$1 Type this /msg x kick #channel *!*@host reason
  .. L
  ...Language Arabic:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set lang ar
  ...Language Catalan:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set lang ca
  ...Language German:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set lang de
  ...Language Danish:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set lang dk
  ...Language English:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set lang en
  ...Language Spanish:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set lang es
  ...LanguageFrench:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set lang fr
  ...Language Hungarian:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set lang hu
  ...Language Halloween:/say Try this /msg x set lang ha
  ...Language Italian:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set lang it
  ...LanguageDutch:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set lang nl
  ...Language Norwegian:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set lang no
  ...Language Portuguese:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set lang pt
  ...Language Romanian:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set lang ro
  ...Language Turkish:/say $$1 Try this /msg x set lang tr
  ...List of Servers:/say $$1 you will find the Undernet's server web page at  http://undernet.org/servers.php :)
  ...Login undernet:/say $$1 Type this /msg x@channels.undernet.org login username_here password_here
  .. M
  ...MassDeopPro:/say $$1 /msg x set #channel massdeoppro (0 to 7)
  ...ModInfo(access):/say $$1 Type this /msg x modinfo #channel access username new_level ;)
  ...-Modif(Access):/say $$1 Type this /msg X Access #channel username -modif
  ...Motd:/say $$1 Type this /msg x motd
  .. N
  ...New Pass:/say $$1 You cannot change your password throught X anymore , you need to go on  http://cservice.undernet.org/live to do so :)
  ...NoOp on:/say $$1 Type this /msg x set #channel noop on
  ...NoOp off:/say $$1 Type this /msg x set #channel noop off
  ...noadduser on:/say $$1 Type /msg X set noadduser ON
  ...noadduser off:/say $$1 Type /msg X set noadduser OFF  
  .. O
  ...Op:/say $$1Type /msg x op #channel nick
  .. P
  ...Part:/say $$1 Type /msg x part #channel
  .. R
  ...RemUser:/say $$1 Type /msg x remuser #channel username
  .. S
  ...Search:/say $$1 Type /msg x search serch_parameter
  ...Show Commands:/say $$1 Type /msg x showcommands #channel to see the commands available for you on the channel
  ...Show Ignore:/say $$1Type /msg x showignore
  ...Status:/say $$1 Type /msg x status #channel
  ...StrictOp on:/say $$1 Try /msg x set #channel strictop on
  ...StrictOp off:/say $$1 Try /msg x set #channel strictop off
  ...Support yes:/say $$1Try /msg x support #channel yes 
  ...Support no:/say $$1Try /msg x support #channel no
  ...Suspend:/say $$1Try /msg X suspend #channel username duration m/h/d level ,  maximum duration is 372 days. 
  .. T
  ...Topic:/say $$1 Try /msg x topic #channel topic
  .. U
  ...UnBan:/say $$1 Try /msg x unban #channel (nick or host) 
  ...UnSusspend:/say $$1 Try /msg x unsuspend #channel username
  ...Url:/say $$1 Type  /msg x set #channel url www.,,,.com
  ...Username Chatpox:/say $$1 information on how to make a username is sent to you via /notice | /notice $$1 go on http://services.chatpox.com/live/ click on Register and follow the steps:)
  .. V
  ...Verify:/say $$1 try /msg x verify nick 
  ...Voice:/say $$1 Try /msg x voice #channel nick :)
  .Cservice Popups MSG FR
  .. A
  ...Access:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x access #Canal username
  ...Add User:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x adduser #Canal username access_here  
  ...Auto Join:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #Canal autojoin on 
  ...Auto op on X:/say $$1 Tappe ca  /msg x modinfo #Canal automode username op
  ...Auto voice on X:/say $$1 Tappe ca  /msg x modinfo #Canal automode username voice
  ...Auto op none X:/say $$1 Tappe ca  /msg x modinfo #Canal automode username none
  ...Auto Topic on:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #Canal autotopic on
  ...Auto Tpoic off:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #Canal autotopic off
  ...Auto Description as topic:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #canal desc text et /msg x set #canal autotopic on
  ...Automode Channel Voice:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #canal userflags 2
  ...Automode Channel Op:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #canal userflags 1 
  ...Automode Channel none:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #canal userflags o 
  .. B
  ...Ban Host:/say $$1 Tappe ca/msg x ban #canal *!*@host temps level raison
  ...Ban Ident:/say $$1 Tappe ca  /msg x ban #canal *!*ident@* temps level raison
  ...Ban List:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x banlist #canal 
  .. C
  ...Channel Info:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x info #canal
  ...Change manager:/say $$1 : Va sur le site http://cservice.undernet.org/live Log toi sur ton Username et click Forms ensuite Manager change request, suis les étapes :p
  ...Clear Modes:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x clearmode #canal
  .. D
  ...DeOp:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x deop #canal nick 
  ...Description:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #canal desc text-here
  ...DeVoice:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x devoice #canal nick
  .. F
  ...FloatGrace:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #canal floatgrace (0-19)
  ...FloatLimit:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #canal floatlim (on - off) 
  ...FloatMargin:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #canal floatmargin (2-20)
  ...FloatMax:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #canal floatmax (nombre)
  .. H
  ...Help:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x help command*
  .. I
  ...Info:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x info username
  ...Invite:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x invite #canal
  ...Invizible on:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set invisible on
  .. J
  ...Join:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x join #canal
  .. K
  ...KeyWords:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #canal keywords Word-here*
  ...Kick nick:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x kick #canal nick reason
  ...Kick host:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x kick #canal *!*@host raison
  .. L
  ...Language Arabic:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set lang ar
  ...Language Catalan:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set lang ca
  ...Language German:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set lang de
  ...Language Danish:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set lang dk
  ...Language English:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set lang en
  ...Language Spanish:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set lang es
  ...Language French:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set lang fr
  ...Language Hungarian:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set lang hu
  ...Language Halloween:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set lang ha
  ...Language Italian:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set lang it
  ...Language Dutch:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set lang nl
  ...Language Norwegian:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set lang no
  ...Language Portuguese:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set lang pt
  ...Language Romanian:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set lang ro
  ...Language Turkish:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set lang tr
  ...Login:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x@channels.undernet.org login ton_username ton_password
  ...login chatpox:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg X@services.chatpox.com login username password
  .. M
  ...MassDeopPro:/say $$1 /msg x set #canal massdeoppro (0 a 7)
  ...ModInfo(access):/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x modinfo #canal access username Nouveau_level ;)
  ...-Modif(Access):/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg X Access #channel username -modif
  ...Motd:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x motd
  .. N
  ...New Pass:/say $$1 TU doir aller sur le site http://cservice.undernet.org/live et cliker sur NEW PASSWORD :)
  ...NoOp on:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #canal noop on
  ...NoOp off:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #canal noop off
  ...noadduser on:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg X set noadduser ON
  ...noadduser off:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg X set noadduser OFF
  .. O
  ...Op:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x op #canal nick
  .. P
  ...Part:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x part #canal
  .. R
  ...RemUser:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x remuser #canal username
  .. S
  ...Search:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x search parametre_de_recherche
  ...Show Commands:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x showcommands #canal Pour voir les commande que tu peut utiliser sur un canal en particulier
  ...Show Ignore:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x showignore
  ...Status:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x status #canal
  ...StrictOp on:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #canal strictop on
  ...StrictOp off:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x set #canal strictop off
  ...Support yes:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x support #canal yes 
  ...Support no:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x support #canal no
  ...Suspend:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x suspend #canal username (temps en heures) level 
  .. T
  ...Topic:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x topic #canal topic
  .. U
  ...UnBan:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x unban #canal (nick ou *!*@host) 
  ...UnSusspend:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x unsuspend #canal username
  ...Url:/say $$1 Tappe ca  /msg x set #canal url www.blablabla.com
  ...username Chatpox:/say $$1 Les informations pour savoir comment te faire un Username te sont envoyer via /notice | /notice $$1 vas sur http://services.chatpox.com/live/ et click sur Register! suis les etapes :)
  .. V
  ...Verify:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x verify nick 
  ...Voice:/say $$1 Tappe ca /msg x voice #canal nick :) 


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xplo   -  Sep 15, 2008

EL you didn't even rated it.

do it ffs :p

thnx punk

PuNkTuReD   -  Sep 10, 2008

i like how youve alphabetised them all

EL   -  Sep 08, 2008

Heh.Seems useful enuff im not on a type of network i can test these fully butit looks like you put some effort into gathering these and even tho they are pop up based an not a diloag wich i would suggest makin this into its useful...to someone."Rate it or Hate it?"...7/10..`-.-´

xplo   -  Sep 08, 2008

Enjoy ;)

Rate it or Hate it!!

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