MP3 Player 2.0

By Silverwing on Aug 31, 2008



My MP3 Player script for mIRC.

No weird, unnecessary features. Just a basic MP3 player with some extra's ;)


  • Plays MP3 files (ofcourse)
  • Shows basic information about MP3 file:
  • Shows current position of the playing MP3 and has scrollbar to change the position
  • Has Play, Pause / Resume, Stop, Previous and Next buttons
  • Repeats single track
  • Has 3 Play Modes:
    Normal (track by track, stops at end of the playlist)
    Repeat all
  • Shows your PCs master volume and has scrollbar to change it
  • Has 3 direct search links to Google, Wikipedia and YouTube
  • Shows how much MP3s you have in the playlist
  • Supports 3 ways of adding files:
    Add single MP3
    Add M3U playlist (also supports EXTENDED M3U)
    Add whole folder at once (inclusing subfolders)
  • Remove and Remove all buttons
  • Broadcast button (Tell what I'm listening to)
  • Button to Hide / Show the playlist (a.k.a. Mini Mode)
  • Saves last position and size (mini / normal)
    [b]- Filter function
  • Create your own playlists and save / load / delete them[/b]

Bold features are new in version 2.0

NOTE: The idea for a position scrollbar and volume scrollbar is token from Neptune and Daveohs MP3 Player. My script however is built from scratch, so I did not took their script, just the idea. Big thanks to them for that!
All other features might also be in other MP3 Players, but I did not take a look at them before writing my own ;)

Just copy the script in an (empty) remote file, then save and use /mp3player or the right mouse button menu to open!

How to use:
Some basic instructions for functions that don't use buttons with their names on it:

  • Double click a MP3 file in your playlist to start playing it
  • Double click a playlist to load it
  • Use + to create a new playlist
  • Use - to delete a playlist
  • You can edit the name of a playlist by just editing the field above Filter
  • To use the filter function (search), just type something in the field next to the word Filter

Note that changes to a playlist will ONLY be saved if you press the Save playlist button

I tested it for bugs, but there might still be some. If you find one, please tell me!

menu status,channel,query,nicklist,menubar {
  MP3 Player: /mp3player

alias mp3player {
  if (!$dialog(MP3PLAYER)) {
    /dialog -md MP3PLAYER MP3PLAYER
  else {
    /dialog -vie MP3PLAYER MP3PLAYER

dialog MP3PLAYER {
  title "MP3 Player 2.0 | by Silverwing"
  size -1 -1 330 234
  option dbu
  box "Play", 1, 3 1 219 74
  text "Now playing:", 2, 7 9 50 8
  text "Title:", 3, 7 21 20 8
  edit "", 4, 31 20 146 10, read autohs
  text "Position:", 5, 7 31 21 8
  scroll "", 6, 31 32 146 8, range 0 100 horizontal bottom
  edit "", 44, 179 31 33 10, read center
  text "Bitrate:", 8, 7 44 21 8
  edit "", 9, 31 43 50 10, read
  text "Volume:", 10, 82 45 42 8, right
  scroll "", 12, 126 44 61 9, range 0 65535 horizontal
  check "Mute", 7, 190 44 28 10
  check "Repeat", 13, 180 21 34 8
  button "<<", 40, 7 58 16 12
  button "Pause", 14, 27 58 32 12
  button "Play", 33, 63 58 32 12
  button "Stop", 15, 99 58 33 12
  button ">>", 41, 136 58 16 12
  text "Play mode:", 22, 252 6 50 8
  combo 23, 251 17 74 46, drop
  button "Tell what I'm listening to", 37, 251 31 74 12
  button "Close", 38, 293 46 32 12, ok
  button "Hide Music", 49, 271 61 54 12
  box "Music", 16, 3 78 323 153
  edit "", 11, 7 86 206 10, autohs
  text "Filter:", 50, 9 98 25 8
  edit "", 51, 37 97 176 10
  list 17, 7 109 206 87, size hsbar vsbar
  text "Total:", 42, 147 200 21 8
  edit "", 43, 167 198 46 10, read center
  button "Add", 18, 7 199 39 12
  button "Add folder", 19, 7 214 50 12
  button "Remove", 20, 68 199 40 12
  button "Remove all", 21, 68 214 53 12
  button "Save playlist", 39, 154 214 59 12
  text "Information about selected:", 24, 219 87 75 8
  text "Title:", 25, 219 99 20 8
  edit "", 26, 243 98 79 10, read autohs
  text "Length:", 27, 219 109 21 8
  edit "", 28, 243 109 79 10, read
  text "Size:", 29, 219 120 22 8
  edit "", 30, 243 120 79 10, read
  text "Bitrate:", 31, 219 131 19 8
  edit "", 32, 243 131 79 10, read autohs
  link "Search with Google", 34, 218 146 54 8
  link "Search for article on Wikipedia", 35, 218 155 76 8
  link "Search for clip on YouTube", 36, 218 164 77 8
  text "Playlists:", 46, 218 176 40 8
  list 45, 218 186 103 41, sort size hsbar vsbar
  button "+", 47, 293 173 12 12
  button "-", 48, 308 173 12 12

on *:DIALOG:MP3PLAYER:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) {
    if (%mp3.first != nope) {
      /set %mp3.first nope
      /set %mp3.playlist.list playlists.txt
      /set %mp3.playlist.dir
      /set %mp3.folder $mircdir
      /set %mp3.mode 1
    if (!$file(%mp3.playlist).ctime) {
      if ($did(45).lines >= 1) {
        /set %mp3.playlist $did(45,1)
    if (%mp3.xy) {
      /dialog -s $dname %mp3.xy $iif(%mp3.size == mini,330 78,330 234)
    if (%mp3.size == mini) {
      /dialog -bs $dname -1 -1 330 78
      /did -ar $dname 49 Show Music
    else {
      /dialog -bs $dname -1 -1 330 234
      /did -ar $dname 49 Hide Music
      /set %mp3.size normal
    /did -c $dname 12 $vol(master)
    /did -ar $dname 10 Volume $chr(40) $+ $int($calc(($vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % $+ $chr(41) $+ $chr(58)
    if ($vol(master).mute == $true) {
      /did -c $dname 7
      /did -b $dname 12
      /did -ar $dname 10 Volume (Muted) $+ $chr(58)
    /did -ar $dname 23 Normal
    /did -a $dname 23 Repeat all
    /did -a $dname 23 Shuffle
    /did -c $dname 23 %mp3.mode
    /did -b $dname 6,14,15,33,37,40,41,48
  if ($devent == edit) {
    ; SEARCH
    if ($did == 51) {
      if ($did(51) != $null) {
        /did -r $dname 17
        var %a = 1
        var %b = $lines(%mp3.playlist)
        while (%a <= %b) {
          if ($did(51) isin $nopath($read(%mp3.playlist,%a))) {
            /did -a $dname 17 $nopath($read(%mp3.playlist,%a))
          inc %a
      else {
  if ($devent == dclick) {
    if (($did == 45) && ($did(45).seltext)) {
      /set %mp3.playlist %mp3.playlist.dir $+ $did(45).seltext $+ .txt
    if (($did == 17) && $did(17).seltext) {
      /did -b $dname 33
      ./timerposition off
      /splay -p stop
      /set %mp3.status stop
      var %a = 1
      var %b = $lines(%mp3.playlist) 
      while (%a <= %b) {
        if ($nopath($read(%mp3.playlist,%a)) == $did(17).seltext) {
          /playmp3 %a
        inc %a
      /did -e $dname 14,15,37,40,41
  if ($devent == scroll) {
    if ($did == 6) {
      ./timerposition -p
      /splay -p seek $int($calc(($did(6).sel / 100) * $insong.length))
      ./timerposition -r
    if ($did == 12) {
      /vol -v $did(12).sel
      /did -ar $dname 10 Volume $chr(40) $+ $int($calc(($vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % $+ $chr(41) $+ $chr(58)
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    ; MUTE
    if ($did == 7) {
      if ($vol(master).mute == $true) {
        /vol -vu2
        /did -u $dname 7
        /did -e $dname 12
        /did -ar $dname 10 Volume $chr(40) $+ $int($calc(($vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ % $+ $chr(41) $+ $chr(58)
      elseif ($vol(master).mute == $false) {
        /vol -vu1
        /did -c $dname 7
        /did -b $dname 12
        /did -ar $dname 10 Volume (Muted) $+ $chr(58)
    if ($did == 23) {
      if ($did(23).seltext == Normal) {
        /set %mp3.mode 1
        /did -c $dname 23 %mp3.mode
      if ($did(23).seltext == Repeat all) {
        /set %mp3.mode 2
        /did -c $dname 23 %mp3.mode
      if ($did(23).seltext == Shuffle) {
        /set %mp3.mode 3
        /did -c $dname 23 %mp3.mode
    if ($did == 13) {
      if ($did(13).state == 1) {
        /did -b $dname 23
      else {
        /did -e $dname 23
    if ($did == 37) {
      /describe $active $chr(91) $+ 10MP3 Player $+ $chr(93) 11 $+ $did(4) $+  $chr(91) $+ Bitrate: $&
        11 $+ $did(9) $+  $+ $chr(93) $+ !
    if ($did == 49) {
      if ($did(49) == Hide Music) {
        /dialog -bs $dname -1 -1 330 78
        /did -ar $dname 49 Show Music
        /set %mp3.size mini
      elseif ($did(49) == Show Music) {
        /dialog -bs $dname -1 -1 330 234
        /did -ar $dname 49 Hide Music
        /set %mp3.size normal
    if ($did == 40) {
      if (%mp3.number == 1) {
        /playmp3 $did(17).lines
      else {
        /playmp3 $calc(%mp3.number - 1)
    if ($did == 14) {
      if (%mp3.status == play) {
        ./timerposition -p
        /splay -p pause
        /set %mp3.status pause
        /did -ar $dname 14 Resume
      elseif (%mp3.status == pause) {
        ./timerposition -r
        /splay -p resume
        /set %mp3.status play
        /did -ar $dname 14 Pause
    ; PLAY
    if ($did == 33) {
      /did -b $dname 33
      /playmp3 %mp3.number
    ; STOP
    if ($did == 15) {
      ./timerposition off
      /splay -p stop
      /set %mp3.status stop
      /did -c $dname 6 0
      /did -b $dname 6,14,15,37
      /did -e $dname 33
      /did -ar $dname 14 Pause
    ; NEXT
    if ($did == 41) {
      if (%mp3.number == $did(17).lines) {
        /playmp3 1
      else {
        /playmp3 $calc(%mp3.number + 1)
    ; MP3 SELECT
    if ($did == 17) {
      if ($did(17).seltext) {
        /did -e $dname 20
        var %a = 1
        var %b = $lines(%mp3.playlist) 
        while (%a <= %b) {
          if ($nopath($read(%mp3.playlist,%a)) == $did(17).seltext) {
            /did -ar $dname 26 $did(17).seltext
            /did -ar $dname 28 $right($duration($calc($sound($read(%mp3.playlist,%a)).length / 1000),3),-3)
            /did -ar $dname 30 $round($calc($file($read(%mp3.playlist,%a)).size / 1048576),2) MB
            /did -ar $dname 32 $sound($read(%mp3.playlist,%a)).bitrate $+ kbps
          inc %a
    ; ADD FILE
    if ($did == 18) {
      var %addfile = $sfile(%mp3.folder $+ *.mp3;*.m3u,Select MP3 or M3U file,Add)
      if (%addfile) {
        if ($right(%addfile,4) == .mp3) {
          /addfile %addfile
        if ($right(%addfile,4) == .m3u) {
          if ($read(%addfile,1) == #EXTM3U) {
            var %a = 3
          else {
            var %a = 1
          var %b = $lines(%addfile)
          while (%a <= %b) {
            if ($read(%addfile,%a) == $nopath($read(%addfile,%a))) {
              /addfile $left(%addfile,- $+ $len($nopath(%addfile))) $+ $read(%addfile,%a)
            else {
              /addfile $read(%addfile,%a)
            if ($read(%addfile,1) == #EXTM3U) {
              inc %a 2
            else {
              %inc %a
      /loadplaylist noplbak
    if ($did == 19) {
      var %addfolder = $sdir(%mp3.folder,Select folder with MP3 files)
      if (%addfolder) {
        var %tmp = $findfile(%addfolder,*.mp3,0,/addfile $1-)
      /loadplaylist noplbak
    ; REMOVE
    if ($did == 20) {
      var %a = 1
      var %b = $lines(%mp3.playlist)
      while (%a <= %b) {
        if ($nopath($read(%mp3.playlist,%a)) == $did(17).seltext) {
          if ($read(%mp3.playlist,%a) == $insong.fname) {
            ./timerposition off      
            /splay -p stop
            /set %mp3.status stop
            /did -b $dname 6,14,15,37,40,41
            /did -r $dname 4,9,44
            /did -ar $dname 14 Pause
          /write -dl $+ %a %mp3.playlist
        inc %a
      /loadplaylist noplbak
    if ($did == 21) {
      ./timerposition off
      /splay -p stop
      /set %mp3.status stop
      /did -b $dname 6,14,15,37,40,41
      /did -r $dname 4,9,44
      /did -ar $dname 14 Pause
      /write -c %mp3.playlist
      /loadplaylist noplbak
    if ($did == 34) {
      if ($did(17).seltext) {
        /url -an $+ $html($left($did(17).seltext,-4)) $+ &btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq=
    if ($did == 35) {
      if ($did(17).seltext) {
        /url -an $+ $html($left($did(17).seltext,-4)) $+ &fulltext=Search
    if ($did == 36) {
      if ($did(17).seltext) {
        /url -an $+ $html($left($did(17).seltext,-4)) $+ &search=Search
    if (($did == 45) && ($did(45).seltext)) {
      /did -e $dname 48
    if (($did == 39) && ($did(11) != $null)) {
      ./remove %mp3.playlist $+ .plbak
      if ($did(11)) {
        ./rename %mp3.playlist %mp3.playlist.dir $+ $did(11) $+ .txt
        var %a = 1
        var %b = $lines(%mp3.playlist.list)
        while (%a <= %b) {
          if ($read(%mp3.playlist.list,%a) == $nopath(%mp3.playlist)) {
            /write -l $+ %a %mp3.playlist.list $did(11) $+ .txt
            /set %mp3.playlist %mp3.playlist.dir $+ $did(11) $+ .txt
          inc %a
    if ($did == 47) {
      var %newplaylist = $$?="New playlist title (no spaces allowed):"
      /dialog -vie $dname $dname
      if (%newplaylist) {
        var %a = 1
        var %b = $lines(%mp3.playlist.list)
        while (%a <= %b) {
          if ($left($read(%mp3.playlist.list,%a),-4) == %newplaylist) {
            goto endaddplaylist
          inc %a
        /write %mp3.playlist.list %newplaylist $+ .txt
        /write -c %mp3.playlist.dir $+ %newplaylist $+ .txt
        /set %mp3.playlist %mp3.playlist.dir $+ %newplaylist $+ .txt
    if ($did == 48) {
      var %a = 1
      var %b = $lines(%mp3.playlist.list)
      while (%a <= %b) {
        if ($left($read(%mp3.playlist.list,%a),-4) == $did(45).seltext) {
          /write -dl $+ %a %mp3.playlist.list
        inc %a
      if (($did(11) == $did(45).seltext) && ($did(45).lines >= 2)) {
        /set %mp3.playlist %mp3.playlist.dir $+ $did(45,1) $+ .txt
      ./remove %mp3.playlist.dir $+ $did(45).seltext $+ .txt
      ./remove %mp3.playlist.dir $+ $did(45).seltext $+ .txt.plbak
      /did -b $dname 48
  if ($devent == close) {
    ; CLOSE
    ./timerposition off   
    /splay -p stop
    /set %mp3.status stop
    /set %mp3.xy $dialog($dname).x $dialog($dname).y
    var %tmp = $findfile(%mp3.playlist.dir,*.plbak,0,0,/replaceplbak $1-)

alias replaceplbak {
  ./remove %mp3.playlist.dir $+ $left($nopath($1-),-6)
  ./rename %mp3.playlist.dir $+ $nopath($1-) $left(%mp3.playlist.dir $+ $nopath($1-),-6)

on *:MP3END: {
  if ($dialog(MP3PLAYER)) {
    ./timerposition off
    if ($did(MP3PLAYER,13).state == 1) {
      ./timerposition 0 1 /mp3position MP3PLAYER 6
      /splay -p
      /set %mp3.status play
    else {
      /did -c MP3PLAYER 6 0
      /did -b MP3PLAYER 6,14,15,37
      var %current = $did(MP3PLAYER,4)
      var %b = $did(MP3PLAYER,17).lines
      if ((%mp3.mode == 1) || (%mp3.mode == 2)) {
        var %a = 1
        while (%a <= %b) {
          if ($did(MP3PLAYER,17,%a).text == %current) {
            if ($calc(%b - %a) >= 1) {
              /playmp3 $calc(%mp3.number + 1)
            else {
              if (%mp3.mode == 1) {
                /did -ar MP3PLAYER 4 End of playlist!
              if (%mp3.mode == 2) {
                /playmp3 1
          inc %a
      if (%mp3.mode == 3) {
        while (a = a) {
          var = $rand(1,%b)
          if ($did(MP3PLAYER,17, != %current) {
            goto next
        var %c = 1
        var %d = $lines(%mp3.playlist)
        while (%c <= %b) {
          if ($nopath($read(%mp3.playlist,%c)) == $did(MP3PLAYER,17, {
            /playmp3 %c
          inc %c

alias playmp3 {
  /did -ar MP3PLAYER 4 $nopath($read(%mp3.playlist,$1))
  /did -ar MP3PLAYER 9 $sound($read(%mp3.playlist,$1)).bitrate $+ kbps
  /did -ar MP3PLAYER 44 $right($duration($calc($sound($read(%mp3.playlist,$1)).length / 1000),3),-3)
  /did -ar MP3PLAYER 14 Pause
  /set %mp3.number $1
  if ($did(MP3PLAYER,33).enabled == $false) {
    /did -e MP3PLAYER 6,14,15,37,40,41
    ./timerposition 0 1 /mp3position MP3PLAYER 6
    /set %mp3.number $1
    /set $read(%mp3.playlist,$1)
    /splay -p
    /set %mp3.status play

alias loadplaylistlist {
  /did -r MP3PLAYER 45
  var %a = 1
  var %b = $lines(%mp3.playlist.list) 
  while (%a <= %b) {
    /did -a MP3PLAYER 45 $left($nopath($read(%mp3.playlist.list,%a)),-4)
    inc %a

alias loadplaylist {
  if ($did(45).lines == 0) {
    /write -c %mp3.playlist.dir $+ NewPlaylist.txt
    /write %mp3.playlist.list NewPlaylist.txt
    /set %mp3.playlist %mp3.playlist.dir $+ NewPlaylist.txt
  if ($1 != noplbak) {
    if ($file(%mp3.playlist).ctime) {
      if ($file(%mp3.playlist $+ .plbak).ctime) {
        ./remove %mp3.playlist
        ./rename %mp3.playlist $+ .plbak %mp3.playlist
      else {
        ./copy %mp3.playlist %mp3.playlist $+ .plbak
  /did -r MP3PLAYER 17,26,28,30,32
  /did -b MP3PLAYER 17,20,21
  var %a = 1
  var %b = $lines(%mp3.playlist)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    if ($file($read(%mp3.playlist,%a)).ctime) {
      /did -a MP3PLAYER 17 $nopath($read(%mp3.playlist,%a))
    inc %a
  /did -z MP3PLAYER 17
  if ($did(MP3PLAYER,17).lines > 0) {
    /did -e MP3PLAYER 17,21
  /did -ar MP3PLAYER 11 $left($nopath(%mp3.playlist),-4)
  /did -ar MP3PLAYER 43 $did(MP3PLAYER,17).lines

alias addfile {
  if ($1-) {
    var %a = 1
    var %b = $lines(%mp3.playlist) 
    while (%a <= %b) {
      if ($nopath($read(%mp3.playlist,%a)) == $nopath($1-)) {
      inc %a
    /write %mp3.playlist $1-
    /set %mp3.folder $left($1-,- $+ $len($nopath($1-)))

alias mp3position {
  if (($1) && ($2)) {
    /did -c $1 $2 $calc(($insong.pos / $insong.length) * 100)

html {
  return $replace($1,$chr(32),$chr(37) $+ 20)


Sign in to comment.
PyThOn   -  Jul 21, 2011

if ($did == 37) {
/describe $active 0,1 $chr(91) $+ 9,1M4,1P3 9,1P4,1layer 0,1 $+ $chr(93) 15,1 $+ $did(4) $+ 0,1 $chr(91) $+ 15,1MP314,1: $&
0,1 $+ $chr(93) $+
Is a better looking style.
Any other styles? If you can make another cool one post it here ill be interested.

PyThOn   -  Jul 21, 2011

im using 7.19
It works good

DragonRyder   -  Jul 20, 2011

if you think this is perfect, then you must be using an older version of mirc, cause i still can not get this to work right.

PyThOn   -  Jul 20, 2011

Perfect Mp3
Good Job

RusselB   -  Aug 10, 2010

Same problem as ryu.dragonryder posted, plus I also get a similar message regarding pause.

ryu.dragonryder   -  Aug 04, 2010
  • /splay: no such file 'seek' (line 199, Silverwing.mrc)

i saved it as Silverwing.mrc and i am using the latest mirc the v7.1

silent.nahid   -  Jun 13, 2010

Awesome mp3 man!bt it doesn't tell what i'm listening to when it plays the next song automatically..please fix it..otherwise it's one of the best mp3 i've ever seen..and please add nice font colours next time :P

Raistlin   -  Aug 21, 2009

Hmm when trying to add my music folder, MIRC locked up, either that or it's still processing..although it's been 10min now.

Xaric   -  Aug 01, 2009

This doesn't seem to work if your mp3s are on a different loads them into the box but doesn't play them? I'm getting this issue on Vista.

Can not Unmute either.

Axe   -  Jul 30, 2009

nvm i have found it..
it works btw tho ;D

Axe   -  Jul 30, 2009

thanks in advanced...

Axe   -  Jul 30, 2009

how to change the font color of tell what i'm listening to??
pls i need to know because the current font made every one blind..

Mirccoder   -  Jun 02, 2009

mine did fine when i upload 100 songs at once i jsut exit off then re log and boom there all there

Pepsi_Man0077   -  Jun 01, 2009

Yeah i do, i have a bout 24 gigs of music haha

LucSatise   -  May 28, 2009

lol same. u just got too many songs

Pepsi_Man0077   -  Jan 23, 2009

It freezes when i load my directory

Mirccoder   -  Oct 10, 2008

why make it

alias playmp3 {
  /did -ar MP3PLAYER 4 $nopath($read(%mp3.playlist,$1))
  /did -ar MP3PLAYER 9 $sound($read(%mp3.playlist,$1)).bitrate $+ kbps
  /did -ar MP3PLAYER 44 $right($duration($calc($sound($read(%mp3.playlist,$1)).length / 1000),3),-3)
  /did -ar MP3PLAYER 14 Pause
  /set %mp3.number $1
  if ($did(MP3PLAYER,33).enabled == $false) {
    /did -e MP3PLAYER 6,14,15,37,40,41
    ./timerposition 0 1 /mp3position MP3PLAYER 6
    /set %mp3.number $1
    /set $read(%mp3.playlist,$1)
    /splay -p
    /set %mp3.status play

when u can make it

alias playmp3 {
  /did -ar MP3PLAYER 4 $nopath($read(%mp3.playlist,$1))
  /did -ar MP3PLAYER 9 $sound($read(%mp3.playlist,$1)).bitrate $+ kbps
  /did -ar MP3PLAYER 44 $right($duration($calc($sound($read(%mp3.playlist,$1)).length / 1000),3),-3)
  /did -ar MP3PLAYER 14 Pause
  /set %mp3.number $1
  if ($did(MP3PLAYER,33).enabled == $false) {
    /did -e MP3PLAYER 6,14,15,37,40,41
    ./timerposition 0 1 /mp3position MP3PLAYER 6
    /set %mp3.number $1
    /set $read(%mp3.playlist,$1)
    /splay -p
    /set %mp3.status play
    /describe $active $chr(91) $+ 7,14MP3 Player $+ $chr(93) 11 $+ $did(4) $+  $chr(91) $+ Bitrate: $&
      4,14 $+ $did(9) $+  $+ $chr(93) $+ !

so youdont need the show what me listening to but have a switch or somehting in case you dont want to

Silverwing   -  Sep 07, 2008

As for the reported bugs..:

2. When I click an mp3 in the list the Play button does not become active.
This is not a bug. As explained above in the instruction, you have to doubleclick a MP3 to play in this version.

1. I Doesnt store the folder, so there should be an option to "Remember" or Save Settings.
How do you mean that? Because it does remember the latest folder you've added something from in the Add and Add folder dialogs.

4. When I click the >> button it did not "seek" forward instead it cleared out the title, track time, and the track slider.
I'm not able to reprocude this bug (?). It works perfect for me. Maybe there were some weird characters in the filmename?

3. Still no Message delivery with Tags like &Artist, &Song, &Title, &Length
Oops totally forgot about that. It will be added to the next version.

when i press the buttons to scroll up and down the volume, well its not working, i need to move it with the little bar.
I'm aware of this one. But I don't know how to solve it. It actually works (try pressing the volume down button when the volume is 100%. It should become 99%. The problem is that pressing the buttons only increases/decreases the volume by a tiny little bit. If anyone knows how to fix this, please tell me!

xplo   -  Sep 05, 2008

Works Great, but when i press the buttons to scroll up and down the volume, well its not working, i need to move it with the little bar.

buggs2008   -  Sep 05, 2008

Ok, Well first off 2 things

  1. I Doesnt store the folder, so there should be an option to "Remember" or Save Settings
  2. When I click an mp3 in the list the Play button does not become active.
  3. Still no Message delivery with Tags like &Artist, &Song, &Title, &Length
  4. When I click the >> button it did not "seek" forward instead it cleared out the title, track time, and the track slider.



Silverwing   -  Sep 04, 2008

hmm, I see.. I've removed the Volume part for the time being. I shall fix it in the next release, when there'll also be an option to edit to broadcast text/options.

Another thing that I'll add are buttons to reorder the files in a playlist.

Thanks for reporting the issue!

Paul_1337noob   -  Sep 04, 2008

i seem to get

[20:51] * &Paul1337noob [10MP3 Player] 1102-the_game-lax_files.mp3 [Bitrate: 11176kbps] [Volume: 11GAME]!


says volume is the name of the playlist :s

Silverwing   -  Sep 04, 2008

Good! Thanks for your rating :P

Akishoot   -  Sep 03, 2008

It works great. 10/10. :)

Silverwing   -  Sep 03, 2008

@Neptune: I've created the search function without the use of $didwm, I just couldn't get it working :S But this also works fine, may be a little less suitable for a big playlist on a slow computer, but works flawlessly

EL   -  Sep 02, 2008

Why is there something bad about showin perfection close up? ;p jk the track opions should be moved down a lil rofl but i did it in like few mins so wtf who cares dude prolly ownt use it was just to show him that a dialog should fukin take up yur full screen =\

EL   -  Sep 02, 2008

Rofl i just wanted to fix his dialogs since it seemed to be an issue with everyone ;p.And redoin a dialog is no different then recodig shiit and posting it in a commnet ;p ask napa >_>.`-.-´

EL   -  Sep 02, 2008

And that kids is how u make a proper mp3 dialog;p

dialog MP3PLAYER {
  title "MP3 Player 1.2 | by Silverwing"
  size -1 -1 230 233
  option dbu
  box "Track Info Options", 39, 2 215 225 16
  box "Play Options", 9, 2 73 225 27
  box "Mp3 List", 16, 2 102 225 87
  box "", 8, 2 52 225 18
  box "File Options", 7, 2 193 225 23
  box "Play", 1, 2 1 225 55
  text "Now playing:", 2, 7 9 33 8
  text "Track:", 3, 7 21 16 8
  edit "", 4, 30 20 146 10, read autohs
  text "Position:", 5, 7 31 21 8
  scroll "", 6, 30 32 146 8, horizontal
  text "Volume:", 10, 75 85 22 8
  edit "", 11, 170 84 14 10, read center
  scroll "", 12, 100 84 66 9, horizontal
  check "Repeat Track", 13, 133 44 42 8
  button "<<", 40, 7 43 16 10
  button "Pause", 14, 26 43 25 10
  button "Stop", 15, 86 43 25 10
  button ">>", 41, 113 43 16 10
  button "Hide Music", 49, 194 202 30 10
  list 17, 7 112 217 71, hsbar vsbar size
  text "Total Mp3's:", 42, 132 203 31 8
  edit "", 43, 165 202 28 10, read center
  button "Add", 18, 7 202 25 10
  button "Add folder", 19, 99 202 30 10
  button "Remove", 20, 36 202 25 10
  button "Remove all", 21, 66 202 30 10
  text "Play mode:", 22, 6 85 27 8
  combo 23, 33 84 40 46, drop
  text "Title:", 25, 6 59 15 8
  edit "", 26, 22 58 202 10, read autohs
  text "Length:", 27, 181 18 21 8
  edit "", 28, 199 17 25 10, read
  text "Size:", 29, 181 28 14 9
  edit "", 30, 199 28 25 10, read
  text "Bitrate:", 31, 181 39 19 8
  edit "", 32, 199 39 25 10, read autohs
  button "Play", 33, 52 43 32 10
  link "Search with Google", 34, 10 222 49 8
  link "Search for article on Wikipedia", 35, 69 222 76 8
  link "Search for clip on YouTube", 36, 153 222 66 8
  button "BroadCast", 37, 189 78 35 10
  button "Close", 38, 189 88 35 10, ok
^Neptune   -  Sep 02, 2008

A search function is easy: look up $didwm

For that ID3 tag problem you could just do:


Hope this helps

Silverwing   -  Sep 02, 2008

Here's a screenshot of the new (upcoming) version:

I'm not yet finished coding it, but new features are Mute checkbox, Playlists, more broadcast options and a new layout.

A search function might come as well. I don't think I'd be able to realise Artist, Genre, Year, Albums things. This is because there are various versions of ID3tags, and I don't know anything about them. This I think will result in a half-working fuction which only displays the right information in SOME cases.

oh and one more thing: I don't think this mp3 player will ever be suitable for playing and managing thousands of mp3's, but you can try if you want :P

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