Nick Alert Dialog

By rhasttaff on Aug 17, 2008

this is myself Nick alert dialog

when someone sayd your nick on a channel this will alert you and play a sound

you can configure the "echo" message.
all that you need is set a directory sound something like: wavs/call-me.wav or .mp3 (for the path Wavs on mirc directory.

to load: paste in Alt+R file/new
to open dialog: type /nalert


p.s. This is a English version without that icons and translated to english.

Edit: to easely i did a few modifycation the Code will now ask for a directory of sound through the selection file dialog when you load the Code.

;### Nick Alert by rhasttaff ###########################
;############################ preview model: xKuRt #####
menu menubar,status {
  Nick-Alert /nalert $+ :/dialog -m nalert nalert

alias nalert {
  dialog -m nalert nalert

dialog nalert {
  title "Nick Alert"
  size -1 -1 219 84
  option dbu
  box "ALert Text", 1, 2 2 198 30
  edit "", 2, 4 18 169 11, autohs
  text "$nick sayd your nick on $chan at $time(HH:nn:ss)", 3, 33 9 126 8, disable center
  button "example", 4, 174 6 24 11
  text "Basic:", 5, 5 9 18 8
  check "Activ PopUps", 9, 7 45 45 8
  edit "", 13, 4 67 133 10, autohs
  check "Register text", 14, 70 44 46 9
  check "Notices too", 16, 137 44 47 8
  button "Preview", 17, 174 18 24 11
  box "msgs-window", 18, 61 35 139 23
  box "play this sound:", 19, 2 59 137 21
  box "Extras", 20, 2 35 53 23
  button "Ok", 21, 178 61 22 19, ok

dialog alert-ex {
  title "alert-example"
  size -1 -1 202 113
  option dbu
  text "$nick = people that has called your nick", 1, 4 9 82 8
  text "$chan = Channel of event", 2, 126 9 71 8
  text "$time(HH:nn:ss) = time of event", 3, 63 17 87 8
  text " *~> $nick <~* sayd your nick on *~> $chan <~* at  *~> $time(HH:nn:ss) <~* ", 4, 2 36 196 9
  text " -=[ $time(HH:nn:ss) ]=- alert! your nick on -=[ $chan ]=-  by  -=[ $nick ]=-", 5, 2 47 198 9
  text "( $time(HH:nn:ss) ) Alert!!! >>> $nick <<< call you  on >>> $chan <<< ", 6, 2 57 198 8
  box "Identifiers", 7, 1 1 199 26
  box "done examples", 8, 1 27 199 42
  text "wrong: *~>$nick<~*  -=[$nick ]=- >>> $nick<<<  ]$chan [", 9, 4 77 155 9
  text "right: *~> $nick <~* -=[ $nick ]=- >>> $nick <<< ] $chan [", 10, 4 86 158 8
  box "Atention on spaces", 11, 1 70 199 26
  text "do not let anything together the identifiers", 12, 162 75 37 20, center
  button "OK", 13, 79 98 37 14, ok
dialog alert-pop {
  title "Nick-alert"
  size -1 -1 184 65
  option dbu
  text "", 1, 1 7 180 6, center
  text "", 2, 3 22 178 28
  button "OK", 3, 72 52 37 12, ok
  box "Sayd Your nick", 5, 1 1 182 15
  box "Text-sayd", 6, 1 16 182 36
dialog alert-prev {
  title "Prev-Alert"
  size -1 -1 900 50
  button "ok", 1, 0 0 0 0, ok cancel hide
  icon 2, 0 0 900 50, alert.prev.bmp, noborder

on 1:dialog:nalert:init:0: {
  if (!%alert.tipoecho) { did -a nalert 2 9*7[ $ $+ nick 7]9* 12say13d 4Y6our 12nick 3o4n 9*7[ $ $+ chan 7]9* 3a4t 13*12( $ $+ time(HH:nn:ss) 12)13* }
  if (%alert.pops.state = 1) { did -c nalert 9 } 
  if (%alert.gravat.state = 1) { did -c nalert 14 } 
  if (%alert.gravan.state = 1) { did -c nalert 16 }
  if ( { did -a $dname 13 }
  if (%alert.tipoecho) { did -a $dname 2 %alert.tipoecho }
on 1:dialog:alert-pop:init:0: {
  did -a $dname 1 %al.pop.nome disse no %al.pop.canal $+ :
  did -a $dname 2 %al.pop.texto

on 1:dialog:nalert:sclick:4: {
  /dialog -m alert-ex alert-ex

on *:dialog:nalert:close:*: {
  if ($did(nalert,13)) { set $did(nalert,13) }
  if ($did(nalert,2)) { set %alert.tipoecho $did(nalert,2) }
on 1:dialog:nalert:sclick:17: {

on 1:dialog:nalert:sclick:9: {
  if (%alert.pops.state = 0) { set %alert.pops.state 1 } | else { set %alert.pops.state 0  } 
on 1:dialog:nalert:sclick:14: {
  if (%alert.gravat.state = 0) { set %alert.gravat.state 1 } | else { set %alert.gravat.state 0  } 
on 1:dialog:nalert:sclick:16: {
  if (%alert.gravan.state = 0) { set %alert.gravan.state 1 } | else { set %alert.gravan.state 0  } 

on *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($me isin $1-) && ($chan != $active) && (%alert.gravat.state = 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 0) { /window -g2 $chan  | echo -alfmi2 $eval(%alert.tipoecho,2)  | echo -@dito -[Text]- on -=[ $chan ]=- sayd by 4-=[ $nick ]=- = $1- | /splay -wp | /editbox $chan $nick |  halt } 
  if ($me isin $1-) && ($chan != $active) && (%alert.gravat.state != 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 0) { /window -g2 $chan | echo -alfmi2 $eval(%alert.tipoecho,2) | /splay -wp | /editbox $chan $nick | halt } 
  if ($chan = $active) && ($me isin $1-) && (%alert.gravat.state = 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 0) { /window -g2 $chan | echo -@dito -[Text]- on -=[ $chan ]=- sayd by 4-=[ $nick ]=- = $1- | /splay -wp | halt }
  if ($chan = $active) && ($me isin $1-) && (%alert.gravat.state != 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 0) {  /window -g2 $chan | /splay -wp | halt }
  if ($me isin $1-) && ($chan != $active) && (%alert.gravat.state = 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 1) { /window -g2 $chan | set %al.pop.nome $nick | set %al.pop.canal $chan | set %al.pop.texto $1- | echo -alfmi2 $eval(%alert.tipoecho,2)  | echo -@dito -[Text]- on -=[ $chan ]=- by 4-=[ $nick ]=- = $1- | /splay -wp | /editbox $chan $nick | /dialog -m alert-pop alert-pop | halt } 
  if ($me isin $1-) && ($chan != $active) && (%alert.gravat.state != 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 1) { /window -g2 $chan | set %al.pop.nome $nick | set %al.pop.canal $chan | set %al.pop.texto $1- | echo -alfmi2 $eval(%alert.tipoecho,2) | /splay -wp | /editbox $chan $nick | /dialog -m alert-pop alert-pop | halt } 
  if ($chan = $active) && ($me isin $1-) && (%alert.gravat.state = 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 1) { echo -@dito -[Text]- on -=[ $chan ]=- sayd by 4-=[ $nick ]=- = $1- | /splay -wp | halt }
  if ($chan = $active) && ($me isin $1-) && (%alert.gravat.state != 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 1) {  /splay -wp | halt }

on *:action:*:#: {
  if ($me isin $1-) && ($chan != $active) && (%alert.gravat.state = 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 0) { echo -alfmi2 $eval(%alert.tipoecho,2) 9(/me) | echo -@dito -[/me]- on -=[ $chan ]=- sayd by 4-=[ $nick ]=- = $1- | /splay -wp | /editbox $chan $nick | halt } 
  if ($me isin $1-) && ($chan != $active) && (%alert.gravat.state != 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 0) { echo -alfmi2 $eval(%alert.tipoecho,2) 9(/me) | /splay -wp | /editbox $chan $nick | halt } 
  if ($chan = $active) && ($me isin $1-) && (%alert.gravat.state = 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 0) { echo -@dito -[/me]- on -=[ $chan ]=- sayd by -=[ $nick ]=- = $1- | /splay -wp | halt }
  if ($chan = $active) && ($me isin $1-) && (%alert.gravat.state != 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 0) {  /splay -wp | halt }
  if ($me isin $1-) && ($chan != $active) && (%alert.gravat.state = 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 1) { set %al.pop.nome $nick | set %al.pop.canal $chan | set %al.pop.texto $1- | echo -alfmi2 $eval(%alert.tipoecho,2) 9(/me) | echo -@dito -[/me]- on -=[ $chan ]=- sayd by 4-=[ $nick ]=- = $1- | /splay -wp | /editbox $chan $nick | /dialog -m alert-pop alert-pop | halt } 
  if ($me isin $1-) && ($chan != $active) && (%alert.gravat.state != 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 1) { set %al.pop.nome $nick | set %al.pop.canal $chan | set %al.pop.texto $1- | echo -alfmi2 $eval(%alert.tipoecho,2) 9(/me) | /splay -wp | /editbox $chan $nick | /dialog -m alert-pop alert-pop | halt } 
  if ($chan = $active) && ($me isin $1-) && (%alert.gravat.state = 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 1) { echo -@dito -[/me]- on -=[ $chan ]=- sayd by -=[ $nick ]=- = $1- | /splay -wp | halt }
  if ($chan = $active) && ($me isin $1-) && (%alert.gravat.state != 1) && (%alert.pops.state = 1) {  /splay -wp | halt }


on *:NOTICE:*:*: {
  if (%svice-stop = off) && (%alert.gravan.state = 1) { echo -@dito -[Notice]- from  7-=[ $nick ]=- = $1- }

on 1:load: {
  set %alert.pops.state 0
  set %alert.gravat.state 0
  set  %alert.gravan.state 0
  set $sfile($mircdir,Alert Sound .wav .mp3,select)
  echo -as 3C4a8R9r5E7g3A4d8O 9A5D7D9O7N 2N3I4C6K7A8L9E3R4T8A 3C4a8R9r5E7g3A4d8O
  echo -as By ->@rhasttaff@<-
alias prever {
  var %prever.texto = $did(nalert,2).text
  window -c @prev
  window -ph +d @prev 0 0 900 50
  drawfill @prev $colour(background) $colour(background) 1 1
  drawtext -pb @prev $colour(normal text) $colour(background) Fixedsys 11 $calc((1120 - $width(%prever.texto,Fixedsys,11)) / 2) $calc((50 - $height(%prever.texto,Fixedsys,11)) / 2) %prever.texto
  drawsave @prev alert.prev.bmp
  window -c @prev
  if ($dialog(alert-prev)) { dialog -m alert-prev alert-prev }


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rhasttaff   -  Aug 22, 2008

yeah i guess he was half illiterate. so like my english

Eugenio   -  Aug 22, 2008

I would loose my english if I learnt from bob marley!

rhasttaff   -  Aug 22, 2008

lol my english comes from mIRC HelpFile and Bob Marley's Songs hehehe
just the low basic of the basic

napa182   -  Aug 18, 2008

but my English to resolv only a teacher beautiful and blonde culd help me with this way ;)

LMAO well put

rhasttaff   -  Aug 18, 2008

hey Thanks for all Eugenio :)

I think the part of the directory sound is resolved.
i just add on event "on load":
set $sfile($mircdir,Alert Sound .wav .mp3,select)

but my English to resolv only a teacher beautiful and blonde culd help me with this way ;)

thanks again!

Eugenio   -  Aug 18, 2008

Make it

Menu * {   
Nick-Alert /nalert $+ :/dialog -m nalert nalert

Maybe make it let you search for the sound you want to play, if there is no sound or the .wav cant be found then halt it.
a few English errors that I dont think you did on purpose....apart form that nice code xD
/me rates 7

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