MegaRPG Module: Money/Bank/Lottery

By LucSatise on Jul 26, 2008

  1. Load into MegaRPG Remotes
  2. Run Initialisation Cmds
  3. Set your Money Name
  4. Set your Log Channel
  5. Join Log Channel on YOUR mIRC (Not Bots)
  6. Type `StartLotteryTimer (This Starts the Lottery draw to happen every 24hrs and people can buy tickets)
  7. Login to RPG Bot (If already Logged in type /msg `Bank) to recieve your starting balance (depends on your level)
  8. Be Sure to Update your Base Code to Version 3.0 Now ;)

Admin Commands: (Log Channel Only)
StartLotteryDraw - Starts lottery timer if it stops for any reason TotalTickets - View Number of Lottery Tickets Bought for current Draw
TakeMoney <Balance|Hand> <Name> <Amount> - Removes Gold from persons bank/hand (Balance = Bank) GiveMoney <Balance|Hand> - Gives gold to Person's hand/bank (Balance = Bank)

User Commands:
/msg Bank /msg <Bot>Lottery
`Money (Say in RPG Channel)

alias Module.Money {
  if (!$readini(Bank.ini,$1,Balance)) {
    set %Interest $calc($readini(Players.ini,$1,Level) * 150)
    notice $1 $left You have Recieved15 %Interest 14 $+ %MoneyName on Module Load, Into your Bank Account. $Right
    writeini Bank.ini $1 Balance %Interest
    writeini Bank.ini $1 Hand 0
    writeini Bank.ini $1 Lottery No
on *:LOAD:{
  if (!%MoneyName) { set %MoneyName $$?="Enter Name for Money" }
  if (!%LogChan) { set %LogChan $$?="Enter Log Channel Name" | join %LogChan }
on *:TEXT:`Bank*:%MainChannel:{
  notice $Nick $Left All `Bank Options are Done Via PM Window. /query $me `Bank $right
on *:TEXT:`Bank*:?:{
  if (!$readini(Players.ini,$nick,Registered)) { notice $nick $Left You are not Registered. $right | halt }
  if ($readini(Players.ini,$nick,LoggedIn) != Yes) { notice $nick $Left You are not Logged In. $Right | halt }
  if ($readini(Players.ini,$nick,Fighting) != No) { notice $nick $Left Please Leave The Battle arena First. $Right | halt }
  if (!$readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Balance)) { Module.Money $nick }
  if (!$2) {
    .msg $Nick $Left Welcome to MegaRPG Bank. Your Options Are: $Right
    .msg $Nick $Left `Bank Balance -- Displays Your Balance in Bank $Right
    .msg $Nick $Left `Bank Withdraw <Amount> -- Withdraws Some %MoneyName into your Hand. $Right
    .msg $Nick $Left `Bank Deposit <Amount> -- Deposit some %MoneyName into your Bank Account. $Right
    .msg $Nick $Left `Bank Total -- Displays Your Total Amount of Money (Hand + Bank) $Right
    .msg %LogChan $Left 15 $+ $Nick 14is Viewing the Bank. $Right
  if ($2 == Balance) { .msg $Nick $Left Your Current Bank Balance Is:15 $readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Balance) 14 $+ %MoneyName $Right | .msg %LogChan $left Balance Check:15 $nick $right }
  if ($2 == Withdraw) {
    if (!$3) { .msg $Nick $Left Syntax:15 `Bank Withdraw <AMOUNT> $right | halt }
    if ($readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Balance) < $3) { .msg $Nick $Left You do not have that much in your Bank. $Right | halt }
    writeini Bank.ini $nick Hand $calc($readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Hand) + $3)
    writeini Bank.ini $nick Balance $calc($readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Balance) - $3)
    .msg $Nick $Left You have Withdrawn15 $3 14 $+ %MoneyName from your Account $Right
    .msg %LogChan $Left Withdraw:15 $nick 14--15 $3 14 $+ %MoneyName $Right
  if ($2 == Deposit) {
    if (!$3) { .msg $Nick $Left Syntax:15 `Bank Deposit <AMOUNT> $right | halt }
    if ($readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Hand) < $3) { .msg $Nick $Left You do not have that much in your Hand. $Right | halt }
    writeini Bank.ini $nick Balance $calc($readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Balance) + $3)
    writeini Bank.ini $nick Hand $calc($readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Hand) - $3)
    .msg $Nick $Left You have Deposited15 $3 14 $+ %MoneyName from your Account $Right
    .msg %LogChan $Left Deposit:15 $nick 14--15 $3 14 $+ %MoneyName $Right
  if ($2 == Total) { 
    .msg $Nick $Left You Have15 $readini(Bank.ini,$Nick,Balance) 14 $+ %MoneyName In the Bank,15 $readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Hand) 14 $+ %MoneyName in your Hand and a Total of15 $calc($readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Balance) + $readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Hand)) $right 
    .msg %LogChan $Left Total Check:15 $nick $Right
on *:TEXT:`Money:%MainChannel:{
  if (!$readini(Players.ini,$nick,Registered)) { notice $nick $Left You are not Registered. $right | halt }
  if ($readini(Players.ini,$nick,LoggedIn) != Yes) { notice $nick $Left You are not Logged In. $Right | halt }
  if (!$readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Balance)) { Module.Money $nick }
  notice $nick $Left You have15 $readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Hand) 14 $+ %MoneyName in your Hand. $Right
alias deathMoney {
  if (!$1) || (!$2) { halt }
  if (!$istok(%NPC.Names,$2,32)) {
    set %MoneyGained $calc($readini(Bank.ini,$2,Hand) * 0.5)
    if (%MoneyGained < 10) { set %MoneyGained 10 }
    writeini Bank.ini $2 Hand $calc($readini(Bank.ini,$2,Hand) - %MoneyGained)
    if ($readini(Bank.ini,$2,Hand) < 0) { writeini Bank.ini $2 Hand 0 }
  if ($istok(%NPC.Names,$2,32)) {
    set %MoneyGained $Calc($readini(NPC.ini,$2,Lvl) * 0.5)
    if (%MoneyGained >= 10) {
      set %MoneyGained $rand(10,%MoneyGained)
    if (%MoneyGained < 10) { set %MoneyGained 10 }
  notice $1 $Left You have Recieved15 %MoneyGained 14 $+ %MoneyName for your Kill. $Right
  writeini Bank.ini $1 Hand $calc($readini(Bank.ini,$1,Hand) + %MoneyGained)
on *:TEXT:`Lottery*:%MainChannel:{
  notice $nick $Left For Privacy Please Access the Lottery Via PM. $Right
on *:TEXT:`Lottery*:?:{
  if (!$readini(Players.ini,$nick,Registered)) { notice $nick $Left You are not Registered. $right | halt }
  if ($readini(Players.ini,$nick,LoggedIn) != Yes) { notice $nick $Left You are not Logged In. $Right | halt }
  if ($readini(Players.ini,$nick,Fighting) != No) { notice $nick $Left Please Leave The Battle arena First. $Right | halt }
  if (!$readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Balance)) { Module.Money $nick }
  if (!$2) {
    .msg $Nick $Left `Lottery Buy <Number 1-49> -- Buys a Ticket. You may only have 1 ticket per draw. Tickets cost 200 %MoneyName Each. $Right
    .msg $Nick $Left `Lottery Number -- Tells you your Lottery Ticket Number. $Right
    .msg $Nick $Left `Lottery Time -- Time Untill Next Draw $Right
    .msg $nick $left `Lottery Prize -- Current Prize Money (200 for each ticket + 1000) $Right
    .msg %LogChan $Left 15 $+ $Nick 14is Viewing the Lottery. $Right
  if ($2 == Prize) {
    .msg %LogChan $Left Prize View:15 $Nick $right 
    .msg $Nick $Left The Current Prize Is:14 %LotteryPrize %MoneyName $Right
  if ($2 == Time) { 
    .msg %LogChan $Left Lottery Time Checker:15 $nick $right
    .msg $Nick $Left Time Untill Lottery Draws:15 $duration($timer(LotteryDraw).secs) $right
  if ($2 == Number) { 
    .msg %LogChan $Left Number Check:15 $Nick $+ 14(15 $+ $readini(Bank.ini,$Nick,Lottery) $+ 14) $Right
    .msg $Nick $Left Your Lottery Number Is:15 $readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Lottery) $Right
  if ($2 == Buy) {
    if (!$3) { .msg $Nick $Left `Lottery Buy <Number 1-49> $Right | halt }
    if ($readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Hand) < 200) { notice $Nick $Left You do not Have enough %MoneyName to buy this. Get more out the bank or get lost! $Right | Halt }
    if ($3 < 1) || ($3 > 49) { notice $nick $Left Choose a number between 1 and 49. $right | halt }
    if (!$Timer(LotteryDraw)) { notice $Nick $Left No Lottery Active. $Right }
    .msg %LogChan $Left Ticket Bought:15 $Nick 14--15 $3 $Right
    .msg $Nick $Left Your Ticket has been Bough. $Right
    writeini Bank.ini $Nick Lottery $3
    set %TicketsBought $addtok(%TicketsBought,$3,32)
    set %BoughtTickets $addtok(%BoughtTickets,$nick,32)
    set %LotteryPrize $calc(%LotteryPrize + 200)
    inc %TotalTickets
    writeini Bank.ini $nick Hand $calc($readini(Bank.ini,$nick,Hand) - 200)
alias Lottery {
  set %LotteryPrize 1000
  unset %BoughtTickets %TicketsBought
  timerLotteryDraw 1 86400 LotteryDraw
  msg %MainChannel $Left The Draw for Lottery Timer Has Begun. It will be drawn in 24hrs. $Right
  msg %MainChannel $Left Type /msg $me `Lottery for info $Right
  unset %Lottery
  set %TotalTickets 0
alias LotteryCont {
  unset %BoughtTickets %TicketsBought
  timerLotteryDraw 1 86400 LotteryDraw
  msg %MainChannel $Left The Draw for Lottery Timer Has Begun. It will be drawn in 24hrs. $Right
  msg %MainChannel $Left Type /msg $me `Lottery for info $Right
  unset %Lottery
  set %TotalTickets 0
  set %LotteryPrize $calc(%LotteryPrize + 1000)
alias LotteryDraw {
  set %Lottery $rand(1,49)
  msg %MainChannel $Left The Lottery Is Now Being Drawn! $Right
  msg %MainChannel $Left Todays Lottery Number is: %Lottery $Right
  if ($istok(%TicketsBought,%Lottery,32)) { 
    msg %MainChannel $Left We Have a Winner Today! Please Wait a few Minutes While We Check Everyones Tickets. $Right
  if (!$istok(%TicketsBought,%Lottery,32)) { 
    msg %MainChannel $Left We Have No Winner today. Jackpot Will Continue Onto Next Draw with another 1000 %MoneyName being added now. $Right
alias checkTickets {
  var %Total = $numtok(%BoughtTickets,32)
  var %Count = 0
  while (%Count < %Total) {
    inc %Count
    if ($readini(Bank.ini,$gettok(%BoughtTickets,%Count,32),Lottery) == %Lottery) {
      .msg %LogChan $Left Lottery Winner: $gettok(%BoughtTickets,%Count,32) $Right
      msg %MainChannel $Left 15 $+ $gettok(%BoughtTickets,%Count,32) 14 is one of our Winners Today! $Right
      writeini Bank.ini $gettok(%BoughtTickets,%Count,32) Balance $calc($readini(Bank.ini,$gettok(%BoughtTickets,%Count,32),Balance) + %LotteryPrize)
    writeini Bank.ini $gettok(%BoughtTickets,%Count,32) Lottery No
on 400:TEXT:*:%LogChan:{
  if ($1 == `TotalTickets) { msg %LogChan $Left Number of Tickets Bought for the Next Draw:15 %TotalTickets $Right }
  if ($1 == `StartLotteryTimer) && (!$Timer(LotteryDraw)) { msg %LogChan $Left Lottery Timer Started By:15 $Nick $Right | Lottery }
  if ($1 == `TakeMoney) {
    if (!$2) || (!$3) || (!$4) { notice $nick $Left Syntax:15 `TakeMoney <Balance|Hand> <Player> <Amound> $Right | halt }
    if (!$readini(Players.ini,$3,Registered)) { notice $nick $Left $3 Is not Registered. $Right | halt }
    if (!$readini(Bank.ini,$3,Balance)) { notice $nick $Left $3 Has not got a bank account. $Right | halt }
    if ($readini(Bank.ini,$3,$2) < $4) { notice $nick $Left $3 Does not have that Much in their Bank! | halt }
    writeini Bank.ini $3 $2 $calc($readini(Bank.ini,$3,$2) - $4)
    if ($3 ison %MainChannel) { notice $3 $Left You have been Fined15 $4 14 $+ %MoneyName by an Admin. $Right }
    msg %LogChan $Left 15 $+ $Nick 14has Fined15 $3 14for15 $4 14 $+ %MoneyName $+ . Location:15 $2 $Right
  if ($1 == `GiveMoney) {
    if (!$2) || (!$3) || (!$4) { notice $nick $Left Syntax:15 `GiveMoney <Balance|Hand> <Player> <Amound> $Right | halt }
    if (!$readini(Players.ini,$3,Registered)) { notice $nick $Left $3 Is not Registered. $Right | halt }
    if (!$readini(Bank.ini,$3,Balance)) { notice $nick $Left $3 Has not got a bank account. $Right | halt }
    writeini Bank.ini $3 $2 $calc($readini(Bank.ini,$3,$2) + $4)
    if ($3 ison %MainChannel) { notice $3 $Left You have been Given15 $4 14 $+ %MoneyName by an Admin. $Right }
    msg %LogChan $Left 15 $+ $Nick 14has Given15 $3 14Amount15 $4 14 $+ %MoneyName $+ . Location:15 $2 $Right


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gerjoaguimar   -  Dec 04, 2010

i´m just wanna be listen U_U

Nuk3d   -  Dec 04, 2010
Dark|   -  Dec 04, 2010

is spam needed?

gerjoaguimar   -  Dec 04, 2010

how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login? how do you login?

random person   -  Apr 20, 2009

how do you login?

LucSatise   -  Jul 30, 2008

yeh i found tht already and i think i edited it

Wizjany   -  Jul 26, 2008

In lines 140 and 145 you\'re missing parentheses.
they should be
if ($istok(%TicketsBought,%Lottery,32)) {
if (!$istok(%TicketsBought,%Lottery,32)) {
edit: (it\'s under the alias lotterydraw btw...I just noticed they don\'t have line numbers here xD)

besides from that, everything seems to be working, thanks a lot!

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