Rock, Paper, Scissors

By Destro168 on Jul 26, 2008

It's simply a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Start the game with "!RPS".

Instructions are stated as the game goes on.

on *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($1 == !RPS) && ( !%startgame ) { msg $chan $nick has started a game. Type !Join to play
    set %startgame on
    set %Player1check $nick
    set %TimeToChoosePlayer2 on
  if ( $1 == !Join ) && ( on == %TimeToChoosePlayer2 ) && ( !%joinedgame ) { 
    set %Player2check $nick
    if ( %Player1check == %Player2check ) { msg $chan Player 1 has already been chosen. Player 2 has to choose
      set %joinedgame $null 
    else {
      msg $chan $nick has joined the game. Players will have 2 seconds to choose between Rock, Paper, or Scissors after "Shoot!" is said.
      msg $chan Player 1 Use " ! " to prefix your choice! 3!Rock 1or 3!Paper 1or 3!Scissors.
      msg $chan Player 2 Use " ~ " to prefix your commands! 3~Rock 1or 3~Paper 1or 3~Scissors.
      set %joinedgame on
      set %TimeToThrowdown on
      set %Timetochoose on
  if ( on == %Timetochoose ) && ( !%Timetochooseoff ) {
    set %Timetochooseoff off
    set %CantChoose on
    .timerr 1 7 msg $chan 4Rock!
    .timerp 1 8 msg $chan 4Paper!
    .timersc 1 9 msg $chan 4Scissors!
    .timersh 1 10 msg $chan 3Shoot!
    .timercc 1 10 set %CantChoose off
    .timerct 1 13 set %ContinueTimer on
    .timerts 1 14  msg $chan TOO SLOW. Game is over!
    .timeru 1 14  unsetall
  if  ( $1 == !Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }
  if ( $1 == !Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( !%P1Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) {
  set %Player1check2 $nick }
  if ( $1 == !Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }   
  if ( $1 == !Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player1check2 == %Player2check )  && ( !%P1Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { msg $chan Player 2, please use " ~ " to prefix your commands. }
  if  ( $1 == !Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early } 
  if ( $1 == !Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player1check2 != %Player1check ) && ( %Player1check2 != %Player2check )  && ( !%P1Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { msg $chan You are currently not playing this game. }
  if  ( $1 == !Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }
  if ( $1 == !Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player1check == %Player1check2 )  && ( !%P1Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { 
    set %Player1Choice Rock
    msg $chan Player 1 has chosen 3Rock.
    set %P1Chose on
  if  ( $1 == !Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }
  if ( $1 == !Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( !%P1Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) {
  set %Player1check2 $nick }
  if ( $1 == !Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }   
  if ( $1 == !Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player1check2 == %Player2check )  && ( !%P1Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { msg $chan Player 2, please use " ~ " to prefix your commands. }    
  if  ( $1 == !Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early } 
  if ( $1 == !Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player1check2 != %Player1check ) && ( %Player1check2 != %Player2check )  && ( !%P1Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { msg $chan You are currently not playing this game. }
  if  ( $1 == !Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }
  if ( $1 == !Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player1check == %Player1check2 )  && ( !%P1Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { 
    set %Player1Choice Paper
    msg $chan Player 1 has chosen 3Paper.
    set %P1Chose on
  if  ( $1 == !Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }
  if ( $1 == !Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( !%P1Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) {
  set %Player1check2 $nick }
  if ( $1 == !Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }   
  if ( $1 == !Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player1check2 == %Player2check )  && ( !%P1Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { msg $chan Player 2, please use " ~ " to prefix your commands. }    
  if  ( $1 == !Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early } 
  if ( $1 == !Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player1check2 != %Player1check ) && ( %Player1check2 != %Player2check )  && ( !%P1Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { msg $chan You are currently not playing this game. }
  if  ( $1 == !Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }
  if ( $1 == !Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player1check == %Player1check2 )  && ( !%P1Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { 
    set %Player1Choice Scissors
    msg $chan Player 1 has chosen 3Scissors.
    set %P1Chose on
  if ( $1 == ~Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }
  if ( $1 == ~Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( !%P2Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { set %Player2check2 $nick }
  if ( $1 == ~Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }   
  if ( $1 == ~Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player2check2 == %Player1check )  && ( !%P2Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { msg $chan Player 1, please use " ! " to prefix your commands. }
  if  ( $1 == ~Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early } 
  if ( $1 == ~Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player2check2 != %Player2check ) && ( %Player2check2 != %Player1check )  && ( !%P2Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { msg $chan You are currently not playing this game. }
  if  ( $1 == ~Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }
  if ( $1 == ~Rock ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player2check == %Player2check2 )  && ( !%P2Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { 
    set %Player2Choice Rock
    msg $chan Player 2 has chosen 3Rock.
    set %P2Chose on
  if ( $1 == ~Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }
  if ( $1 == ~Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( !%P2Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { set %Player2check2 $nick }
  if ( $1 == ~Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }   
  if ( $1 == ~Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player2check2 == %Player1check )  && ( !%P2Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { msg $chan Player 1, please use " ! " to prefix your commands. }
  if  ( $1 == ~Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early } 
  if ( $1 == ~Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player2check2 != %Player2check ) && ( %Player2check2 != %Player1check )  && ( !%P2Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { msg $chan You are currently not playing this game. }
  if  ( $1 == ~Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }
  if ( $1 == ~Paper ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player2check == %Player2check2 )  && ( !%P2Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { 
    set %Player2Choice Paper
    msg $chan Player 2 has chosen 3Paper.
    set %P2Chose on
  if ( $1 == ~Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }
  if ( $1 == ~Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( !%P2Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { set %Player2check2 $nick }
  if ( $1 == ~Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }   
  if ( $1 == ~Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player2check2 == %Player1check )  && ( !%P2Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { msg $chan Player 1, please use " ! " to prefix your commands. }
  if  ( $1 == ~Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early } 
  if ( $1 == ~Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player2check2 != %Player2check ) && ( %Player2check2 != %Player1check )  && ( !%P2Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { msg $chan You are currently not playing this game. }
  if  ( $1 == ~Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( on == %CantChoose ) { .notice $nick You have choosen too early }
  if ( $1 == ~Scissors ) && ( on == %TimeToThrowdown ) && ( %Player2check == %Player2check2 )  && ( !%P2Chose ) && ( off == %CantChoose ) { 
    set %Player2Choice Scissors
    msg $chan Player 2 has chosen 3Scissors.
    set %P2Chose on
  if (on == %P1Chose) && (on == %P2Chose) {
    if (%Player1Choice == Rock) && (%Player2Choice == Rock) && ( !%Gameover ) { 
      msg $chan It is a tie!
      set %Gameover on 
      timerts off
    if (%Player1Choice == Rock) && (%Player2Choice == Paper) && ( !%Gameover ) { 
      msg $chan Player 2 has won!
      set %Gameover on
      timerts off
    if (%Player1Choice == Rock) && (%Player2Choice == Scissors) && ( !%Gameover ) { 
      msg $chan Player 1 has won! 
      set %Gameover on 
      timerts off
    if (%Player1Choice == Paper) && (%Player2Choice == Rock) && ( !%Gameover ) {
      msg $chan Player 1 has won! 
      set %Gameover on 
      timerts off
    if (%Player1Choice == Paper) && (%Player2Choice == Paper) && ( !%Gameover ) {
      msg $chan It is a tie 
      set %Gameover on 
      timerts off
    if (%Player1Choice == Paper) && (%Player2Choice == Scissors) && ( !%Gameover ) {
      msg $chan Player 2 has won! 
      set %Gameover on 
      timerts off
    if (%Player1Choice == Scissors) && (%Player2Choice == Rock) && ( !%Gameover ) {
      msg $chan Player 2 has won! 
      set %Gameover on 
      timerts off
    if (%Player1Choice == Scissors) && (%Player2Choice == Paper) && ( !%Gameover ) {
      msg $chan Player 1 has won! 
      set %Gameover on 
      timerts off
    if (%Player1Choice == Scissors) && (%Player2Choice == Scissors) && ( !%Gameover ) {
      msg $chan It is a tie! 
      set %Gameover on 
      timerts off


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NXArmada   -  Nov 04, 2009

Any way you can do it so it does not unsetall. I have tons of variables for other scripts and this script wipes all the variables

wizard38   -  Oct 09, 2008

I want this game a long time but for a player against the script, but it seems that nobody makes this game

WeXaztor   -  Oct 09, 2008

the game should end by itself if no-one joins after starting the game
if that's not to hard to fix, ive got no skills in this though

wizard38   -  Jul 31, 2008

Could you make a game for one player but like this \"choose between rock, paper or Scissors\"
the player make !paper 50
and the player choose and wait about 1 minute and in the end he say \"i choose \"\"\"\" and you lost 50 points\" or \"its a tie\" or \"you win 50 points\"

something like that


Destro168   -  Jul 30, 2008

I could make it possible for one player. I\'ll get to in a few days :P

wizard38   -  Jul 28, 2008

i like this game but for one player, two players no
is possible for one player?

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