Away System

By Eugenio on Jul 13, 2008

Away system with dialog, ALT + R save in a NEW remote.
Click anywhere on mIRC or type /awaysystem

[size=8]Thanks to EL[/size]


menu * {
  Away System:dialog -m Away_System Away_System

alias awaysystem {
  dialog -m Away_System Away_System

dialog away_system {
  title "Away System"
  size -1 -1 95 115
  option dbu
  tab " Nicks", 1, 0 -2 95 139
  tab "Reasons", 7
  tab "Options", 13
  box "Away Nick:", 16, 5 13 85 20, tab 1
  box "Reasons:", 18, 5 34 55 60, tab 7
  box "Away Nicks:", 15, 5 34 55 60, tab 1
  box "Reason:", 17, 5 13 85 20, tab 7
  button "Save", 4, 65 50 25 15, tab 1
  button "Remove", 5, 65 75 25 15, tab 1
  list 11, 7 44 50 48, tab 7 hsbar vsbar size
  edit "", 12, 8 20 80 10, tab 7 autohs
  list 6, 7 44 50 48, tab 1 hsbar vsbar size
  edit "", 2, 8 20 80 10, tab 1 autohs
  button "Away", 3, 5 98 25 15
  button "Back", 8, 35 98 25 15
  button "Done", 20, 65 98 25 15, cancel
  button "Save", 10, 65 50 25 15, tab 7
  button "Remove", 9, 65 75 25 15, tab 7
  box "Page System", 14, 5 15 85 27, tab 13
  box "Auto Away", 22, 5 45 85 50, tab 13
  radio "60 Minutes Auto Away", 23, 15 63 68 8, tab 13
  radio "90 Minutes Auto Away", 24, 15 73 68 8, tab 13
  radio "120 Minutes Auto Away", 25, 15 83 68 8, tab 13
  radio "Disable Auto Away", 26, 15 53 68 8, tab 13
  check "Enable Page System", 19, 18 23 60 8, tab 13
  check "Disable Page System", 21, 18 32 60 8, tab 13

on *:dialog:away_system:init:*: {
  if (%page == on)  { did -c $dname 19 | did -u $dname 21 }
  if (%page == off) { did -c $dname 21 | did -u $dname 19 }
  if (%autoawayoff == on) { did -c $dname 26 }
  if (%autoaway60 == on) { did -c $dname 23 }
  if (%autoaway90 == on) { did -c $dname 24 }
  if (%autoaway120 == on) { did -c $dname 25 }
  var %away.nick = 1
  while (%away.nick <= $lines(awaynicks.txt)) {
    did -a $dname 6 $read(awaynicks.txt,%away.nick))
    inc %away.nick
  var %away.reason = 1
  while (%away.reason <= $lines(awayreasons.txt)) {
    did -a $dname 11 $read(awayreasons.txt,%away.reason))
    inc %away.reason

on *:DIALOG:away_system:sclick:3: {
  if ($away) { noop $input(You are already away.,uwo,Error!) | halt }
  set %away.cnick $me
  set %away.time $ctime
  set %away.reason $did(12).text
  set %away.nick $did(2).text
  if (%away.nick == $null) { noop $input(You must choose an Away Nick.,uwo,Error!) | halt }
  if (%away.reason == $null) { noop $input(You must choose an Away Reason.,uwo,Error!) | halt }
  if (%page == on) { amsg 15,1I 15,1A0,1m 15,1N0,1ow 15,1A0,1way - 15,1R0,1eason: %away.reason 15,1T0,1ime: $time 15,1P0,1ager: 15,1O0,1n.
    nick %away.nick 
    away %away.reason | halt
    else {  
      amsg 15,1I 15,1A0,1m 15,1N0,1ow 15,1A0,1way - 15,1R0,1eason: %away.reason 15,1T0,1ime: $time 15,1P0,1ager: 15,1O0,1ff.
      nick %away.nick
      away %away.reason
on *:DIALOG:away_system:sclick:8: {
  if (%input.return == on) { noop $input(You are on Auto Away please must type to set yourself back.,uwo,Error!) | halt }
  if (!$away) { noop $input(You are not currently away.,uwo,Error!) | halt }
  nick %away.cnick
  amsg 15,1I 15,1A0,1m 15,1N0,1ow 15,1B0,1ack 15,1F0,1rom: %away.reason 15,1I 15,1W0,1as 15,1G0,1one 15,1F0,1or: $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time))  

on *:dialog:away_system:sclick:4: {
  if ($did(2).text == $null)) { noop $input(You did not choose a nick to add to the Nick List list.,uwo,Error!) | halt }
  if (%away.nick == $null) { halt }
  var %away.nick $did(2).text
  if (%away.nick == $read(awaynicks.txt,w,%away.nick)) { noop $input(%away.nick is already in the Nick List.,uwo,Error!) | halt }
  write awaynicks.txt %away.nick
  did -a $dname 6 %away.nick

on *:dialog:away_system:sclick:10: {
  if ($did(12).text == $null)) { noop $input(You did not choose a Reason to add to the Reason List.,uwo,Error!) | halt }
  if (%away.reason == $null) { halt }
  var %away.reason $did(12).text
  if (%away.reason == $read(awayreasons.txt,w,%away.reason)) { noop $input(%away.reason is already in the Reason List.,uwo,Error!) | halt }
  write awayreasons.txt %away.reason
  did -a $dname 11 %away.reason

on *:DIALOG:away_system:Sclick:5: {
  if (!$did(6).sel) { noop $input(You did not select a nick to remove.,uwo,Error!) | halt }
  write -dl $+ $did(6).sel awaynicks.txt
  did -d $dname 6 $did(6).sel

on *:DIALOG:away_system:Sclick:9: {
  if (!$did(11).sel) { noop $input(You did not select a reason to remove.,uwo,Error!) | halt }
  write -dl $+ $did(11).sel awayreasons.txt
  did -d $dname 11 $did(11).sel

on *:Dialog:away_system:sclick:6: {
  did -ra $dname 2 $did(6).seltext
  set %away.nick $did(6).seltext

on *:Dialog:away_system:sclick:11: {
  did -ra $dname 12 $did(11).seltext
  set %away.nick $did(11).seltext

on *:Dialog:away_system:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 19) { set %page on | dialog -x away_system away_system | dialog -m away_system away_system | did -fu $dname 13 }
  if ($did == 21) { set %page off | dialog -x away_system away_system | dialog -m away_system away_system | did -fu $dname 13 } 
  if ($did == 26) { set %autoawayoff on | unset %autoaway60 %autoaway90 %autoaway120 | .timerautoaway* off }
  if ($did == 23) { set %autoaway60 on | unset %autoawayoff %autoaway90 %autoaway120 | .timerautoaway60 0 1 autoaway60 }
  if ($did == 24) { set %autoaway90 on | unset %autoawayoff %autoaway60 %autoaway120 | .timerautoaway90 0 1 autoaway90 }
  if ($did == 25) { set %autoaway120 on | unset %autoawayoff %autoaway60 %autoaway90 | .timerautoaway120 0 1 autoaway120 }

on *:TEXT:*:#: {   
  if ($($+(%,_Page_Lock,.,$nick),2) >= 2) {  halt }
  if (%page == on) && ($me isin $strip($1-)) && ($Away) { 
    .notice $nick 4,1 $nick 14,1I A15,1m 14,1C15,1urrently 14,1A15,1way4,1. 14,1T15,1o 14,1P15,1age 14,1M15,1e 14,1T15,1ype /notice $me @page [message here]
    inc -u3600 $+(%,_Page_lock,.,$nick)) 1 


on *:NOTICE:*:?: {
  if ($($+(%,_Page_Lock,.,$nick),2) >= 2) { .notice $nick 0,1 $nick 15,1I A0,1m 15,1A0,1way, 15,1P0,1ease 15,1D0,1ont 15,1A0,1buse 15,1M0,1y 15,1P0,1age 15,1S0,1ystem! | halt )
    if ($Away) && ($1 == @page) {
      beep 10 2
      inc %paged
      window @Page 
      echo -t @Page 0,1 $nick 15,1P0,1aged 15,1Y0,1ou 15,1W0,1ith 15,1T0,1he  %paged 15,1M0,1essage: " $strip($2-) 0,1"
      write Page.txt 0,1 $nick 15,1P0,1aged 15,1Y0,1ou 15,1W0,1ith 15,1T0,1he  %paged 15,1M0,1essage: " $strip($2-) 0,1"
      .notice $nick 15,1T0,1hank 15,1Y0,1ou 0,1 $nick $+ , 15,1Y0,1our 15,1M0,1essage 15,1H0,1as 15,1B0,1een 15,1S0,1aved 15,1A0,1s 15,1N0,1umber %paged $+ .
      inc -u86400 $+(%,_Page_lock,.,$nick)) 1

alias autoaway60 { 
  if (!$away && $nick($active,$me).idle  >= 3600) { 
    set %away.time $ctime
    amsg 15,1I 15,1A0,1m 15,1N0,1ow 15,1A0,1way - 15,1R0,1eason15,1: 60 15,1M0,1ins 15,1A0,1uto 15,1A0,1way. 
    .away 15,1A0,1uto 15,1A0,1way. 
    set %input.return on

alias autoaway90 { 
  if (!$away && $nick($active,$me).idle  >= 5400) { 
    set %away.time $ctime
    amsg 15,1I 15,1A0,1m 15,1N0,1ow 15,1A0,1way - 15,1R0,1eason15,1: 90 15,1M0,1ins 15,1A0,1uto 15,1A0,1way. 
    .away 15,1A0,1uto 15,1A0,1way. 
    set %input.return on

alias autoaway120 { 
  if (!$away && $nick($active,$me).idle  >= 7200) { 
    set %away.time $ctime
    amsg 14,1I 15,1A0,1m 15,1N0,1ow 15,1A0,1way15,1 - 15,1R0,1eason15,1: 120 15,1M0,1ins 15,1A0,1uto 15,1A0,1way15,1. 
    .away 15,1A0,1uto 15,1A0,1way. 
    set %input.return on

on *:input:*:{
  if (%input.return == on) { 
    set %input.return off
    .amsg 15,1I 15,1A0,1m 15,1N0,1ow 15,1B0,1ack 15,1F0,1rom15,1: 15,1A0,1uto 15,1A0,1way15,1. 15,1I 15,1W0,1as 15,1G0,1one 15,1F0,1or15,1: $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time))
    echo -a $timestamp 15,1[0,1 $+ $me $+ 15,1] 15,1I 15,1A0,1m 15,1N0,1ow 15,1B0,1ack 15,1F0,1rom15,1: 15,1A0,1uto 15,1A0,1way15,1. 15,1I 15,1W0,1as 15,1G0,1one 15,1F0,1or15,1: $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time))
    if (%autoaway60 == on) { .timerautoaway60 0 1 autoaway60 }
    if (%autoaway90 == on) { .timerautoaway90 0 1 autoaway 90 }
    if (%autoaway120 == on) { .timerautoaway120 0 1 autoaway120 }


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zamzam   -  Feb 12, 2010

thank you bro ... ur the best :P

joannap   -  Feb 10, 2010

Ok looks good, works (to a point) but it is not reloading the away nicks. I have to keep typing mine in. This is frustrating for a system that is supposed to handle this internally.

Mirc 6.2 on Windows 7 Ultimate

This script requiers 2 text files:
awaynicks.txt and awayreasons.txt; make sure you create them in the mirc folder.

Eugenio   -  Sep 11, 2008

rofl use $input

ChunkieMonkey   -  Aug 25, 2008

How do you make scripts that pop up boxes like this?

/me noob

pwnisher3   -  Aug 24, 2008

yes that is what i'm using i'm at my fiends house i don't want to update it on his comp. will retest it when i get home

Eugenio   -  Aug 24, 2008

for some reasons it wont work properly on version 6.33 if thats what your using, otherwise I dont have a clue

pwnisher3   -  Aug 24, 2008

yw but i wouldn't like to know why it wouldn't show the away nicks and reasons and i would like to know the pin of putting the away nick on there. i need help with my script but EL wont finish it lol

Eugenio   -  Aug 24, 2008

Thank you pwnisher3

pwnisher3   -  Aug 24, 2008

never mind it saved but it didn't display it for me so 8/10

pwnisher3   -  Aug 24, 2008

well anyway it wouldn't work for me. nothing would save. 6/10 for the script though

pwnisher3   -  Aug 24, 2008

y do you get compliments on a good script and i get lol'ed @ -_-

Eugenio   -  Aug 08, 2008

Thank you Jukadi, that was mainly because I made the dialog but hadnt quite finished the coding so I uploaded the pics without the code lol


Jukadi   -  Aug 03, 2008

I\'m using it right now :D....i notice: there\'s no option mode as shown in the pic?. Rate 7up/10 ;D~ nice work bro!

Eugenio   -  Aug 02, 2008

UPDATE: New Tab with options: Page system and Auto Away
Please Re-consider the 6 rating.

Typo   -  Jul 15, 2008

I actually totally understand not uncluding an autoaway. It seems like no matter what u set those bastards at it eventually sets you away when you didn\'t want it to. It has to be the only feature I left out of my away system (not released). Theres a couple ideas I put on mine that you may like to add to yours. Most the stuff I have you have either i ncluded or are planning too but theres a few things that have not been mentioned.

One, You should allow an optional password field for each added nickname. In mine I just had 3 names, the normal nick, the away nick and the BRB nick and mine assumes they all share the same password so you only set one but why not have yours let a pass for every one. Enyhow then u can watch for a notice from nickserv to identify and auto identify.

Two, allow the user to bind the away command and back command to F Keys that they can set.

Three, On mine when you can enable an option that will popup a little buttin that you press when you get back to set yourself as back. It was just a small input box with one button that said \"Back\" and you either pressed it, ignored it till you want to press it or close it with the little x without it bothering anything.

Four , I can\'t remember the fourth thing I had in mind cause I forgot it while typing the first three. Lol.

Anyhow man, great job so far, especially on the dialog. I just wanted to throw my ideas by you since I can see your trying to make this a very nice away system.

I will hold my rating until its done. So far its right around a 6/10.

napa182   -  Jul 14, 2008

Im glad to see you getting better at scripting Eugene. Nice work on ur second dialog. Keep learning.

AHBARAR   -  Jul 14, 2008

hey Eugenio nice work .. well i wanna ask for more stuff to add >:P~~ u know me im a bugger i bug at all .. so lets start soldier >:P~~ wht abt putting some rooms to not send msg maybe like help room where they dont like to see msgs ... and to change back to real nick when u come back from away ... well as EL the bugger num too for u pager and tht stuff and if some 1 called ur nick to notice him ever certain time and if u put to add after how many time to responce again and say u r away ... and auto away after idle >:P~~~ and i know u will del my msg for all ask roflmao ... >:$ dont hate me

Storm2108   -  Jul 14, 2008

Maybe you should add a list box for logging so when people say your nick it\'ll be put into that list. I give 8/10

Eugenio   -  Jul 14, 2008

rofl just randoms for the screenshot, all apart from Jesus have been removed

EL   -  Jul 14, 2008

Rofl at away nicks list >D

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