FDetect fix

By NiveusLuna on Jul 13, 2008

This is a fix I've made for the FDetect script made by Caelestia.net's Corwin. It should save the fignore hash table properly.
source for original: http://caelestia.net/scripts.php?id=12
If it doesn't, please let me know on irc.caelestia.net.

Update: fixed the action part to work on TelLaerad.net.
Update 2: after consultation with Corwin, added beeping (if channel is set to beep on messages), window coloring, and highlight capability.
update 3: fixed it so that you don't highlight yourself

Update 4:

  • added *** to the start of each line in windowed mode to make it easier to tell when a line is a new post or when it's just a runon that wrapped to a new line.
  • added proper detection for the Tel'Laerad / Argent Citadel variant of >Ambiance< (=Scene=)
on *:load:{
  if (($hget(fignore) == $null) && ($isfile(fignore.hsh) != $false)) {
    hmake fignore 10    
    hload fignore fignore.hsh  
  echo -ag Loaded FsayDetect by Corwin
  echo -ag Commands:
  echo -ag /fdetect -- Toggles Non-windowed Fsay Detection
  echo -ag /fdetect -w Toggles Windowed Fsay Detection
  echo -ag /fignore <fsayed nickname> -- Ignores detection of a certain FSAY/ACTION Nickname
  echo -ag /fignore -u <User nickname> -- Ignores detection of FSAY/ACTIONs sent out by a user
  echo -ag /fignore -c <#channel [chan]> -- Ignores detection of FSAY/ACTIONs sent to a specific channel, "chan" is an optional argument that can be added to the command to only ignore in-channel detections, it will still be detected in the fsay window.
  echo -ag /fignore -r <fsayed nickname, user nickname, or channel> -- Unignores that FSAY/ACTION Nickname/Oper, putting no argument clears the list.
  echo -ag /fignore -l -- Lists the F-ignore list 
  echo -ag /fcommands -- Brings up this list of commands. 
  echo -ag Note: All detection is currently off.
on *:unload:{
  .disable #fdetect
  if ($hget(fignore) != $null) {
    hfree fignore
  unset %fdetect
  unset %fdetectwin
alias fdetect { 
  if ($group(#fdetect) == off) {
    .enable #fdetect
  if ($1 == -w) {
    if (%fdetectwin == $null) {
      set %fdetectwin on
      echo -ag Windowed FSAY detection enabled
    else {
      unset %fdetectwin
      echo -ag Windowed FSAY detection disabled  
  } }
  elseif (%fdetect == $null) {
    set %fdetect on
    echo -ag Non-windowed FSAY detection enabled
  else {
    unset %fdetect
    echo -ag Non-windowed FSAY detection disabled
  if ($isfile(fignore.hsh) != $false) {
    if ($hget(fignore) == $null) {
      hmake fignore 10
    hload fignore fignore.hsh  
  if ((%fdetect == $null) && (%fdetectwin == $null)) {
    .disable #fdetect
#fdetect on
on *:connect:{ 
  if ($isfile(fignore.hsh) != $false) {
    if ($hget(fignore) == $null) {    
      hmake fignore 10    
    hload fignore fignore.hsh  
} }
on ^*:text:*:#:{
  if ((RPG.irc == $site) || (npc.fakeuser.invalid == $site)) {
    if (($hget(fignore,$nick) != ignore) && ($hget(fignore,$chan) != cignore all) && ($hget($remove($address,@ $+ $site)) != uignore)) {
      if ((%fdetect != $null) && ($hget(fignore,$chan) != cignore chan)) {
        var %fnick = $remove($address,@ $+ $site)
        if (%fnick == $me) echo -bmt $chan ( $+ %fnick $+ ) <8 $+ $nick $+ > $1-
        else echo -blmt $chan ( $+ %fnick $+ ) <8 $+ $nick $+ > $1-   
      if (%fdetectwin != $null) {
        if ((%fdetect == $null)  && ($chan($chan).logfile != $null)) {
          write $chan($chan).logfile $logstamp ( $+ $remove($address,@ $+ $site) $+ ) < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
          if (%fnick == $me) echo -bmt $chan <8 $+ $nick $+ > $1-
          else echo -blmt $chan <8 $+ $nick $+ > $1-  
        if ($window(@Fsay) == $null) {
          window -nk(0) @Fsay
        if ($chr(31) !isin $nick) {
          if ($chr(61) $+ Scene $+ $chr(61) == $nick) {      
            echo -m @fsay *** $remove($address,@ $+ $site) used SCENE on $chan $+ : $timestamp < $+ $nick $+ > $1-  
          else if (>Ambiance< == $nick) {
            echo -m @fsay *** $remove($address,@ $+ $site) used AMBIANCE on $chan $+ : $timestamp < $+ $nick $+ > $1-  
          else {
            echo -m @fsay *** $remove($address,@ $+ $site) FSAYed $nick on $chan $+ : $timestamp < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
        } }
        else {
          echo -m @fsay *** $remove($address,@ $+ $site) NPCed $nick on $chan $+ : $timestamp < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
      } } 
} } }
on ^*:ACTION:*:#:{
  if ((RPG.irc == $site) || (npc.fakeuser.invalid == $site)) {
    if (($hget(fignore,$nick) != ignore) && ($hget(fignore,$chan) != cignore all) && ($hget($remove($address,@ $+ $site)) != uignore)) {
      if ((%fdetect != $null) && ($hget(fignore,$chan) != cignore chan)) {
        var %fnick = $remove($address,@ $+ $site)
        if (%fnick == $me) echo -bmtc action $chan ( $+ %fnick $+ ) * $nick $1-
        else echo -blmtc action $chan ( $+ %fnick $+ ) * $nick $1-   
      if (%fdetectwin != $null) {
        if ((%fdetect == $null)  && ($chan($chan).logfile != $null)) {
          var %fnick = $remove($address,@ $+ $site)
          write $chan($chan).logfile $logstamp ( $+ %fnick $+ ) * $nick $1-
          if (%fnick == $me) echo -bmtc action $chan * $nick $1-
          else echo -blmtgc action $chan * $nick $1-
        if ($window(@Fsay) == $null) {
          window -nk(0) @Fsay
        if ($chr(31) !isin $nick) {
          echo -m @fsay *** $remove($address,@ $+ $site) FACTIONed $nick on $chan $+ : $timestamp * $nick $1-
        else {
          echo -m @fsay *** $remove($address,@ $+ $site) NPCAed $nick on $chan $+ : $timestamp * $nick $1-
      } }
} } }
#fdetect end
alias fignore { 
  if ($1 != $null) {
    if ($hget(fignore) == $null) {
      hmake fignore 10
    if (($1 != -r) && ($1 != -l) && ($1 != -u) && ($1 != -c)) {      
      hadd fignore $$1 ignore 
      echo -agc info * Added $$1 to F-ignore list
      hsave -o fignore fignore.hsh
    if ($1 == -u) { 
      if ($2 != $null) {
        hadd fignore $2 uignore 
        echo -agc info * Added user $2 to F-ignore list
        hsave -o fignore fignore.hsh
      else { 
        echo -agc info * /fignore -u: insufficient parameters
    } }
    if ($1 == -c) { 
      if ($2 != $null) {
        if ($3 == chan) {
          hadd fignore $2 cignore chan
          echo -agc info * Added $2 to F-ignore list (In channel detection only)
          hsave -o fignore fignore.hsh
        else {
          if ($hget(fignore,$3) != $null) {
            hdel fignore $3
          hadd fignore $2 cignore all
          echo -agc info * Added $2 to F-ignore list
          hsave -o fignore fignore.hsh
      } }
      else { 
        echo -agc info * /fignore -c: insufficient parameters
    } }
    if ($1 == -l) {
      if ($hget(fignore,0).item != 0) {
        var %inumber 1
        echo -agc info * Fignore list:       
        while (%inumber <= $hget(fignore,0).item) {
          if ($hget(fignore,%inumber).data == ignore) {          
            echo -agc info FSAYed Nickname: $hget(fignore,%inumber).item
          elseif ($hget(fignore,%inumber).data == uignore) {
            echo -agc info User: $hget(fignore,%inumber).item
          else {
            if ($hget(fignore,%inumber).data != cignore chan) {
              echo -agc info Channel: $hget(fignore,%inumber).item
            else {
              echo -agc info Channel: $hget(fignore,%inumber).item (In channel detection only)
          } }
          inc %inumber 1      
      } }
      else {
        echo -agc info * F-ignore list empty  
    } }
    if ($1 == -r) {
      if ($2 == $null) {
        if ($file(fignore.hsh) != $null) {
          hfree fignore
          .remove fignore.hsh
          echo -agc info * F-ignore list cleared      
        else {
          echo -agc info * F-ignore list empty
      } }
      if ($2 != $null) {
        if ($hget(fignore,$2) != $null) { 
          hdel fignore $2     
          echo -agc info * Removed $2 from the F-ignore list          
          if ($hget(fignore,0).item != 0) {          
            hsave -o fignore fignore.hsh
          else {
            hfree fignore
            .remove fignore.hsh
        } } 
        else {
          echo -agc info * $2 is not in F-ignore list
  } } } }
  else {
    echo -agc info * /fignore: insufficient parameters 
} }
alias fcommands {
  echo -ag Commands:
  echo -ag /fdetect -- Toggles Non-windowed Fsay Detection
  echo -ag /fdetect -w Toggles Windowed Fsay Detection
  echo -ag /fignore <fsayed nickname> -- Ignores detection of a certain FSAY/ACTION Nickname
  echo -ag /fignore -u <User nickname> -- Ignores detection of FSAY/ACTIONs sent out by a user
  echo -ag /fignore -c <#channel [chan]> -- Ignores detection of FSAY/ACTIONs sent to a specific channel, "chan" is an optional argument that can be added to the command to only ignore in-channel detections, it will still be detected in the fsay window.
  echo -ag /fignore -r <fsayed nickname, user nickname, or channel> -- Unignores that FSAY/ACTION Nickname/Oper, putting no argument clears the list.
  echo -ag /fignore -l -- Lists the F-ignore list 


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