Services help popup script

By EcKstasy on Jul 06, 2008

This is a popups script for Helpops(helpers),Everything you need to know for Services commands (anope),May be a bit messy,Tho i only made it for myself and another person on
Send any errors/questions to Eck[AT]

Helps with NickServ/ChanServ/MemoServ/HostServ/BotServ (and OperServ)
Once loaded,the popup dialog will ask "Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg ",Enter /say to say it in the current channel that the popup was clicked on,enter /echo so you can only see it in your screen,or enter /msg Nick ,to message the user them.
Took alot of typing,But it was worth it :)

Updated,Added more commands.
Updated typo's.
Added OperServ commands instead of just a silly "/msg OperServ HELP For more information" notice
Updated Xop typo's.

on *:LOAD:{
  echo -a Successfully loaded the services Help script by Eck @ IRCStorm for Ultimate-Buzz
  echo -a This services help script helps with services commands for Anope-1.7.xx
  echo -a If you find any help misspelling(s) please contact :
  echo -a Right Click on the channel to find the popups, Happy Helping.
menu channel {
  ..How To REGISTER:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To register a Nick,Type /msg NickServ REGISTER [Password] [Email] : Remember when you logon with this registered nickname,Type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY [Password]
  ..How To IDENTIFY:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>.." To identify your Registered nickname to NickServ type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY [Password]
  ..How To DROP:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To drop a Nickname (Un-Register),Type /msg NickServ DROP [NickName],When you use this command,You will no longer be on Channels access lists & Your channels will be dropped.
  ..How To GROUP:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To group a Nickname,Type /msg NickServ GROUP [MainNick] [Password],This provides your Access & Channels owned to this nick aswell as your main nick.
  ..How To GHOST:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To ghost a Nickname,Type /msg NickServ GHOST [Nick] [Password]
  ..How To GLIST:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To see all the NickNames in your group,Type /msg NickServ GLIST.
  ..How To ALIST:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To see all the channels you have access on,Type /msg NickServ ALIST
  ..How To INFO:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To see info about another users Nick,Type /msg NickServ INFO [Nick] [Include "All" to see more info]
  ..How To STATUS:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To see the owner Status of a given nickname,Type /msg NickServ STATUS [Nick]
  ..How To LOGOUT:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To Log your nickname out,Type /msg NickServ LOGOUT
  ..How To UPDATE:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To Update your Memo's/VHosts & Channel Status,type /msg NickServ UPDATE
  ..How To RELEASE:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." If your nickname has been taken over by the Services enforcer,You can get it back by typing /msg NickServ RELEASE [Nick] [Password]
  ..How To RECOVER:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." If someone has taken your nick,You can get it back by typing /msg NickServ RECOVER [Nick] [Password] (Similar to the RELEASE command)
  ..How To REGISTER:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To register a channel,Type /msg ChanServ REGISTER #ChannelName [Password] [Short-Description] <- Remember,Your nick has to be registered before you register a channel, /msg NickServ REGISTER [Password] [Email]
  ..How To DROP:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To drop a specified channel,Type /msg ChanServ DROP #Channel,Only the owner of the channel can use this command.
  ..How To IDENTIFY:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To identify yourself to ChanServ so it knows that your the owner of a channel,Type /msg ChanServ IDENTIFY [Password] Note that this command is rarely used as you are identified with NickServ.
  ..How To SET:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To know more Information and commands with the SET command: type /msg ChanServ help SET
  ..How To Use XOP:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." If you want your Channel to use the Xop system,First you will have to Enable it by typing /msg ChanServ SET #ChannelName XOP On,Then to ADD users type /msg ChanServ [Sop|Vop|Aop|Hop] #ChannelName ADD Nick,Sop is SuperOp,Vop is Voice People,Aop is Admin Op,and Hop is Halfop ,To delete users,Replace ADD with DEL.
  ..Access Levels:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To add a Registered user to your Channels access list,Type /msg ChanServ ACCESS #ChannelName ADD [Nick] [3|4|5|10] : 3 is Voice,4 is Halfop,5 is Channel OP,10 is Protected OP.
  ..How To AKICK:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To akick users off a specified channel,Type /msg ChanServ AKICK #ChannelName *!*@HostMask (Or) NickName
  ..How To UNBAN:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." If someone has unbanned yourself from a channel you have level 5 or over on,Then to unban yourself type /msg ChanServ UNBAN #Channel
  ..How To BAN:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To ban a selected nickname on a channel type /msg ChanServ BAN [Nick]
  ..How To CLEAR:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To clear modes off a channel,type /msg ChanServ CLEAR #Channel [+Modes|Bans|Excepts|Ops|Hops|Voices|Users]
  ..How To GETKEY:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To get the Key from a channel (AKA Password) +k,And you have the right access on the channel,Type /msg ChanServ GETKEY #Channel
  ..How To LOGOUT:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To logout a specified user,Type /msg ChanServ LOGOUT #ChannelName [NICK]
  ..How To KICK:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To kick a user thru ChanServ you can type /msg ChanServ KICK #Channel [Nick],Other way of kicking is /kick #Channel <NickName>
  ..How To TOPIC:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To set a topic of a channel,You can use ChanServ aswell as "/topic #Channel <TopicHere>",Type /msg ChanServ TOPIC #Channel <TopicHere>
  ..How To APPENDTOPIC:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To add text to a channel's topic,Type /msg ChanServ APPENDTOPIC #Channel <Extra Text> (This is good if the channel has TOPICLOCK set,Type /msg ChanServ help SET for more information.)
  ..How To ENFORCE:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To Enforce certain channel modes & set options,Type /msg ChanServ ENFORCE [SET, SECUREOPS, RESTRICTED, MODES],Type /msg ChanServ help ENFORCE ,for more information.
  ..How To SEND:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To send a Memo to a channel or a nick,Type /msg MemoServ SEND #Channel (OR Nick) [Memo Here],Channels & Nicks have to be registered.
  ..How To READ:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To read your new memo's type,/msg MemoServ READ [Number of memo]
  ..How To CANCEL:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To cancel a Memo sent to a nick or a channel thats unread,type /msg MemoServ CANCEL Nick or #Channel
  ..How To LIST:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To list all of your memo's,Type /msg MemoServ LIST.
  ..How To DEL:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To del memo's type /msg MemoServ DEL [Number OR "ALL"]
  ..How To CHECK:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To see if the memo you sent to a nick was read,Type /msg MemoServ CHECK <Nick>
  ..How To SET:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." /msg MemoServ for more information
  ..How To INFO:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To display info about how many Memo's you have on a channel,type /msg MemoServ INFO #Channel
  ..How To BOTLIST:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To see a list of BotServ bot's,type /msg BotServ BOTLIST
  ..How To ASSIGN:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To assign a bot in a channel,Pick a Botname from the BotList (/msg BotServ BOTLIST) Then type /msg BotServ ASSIGN #Channel BotsNick (Your channel must be registered)
  ..How To UNASSIGN:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To unassign a specified bot from a channel,Type /msg BotServ UNASSIGN #Channel
  ..How To SET:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To set specified SET commands on a channel,Type /msg BotServ SET #Channel [DontKickOPS(ON/OFF)] [DontKickVoices(ON/OFF)] [Greet (Greet Message Here)] [Fantasy(ON/OFF)] [SYMBOSIS(ON/OFF)]
  ..How To KICK:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>."  /msg BotServ help KICK for more information.
  ..How To BADWORDS:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." /msg BotServ help BADWORDS for more information.
  ..How To ACT:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To make a bot Describe something in a channel,Type /msg BotServ ACT #Channel Text-Here
  ..How To SAY:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To make a bot Talk something in a channel,Type /msg BotServ SAY #Channel Text-Here
  ..How To INFO:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To find out Info about a channel or a bot,Type /msg BotServ INFO BotNick OR #Channel
  ..How To Set ON/OFF:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To set your VHost ON or OFF,type /msg HostServ ON/OFF
  ..How To Request:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To request a VHost,Type /msg HostServ REQUEST Host.You.Want
  ..How To Group:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To group a virtual host to another nick,Type /msg HostServ GROUP <MainNick>
  ..How To GLOBAL:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To broadcast a GLOBAL message to all users on the network/server,Type /msg OperServ GLOBAL <Message Here>
  ..How To STATS:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To show Stats of the network/server type /msg OperServ STATS [Akill|All|Reset] (If this is blank, It shows the current number of users and IRCops online (excluding Services), the highest number of users online since Services was started, and the length of time Services has been running.
  ..How To Oper List:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To show the Oper list type /msg OperServ OPER LIST
  ..How To Admin List:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To show the Admin list type /msg OperServ ADMIN LIST
  ..How To Staff:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To show the Staff list type /msg OperServ STAFF
  ..How To Mode:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To use OperServ to set modes on a channel,Type /msg OperServ MODE #Channel +/-Mode
  ..How To Kick:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To use OperServ to kick a user from a channel,Type /msg OperServ KICK #Channel <Nick> <Reason>
  ..How To Clear Modes:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To use OperServ to CLEARMODES from a channel,Type /msg OperServ CLEARMODES #Channel ALL
  ..How To AKill:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To add an AKILL type /msg OperServ AKILL ADD [+expiry] mask reason,To delete an AKILL type /msg OperServ AKILL DEL {mask | entry-num | list},To list AKILLS type /msg OperServ AKILL LIST [mask | list],To view AKILLS type /msg OperServ AKILL VIEW [mask | list],To clear all the akills type /msg OperServ AKILL Clear
  ..How To SGLINE:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To add an SGLINE type /msg OperServ SGLINE ADD [+expiry] mask:reason,To delete an SGLINE type /msg OperServ SGLINE DEL {mask | entry-num | list},To list SGLINEs type /msg OperServ SGLINE LIST [mask | list],To view SGLINE type /msg OperServ SGLINE VIEW [mask | list],To clear all the SGLINEs type /msg OperServ SGLINE CLEAR
  ..How To SQLINE:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To add an SQLINE type /msg OperServ SQLINE ADD [+expiry] mask:reason,To delete an SQLINE type /msg OperServ SQLINE DEL {mask | entry-num | list},To list SQLINEs type /msg OperServ SQLINE LIST [mask | list],To view SQLINE type /msg OperServ SQLINE VIEW [mask | list],To clear all the SQLINEs type /msg OperServ SQLINE CLEAR
  ..How To SZLINE:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To add an SZLINE type /msg OperServ SZLINE ADD [+expiry] mask:reason,To delete an SZLINE type /msg OperServ SZLINE DEL {mask | entry-num | list},To list SZLINEs type /msg OperServ SGLINE LIST [mask | list],To view SGLINE type /msg OperServ SGLINE VIEW [mask | list],To clear all the SGLINEs type /msg OperServ SGLINE CLEAR
  ..How To OPER:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To add an oper type /msg OperServ OPER ADD nick,To delete an oper type /msg OperServ OPER LIST [mask | list],To list opers type /msg OperServ OPER LIST [mask | list],To clear all the opers type /msg OperServ OPER CLEAR
  ..How To SVSNick:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To change someones nick,type /msg OperServ SVSNICK Nick NewNick
  ..How To Chanlist:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To list all channels on the network/server,type /msg OperServ CHANLIST
  ..How To Userlist:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To list all users on the network/server,type /msg OperServ USERLIST
  ..How To Logonnews:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To add logon news,Type /msg OperServ LOGONNEWS ADD text,To delete logon news type /msg OperServ LOGONNEWS DEL {num | ALL},To list all logon news type /msg OperServ LOGONNEWS LIST
  ..How To RandomNews:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To add random news,Type /msg OperServ RANDOMNEWS ADD text,To delete random news type /msg OperServ RANDOMNEWS DEL {num | ALL},To list all random news type /msg OperServ RANDOMNEWS LIST
  ..How To Opernews:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To add oper news,Type /msg OperServ OPERNEWS ADD text,To delete oper news type /msg OperServ OPERNEWS DEL {num | ALL},To list all oper news type /msg OperServ OPERNEWS LIST
  ..How To Session:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To list all sessions type,/msg OperServ SESSION LIST threshold,To view session limits type /msg OperServ SESSION VIEW host
  ..How To Exception:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To manipulate the EXCEPTION command type /msg OperServ EXCEPTION ADD [+expiry] mask limit reason : /msg OperServ EXCEPTION DEL {mask | list} : /msg OperServ EXCEPTION MOVE num position : /msg OperServ EXCEPTION LIST [mask | list] : /msg OperServ EXCEPTION VIEW [mask | list]
  ..How To Cache:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To use the cache command,Type /msg OperServ CACHE DEL hostname,To list cache's type /msg OperServ CACHE LIST pattern [QUEUED | ALL]
  ..How To Noop:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To remove all OLINES from a server,Type /msg OperServ NOOP SET server,To revoke all OLINES type /msg OperServ NOOP REVOKE server
  ..How To Joop:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To add a "Fake" server (JOOP) - /msg OperServ JUPE server [reason] : Can be removed by the SQUIT command.
  ..How To Ignore:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To add/del/list/clear a user to the Services ignore list,type /msg OperServ IGNORE {ADD|DEL|LIST|CLEAR} [time] [nick]
  ..How To Umode:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To give a user a usermode type /msg OperServ UMODE <Nick> +/-Mode
  ..How To Oline:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To give a user an OLINE,type /msg OperServ OLINE user flags
  ..How To SET:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." /msg OperServ HELP SET for more information
  ..How To Reload:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To reload the services configuration file,Type /msg OperServ RELOAD
  ..How To Update:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To update the services databases type /msg OperServ UPDATE
  ..How To Restart:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To restart services type /msg OperServ RESTART
  ..How To Shutdown:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To shutdown services type /msg OperServ SHUTDOWN
  ..How To Defcon:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To set defcon - /msg OperServ DEFCON [1|2|3|4|5]
  ..How To Chankill:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To akill all user on a channel type /msg OperServ CHANKILL [+expiry] channel reason
  ..How To Admin:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." /msg OperServ HELP ADMIN for more information
  ..How To Modload:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To load modules,Type /msg OperServ MODLOAD <Modulename>
  ..How To Modunload:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To unload modules,Type /msg OperServ MODUNLOAD <Modulename>
  ..How To Modlist:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To list all modules,Type /msg OperServ MODLIST
  ..How To Modinfo:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To find out information about different modules,Type /msg OperServ MODINFO <Modulename>
  ..How To FORCEID:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To FORCEID a user to NickServ,type /msg OperServ FORCEID <Nick>
  ..How To SVSKill:/$$?="Display this in $chan ,Private message,Or an Echo?,Enter either /say , /echo or /msg <Nick>." To SVSKILL a user type /msg OperServ SVSKILL <Nick> <Reason>


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