idleRPG V1.21

By Jonesy44 on Jul 06, 2008

For any of you that have come accross the "idleRPG" this is a great script to keep track on your status stuff.

This is set for idlebot name: IdleBot and channel: #idlerpg you can change these of course ;]

;; idleRPG Script by Jonesy44
;; Version 1.21
;; First Release: 01 July, 2008
;;; ALIASES ;;;
alias idlerpg {
  if ($server) {
    dialog $iif($dialog(idlerpg),-v,-m) idlerpg idlerpg
  else {
    echo -a Error; Not connected to server
alias title.idlerpg {
  titlebar $iif($calc( - $gmt) >= 0,$duration($calc( - $gmt),1) until next level,)
  if ($calc( - $gmt) == %idle.titlewarn) {
alias idlerpgset {
  if ($2) {
    var %idle.days = $calc($1 * 86400), %idle.tot = $remove($2,.,:,;), %idle.hrs = $calc($mid(%idle.tot,1,2) * 60 * 60), %idle.mins = $calc($mid(%idle.tot,3,2) * 60), %idle.secs = $mid(%idle.tot,5,2) 
    set $calc($gmt + %idle.days + %idle.hrs + %idle.mins + %idle.secs)
alias idlerpgadd {
  if ($2) {
    var %idle.days = $calc($1 * 86400), %idle.tot = $remove($2,.,:,;), %idle.hrs = $calc($mid(%idle.tot,1,2) * 60 * 60), %idle.mins = $calc($mid(%idle.tot,3,2) * 60), %idle.secs = $mid(%idle.tot,5,2)
    set $calc( + %idle.days + %idle.hrs + %idle.mins + %idle.secs)
alias idlerpgrem {
  if ($2) {
    var %idle.days = $calc($1 * 86400), %idle.tot = $remove($2,.,:,;), %idle.hrs = $calc($mid(%idle.tot,1,2) * 60 * 60), %idle.mins = $calc($mid(%idle.tot,3,2) * 60), %idle.secs = $mid(%idle.tot,5,2)
    set $calc( - %idle.days - %idle.hrs - %idle.mins - %idle.secs)
alias idlerpgds {
  if ($2) {
    var %idle.days = $calc($1 * 86400), %idle.tot = $remove($2,.,:,;), %idle.hrs = $calc($mid(%idle.tot,1,2) * 60 * 60), %idle.mins = $calc($mid(%idle.tot,3,2) * 60), %idle.secs = $mid(%idle.tot,5,2)
    set %idle.ti $calc((%idle.days + %idle.hrs + %idle.mins + %idle.secs) - $gmt)
alias idle.login {
  if ( && %idle.pass && $address(IdleBot,0)) {
    .msg idlebot login %idle.pass
alias idle.sync {
  if ( && !%idle.sync) {
    did -b idlerpg 107-112
    did -ra idlerpg 108,110,112 Sending for Data ..
    set %idle.sync $calc($gmt + $iif($1,$1,10))
    set %idle.syncx 1
    closemsg IdleBot
    .msg idlebot status 
alias idlerpg.init {
  did -ra idlerpg 102
  did -ra idlerpg 104 $iif($me ison #idlerpg,$iif($calc( - $gmt) >= 0,$duration($calc( - $gmt),1),-),-)
  did -ra idlerpg 106 $iif(%idle.level,%idle.level,-)
  did - $+ $iif(! || !%idle.pass,ub,e) $+ $iif(%idle.autol,c,u) idlerpg 205
  set $did(idlerpg,202).text
  set %idle.pass $did(idlerpg,204).text
  if (!$me ison #idlerpg) {
    did -b idlerpg 206
  if ($calc(%idle.sync - $gmt) <= 0) {
    unset %idle.sync
  did $iif(%idle.syncx,-b,-e) idlerpg 107-112
  did $iif(%idle.sync,-rab,-rae) idlerpg 113 $iif(%idle.sync,Please Wait .. $calc(%idle.sync - $gmt),Re-Sync)
  did -ra idlerpg 110 $iif(!%idle.syncx,$duration($calc($gmt + %idle.ti)),Sending for Data ..)
alias fight {
  if ($1) {
    set %idle.fight.nick $1
    closemsg IdleBot
    .msg idlebot status $1
    .msg idlebot status
    dialog $iif($dialog(idle.fight),-v,-m) idle.fight idle.fight

;;; TRIGS ;;;
on *:JOIN:#idlerpg: {
  if (%idle.title) {
    .timerrpgtitle 0 1 title.idlerpg
  if ($nick == $me && && %idle.pass && %idle.autol) {
on *:PART:#idlerpg: {
  if ($nick == $me) {
    set -
    .timerrpgtitle off
  set -
  .timerrpgtitle off
on *:TEXT:*, the *, has attained level *! Next level in * days, *:#idlerpg: {
  if ($remove($1,$chr(44)) == {
    idlerpgset $gettok($1-,$calc($0 - 2),32) $gettok($1-,$0,32)
    set %idle.level $remove($gettok($1-,$calc($0 - 7),32),!)
    $tip(idleRPG,idleRPG,You have gained level $remove($gettok($1-,$calc($0 - 7),32),!),idlerpg)
on *:TEXT:Penalty of * days, * added to *'s timer for LOGOUT command.:#idlerpg: {
  if ($mid($8,1,$calc($len($8) - 2)) == {
    idlerpgadd $3 $gettok($1-,5,32)
on *:TEXT:* has been set upon by a * and gets savagely beaten! * days, * is added to *'s clock.:#idlerpg: {
  if ($1 == {
    idlerpgadd $gettok($1-,$calc($0 - 8),32) $gettok($1-,$calc($0 - 6),32)
on *:TEXT:* [*/*] has been set upon by a * [*/*] and fights it off! * day, * is removed from *'s clock.:#idlerpg: {
  if ($mid($calc($0 - 1),1,$calc($len($calc($0 - 1)) - 2)) == {
    idlerpgrem $gettok($1-,$calc($0 - 8),32) $gettok($1-,$calc($0 - 6),32)
on *:TEXT:*, the level *, is now online from nickname *. Next level in * days, *.:#idlerpg: {
  if ($remove($1,$chr(44)) == {
    idlerpgset $gettok($1-,$calc($0 - 2),32) $gettok($1-,$0,32)
    set %idle.level $remove($gettok($1-,4,32),$chr(44))
    $tip(idlerpglogin,idleRPG,You have logged on as $+ !,10,,,idlerpg)
on *:TEXT:* reaches next level in * days, *.:#: {
  if ($1 == {
    idlerpgset $gettok($1-,$calc($0 - 2),32) $gettok($1-,$0,32)
on ^*:OPEN:?:*: {
  if ($nick == IdleBot) {
    if ($mid($1,1,$calc($len($1) - 1)) == {
      if (%idle.fight.nick && $dialog(idle.fight)) {
        set %idle.level $3
        did -rae idle.fight 5 $3
      else {
        set %idle.level $3
        idlerpgset $gettok($1-,$calc($0 - 9),32) $gettok($1-,$calc($0 - 7),32)
        did -ra idlerpg 108 $remove($gettok($1-,4- $calc($0 - 13),32),;)
        idlerpgds $gettok($1-,$calc($0 - 5),32) $remove($gettok($1-,$calc($0 - 3),32),;)
        did -ra idlerpg 112 $gettok($1-,$0,32)
        did -e idlerpg 107-112
        did $iif($remove($gettok($1-,$calc($0 - 11),32),;) == Online,-b,-e) idlerpg 206
        unset %idle.syncx
    elseif ($mid($1,1,$calc($len($1) - 1)) == %idle.fight.nick) {
      if ($dialog(idle.fight)) {
        did -rae idle.fight 7 $3
        did -e idle.fight 8
        did -ra idle.fight 3 $mid($1,1,$calc($len($1) - 1))
    elseif ($1- == No Such User. && %idle.fight.nick) {
      did -b idle.fight 8
      did -ra idle.fight 3 No such user
    elseif ($1- == You are not logged in*) {
      if (!$me ison #idlerpg) {
        j #idlerpg
      if (!%idle.autol) {

;;; MENUS ;;;
menu * {
  idleRPG {
menu channel,server {
  IdleRPG Fight {
    fight $$?="Enter a username to fight"
menu nicklist,query {
  IdleRPG Fight {
    fight $1

;;; DIALOG ;;;
dialog idlerpg {
  title "idleRPG Script By Jonesy44"
  size -1 -1 200 100
  option dbu
  tab "General", 100, 0 0 200 100
  text "My Username", 101, 5 18 60 9, tab 100 
  edit, 102, 66 17 126 10, tab 100 read
  text "Time until next level", 103, 4 29 60 9, tab 100 
  edit "", 104, 66 28 126 10, tab 100 read
  text "Level", 105, 4 40 60 9, tab 100
  edit %idle.level, 106, 66 39 126 10, tab 100 read
  text "Class", 107, 4 55 60 9, tab 100
  edit "Sending for Data ...", 108, 66 55 126 10, tab 100 read
  text "Total Idle Time", 109, 4 66 60 9, tab 100
  edit "Sending for Data ...", 110, 66 66 126 10, tab 100 read
  text "Item Sum", 111, 4 77 60 9, tab 100
  edit "Sending for Data ...", 112, 66 77 126 10, tab 100 read
  button "Re-Sync", 113, 66 88 126 10, tab 100
  tab "Options", 200
  text "Username", 201, 5 18 60 9, tab 200 
  edit, 202, 66 17 126 10, tab 200 
  text "Password", 203, 5 29 60 9, tab 200
  edit %idle.pass, 204, 66 28 126 10, tab 200 pass
  check "Auto Login", 205, 66 38 126 10, tab 200
  button "Login Now", 206, 65 48 126 10, tab 200
  box "Options", 207, 4 65 190 30, tab 200
  check "Next level shown in titlebar", 208, 9 73 126 10, tab 200
  check "Notice", 209, 9 83 23 10, tab 200
  edit %idle.titlewarn, 210, 33 83 14 10, tab 200
  text "minutes before next level up", 211, 49 85 100 9, tab 200
dialog idle.fight {
  title IdleRpg - Fight Confirm
  option dbu
  size -1 -1 150 70
  box "Confirm Fight" , 1, 2 2 146 66
  text "Attacking", 2, 7 11 30 10
  edit %idle.fight.nick, 3, 35 10 110 10, read
  text "Your Level", 4, 7 26 30 10
  edit %idle.level, 5, 35 24 110 10, read
  text "Their Level", 6, 7 37 30 10
  edit "Waiting for data ..", 7, 35 35 110 10, read
  button "Fight!", 8, 35 50 55 12
  button "Back Out", 9, 90 50 55 12

on *:DIALOG:idle.fight:init:*: {
  if (%idle.level !isnum) {
    did -rab idle.fight 5 Waiting for data ..
  did -b idle.fight 7,8
on *:DIALOG:idle.fight:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 8) {
    .msg IdleBot fight $did(3).text
  if ($did == 9) {
    unset %idle.fight.nick
    dialog -x idle.fight
on *:DIALOG:idlerpg:init:*: {
  .timeridlerpg 0 0 idlerpg.init
  did $iif(%idle.title,-c,-u) idlerpg 208
  did $iif(!%idle.title,-b,-e $+ $iif(%idle.titlewarn,c,u)) idlerpg 209-211
on *:DIALOG:idlerpg:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 205) {
    set %idle.autol $did(205).state
  if ($did == 206) {
  if ($did == 113) {
  if ($did == 208) {
    did $iif($did(208).state == 1,-e,-bu) idlerpg 209-211
    if ($did(208).state == 0) {
      unset %idle.timewarn
    set %idle.title $did(208).state
    .timerrpgtitle $iif($did(208).state == 1,0 1 title.idlerpg,off)
    titlebar $iif($did(208).state == 1,$iif($calc( - $gmt) >= 0,$duration($calc( - $gmt),1) until next level,),)
  if ($did == 209) {
    if ($did(209).state == 1) {
      set %idle.titlewarn $calc($iif($did(210).text isnum,$did(210).text,30) * 60)
      did -ra idlerpg 210 %idle.titlewarn
    else {
      unset %idle.titlewarn
on *:DIALOG:idlerpg:close:*: {
  .timeridlerpg off


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Jonesy44   -  Jun 25, 2010

The script is run from a bot on an irc server. This script has NOTHING to do with "playing" it. It just shows your stats and stuff at the click of a button. Yeah there are a few instances of #idlerpg i'm sorry. I was not so good at scripting when i released this although it worked fine for me when i use to use it.

There are no instructions provided because it's fairly simple.. Load it into remotes. Open the dialog, enter your settings..:)

Pangaea   -  Jun 25, 2010

how the hell to you play this??

you say:
"This is set for idlebot name: IdleBot and channel: #idlerpg you can change these of course ;]"

must i change every instance of #idlerpg to my chan, and idlebot? there seems to be tons of instances of both the words idlerpg and idlebot, which one do i change?
then once i have that changed, how on earth do i play it? there is no instructions on how to register, how to play it .. nothing.. anyone care to elaborate on how to play this?

Jonesy44   -  Apr 04, 2010

What's the error?

jackster35-1   -  Apr 02, 2010

ok its loged in and stuff but will not sync

Jonesy44   -  Apr 02, 2010

copy & paste the code in again in that case. because there is a title.idlerpg alias just your script reader isn't picking up either because you've missed a bit of the code in a copy & paste or where you've pasted it is after an unclosed bracket which means it's not recognised.

You log in with your details you normally log in with the idle rpg bot.

jackster35-1   -  Apr 02, 2010

im getting TITLE.IDLERPG Unknown command non stop aswell

jackster35-1   -  Apr 02, 2010

Wait a min im lost what details do i log in with the window?

Jonesy44   -  Sep 04, 2009

The IdleBot i was using was taken offline -- so i never really added to the project, tell me what server you're on and i'll come see what i can do -- I'm sure i could greatly improve this script since i made this quite a long time ago :)

VinX   -  Sep 04, 2009

I would really like to see this one updated

Jonesy44   -  Aug 19, 2009

Noo this is a client side info box for the popular shell script on IRC. Sorry for the confusion.

Aerialman   -  Aug 18, 2009

No wait I too thought this was an IdleRPG script. Oh well.

Aerialman   -  Aug 18, 2009

I completely failed at trying to make my own version of this: . Connect to (my server).

Flustered   -  Aug 17, 2008

It would be handy also to use an alias for the botname and channel name so you only have to change 2 instances, as it is a bit confusing since it looks like "idlerpg" is also used a reference for other things.

Jonesy44   -  Aug 16, 2008

Hate to say; there could be an error! bare with me whilst i correct the warnings and add more retard info in there. .. not logged in etc. :]

Jonesy44   -  Aug 16, 2008

Okay.. well i took on all the problems that were found and updated this script a while back but forgot to update on here. sorry for the jump from

1.14 => 1.21

But this version works tried and tested. If you use idleRPG 1.1x i strongly recommend you upgrade to 1.2x

Flustered   -  Jul 20, 2008

I tried the script some seems to work except for the Class,Total Idle Time, and Item Sum, they seem to be constantly saying \"Sending for data\" Any ideas??

It would be handy to have the titlebar option add to whatever you had, the way it is, it deletes previous titlebar options

I also just found its blocking pm messages. When somebody tried to pm message me, the message was blocked and the idlerpg dialog box popped up to middle of screen. I had to unload the script to get query msg\'s to work again.

Fuzion   -  Jul 08, 2008

thought it was an rpg bot :S oh well

Jonesy44   -  Jul 07, 2008

Updates; Level notice (will be editable soon)
disabled bug fixed.

Jonesy44   -  Jul 07, 2008

Yep, cos the command is no longer there, turn off the timer? :P

Jamiie   -  Jul 06, 2008

jonsey44, when i unloaded the script. I keep getting this:

TITLE.IDLERPG Unknown command
TITLE.IDLERPG Unknown command
TITLE.IDLERPG Unknown command

nonstop >_<

Jamiie   -  Jul 06, 2008

Logs me in, just doesn\'t display time until next level.

Jamiie   -  Jul 06, 2008

Yeah, I\'m not on #idlerpg.

Jonesy44   -  Jul 06, 2008

Also, the problem might be cos it blanks ouot the login button if you\'re not on channel #idlerpg, so you may not have changed that?

try the updates script. the bug may have been fixed.

Jonesy44   -  Jul 06, 2008

and does it sync okay??

Jamiie   -  Jul 06, 2008

I\'m logged on now.

Jonesy44   -  Jul 06, 2008

Hmm, i\'ll try testing it some more in a bit, off on holidays now, no more coding to drown out work :D back in 8 weeks :P

Jamiie   -  Jul 06, 2008

Oh, no I\'m not logged in on the idlebot. Will do now. :D

Jonesy44   -  Jul 06, 2008

But were you logged in on the idlebot?
Cos that\'s where it streams the info from ..

Jamiie   -  Jul 06, 2008

Well, when I loaded the script. I still couldn\'t press the login button.

Jonesy44   -  Jul 06, 2008

Are you already logged in .. ?

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