Typos Multi Messenger

By Typo on Jul 03, 2008

Typo's Multi Messenger lets you easily manage a list of Users and Channels so that you can message all of them at once.

There are two sections seperated by tabs. They are the User Section and the Channel Section. Each section works identically. There is an edit box for your message and a send button to send it to all the Users or Channels in your list depending on which tab your in.
There is also an Add button with an edit box to add Users or Channels depending on which tab your in and a Remove Selected User or Remove Selected Channel button to remove the User or Channel that you clicked on in the list depending on which tab your in.

You can also add and remove Channels by right clicking in the desired channel and selecting either Add or Remove from the Typo's Multi Messenger menu. You can also add or remove users by right clicking on their name in a nicklist or in a PM window and selecting Add or Remove from the Typo's Multi Messenger menu.

The script also works just as well with command lines if you dont like dialogs or just prefer typing.

/umsg Your message here. --- Sends a message to all the users in your Users list.
/cmsg Your message here. --- Sends a message to all the users in your Channels list.
/AddMultiChannel #channel --- Add a Channel to your Channels list.
/DeleteMultiChannel #Channel --- Remove a Channel from your Channels list.
/AddMultiUser Name --- Add a Channel to your Users list.
/DeleteMultiUser Name --- Remove a Channel from your Userss list.

The parameters are optional in all those commands. If you type the command by itself you will be prompted for the appropriate input (Message, Name or Channel)

You can also manually add and remove channels from the list with the /AddCmsg or /RemoveCmsg commands followed by the channel name.




Edited Added .write MultiUserList.txt and .write MultiChannelList.txt to the on load and on start to avoid checks to see if the files exists. .write filename alone will add nothing to a file that exists but will create the file if it doesn't while still adding nothing to it.

;Begin Typo's Multi Messenger
on *:load:{
  .write MultiUserList.txt 
  .write MultiChannelList.txt
  .hmake MultiChannelList 20 
  .hmake MultiUserList 20 
on *:start:{ 
  .write MultiUserList.txt
  .write MultiChannelList.txt
  .hmake MultiChannelList 20
  .hload MultiChannelList MultiChannelList.txt 
  .hmake MultiUserList 20
  .hload MultiUserList MultiUserList.txt
menu status {
  <[Typo's Multi Messenger]>
  .Multi Messenger Control Panel:$iif($dialog(MultiMessenger) == $null,dialog -md MultiMessenger MultiMessenger,dialog -ev MultiMessenger MultiMessenger)
menu nicklist,query {
  <[Typo's Multi Messenger]>
  .Multi Messenger Control Panel:$iif($dialog(MultiMessenger) == $null,dialog -md MultiMessenger MultiMessenger,dialog -ev MultiMessenger MultiMessenger)
  .$iif($hfind(MultiUserList,$1,1) == $1,$style(2)) Add $1:AddMultiUser $1
  .$iif($hfind(MultiUserList,$1,1) != $1,$style(2)) Remove $1:DeleteMultiUser $1
menu channel {
  <[Typo's Multi Messenger]>
  .Multi Messenger Control Panel:$iif($dialog(MultiMessenger) == $null,dialog -md MultiMessenger MultiMessenger,dialog -ev MultiMessenger MultiMessenger)
  .$iif($hfind(MultiChannelList,$chan,1) == $chan,$style(2)) Add $chan:AddMultiChannel $chan
  .$iif($hfind(MultiChannelList,$chan,1) != $chan,$style(2)) Remove $chan:DeleteMultiChannel $chan 
alias Cmsg {
  if ($1 == $null) { var %tempmessage = $$?="Enter the message you wish to send to all the Channels in your list." }
  else { var %tempmessage = $1- }
  var %c = $hget(MultiChannelList,0).item
  while (%c > 0) {
    if ($chan($hget(MultiChannelList,%c).item) != $null) { .msg $hget(MultiChannelList,%c).item %tempmessage }
    dec %c
alias Umsg {
  if ($1 == $null) { var %tempmessage = $$?="Enter the message you wish to send to all the Users in your list." }
  else { var %tempmessage = $1- }
  var %u = $hget(MultiUserList,0).item 
  while (%u > 0) {
    if ($address($hget(MultiUserList,%u).item,1) != $null) { .msg $hget(MultiUserList,%u).item %tempmessage }
    dec %u
alias AddMultiChannel {
  if ($chan == $null) && ($1 == $null) { var %tempchan = #$$?="Please enter the channel to add." }
  elseif ($chan == $null) { var %tempchan = $1 }
  else { var %tempchan = $chan }
  if ($left(%tempchan,1) != $chr(35)) || ($len(%tempchan) !> 1) { echo -a That is not a valid channel name. }
  elseif ($hfind(MultiChannelList,%tempchan,1) == %tempchan) { echo -a That channel has already been added to your Channel list. }
  else { 
    hadd -m MultiChannelList %tempchan %tempchan
    hsave MultiChannelList MultiChannelList.txt
    if ($dialog(MultiMessenger) != $null) { .timer 1 0 refreshchandialog }
    echo -a You have added %tempchan to your Channel list.
alias DeleteMultiChannel {
  if ($chan == $null) && ($1 == $null) { var %tempchan = #$$?="Please enter the channel to be removed." }
  elseif ($chan == $null) { var %tempchan = $1 }
  else { var %tempchan $chan }
  if ($left(%tempchan,1) != $chr(35)) || ($len(%tempchan) !> 1) { echo -a That is not a valid channel name. }
  elseif ($hfind(MultiChannelList,%tempchan,1) != %tempchan) { echo -a That channel is not in your Channel list. }
  else {
    hdel MultiChannelList %tempchan 
    hsave MultiChannelList MultiChannelList.txt
    if ($dialog(MultiMessenger) != $null) { .timer 1 0 refreshchandialog }
    echo -a You have removed %tempchan from your Channel list.
alias AddMultiUser {
  if ($1 == $null) { var %tempuser = $$?="Please enter the User to be add." }
  else { var %tempuser = $1 }
  if ($hfind(MultiUserList,%tempuser,1) == %tempuser) { echo -a That name has already been added to your User list. } 
  else {
    hadd -m MultiUserList %tempuser %tempuser 
    hsave MultiUserList MultiUserList.txt
    if ($dialog(MultiMessenger) != $null) { .timer 1 0 refreshuserdialog }
    echo -a %tempuser has been added to your User list.
alias DeleteMultiUser {
  if ($1 == $null) { var %tempuser = $$?="Please enter the User to be removed." }
  else { var %tempuser = $1 }
  if ($hfind(MultiUserList,%tempuser,1) == $null) { echo -a That name is not in your User list. }
  else { 
    hdel MultiUserList %tempuser 
    hsave MultiUserList MultiUserList.txt
    if ($dialog(MultiMessenger) != $null) { .timer 1 0 refreshuserdialog }
    echo -a %tempuser has been removed from your User list!
alias refreshchandialog { 
  var %cc = $hget(MultiChannelList,0).item
  did -r MultiMessenger 13
  while (%cc > 0) {
    did -a MultiMessenger 13 $hget(MultiChannelList,%cc).item
    dec %cc
alias refreshuserdialog {
  var %uc = $hget(MultiUserList,0).item
  did -r  MultiMessenger 2
  while (%uc > 0) {
    did -a MultiMessenger 2 $hget(MultiUserList,%uc).item
    dec %uc
dialog MultiMessenger {
  title "Typo's Multi Messenger"
  size -1 -1 85 143
  option dbu
  button "Done", 1, 29 130 25 10, default ok cancel
  tab "Users Tab", 10, 0 -2 84 144
  list 2, 30 63 52 64, tab 10 sort size vsbar
  button "Delete", 5, 4 116 24 10, tab 10
  edit "", 3, 30 49 52 13, tab 10 autohs
  button "Add", 4, 3 51 25 10, tab 10
  text "Add or Delete Users.", 9, 4 40 76 8, tab 10 center
  button "Send", 6, 3 25 25 10, tab 10
  edit "", 7, 30 23 52 13, tab 10 autohs
  text "Send a message to all Users.", 8, 4 14 76 8, tab 10 center
  tab "Channels Tab", 11
  edit "", 12, 30 49 52 13, tab 11 autohs
  list 13, 30 63 52 64, tab 11 sort size vsbar
  button "Delete", 14, 4 116 24 10, tab 11
  button "Add", 15, 3 51 25 10, tab 11
  text "Add or Delete Channels.", 16, 4 40 76 8, tab 11 center
  button "Send", 17, 3 25 25 10, tab 11
  edit "", 18, 30 23 52 13, tab 11 autohs
  text "Send a message to all Channels.", 19, 3 14 78 8, tab 11 center
  box "", 21, 1 35 82 94
  box "", 20, 1 9 82 28
  text "Press 'Delete' to  remove the selected item.", 22, 4 71 24 40, center
on *:dialog:MultiMessenger:init:0:{
  did -a MultiMessenger 12 $chr(35)
on *:dialog:MultiMessenger:sclick:6:{ 
  if ($did(7) != $null) { 
    umsg $did(7) 
    did -r MultiMessenger 7
on *:dialog:MultiMessenger:sclick:17:{ 
  if ($did(18) != $null) { 
    cmsg $did(18)
    did -r MultiMessenger 18
on *:dialog:MultiMessenger:sclick:4:{
  AddMultiUser $did(3)
  did -r MultiMessenger 3
on *:dialog:MultiMessenger:sclick:5:{
  DeleteMultiUser $did(2).seltext
  did -r MultiMessenger 2
on *:dialog:MultiMessenger:sclick:15:{
  AddMultiChannel $did(12)
  did -r MultiMessenger 12
  did -a MultiMessenger 12 $chr(35)
on *:dialog:MultiMessenger:sclick:14:{
  DeleteMultiChannel $did(13).seltext
  did -r MultiMessenger 13
on *:unload:{
  .hsave MultiChannelList MultiChannelList.txt 
  .hsave MultiUserList MultiUserList.txt
  .hfree multichannellist
  .hfree multiuserlist
on *:exit:{ 
  .hsave MultiChannelList MultiChannelList.txt 
  .hsave MultiUserList MultiUserList.txt
;End Typo's Multi Messenger


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Typo   -  Sep 26, 2008

Thanks. I used to use it a lot for messaging multiple channels, never really used the multiple nick part but added it anyway.

Glad you like it and thanks again.

^Neptune   -  Sep 26, 2008

Cool. It's like a totally configurable amsg. I tried this while adding all my friends on it, it's like a /friendnotice now! :P Gets a 7/10 from me.

Eugenio   -  Jul 06, 2008

ROFL @ scakk FAIL
I got true......dunno what your doing

Scakk   -  Jul 05, 2008

Typo: I used the below as you stated and got \"false true\" not the double true you said I would.

//echo -a $iif(1 !<= 0,true,false) $iif(1 > 0,true,false)

Edit: I would also like to note I have not rated it so any change to the score , up or down , is not my doing. When I rate I will note doing so in a post.

Typo   -  Jul 05, 2008

First off I cannot seem to recreate the problem where the channels won\'t add properly but I\'ll make sure my code matches the uploaded code and double/triple check for errors and I have updated this so please make sure your code matches mine as well.

Also and once again. No matter what you tell me or how many times you type it changing !<= to > is sily. They are the same exact thing. Don\'t believe me then type the following command:

//echo -a $iif(1 !<= 0,true,false) $iif(1 > 0,true,false)

It will return true two times because \"!>=\" == \"<\".
Nothing you type to me will change the fact that saying \"is not less than or equal to\" is the same as \"more than\".

Edited Code now updated with the changing of \"!<=\" to \">\"

vaseline28   -  Jul 04, 2008

I tried with the above commands (as Scakk said) and it did not work...
I\'ll try Scakk\'s edits now and see.

Scakk   -  Jul 04, 2008

I had to change \" while (%cc !<= 0) { \" and \" while (%uc !<= 0) { \" to be \" while (%cc > 0) { \" and while (%uc > 0) { \" again as I stated in the first version post it hung up otherwise.

I tried to enter a channel \" #CR&A \" and it kept tellng me \" That is not a valid channel name. \" when it is a channel I am in.

Using the \"Add #dfstrategy \" via the popup command give the same result \" That is not a valid channel name. \" which is a channel a channel I am also in.

To make the above work ( the popup to add / remove the channels ) I had to change your \" ($len(%tempchan) !> 1) \" to be \" ($len(%tempchan) < 1) \" in the two alias for that section. It appears to me that the use of a \" ! \" in combination with > , < just does not seem to work for me.

EL   -  Jul 03, 2008

ROFL@your ideaz yeah rite ;x

Eugenio   -  Jul 03, 2008

looks 10 times better -.-\' glad to have given EL my ideas to give to you.

EL   -  Jul 03, 2008

Your welcome thats why im here OH and to be a retard >D

Typo   -  Jul 03, 2008

Thanks a lot. Your input was a big help.

EL   -  Jul 03, 2008

Looks good Typo.\"Rate it or Hate it?\"...8/10.`-.-´

Typo   -  Jul 03, 2008

All requested changes have been made, new code and screenshots updated.

EL   -  Jul 03, 2008

Ok sounds cool.`-.-´

Typo   -  Jul 03, 2008

Ok, I don\'t think Im going to slim down the dialog because of the wording on tab 2 would have to be shortened to fit and I personally don\'t think it\'s too big but if I get similar comments I will prolly go ahead and do it. I will add the auto # in the channel edit field now and I thought I had already silenced the /msg commands so I\'ll do that too.

Be updated in a few minutes.

Actually, Ill try the slim down too....and while Im at it I dont like the size of the remove button so I\'m going to do something about that too.

EL   -  Jul 03, 2008

Ok works good some small things the /msg should be silent /msg so you dont see it,The channel add (edit field) should add the $chr(35) # auto like the input does and i d slim down the dialog maybe 100 by 80 or soemthing.`-.-´

Typo   -  Jul 03, 2008

This script is a combination of two of my scripts. Typos Multi-Channel Messenger and Typos Multi-User Messenger and as of now will replace bot of them.

Any input is good input.

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