Typos Auto Status

By Typo on Jun 23, 2008

Typo's Auto-Status is a handy script that allows you to select what access you want to automatically give every user in a channel or channels. You can select from Voice(+), HalfOP(%), AOP(@), SOP(&) or even any combination. The script is easy to configure. Channels can be added either thru the right click menu in channel or the control panel dialog which u can access from any right click menu.

On top of giving the chosen access(es) every time a user joins the channel the script will also give anyone the access you chose if they dont already have it when you initially add the channel and after that whenever you join the channel it will check for anyone missing that access and give it.


I made this script after I was requested to do so and figured I would share.



on *:join:#:{
  if ($nick == $me) {
    if ($istok(%AVoice.Chan,$chan,32) == $true) .timer 1 3 onjoinvoicer $chan 
    if ($istok(%AHOP.Chan,$chan,32) == $true) .timer 1 3 onjoinhalfopper $chan
    if ($istok(%AAOP.Chan,$chan,32) == $true) .timer 1 3 onjoinopper $chan
    if ($istok(%ASOP.Chan,$chan,32) == $true) .timer 1 3 onjoinsopper $chan
  else {
    if ($istok(%AVoice.Chan,$chan,32) == $true) pvoice 5 $chan $nick
    if ($istok(%AHOP.Chan,$chan,32) == $true) phop 5 $chan $nick
    if ($istok(%AAOP.Chan,$chan,32) == $true) pop 5 $chan $nick
    if ($istok(%ASOP.Chan,$chan,32) == $true) psop 5 $chan $nick
alias onjoinvoicer {
  var %usercountvoice = $nick($1,0)
  while (%usercountvoice !<= 0) { 
    if ($nick($1,%usercountvoice) != $null) && ($nick($1,%usercountvoice) != $me) { 
      pvoice 5 $1 $nick($1,%usercountvoice)
    dec %usercountvoice 
alias onjoinhalfopper {
  var %usercounthop = $nick($1,0)
  while (%usercounthop !< 1) { 
    if ($nick($1,%usercounthop) != $null) && ($nick($1,%usercounthop) != $me) { 
      phop 5 $1 $nick($1,%usercounthop) 
    dec %usercounthop 
alias onjoinopper {
  var %usercountaop = $nick($1,0)
  while (%usercountaop !< 1) {
    if ($nick($1,%usercountaop) != $null) && ($nick($1,%usercountaop) != $me) { 
      pop 5 $1 $nick($1,%usercountaop) 
    dec %usercountaop 
alias onjoinsopper {
  var %usercountsop = $nick($1,0)
  while (%usercountsop !< 1) { 
    if ($nick($1,%usercountsop) != $null) && ($nick($1,%usercountsop) != $me) {
      psop 5 $1 $nick($1,%usercountsop) 
    dec %usercountsop 
alias phop { .timer 1 $1 if ( $3 ison $2) && ( $3 !ishop $2) { mode $2 +h $3 } }
alias psop { .timer 1 $1 if ( $3 ison $2) && ( $chr(37) !isin $nick( $2,$3).pnick ) { mode $2 +a $3 } }
menu channel {
  <[Typo's AutoStatus]>
  .Open the AutoStatus Control Panel.:/dialog -ma ASChanlist ASChanlist
  .$iif($istok(%AVoice.Chan,$chan,32) == $true,$style(2)) Add Auto-Voice (+) to $chan:AddAutoStatus $chan Voice
  .$iif($istok(%AVoice.Chan,$chan,32) != $true,$style(2)) Remove Auto-Voice (+) to $chan:RemoveAutoStatus $chan Voice
  .$iif($istok(%AHOP.Chan,$chan,32) == $true,$style(2)) Add Auto-HOP (%) to $chan:AddAutoStatus $chan HOP
  .$iif($istok(%AHOP.Chan,$chan,32) != $true,$style(2)) Remove Auto-HOP (%) to $chan:RemoveAutoStatus $chan HOP
  .$iif($istok(%AAOP.Chan,$chan,32) == $true,$style(2)) Add Auto-AOP (@) to $chan:AddAutoStatus $chan AOP
  .$iif($istok(%AAOP.Chan,$chan,32) != $true,$style(2)) Remove Auto-AOP (@) to $chan:RemoveAutoStatus $chan AOP
  .$iif($istok(%ASOP.Chan,$chan,32) == $true,$style(2)) Add Auto-SOP (&&) to $chan:AddAutoStatus $chan SOP
  .$iif($istok(%ASOP.Chan,$chan,32) != $true,$style(2)) Remove Auto-SOP (&&) to $chan:RemoveAutoStatus $chan SOP
menu query,status,nicklist {
  <[Typo's AutoStatus]>
  .Open the AutoStatus Control Panel:/dialog -ma ASChanlist ASChanlist
alias AddAutoStatus {
  if ($istok([ %A [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .Chan ] ],$1,32) == $true) { echo -a That channel is already in the Auto $2 list | goto end }
  set [ %A [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .Chan ] ] $addtok([ %A [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .Chan ] ],$1,32)
  if ($2 == Voice) { onjoinvoicer $1 }
  if ($2 == HOP) { onjoinhalfopper $1 }
  if ($2 == AOP) { onjoinopper $1 }
  if ($2 == SOP) { onjoinsopper $1 }
  echo -a $1 has been added to the Auto- $+ $2 list!
  msg $1 This channel is now in my Auto- $+ $2 list!
alias RemoveAutoStatus {
  if ($istok([ %A [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .Chan ] ],$1,32) == $false) { echo -a That channel is not in the Auto $2 list | goto end }
  set %A $+ $2 $+ .Chan $remtok([ %A [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .Chan ] ],$1,32)
  echo -a $1 has been removed from the Auto- $+ $2 list!
on *:dialog:ASChanList:init:0:listautostatuses
dialog ASChanList {
  title "                    Auto-Status Channel List"
  size -1 -1 148 171
  option dbu
  button "Done", 1, 57 157 34 12, ok cancel
  list 2, 16 91 116 64, sort size vsbar
  edit "", 3, 16 42 67 13
  button "Add", 4, 35 32 25 10
  button "Remove", 5, 35 80 25 10
  text "Enter the channel to be added in the box below, select ONE status and click -Add-  To give a channel two statuses simply add it twice.", 6, 3 2 93 29, center
  text "To remove a channel just hilight it in the list below and click the -Remove- button.", 7, 8 57 83 22, center
  check "Voice (+)", 8, 102 10 35 10
  check "HOP (%)", 9, 102 27 35 10
  check "AOP (@)", 10, 102 44 35 10
  check "SOP (&&)", 11, 102 61 35 10
on *:dialog:ASChanList:sclick:8:{ did -u ASChanList 9-11 }
on *:dialog:ASChanList:sclick:9:{ did -u ASChanList 8,10-11 }
on *:dialog:ASChanList:sclick:10:{ did -u ASChanList 8-9,11 }
on *:dialog:ASChanList:sclick:11:{ did -u ASChanList 8-10 }
on *:dialog:ASChanList:sclick:4:{
  if ($left($did(3),1) != $chr(35)) { echo -a Please be sure that you put the pound sign (#) in front of the channel name and then try again. | goto end }
  if ($did(8).state == 0) && ($did(9).state == 0) && ($did(10).state == 0) && ($did(11).state == 0) { echo -a Please select either Voice, HOP, AOP or SOP from the checkboxes on the right before clicking the add button. | goto end }
  if ($did(8).state == 1) var %tempastatus = Voice
  if ($did(9).state == 1) var %tempastatus = HOP
  if ($did(10).state == 1) var %tempastatus = AOP
  if ($did(11).state == 1) var %tempastatus = SOP
  AddAutoStatus $did(3) %tempastatus
  did -r ASChanlist 3
  did -u ASchanlist 8-11
on *:dialog:ASChanList:sclick:5:{
  if ($did(2).sel == $null) { $input(Please select a entry to be removed before clicking the remove button.,o,Error!) | goto end }
  RemoveAutoStatus $did(2).seltext
alias listautostatuses {
  did -r ASChanlist 2
  var %ccv = $numtok(%AVoice.chan,32)
  while (%ccv !<= 0) {
    did -a ASChanList 2 $gettok(%AVoice.chan,%ccv,32) Voice
    dec %ccv
  var %cch = $numtok(%AHOP.chan,32)
  while (%cch !<= 0) {
    did -a ASChanList 2 $gettok(%AHOP.chan,%cch,32) HOP
    dec %cch
  var %cca = $numtok(%AAOP.chan,32) 
  while (%cca !<= 0) {
    did -a ASChanList 2 $gettok(%AAOP.chan,%cca,32) AOP
    dec %cca
  var %ccs = $numtok(%ASop.chan,32)
  while (%ccs !<= 0) {
    did -a ASChanList 2 $gettok(%ASOP.chan,%ccs,32) SOP
    dec %ccs


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Typo   -  Jun 25, 2008

Im removing the needless brackets right now but i was told by someone far more k nowledgable than me that $iif() is more resource intensive that a normal if () {} so I usually intentionally avoid them unless needed.

Thanks for the comments.

vaseline28   -  Jun 25, 2008

if ($istok(%AVoice.Chan,$chan,32) == $true) { .timer 1 3 onjoinvoicer $chan }
the \"{\" and \"}\" are not necessary:
if ($istok(%AVoice.Chan,$chan,32) == $true) .timer 1 3 onjoinvoicer $chan
or you could do:
$iif($istok(%AVoice.Chan,$chan,32) == $true,.timer 1 3 onjoinvoicer $chan)

Typo   -  Jun 23, 2008

Please, no comments on the dangers of auto sopping etc. I know and fully agree that it leads to trouble but I always see channels with everyone opped and then someone asked me to make this so I decided to release it while I was releasing a couple other scripts.

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