RSS Feed

By tye on Sep 07, 2004

This small snippet will create an RSS feed. I've tested the format using several popular RSS readers and it seems to work fine.


// Some RSS readers don't like certain characters in the text so this function will replace them with HTML entities
function escape_upper_chars($text) {
    // 32-90, 97-122
    for ($x = 0; $x < strlen($text); $x++) {
        $w = $text{$x};
        if ((ord($w) < 32) || ((ord($w) > 90) && (ord($w) < 97)) || (ord($w) > 122)) {
            $q .= '&#'.ord($w).';';
        } else {
            $q .= $w;
    return $q;

header("Content-type: text/xml");

// Send the header data
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><!DOCTYPE rss SYSTEM \"\">
    <rss version=\"0.91\">
    <title>RSS Feed</title>
    <description>RSS Feed Description</description>\n";

// Force int data type on $limit to prevent SQL injection attacks
$limit = (int)$_GET['limit'];

if (($limit < 1) || ($limit > 50)) { $limit = 15; }  // Set the default number of results

// Query the database (make sure you have included the necessary commands to connect to a MySQL server)
$query = "SELECT id,title,time,author
        FROM articles
        ORDER BY time DESC
        LIMIT $limit";

$s = mysql_query($query);

// Change the variables here according to your query above
while (list($id,$title,$time,$author) = mysql_fetch_row($s)) {

    $title = escape_upper_chars($title);

    // Customize the data sent to the RSS reader. You should pass text grabbed from the database through escape_upper_chars()

    echo "<item>\n"; // Begin a new item
    echo "<title><![CDATA[$title]]></title>\n"; // Send the title
    echo "<link><![CDATA[$id]]></link>\n"; // Send link to the item
    echo "<description><![CDATA[Posted by $author on " . date("l dS of F @ h:ia",$time) . "]]></description>\n"; // Send description
    echo "</item>\n"; //End the item


echo "</channel>\n</rss>"; // Close the RSS channel



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lostdeviant   -  Jul 17, 2008

I modified this code a little to better learn PHP (I\'m a PHP newbie). Since I currently have each datafeed source in a separate table in my database, I can add a ?x=tablename to pull a feed from that table instead of from the database in general. The description area is modified to work with CSV files from Shareasale, but you could just replace the table names with those from your network.

// Some RSS readers don\'t like certain characters in the text so this function will replace them with HTML entities
function escape_upper_chars($text) {
// 32-90, 97-122
for ($x = 0; $x < strlen($text); $x++) {
$w = $text{$x};
if ((ord($w) < 32) || ((ord($w) > 90) && (ord($w) < 97)) || (ord($w) > 122)) {
$q .= \'&#\'.ord($w).\';\';
} else {
$q .= $w;
return $q;

$x = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET[x]);
if(!$x) { $x = \'exampletablename\'; }

header(\"Content-type: text/xml\");

// Send the header data
echo \"<?xml version=\\"1.0\\"?><!DOCTYPE rss SYSTEM \\"\\">
<rss version=\\"0.91\\">

RSS Feeden RSS Feed Description\\n\"; // Force int data type on $limit to prevent SQL injection attacks $limit = (int)$_GET[\'limit\']; if (($limit < 1) || ($limit > 50)) { $limit = 20; } // Set the default number of results // Query the database (make sure you have included the necessary commands to connect to a MySQL server) $query = \"SELECT Name,Merchant,Link,BigImage,Price,Category,SubCategory,Description,Manufacturer,MerchantCategory,MerchantSubcategory,Num FROM $x ORDER BY Num DESC LIMIT $limit\"; $s = mysql_query($query); // Change the variables here according to your query above while (list($name,$merchant,$link,$bigimage,$price,$category,$subcategory,$description,$manufacturer,$merchantcategory,$merchantsubcategory,$num) = mysql_fetch_row($s)) { $title = escape_upper_chars($name); $description = escape_upper_chars($description); // Customize the data sent to the RSS reader. You should pass text grabbed from the database through escape_upper_chars() echo \"\\n\"; // Begin a new item echo \"$title\\n\"; // Send the title echo \"$link\\n\"; // Send link to the item echo \"<a href=\'$link\'><IMG SRC=\'$bigimage\' alt=\'$title\' align=\'left\' border=\'o\' hspace=\'10px\'></a> $title<br>$description $$price<p>$category - $subcategory - $merchantcategory - $merchantsubcategory From $merchant $manufacturer\\n\"; // Send description echo \"\\n\"; //End the item } echo \"\\n\"; // Close the RSS channel ?>
xyz   -  Jul 08, 2005

A little food for thought..

/ RSS feeds /

if (($fd1 = @fopen(\"rss.xml\", \"w\")) && ($fd2 = fopen(\"rssdd.xml\", \"w\")))
$cats = \"\";
$res = mysql_query(\"SELECT id, name FROM categories\");
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
$cats[$arr[\"id\"]] = $arr[\"name\"];
$s = \"<?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"iso-8859-1\\" ?>\n<rss version=\\"0.91\\">\n\n\" .
@fwrite($fd1, $s);
@fwrite($fd2, $s);
$r = mysql_query(\"SELECT id,name,descr,filename,category FROM torrents ORDER BY added DESC LIMIT 15\") or sqlerr(FILE, LINE);
while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($r))
$cat = $cats[$a[\"category\"]];
$s = \"\n\" . htmlspecialchars($a[\"name\"] . \" ($cat)\") . \"\n\" .
\"\" . htmlspecialchars($a[\"descr\"]) . \"\n\";
@fwrite($fd1, $s);
@fwrite($fd2, $s);
@fwrite($fd1, \"$DEFAULTBASEURL/details.php?id=$a[id]&hit=1\n\n\");
$filename = htmlspecialchars($a[\"filename\"]);
@fwrite($fd2, \"$DEFAULTBASEURL/download/$a[id]/$filename\n\n\");
$s = \"\n\n\";
@fwrite($fd1, $s);
@fwrite($fd2, $s);

Hawkee   -  May 29, 2005

Cool snippet tye, definitely something that can be used.

piotrek   -  Jan 09, 2005

I am using Mozilla Thunerbird and Firefox (in bookmarks...)

tye   -  Jan 08, 2005

I would think the problem is with the RSS reader. A fix might be to replace the code inside the \'escape_upper_chars\' function with: return $text;

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