Protector 1.05

By BlueThen on Jun 12, 2008

Protector is a "Defender Your Castle" like game, except you have to shoot those yellow dots with your gun.

Shoot: Click
Quality: Q
Pause: P
Sound: M Recording of its creation

Added Casualtie Counter.
Fixed the menu thing.
Added Pause button (P)
Fixed error where bots eventually stop coming.
Added more BLOOD!
Bots spawn a bit faster.
Added sound, should work on Windows.

;Protector 1.05
;Made by BlueThen on June 12, 2008.
;To open, type /protector or right click the channel or status and click "Protector."
;Use your mouse and cursor to aim, and click to shoot.
alias protector {
  window -paoCzdk0 +tnbL @Protector -1 -1 400 400 | window -paohCzdk0 +tndL @pro.ol -1 -1 800 800 
  window -paohCzdk0 +tndL -1 -1 800 800 | pro.init 
menu channel,status { 
  Protector: protector  
alias -l pro.init {
  set %pro.cas 0 | set %pro.q h | set %pro.blo 0 | set %pro.bots 0 | set %pro.lshot 0 | set %pro.time 0 | set %pro.fps 0
  set %pro.pause n | set %pro.fcounter 0 | set %pro.shoot n | set 100 | set %pro.bul 0 | set %pro.fticks $ticks
  set %pro.mousex | set %pro.min1 1 | set %pro.min2 1 | set %pro.min3 1 | set %pro.temp1 1 | set %pro.temp2 1
  set %pro.temp3 1 | set %pro.lim 100 | set %pro.c n | .timerpro1 -h 0 100 inc %pro.time
  .timerpro2 0 3 dec %pro.lim 3 | %pro.x = 300 | set y
  while (%pro.x) {
    drawline -r $rgb($calc((%pro.x * 0.6)),50,$calc(255-(%pro.x * 0.85))) 3 0 $calc(2.666666667 * %pro.x) 800 $calc(2.666666667 * %pro.x)
    drawline -r $rgb(0,$calc(255-(100+(0.5 * %pro.x))),0) 0.7 0 $calc(600 +(%pro.x * 0.7)) 800 $calc(600 +(%pro.x * 0.7))
    dec %pro.x
  drawrect -f 14 1 600 500 100 200 | drawdot 14 30 650 500
  drawline 1 15 630 540 630 565 | drawline 1 15 670 540 670 565
  if (($file(C:WINDOWSMediatada.wav)) && ( == y)) splay -w C:WINDOWSMediatada
  drawrect -f 14 1 600 560 100 20 | pro.frame
alias -l pro.frame {
  if (%pro.c != y) {
    if ($r(1,%pro.lim) = 1) pro.spawn
    if (%pro.lim < 5) .timerpro2 off
    inc %pro.fcounter | set %pro.ltime $calc($ticks - %pro.oticks)
    if ($calc($ticks - %pro.fticks) > 999) { set %pro.fps %pro.fcounter | set %pro.fcounter 0 | set %pro.fticks $ticks }
    set %pro.oticks $ticks | drawcopy 0 0 800 800 @pro.ol 0 0 800 800
    drawline @pro.ol 15 15 650 480 $calc(650+(50* $cos($calc($,%pro.mousey,650,480)+180)).deg)) $calc(480+(50* $sin($calc($,%pro.mousey,650,480)+360)).deg))
    %pro.z = %pro.bul
    while (%pro.z > $calc(%pro.min1 - 1)) {
      if ($hget(bull,%pro.z) == y) {
        drawline @pro.ol 8 3 $hget(bulx, %pro.z) $hget(buly, %pro.z) $calc($hget(bulx,%pro.z) + ($calc(0.7 * %pro.ltime) * $cos($calc($hget(bula,%pro.z)+180)).deg)) $calc($hget(buly,%pro.z) + ($calc(0.7 * %pro.ltime) * $sin($calc($hget(bula,%pro.z)+360)).deg))
        hadd -m bulx %pro.z $calc($hget(bulx,%pro.z) + ($calc(0.7 * %pro.ltime) * $cos($calc($hget(bula,%pro.z)+180)).deg))
        hadd -m buly %pro.z $calc($hget(buly,%pro.z) + ($calc(0.7 * %pro.ltime) * $sin($calc($hget(bula,%pro.z)+360)).deg))
        if ($hget(buly, %pro.z) > $hget(bulh, %pro.z)) {
          hadd bull %pro.z n | drawdot 14 $r(3,4) $hget(bulx,%pro.z) $hget(buly,%pro.z) 
        if (($hget(buly, %pro.z) < 0) || ($hget(bulx,%pro.z) < 0) || ($hget(bulx,%pro.z) > 800)) hadd bull %pro.z n
        set %pro.temp1 %pro.z
      dec %pro.z
    set %pro.min1 %pro.temp1 | %pro.y = %pro.bots
    while (%pro.y > $calc(%pro.min2 - 1)) {
      if ($hget(bota,%pro.y) == y) {
        drawdot -r @pro.ol $hget(botc,%pro.y) $hget(bots,%pro.y) $hget(botx,%pro.y) $hget(boty,%pro.y)
        if ($hget(botx,%pro.y) < 600) hinc botx %pro.y $calc($hget(bots,%pro.y)/100 * %pro.ltime)
        else { dec $calc(0.005* %pro.ltime) | hadd botx %pro.y 600 } = %pro.bul
        while ( > $calc(%pro.min1 - 1)) {
          if ($hget(bull, == y) {
            if ($pro.dist($hget(bulx,,$hget(buly,,$hget(botx,%pro.y),$hget(boty,%pro.y)) < $calc($hget(bots,%pro.y) *1.5)) {
              hadd -m bota %pro.y n | set %pro.te $r(20,50) | %pro.i = %pro.te | inc %pro.cas
              if (($file(C:WINDOWSMediachimes.wav)) && ( == y)) splay -w C:WINDOWSMediachimes
              while (%pro.i) {
                hadd -m bloodx $calc(%pro.i + %pro.blo) $hget(botx,%pro.y)
                hadd -m bloody $calc(%pro.i + %pro.blo) $hget(boty,%pro.y)
                hadd -m bloodxv $calc(%pro.i + %pro.blo) $calc(($r(0,50) /100)* $iif($r(1,2) == 1,-1,1))
                hadd -m bloodyv $calc(%pro.i + %pro.blo) $calc(($r(0,100) /100)* $iif($r(1,2) == 1,-1,1))
                hadd -m bloodc $calc(%pro.i + %pro.blo) $rgb($r(75,125),0,0)
                hadd -m blooda $calc(%pro.i + %pro.blo) y
                hadd -m bloodh $calc(%pro.i + %pro.blo) $r(650,700) | dec %pro.i
              inc %pro.blo %pro.te | %pro.e = 30
              while (%pro.e) {
                drawline -r $rgb($r(75,125),0,0) $r(3,9) $hget(botx, %pro.y) $hget(boty, %pro.y) $calc($hget(botx, %pro.y) + ($r(5,30) * $cos($r(1,360)).deg)) $calc($hget(boty, %pro.y) + ($r(5,30) * $sin($r(1,360)).deg))
                drawdot -r $rgb($r(75,125),0,0) $r(1,6) $calc($hget(botx, %pro.y) + ($r(5,50) * $cos($r(1,360)).deg)) $calc($hget(boty, %pro.y) + ($r(5,50) * $sin($r(1,360)).deg))
                dec %pro.e
        set %pro.temp2 %pro.y
      dec %pro.y
    set %pro.min2 %pro.temp2 | %pro.u = %pro.blo
    while (%pro.u > $calc(%pro.min3 - 1)) {
      if ($hget(blooda, %pro.u) == y) {
        drawline -r @pro.ol $hget(bloodc,%pro.u) 5 $hget(bloodx, %pro.u) $hget(bloody, %pro.u) $calc(($hget(bloodxv, %pro.u) * %pro.ltime) + $hget(bloodx, %pro.u)) $calc(($hget(bloodyv, %pro.u) * %pro.ltime) + $hget(bloody, %pro.u)) 
        hadd bloodyv %pro.u $calc(0.1 + $hget(bloodyv, %pro.u))
        hadd bloodx %pro.u $calc(($hget(bloodxv, %pro.u) * %pro.ltime) + $hget(bloodx, %pro.u))
        hadd bloody %pro.u $calc(($hget(bloodyv, %pro.u) * %pro.ltime) + $hget(bloody, %pro.u))
        if ($hget(bloody,%pro.u) > $hget(bloodh,%pro.u)) {
          drawdot -r $hget(bloodc,%pro.u) $r(2,7) $hget(bloodx, %pro.u) $hget(bloody, %pro.u) | hadd blooda %pro.u n
        set %pro.temp3 %pro.u
      dec %pro.u
    set %pro.min3 %pro.temp3 | drawtext @pro.ol 4 Tahoma 30 500 15 Health: $round(,0)
    drawtext @pro.ol 15 Tahoma 30 500 50 Casualties: %pro.cas | drawtext @pro.ol 0 Tahoma 20 15 15 Made by BlueThen
    drawtext @pro.ol 0 Tahoma 20 15 35 | drawtext @pro.ol 0 Tahoma 20 15 55 FPS: %pro.fps
    drawcopy $iif(%pro.q == h,-m, $null) @pro.ol 0 0 800 800 @protector 0 0 400 400 
    if ( > 0) { 
      if (%pro.pause == n) .timer -o 1 0 pro.frame 
      else drawtext @protector 4 Tahoma 40 160 100 Paused
    else drawtext @protector 4 Tahoma 40 160 100 GAMEOVER!
  else unset %pro.*
menu @protector {
  mouse: { set %pro.mousex $calc($mouse.x *2) | set %pro.mousey $calc($mouse.y *2) }
  sclick: { pro.shoot | set %pro.shoot y }
  uclick: { set %pro.shoot n }
on *:keydown:@protector:*: {
  if ($keyval == 81) set %pro.q $iif(%pro.q == h,l,h)
  if ($keyval == 80) { 
    set %pro.pause $iif(%pro.pause == y,n,y) 
    if (%pro.pause == n) {
      set %pro.ltime 1 | set %pro.oticks $ticks | pro.frame
  if ($keyval == 77) set $iif( == y,n,y)
alias -l pro.shoot {
  if (($calc($ticks - %pro.lshot) > 150) && (%pro.pause == n)) {
    if (($file(C:WINDOWSMediastart.wav)) && ( == y)) splay -w C:WINDOWSMediastart
    inc %pro.bul | hadd -m Bula %pro.bul $,%pro.mousey,650,480)
    hadd -m Bulx %pro.bul $calc(650+(50* $cos($calc($hget(bula, %pro.bul)+180)).deg))
    hadd -m Buly %pro.bul $calc(480+(50* $sin($calc($hget(bula, %pro.bul)+360)).deg))
    hadd -m Bull %pro.bul y | hadd -m Bulh %pro.bul $r(675,700) | set %pro.lshot $ticks
alias -l pro.spawn {
  inc %pro.bots | hadd -m bota %pro.bots y
  hadd -m botx %pro.bots 0 | hadd -m boty %pro.bots $r(650,675)
  hadd -m botc %pro.bots $rgb($r(200,255),$r(200,255),0) | hadd -m bots %pro.bots $r(18,27)
on *:close:@protector: { window -c @pro.ol | window -c | .timerpro? off | unset %pro.* | set %pro.c y }
alias -l pro.dist return $sqrt($calc(($3 - $1)^2 + ($4 - $2)^2)) 
alias -l { 
  %p1.x = $1 | %p1.y = $2 | %p2.x = $3 | %p2.y = $4 | %p3.x = %p2.x | %p3.y = %p1.y | %opposite = $sqrt($calc((%p2.x - %p3.x)^2 + (%p2.y - %p3.y)^2)) 
  %hypotenuse = $sqrt($calc((%p2.x - %p1.x)^2 + (%p2.y - %p1.y)^2)) | %angle = $asin($calc( %opposite / %hypotenuse )).deg 
  if (%p1.y < %p2.y) %angle = $calc(360 - %angle) | if ((%p1.x > %p2.x) && (%p1.y > %p2.y)) %angle = $calc(180 - %angle) 
  elseif ((%p1.x > %p2.x) && (%p1.y < %p2.y)) %angle = $calc(180 +(360 - %angle)) | return %angle


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asakura   -  Sep 24, 2009

ehh i cant figure it out lol

Jonesy44   -  Sep 24, 2009


asakura   -  Sep 24, 2009

be sooo awesome if you added levels then like every level a dialog comes up where you can buy upgrades like hp and like towers which auto shoot slowly and faster fire and such but meh take a long time to make but it would proberly be the best script ever (:

btw i got 276 kills but i dont know how to put pics in comments ):

Hawkee   -  Mar 12, 2009

GreyFox, you can edit your post to make corrections like that by clicking the Edit button to the top right of your comment.

GreyFox   -  Mar 12, 2009

It's *
Sorry :/

GreyFox   -  Mar 12, 2009

axxaxxaaxaxxaxaxa.... It;s really good and funny :P

guest598594   -  Oct 16, 2008

It can't be a bmp btw. Save it as like gif or jpg.

NightBlade   -  Oct 15, 2008

:\ it wont let me upload

NightBlade   -  Oct 15, 2008


guest598594   -  Oct 15, 2008

Well with alt it only takes a screen of the active window.

NightBlade   -  Oct 15, 2008

Buethen , just Print/Screen works , alt is unnecessary

BlueThen   -  Oct 15, 2008

I usually use Alt + Print Screen (Put's the picture of the active window into your clipboard), then open up photoshop, paint, or any picture editing software you have. Either click "New from ClipBoard," or click new and paste using ctrl + v. Save the file, and upload it.

guest598594   -  Oct 14, 2008

Take the screen (print screen), post to Hawkee or tinypic it, then comment with [ img ][/ img ] (w/o spaces in the tags).

NightBlade   -  Oct 14, 2008

its not like that, its bigger, how do i make a screen-shot be in this? paste one in a comment?

BlueThen   -  Oct 12, 2008

The cut off bottom is mIRC's fault. It usually counts the title bar as part of the window size, but usually adds it on whenever I create the window. I don't think there really is an identifier to find the title bar size.

NightBlade   -  Oct 12, 2008

your scripts have a problem with me, they cut off the bottom, seeing only black, i died several times in this game, before getting it

Bullet_Dodger   -  Sep 26, 2008

8 casulties FTW !!

Bullet_Dodger   -  Sep 26, 2008

Game For mIRC nice [10/10]

Eugenio   -  Aug 21, 2008

rofl @ ppl still trying to set records

pwnisher3   -  Aug 21, 2008

i liked it. you should make the enemies appear in larger swarms. over all 10/10 this would be one of the best snippets i have use.

Mitchell   -  Jul 09, 2008

I believe I beat your score? :) [2nd try] but i doubt anyone can get past 700, myself included :P

very fun game :) great work :)

EL   -  Jun 21, 2008


Lord-Harlot   -  Jun 21, 2008

Image 1st turn

I show you all up
Edit: Showing you all up again with a massive score no one will beat :)
Image 3rd turn :p

BlueThen   -  Jun 21, 2008

Ah, now I see it.

EL   -  Jun 21, 2008

ROFL throws up scouse signs and poses

Eugenio   -  Jun 21, 2008

Dan you dont even know what a scouse is.....they come from Liverpool you twat, I live the complete other end of England, like me calling you a texan, bloody yank.

@Bluethen I can see the image just fine.

BlueThen   -  Jun 21, 2008

@Eugenio I can\'t see the image. Seems to be broken?

EL   -  Jun 21, 2008

Stfu eugene you couldn\'t code the picwin let alone the rest so dont be a scouse wannabe:P

@Jonesy44,rofl i go the same score before i died -1 life ;x

Eugenio   -  Jun 21, 2008


Could Easily have been more......

Phoenix847   -  Jun 21, 2008

A game that doesn\'t lag for my terrible computer and is fun!
Lmao, nice job BlueThen... Gah you keep making these fun games to play xD I love it

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