Frenzy Word

By AHBARAR on Jun 06, 2008

Well So U Dont Call Me Theif :P This Is Not My Work But Need So Much Work I Tried To Do Most Of It Seems Most Of It Is More Than I Know .. DOnt ASk Im Newbies Dont Spend Tht Much This Days To Study All ..
This Game Called Frenzy Not Sure All U Know Abt It ,,, Same As Scramble But More FUn .. The Bot Will Send Letters And U have To Make ManY Words Of It B4 Time End Longer Word More Points ..
example : : Frenzy This Word Lotpe

: Lot : Top etc... But When I Load it to Remote It Work But Not Complet .. when The Game Start The Bot Sending Msg to The Channel .. But No 1 Can See It Than The Bot ______________________________________________________________________________________________ i was looking more info for the maker of it and seems he stop scripting and chatting well the last info i got is this The following can be found in the code itself. ; The alias docoll MUST be enabled! It sends the messages to the room. ; The first one is disabled by the ; in front of it. ; This will make the messages in the Script's font / color. ; NOTE: one of the docoll aliases must be enabled, the other DISABLED with ; as below So you can find Docoll and change to msg # and that should remove all the colors. ```mirc ;**************************************************************************** ; Word Frenzy (C)2003 by Geezer & Wolf ; Debugged/Upgraded by CalSingle, [Ice][Angel] & Petertje in September 2004 ; Thanks to [Ice][Angel] for the Top5 alias ; Thanks to Petertje for the Color alias ;**************************************************************************** ;WordFrenzy Version 4.0 ;Modified by OtherwiseBrunette ; ;**************************************************************************** menu * { - <= Word Frenzy => .=Word Frenzy= ( $+ %WFrenzy $+ ) ..On:/ .enable #WordFrenzyV4 | set %WFrenzy Enabled | /msg $chan S eTahoma;0 (o) Word Frenzy 4.0 ~ Enabled. Type !WordFrenzy to Play (o) | /echo 0,12 Word Frenzy 0,94 Loaded ..Off:/ .disable #WordFrenzyV4 | set %WFrenzy Disabled | /msg $chan S eTahoma;0 (o) Word Frenzy ~ Disabled - Game Over. | /echo 0,12 Word Frenzy 0,4 Unloaded .Initialise : DoInit .- .Start WordFrenzy : $startgame .Start Team Match: $startgame(team) .Stop WordFrenzy: stopgame .- .Options: dialog -m WFrenzy WFrenzy .Pause WordFrenzy: pause .Resume WordFrenzy: resume .- .Set Room : = $chan | echo -a Channel set to $chan .Set Directory: set %frenzy.dir $mircdir .Reset Score files ..Sure : DeleteScores .- .Show Scores ..Show Player's stat: { Dostatother $$?="Enter Player's Nick" } ..Show Frenzy's Hall of Fame: { wfhof } .. Show Best Round Scores : { bestrounds } .. Show Best Word Scores : { bestwords } .. Show Maximum Words : { maxwords } .Word Frenzy HTML ..Create Scores HTML: { WFhtmlbuild } ..Create Team HTML : { WFTeamhtmlbuild } ..Read HTML Scores: / run WordFrenzy.html ..Read Team HTML :/ run TEamwf.html ..See List of Commands: / run Commands.html .Frenzy Files ..View Word List:/run notepad.exe Text\10letters.txt ..Frenzy Dictionary:/run notepad.exe Text\dictionary.txt ..Word Submissions:/run notepad.exe Text\WFaddword.txt ..ReadMe File:/run notepad.exe Text\WordFrenzy-readme.txt .- .Unload Word Frenzy ..Sure: unload -rs games\wordfrenzyv4.mrc } #WordFrenzyV4 on On *:TEXT:!WordFrenzy:#: { if (!%msg.Frenzy. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { msg $chan S Trebuchet\bMS;0 (o) Lets play Word Frenzy (o) } if (!%msg.Frenzy. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { msg $chan S Trebuchet\bMS;0 (o) Type !WFstart to play, !WFhelp for commands } set -u5 %msg.Frenzy. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $true } on *:text:*:*: { playgame $Strip($1-) | if (%WF.Playing == Yes) WFidleTimers } on *:action:*:*: { playgame $Strip($1-) | if (%WF.Playing == Yes) WFidleTimers } alias DoInit { if ($exists(Commands.html) == $false ) { ListofCommands } set %WF.Playing No | set %WF.Font Verdana | set %WF.Min 3 | set %WF.Max 10 | set %WF.ReSpam 3 | set %starttimer 5 set %Roundtimer 75 | set %Breaktimer 30 | set %Idletimer 300 | set %wf.oponly 0 | set %wf.idletimer 1 | set %wf.penalty 0 set #temp | unset %dialog.* | set %wf.html.hof 1 | set %wf.html.BRound 1 | set %wf.html.lengths 1 | set %wf.html.Wscores 1 set %wf.html.Mwords 1 | set %WFversion 4.0 | set %frenzy.dir $mircdir | set %wordlist %frenzy.dir $+ text\10letters.txt | set %dictionary %frenzy.dir $+ text\dictionary.txt set %champmode 1 | set %champgoal 2000 | teamoptions if ($1 != WFstart) { describe $active has initialized the Word Frenzy game. Type !WordFrenzy for play (Y) | return } } alias teamoptions { set %timer 10 | set Blue | set Red | set %limitjoin 1 | set %allowjoin 1 set %noteamwin There is no winner, you are both losers... :p set %team1win The *T1 crushed the *T2 | set %team2win The *T2 crushed the *T2 } alias DeleteScores { remove FrenzyScores.ini | remove frenzyscores.txt | unset %team.* | remove wordscores.ini remove BestRs.ini | remove bestteamrs.ini | remove teamwordscores.ini | remove maxword.ini | remove wordscores.txt | remove maxword.txt | remove bestrs.txt } alias PlayGame { if ($nick isop $chan) || ( %wf.oponly == 0 ) { if ($1 == !testing) { msg $hof(1) } if ($1 == !WFstart) { startgame $2- | return } if ($1 == !WFstop) && ( %frenzy.teammode == 0) { stopgame $2- | return } if ($1 == !WFpause) { pause | return } if ($1 == !WFresume) { resume | return } if ($1 == !WFrepeat) { spamword | return } } if ($1 == !WFscores) { showallscores | return } if ($1 == !WFbestrounds) { bestrounds | return } if ($1 == !WFbestwords) { bestwords | return } if ($1 == !WFwinners) { wfchamps | return } if ($1 == !WFlongest) { Docoll darkred b Longest word : %wf.longest.text by: } if ( $1 == !join && %frenzy.teammode == 1 ) { $setteam($nick , $2) } if (!WFhelp isin $1) { dohelp | return } if (!WFhof isin $1) { WFHof | return } if (!WFcommands isin $1) { doWFcommands | return } if (!WFchamp isin $1) { doChamp | return } if (!WFMaxwords isin $1) { maxwords | return } if (!WFstat isin $1) && ($2) { dostatother $2 | return } if ($1 == !wfshowteams && %frenzy.teammode == 1) { Docoll darkred b Current members are : wfteamblue | wfteamred } if (!WFstat isin $1) { dostat $nick | return } if (!WFscoreOf isin $1) { dostatof $2 | return } if (!WFobject isin $1) { doWFobject | return } if (!WFaddword isin $1) { doWFaddword $2- | return } if (!WFversion isin $1) { msg S eTrebuchet\bMS;0 Word Frenzy Version : %WFversion } if ($chan != { return } if (%WF.Playing == No) return inc %WF.LinesSaid 1 if (%WF.Playing != Yes) return if ($Len($1) >= %WF.Min) { set %WF.Guess $upper($1) set %WF.Check %WFDone. [ $+ [ %WF.Guess ] ] if (%WF.Check != $null) { ; Don't show who said it if (%Wf.check == $nick) { Docoll red b You've already said %WF.Guess $+ ! return } else { showaction %WF.Check said %WF.Guess (n) if (%wf.penalty == 1 ) { Deductpoint $nick $len(%WF.guess) } return } } ; Check for letters being used more than once etc... if ($checkletters(%WF.Guess, %WF.Word) == bad) return ; Do not check words automatically if ($validateword(%WF.Guess) == bad) return if (( %frenzy.teammode == 1 ) && ( $teamname( $nick ) == $null)) { return } DoColl darkgreen b (o) $nick scores $len($1) points for %WF.Guess (*) if ( %idletimer == 1 ) { .timerWFidle 1 %IdleTimer StopIdle } set %WFDone. $+ %WF.Guess $nick if ( %frenzy.teammode != 1) { Recordpoints $nick $len(%WF.Guess) } if ( %frenzy.teammode == 1) { Teampoints $nick $len(%WF.Guess) | Teamwordlengths $nick $len(%WF.guess) | inc % [ $+ team.scores. $+ [ % [ $+ team. $+ [ $nick ] ] ] ] $len(%WF.Guess) } inc %wftotal $len(%wf.guess) | inc %numberofwords RecordRounds $nick $len(%WF.Guess) if (($len(%wf.guess) > %Wf.longest.word) || (%wf.longest.word == $null)) { %wf.longest.word = $len(%wf.guess) | = $nick | %wf.longest.text = %wf.guess } } if (%WF.LinesSaid >= %WF.ReSpam) { spamword } } alias RecordPoints { var %Score $readini(FrenzyScores.ini, $1, score) var %temp $readini(Frenzyscores.ini, $1, $2) inc %Score $2 writeini FrenzyScores.ini $1 score %Score inc %temp writeini FrenzyScores.ini $1 $2 %temp } alias RecordRounds { var %score $readini(RoundScores.ini, $1, score) var %number $readini(RoundScores.ini, $1, number) inc %Score $2 inc %number writeini RoundScores.ini $1 score %Score writeini RoundScores.ini $1 number %number } alias Teampoints { var %score $readini(TeamScores.ini, $1, score) inc %Score $2 writeini TeamScores.ini $1 score %Score } alias Teamwordlengths { var %score $readini(wordlength.ini, $1, $2 ) inc %score writeini wordlength.ini $1 $2 %score } alias DedPoint { if ( %frenzy.teammode == 0) { var %Score $readini(FrenzyScores.ini, $1, score) dec %Score $2 writeini FrenzyScores.ini $1 score %Score } else { var %score4 $readini(TeamScores.ini, $1, score) dec %Score4 $2 dec % [ $+ team.scores. $+ [ % [ $+ team. $+ [ $1 ] ] ] ] $2 writeini TeamScores.ini $1 score %Score4 } var %score2 $readini(RoundScores.ini, $1, score) dec %score2 $2 if ( %score2 <= 0) { writeini RoundScores.ini $1 score 0 writeini RoundScores.ini $1 number 1 } else { writeini RoundScores.ini $1 score %Score2 } } alias wfteamblue { var %i 1 var %j $lines(wfteamblue.txt) var %listteam while (%i <= %j ) { %x = $read(wfteamblue.txt, %i) var %listteam %listteam %x (*) inc %i } docoll darkred b Team (1) are : %listteam } alias DeductPoint { if ( %penalised. [ $+ [ %WF.Guess ] ] == $1 ) { Docoll red b You've already been penalised for that guess! } else { Docoll Red b $1 incurs $2 points penalty for repetition! Dedpoint $1 $2 } set %penalised. [ $+ [ %WF.Guess ] ] $1 } alias wfteamred { var %i 1 var %j $lines(wfteamred.txt) var %listteam while (%i <= %j ) { %x = $read(wfteamred.txt, %i) var %listteam %listteam %x (*) inc %i } docoll darkred b Team (2) are : %listteam } Alias DoWFcommands { ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFstart ~ to Begin Game (*) ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFstop ~ to End Game (*) ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFchamp ~ to See CHAMP Score (*) ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFhof ~ to See The Hll of Fame (*) ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFstat ~ to See Your Score (*) ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFstat ~ to See That Player's Score (*) ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFscores ~ to See Current Players Scores (*) } alias DoHelp { ctcpreply $nick TIME (*) WORD FRENZY ~ Help (*) ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFobject to see the object of the game ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFcommands for game commands ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFaddword to submit the word to Game Dictionary } alias StartGame { if (%WF.Playing == Yes) return if ( !ischan) { echo You are not in the set trivia channel: | return $true } if ( $1 == $null ) { set %frenzy.teammode 0 frenzystart } if ( $1 == team ) { unset %team.* | unset %jointime set %timercontrol $calc( %timer * 60 ) | set %frenzy.teammode 1 %team.scores.1 = 0 %team.scores.2 = 0 frenzystart remove teamscores.ini | remove wfteam.ini | remove bestteamrs.ini | remove teamwordscores.ini | remove teammaxword.ini | remove wordlength.ini Docoll navy b $ Docoll DarkRed b (o)~~~~ Duration of Match : %timer Minutes.~~~~(o) if ( %timercontrol != 0 ) { .timerstart 1 %timercontrol stopgame2 } %start.time = $ticks } if ($1 == team) && ($2 != $null ) { set %timer $2 } .timerWFstart 1 %starttimer ShowWord } alias frenzystart { msg S eTrebuchet\bMS;0 (f) ********** Starting WORD FRENZY ************ (f) 
 (f) ********* The first word will appear in %starttimer secs ********(f) 
 (f) ********* Type !WFHelp for FRENZY help at any time. ******** (f) if (%champmode == 1) && (%frenzy.teammode == 0 ) { Docoll gold b ï€ ï€ ï€ ï€ ï€ ï€ ï€ ï€ ï€ ï€ ï€ (*) Championship target : %champgoal Points (*) } } alias { return ===== (*) Team Word Frenzy (*) ===== 
 (*) !join 1 to join Team 
 (*) !join 2 to join Team $+ . } alias ShowWord { set %WF.Word $read(%wordlist) DoColl darkblue b 
 (o) Your FRENZY Word is $upper(%WF.Word) (o) msg S Trebuchet\bMS;0 
 (o) You have %Roundtimer seconds to type as many words as you can of %WF.Min letters or more, made from the letters of the Frenzy Word (o) 
 set %WF.Playing Yes | unset %WFDone.* | unset %WFRound.* | unset %penalised.* | unset %numberofwords | unset %wftotal | unset %wf.longest.word | unset | unset %wf.longest.text | unset %percent .remove roundscores.ini set %WF.LinesSaid 0 .timerWFTimer 1 %Roundtimer EndWord } alias EndWord { var %time.elapse $calc(($ticks - %start.time) / 1000 ) %time.left = $calc( %timer * 60 - %time.elapse) %jointime = $calc( %time.elapse / 60) DoColl red b 
 (o) Time Is Up, updated FRENZY scores are as follows... set %WF.Playing No if ( %wftotal > 0 ) { .timer 1 2 RoundScores } if (%frenzy.teammode == 0) { .timer 1 4 showallscores } if (%frenzy.teammode == 1) { showteamscores } .timerNW 1 5 Docoll red b Next FRENZY word in %Breaktimer seconds.(type !WFstop to end game) .timerWFTimer 1 %Breaktimer ShowWord if (%frenzy.teammode == 1) { DoColl darkred b Time Remaining : $duration(%time.left) (o) } if ( %wftotal >= 100 && %frenzy.teammode != 1) { writeini wordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) score %wftotal | writeini wordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) number %numberofwords | $Dowfsort(wordscores) } if ( %frenzy.teammode == 1) && ( %wftotal > 0 ) { writeini teamwordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) score %wftotal | writeini teamwordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) number %numberofwords | $Dowfsort(teamwordscores) } } alias StopGame { .timerWFTimer off | .timerNW Off .timerstart off msg S eTahoma;0 
 (o) WORD FRENZY has stopped. (*) 
 Type !WFstart to play again :) if ( %frenzy.teammode == 1) { stopgame2 } set %WF.Playing No set %frenzy.teammode 0 WFHOF } alias stopgame2 { .timerwftimer off | .timerNW Off show S eTahoma;0 (o)~~~~~~~~ (*) Times up! (*) ~~~~~~~(o)
 if (%wftotal > 0 ) { .timer 1 3 roundscores } .timer 1 3 showteamscores .timer 1 4 teamscores .remove wfteamblue.txt .remove wfteamred.txt set %WF.Playing No .timer 1 7 set %frenzy.teammode 0 if (%wftotal > 0 ) { writeini teamwordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) score %wftotal writeini teamwordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) number %numberofwords } $Dowfsort(teamwordscores) } alias pause { msg S eTahoma;0 
 (o) WORD FRENZY paused! (*) 
 Type !WFresume to resume the game :) set %wf.playing no .timerwftimer -p } alias resume { msg S eTahoma;0 
 (o) WORD FRENZY resumed! (*) :) .timerwftimer -r set %wf.playing yes } alias winner { var %temp = $calc(%team.scores.1 - %team.scores.2) if ( %team.scores.1 > %team.scores.2 ) { return $replace(%team1win, *T1 , , *T2, by [ %temp ] points......(f) } if ( %team.scores.1 < %team.scores.2 ) { return $replace(%team1win, *T1 , , *T2, by $abs( %temp ) points......(f) } if ( %team.scores.1 = %team.scores.2 ) { return %noteamwin } } alias teamscores { DoWFsort6 var %x $lines(TeamScores.txt) var %y = 1 var %temp while (%y <= %x ) { %i = $gettok($read(TeamScores.txt,%y ),1,32) %j = $gettok($read(TeamScores.txt,%y ),2,32) var %temp %temp 
 %y $+ . %i $+ ......... $+ ( $+ $getteam(%i) $+ ) $+ ............. $+ %j Points inc %y } Docoll darkred b 
 Individual Scores are: %temp Docoll black b (*)~~~~~~~~~END OF MATCH~~~~~~~~(*) .remove teamscores.ini } alias StopIdle { .timerWFTimer off DoColl darkred b 
 (o) No Play for $calc( %Idletimer / 60) Minutes ~ WORD FRENZY has stopped. (*) 
 Type !WFstart to play again :) set %WF.Playing No } alias showallscores { $Dowfsort(frenzyscores) var %x 1 var %WFScores while (%x <= $nick($active,0)) { set %Name $nick($active,%x) var %WFScore = $getscore(%Name) if (%WFScore != 0) var %WFScores %WFScores %Name ........... %WFScore (f) inc %x } var %WFScores 
 Total Points : 
 %WFScores Docoll red bb %WFScores if ( ( $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt,1 ),2,32) > %champgoal ) && (%champmode == 1) ) { gameend } return } alias gameend { .timerNW off set %frenzywinner $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt,1 ),1,32)) Docoll darkblue b ~~~~~ NEW FRENZY CHAMPION ~~~~~~ 
 The game was beaten by (*) %frenzywinner (*) 
 All hail the new champion ! set %wf.playing no .timerWFTimer off .timerstart off .timer 1 3 wfhof .timer 1 5 wfhtmlbuild .timer 1 11 echo -a HTML GENERATED write -il wfchamps.txt %frenzywinner $date $time .timer 1 12 Deletescores } alias showteamscores { docoll black b $ } alias { if ( %team.scores.1 >= %team.scores.2 ) { return has %team.scores.1 points. (F) has %team.scores.2 points. (F) } else { return has %team.scores.2 points. (F) has %team.scores.1 points. (F) } } alias roundscores { $DoWFSort(Roundscores) var %i = 1 var %j $lines(roundscores.txt) var %l %wftotal var %ss DOcoll darkred b (*)~~~ WORD FRENZY CURRENT ROUND SCORES ~~~(*) 
 The total points scored for the word * $+ $upper(%WF.word) $+ * are : while ( %i <= %j ) { %x = $gettok($read(roundscores.txt,%i ),1,32) %y = $gettok($read(roundscores.txt,%i ),2,32) %z = $gettok($read(roundscores.txt,%i ),3,32) %percent = $round($calc( %y / %l * 100 ),1) ;var %ss %ss 
 %i $+ . %x $+ ...... $+ %y Points $+ ..... $+ %z words $+ ..... $+ %percent $+ % (F) Docoll black b %i $+ . %x $+ ...... $+ %y Points $+ ..... $+ %z words $+ ..... $+ %percent $+ % (F) inc %i if (%frenzy.teammode != 1 ) { bestRS %x %y %z | maximumwords %x %z $upper(%WF.word) } if ( %frenzy.teammode == 1 ) { bestTeamRS %x %y %z | teammaximumwords %x %z $upper(%WF.word) } } Docoll black b 
 Total Points for this Round : %wftotal $+ ! (*) 
 Total Number of words made up : %numberofwords $+ ! (*) 
 Longest word: * $+ %wf.longest.text $+ * ( %wf.longest.word ) by (*) } alias bestRS { var %temp $readini(BestRS.ini, $1 , score) if (( $2 > %temp) || (%temp == $null )) { writeini BestRS.ini $1 score $2 | writeini BestRS.ini $1 number $3 $DoWFsort(BestRs) if ( $gettok($read(bestrs.txt,1),1,32) == $1 ) { set %roundaward Record Round Score : $2 now held by $1 $+ !! .timer 1 2 sayaward } } } alias maximumwords { var %temp $readini(MaxWord.ini, $1 , score) if (( $2 > %temp) || (%temp == $null )) { writeini MaxWord.ini $1 score $2 | writeini MaxWord.ini $1 number $3 $DoWFsort(MaxWord) if ( $gettok($read(maxword.txt,1),1,32) == $1 ) { set %wordaward Record Maximum Words : $2 now held by $1 $+ !! .timer 1 2 sayaward } } } alias sayaward { if (%roundaward = $null) && (%wordaward == $null) { return } else { Docoll darkred b 
 %wordaward (f) unset %roundaward | unset %wordaward } } alias teammaximumwords { var %temp $readini(TeamMaxWord.ini, $1 , score) if (( $2 > %temp) || (%temp == $null)) { writeini TeamMaxWord.ini $1 score $2 | writeini TeamMaxWord.ini $1 number $3 } $DoWFsort(TeamMaxWord) } alias bestTeamRS { var %temp $readini(BestTeamRS.ini, $1 , score) if (( $2 > %temp) || (%temp == $null)) { writeini BestTeamRS.ini $1 score $2 | writeini bestteamrs.ini $1 number $3 } $DoWFsort(BestTeamRs) } alias bestrounds { $DoWFSort(FrenzyScores) var %i = 1 var %j $lines(BestRs.txt) var %Best.Round DOcoll darkred b (f)(*)~~~~~ WORD FRENZY BEST ROUND SCORES ~~~~~(*)(f) while ( %i <= %j && %i <= 5 ) { %x = $gettok($read(BestRS.txt,%i ),1,32) %y = $gettok($read(BestRS.txt,%i ),2,32) %z = $gettok($read(BestRS.txt,%i ),3,32) ;var %Best.Round %Best.Round 
 %i $+ : %x scored %y Points with %z words (f) msg %i $+ : %x scored %y Points with %z words inc %i } ; Docoll navy b %best.round } alias bestwords { var %i = 1 var %j $lines(wordscores.txt) var %Best.Word DOcoll darkred b (f)(*)~~~~~ WORD FRENZY BEST WORD SCORES ~~~~~(*)(f) while ( %i <= %j && %i <= 5 ) { %x = $gettok($read(wordscores.txt,%i ),1,32) %y = $gettok($read(wordscores.txt,%i ),2,32) %z = $gettok($read(wordscores.txt,%i ),3,32) ;var %Best.Word %Best.Word 
 %i $+ : %x --- %y Points with %z words (f) msg %i $+ : %x --- %y Points with %z words (f) inc %i } ; Docoll navy b %best.word } alias maxwords { $DoWFSort(MaxWord) var %i = 1 var %j $lines(MaxWord.txt) var %Max.Word DOcoll darkred b (f)(*)~~~~~ WORD FRENZY MAXIMUM WORDS ~~~~~(*)(f) while ( %i <= %j && %i <= 5 ) { %x = $gettok($read(maxword.txt,%i ),1,32) %y = $gettok($read(maxword.txt,%i ),2,32) %z = $gettok($read(maxword.txt,%i ),3,32) msg %i $+ : %x ----- %y Words for %z (f) ;var %Max.Word %Max.Word 
 %i $+ : %x ----- %y Words for %z (f) inc %i } ;Docoll navy b %Max.Word } alias GetTeam { var %temp $readini(WFteam.ini, $1, team) return %temp } alias GetScore { var %Score $readini(FrenzyScores.ini, $1, score) inc %Score 0 return %Score } alias docoll { msg # $3- } ;alias docoll { ; if ($1-2 == darkgreen b) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } ; elseif ($1-2 == teal b) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } ; elseif ($1-2 == darkblue b) { show S \rTahoma;0 $3- } ; elseif ($1-2 == red b) { show S eTahoma;0 $3- } ; elseif ($1-2 == red b) { show S eTahoma;0 $3- } ; elseif ($1-2 == red bb) { show S eTahoma;0 $3- } ; elseif ($1-2 == gold b) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } ; elseif ($1-2 == green b) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } ; elseif ($1-2 == blue b) { show S \rTahoma;0 $3- } ; elseif ($1-2 == darkred b) { show S eTahoma;0 $3- } ; elseif ($1-2 == black b) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } ; elseif ($1-2 == black r) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } ; elseif ($1-2 == navy b) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } ; elseif ($1-2 == dark b) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } ; } Alias DoWFobject { ctcpreply $nick TIME (o) We're Playing WORD FRENZY (o)
The object is to make as many 3 or more letter words in one minute as you can, out of the letters in the Frenzy Word given. ctcpreply $nick TIME Type quickly; Only the first person to say them in each round will gain points. Type !WfHelp for full details.(*) 
Original game by alphawolf & geezer, enhanced by CalSingle & [Ice][Angel] & Petertje. } alias DoChamp { $DoWFsort(FRenzyscores) msg S Tahoma;0 
(o)(*) Current WORD FRENZY Champ is ({) $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt,1),1,32) $+ ~ with :o $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt,1),2,32) $+ (*)(o) } alias WFHof { $DoWFSort(frenzyscores) var %i = 1 var %j $lines(frenzyscores.txt) var %WFhof DOcoll darkred b 
 (f)(*)~~~~~ WORD FRENZY HALL OF FAME ~~~~~(*)(f) if (%frenzywinner != $null) { DOcoll darkblue b (*) Current Champion : %frenzywinner (*) } while ( %i <= %j && %i <= 5 ) { %x = $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt,%i ),1,32) %y = $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt,%i ),2,32) ;var %WFhof %WFhof 
 %i $+ : %x ---- %y Points (f) Docoll navy b $ord(%i) %x ---- %y Points (f) inc %i } ;Docoll navy b %WFhof var %bestround Best Round Score : $gettok($read(bestrs.txt, 1),2,32) ( $+ $gettok($read(bestrs.txt, 1),3,32) Words) by: $gettok($read(bestrs.txt, 1),1,32) (f) var %bestword Maximum Points Scored : $gettok($read(wordscores.txt, 1),2,32) for the word : $gettok($read(wordscores.txt, 1),1,32) (f) var %maxsword Maximum Words : $gettok($read(maxword.txt, 1),2,32) by $gettok($read(maxword.txt, 1),1,32) for the word : $gettok($read(maxword.txt, 1),3,32) (f) Docoll red bb 
 %maxsword Docoll blue b Type !WFwinners to see Previous Word Frenzy Champs. } alias wfchamps { var %i = 1 var %j $lines(wfchamps.txt) DOcoll darkred b (f)(*)~~~~~ WORD FRENZY CHAMPIONS ~~~~~(*)(f) Docoll darkblue b (f)(*)~~ Championship Target : %champgoal Points ~~(*)(f) while ( %i <= %j && %i <= 5 ) { %x = $gettok($read(wfchamps.txt,%i ),1,32) %y = $gettok($read(wfchamps.txt,%i ),2,32) %z = $gettok($read(wfchamps.txt,%i ),3,32) Docoll navy b %x won on %y at %z (f) inc %i } } alias DoWFsort { var %a = 1, %b = $ini( [ $1 $+ .ini ] ,0) .remove [ $1 $+ .txt ] while (%a <= %b) { write [ $1 $+ .txt ] $ini( [ $1 $+ .ini ] ,%a) $readini( [ $1 $+ .ini ] ,$ini( [ $1 $+ .ini ] ,%a),score) $readini( [ $1 $+ .ini ] ,$ini( [ $1 $+ .ini ] ,%a),number) inc %a } if ($exists( [ $1 $+ .txt ] )) { filter -ffcteu 2 32 [ $1 $+ .txt ] [ $1 $+ .txt ] } } alias DoWFsort6 { var %a = 1, %b = $ini(TeamScores.ini,0) .remove TeamScores.txt | remove teamredscore.txt | .remove teambluescore.txt while (%a <= %b) { var %c = $getteam($ini(TEamscores.ini,%a)) write TeamScores.txt $ini(TEamscores.ini,%a) $readini(TeamScores.ini,$ini(TeamScores.ini,%a),score) if (%c == { write teambluescore.txt $ini(TEamscores.ini,%a) $readini(TeamScores.ini,$ini(TeamScores.ini,%a),score) } else { write teamredscore.txt $ini(TEamscores.ini,%a) $readini(TeamScores.ini,$ini(TeamScores.ini,%a),score) } inc %a } if ($exists(TeamScores.txt)) { filter -ffcteu 2 32 TeamScores.txt TeamScores.txt } if ($exists(TeamredScore.txt)) { filter -ffcteu 2 32 TeamredScore.txt TeamredScore.txt } if ($exists(Teambluescore.txt)) { filter -ffcteu 2 32 TeamblueScore.txt TeamblueScore.txt } } alias Dowfsort1 { var %a = 1, %b = $ini(wordlength.ini, 0) .remove wordlength2.ini while ( %a <= %b ) { var %c 3 var %sum 0 %d = $ini(wordlength.ini, %a) while ( %c >= 3 && %c <= 10) { %e = $readini(wordlength.ini, %d, %c) if ( %e != $null ) { inc %sum %e writeini wordlength2.ini %d %c %e } else { writeini wordlength2.ini %d %c 0 } inc %c } writeini wordlength2.ini %d sum %sum unset %sum inc %a } unset %sum Dowfsort2 } alias Dowfsort2 { var %a = 1 , %b = $ini(wordlength2.ini, 0) .remove wordlength.txt while ( %a <= %b ) { write wordlength.txt $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), sum) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), 3) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), 4)) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength.ini, %a), 5)) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), 6)) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), 7)) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), 8) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), 9)) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), 10)) inc %a } if ($exists(wordlength.txt)) { filter -ffcteu 2 32 wordlength.txt wordlength.txt } } alias Dowfsort3 { var %a = 1, %b = $ini(FrenzyScores.ini, 0) .remove length.ini while ( %a <= %b ) { var %c 3 var %sum 0 %d = $ini(frenzyscores.ini, %a) while ( %c >= 3 && %c <= 10) { %e = $readini(frenzyscores.ini, %d, %c) if (%e != $null ) { inc %sum %e writeini length.ini %d %c %e } else { writeini length.ini %d %c 0 } inc %c } writeini length.ini %d sum %sum unset %sum inc %a } unset %sum Dowfsort4 } alias Dowfsort4 { var %a = 1 , %b = $ini(length.ini, 0) .remove length.txt while ( %a <= %b ) { write length.txt $ini(length.ini, %a) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), sum) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 3) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 4)) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 5)) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 6)) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 7)) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 8) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 9)) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 10)) inc %a } if ($exists(length.txt)) { filter -ffcteu 2 32 length.txt length.txt } } alias Dostat { $DoWFsort(frenzyscores) if (!$read(frenzyscores.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *)) { Docoll red b 
(o) I'm sorry, :S but you have yet to score! (o) } var %frenzyscore Your Frenzy Score : $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt, $readn),2,32) (f) VAR %rank (f) Your Frenzy Rank : $ord($bytes($readn,b)) (f) var %bestround Your Best Round : $gettok($read(BestRs.txt, $readn),2,32) (f) var %maxword Your Maximum Words : $gettok($read(maxword.txt, $readn),2,32) (f) if ($read(frenzyscores.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *)) { Docoll red bb %rank %frenzyscore %bestround %maxword } } alias Dostatother { $DoWFsort(FrenzyScores) if (!$read(frenzyscores.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *)) { Docoll red b 
(o) I'm sorry, :S but $1 has yet to score! (o) } var %frenzyscore Frenzy Score : $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt, $readn),2,32) (f) VAR %rank (f) $1 $+ 's Frenzy Rank : $ord($bytes($readn,b)) (f) var %bestround Best Round : $gettok($read(BestRs.txt, $readn),2,32) (f) var %maxword Maximum Words : $gettok($read(maxword.txt, $readn),2,32) (f) if ($read(frenzyscores.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *)) { Docoll red bb %rank %frenzyscore %bestround %maxword } } alias DoSpam { doColl darkblue b (o) We're Playing WORD FRENZY (o) 
 (o) The object is to make as many 3 or more letter words in one minute, as you can out of the letters given. doColl blue b (o) Type quickly; Only the first person to say them in each round will gain points. Type !WfHelp for full details. } alias SpamWord { if (%WF.Playing == No) return DoColl darkblue b 
 (o) Your FRENZY word is $upper(%WF.Word) ... Type !WFhelp for instructions at any time. set %WF.LinesSaid 0 } ; The WFidleTimers alias prevents the game running nonstop when nobody is playing. ; It turns off the game after 5 minutes of no playing. ; To disable it, so it WILL keep going, just put a semi-colon ; in front of the line below alias WFidleTimers { .timerWFidle off .timerWFidle 1 %IdleTimer StopIdle } ; Dictionary routine (C) 2003 Geezer & Wolf ; checks if word is in dictionary.txt - wordlist provided by Justin White ; $validateword(word) - returns good or bad alias ValidateWord { set %D.Word *. $+ $1 $+ .* if ($read(%dictionary, w, %D.Word ) == $null) { return bad } else { return good } } ; $checkletters(word, letters) - returns good or bad alias CheckLetters { set %D.FLetters $2 set %D.WLet 0 set %D.Letters $len($1) while (%D.WLet < %D.Letters) { inc %D.WLet set %D.CLet $mid($1,%D.WLet,1) set %D.FLet $pos(%D.FLetters, %D.CLet, 1) if (%D.FLet == $null) return bad if (%D.FLet == 1) { set %D.FLetters $mid(%D.FLetters, 2, $calc($Len(%D.FLetters) - 1)) } if (%D.FLet == $len(%D.FLetters)) { set %D.FLetters $mid(%D.FLetters, 1, $calc($Len(%D.FLetters) - 1)) } if (%D.FLet > 1) && (%D.FLet < $len(%D.FLetters)) { set %D.FLetters $mid(%D.FLetters, 1, $Calc(%D.FLet -1) ) $+ $mid(%D.FLetters, $calc(%D.FLet +1 ), $Len(%D.Fletters) - %D.FLet) } } return good } alias setteam { if (%jointime == $null) { %jointime = 0 } if ( %jointime >= %limitjoin ) && (%allowjoin == 1) { notice $nick Sorry no more player can join/change at this time. | return } if (($2 == 1) || ($2 == 2)) { = [ $+ [ $2 ] ] = $nick %team. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $2 Docoll gold b $ var %checkname $readini(WFteam.ini, $nick , Team) if (%checkname =! { writeini WFteam.ini $nick Team } else { writeini WFteam.ini $nick Team } sort3 unset %add.* } } alias sort3 { var %a = 1, %b = $ini(WFteam.ini,0) .remove wfTeamBlue.txt .remove wfTeamRed.txt while (%a <= %b) { if ( $readini(WFTeam.ini,$ini(WFTeam.ini,%a), team) == ) { write WFTeamblue.txt $ini(WFTeam.ini,%a) } else { write WFTeamRed.txt $ini(WFTeam.ini,%a) } inc %a } } alias teamname { return %team. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] } alias { return Team: has a new member: (f) } alias showaction { describe $RName $1- } alias show { msg $1- } alias RName { return $active } alias doWFaddword { notice $nick (o)Thanks for your WordFrenzy word addition (e) It has been recorded, and will be read later (Y) write TEXT\WFaddword.txt $date $time $msn.decode($nick) << Add Word = >> $1- echo $active 0,12 WF Add Word from $nick 0,94 Recorded } dialog WFrenzy { title "Word Frenzy V4.0" size -1 -1 183 128 option dbu icon Pictures\favs.ico tab "General", 2, 1 2 178 120 box "", 10, 7 20 79 36, tab 2 ;box "", 1030, 11 23 72 30, tab 2 text "Channel", 260, 92 30 34 8, tab 2 edit [ ], 250, 126 29 50 10, tab 2 autohs text "Directory", 660, 92 49 25 8, tab 2 edit [ %frenzy.dir ], 280, 126 48 50 10, tab 2 return autohs text "Words List", 290, 92 70 25 8, tab 2 edit [ %wordlist ], 320, 126 68 50 10, tab 2 return autohs text "Dictionary", 330, 92 89 33 8, tab 2 edit [ %dictionary ], 1040, 126 87 50 10, tab 2 return autohs list 300, 34 69 50 37, tab 2 size box "Add Word to Dictionary", 340, 7 59 79 49, tab 2 button "Add", 350, 9 73 24 10, tab 2 box "General Settings", 1000, 89 20 89 87, tab 2 button "Clear", 1010, 9 89 24 10, tab 2 tab "Settings", 6 box "Time Settings in Secs :", 50, 8 21 78 45, tab 6 box "", 520, 8 69 167 38, tab 6 text "Before Start", 560, 11 29 49 8, tab 6 text "Round Duration", 570, 11 37 48 8, tab 6 text "Between Rounds", 580, 11 47 48 8, tab 6 text "Idle Time", 590, 11 56 49 8, tab 6 edit [ %starttimer ] , 600, 62 28 16 9, tab 6 return edit [ %roundtimer ] , 610, 62 36 16 9, tab 6 return edit [ %breaktimer ] , 620, 62 46 16 9, tab 6 return edit [ %idletimer ] , 630, 62 55 16 9, tab 6 return text "Team Match Duration", 640, 93 30 59 8, tab 6 icon 1020, 10 25 100 30, Pictures\image4.bmp, tab 2 left edit [ %timer ], 650, 149 28 16 10, tab 6 return box "Team Time Settings in Mins :", 670, 88 21 87 46, tab 6 text "Limit Join Period After", 680, 93 41 57 8, tab 6 edit [ %limitjoin ], 690, 149 40 16 10, tab 6 return check "On/Off Op only", 530, 13 75 50 10, tab 6 check "Enable Idle Timer", 540, 13 84 50 10, tab 6 check "Allow Penalty", 550, 13 94 93 10, tab 6 text "Repeat Frequency", 30, 106 76 49 8, tab 6 combo 240, 155 75 17 29, tab 6 drop text "Champ mode", 1, 106 86 41 8, tab 6 check "", 3, 155 85 14 10, tab 6 text "Champ Goal", 4, 106 95 41 8, tab 6 edit [ %chamgoal ], 5, 154 95 19 9, tab 6 return autohs text "Allow Limit Join", 11, 94 52 50 8, tab 6 check "", 12, 149 50 18 10, tab 6 tab "Scores", 7 box "Players", 100, 7 21 44 86, tab 7 list 830, 9 37 39 67, tab 7 size box "Best", 840, 53 21 29 86, tab 7 box "Best", 850, 84 21 29 86, tab 7 box "Maximum", 860, 115 21 29 86, tab 7 button "Generate", 870, 148 86 25 9, tab 7 list 880, 55 37 25 67, tab 7 size text "Scores", 890, 58 28 21 10, tab 7 text "Rounds", 900, 89 28 25 8, tab 7 text "Words", 910, 120 28 25 8, tab 7 text "Rankings", 920, 12 28 25 8, tab 7 list 930, 86 37 25 67, tab 7 size list 940, 117 37 25 67, tab 7 size button "Delete", 780, 148 96 25 9, tab 7 box "Generate", 370, 145 21 33 86, tab 7 text "HTML", 380, 150 28 25 8, tab 7 check "Hof", 390, 146 46 29 10, tab 7 check "Round", 400, 146 54 29 10, tab 7 check "Lengths", 410, 146 61 29 10, tab 7 check "Wscores", 420, 146 69 29 10, tab 7 check "MWords", 430, 146 76 29 10, tab 7 text "Show", 440, 146 39 25 8, tab 7 tab "Teams", 8 edit [ ] , 130, 40 28 74 10, tab 8 text "Team 1", 150, 14 29 25 8, tab 8 nowrap text "Team 2", 140, 14 40 18 8, tab 8 nowrap box "Team Names", 110, 8 21 167 31, tab 8 edit [ ] , 160, 40 38 74 10, tab 8 box "Messages", 170, 8 55 167 52, tab 8 edit [ %noteamwin ] , 180, 48 64 114 10, tab 8 edit [ %team1win ] , 190, 48 75 114 10, tab 8 edit [ %team2win ] , 200, 48 86 114 10, tab 8 text "Tied Match", 210, 13 66 33 8, tab 8 text "Team 1 Wins", 220, 13 76 33 8, tab 8 text "Team 2 Wins", 230, 13 87 34 8, tab 8 link "", 700, 48 97 86 8, tab 8 tab "Commands", 9 box "General Information", 120, 5 21 99 85, tab 9 text "!WFStart: Start WF", 710, 107 28 67 7, tab 9 text "!WFStop: Stop WF", 720, 107 35 67 8, tab 9 text "!WFPause: Pause WF", 730, 107 42 68 8, tab 9 text "!WFResume: Resume WF", 740, 107 49 68 8, tab 9 text "!WFRepeat: Repeat Word", 750, 107 56 67 8, tab 9 text "!WFHof : Hall of Fame", 760, 107 63 67 8, tab 9 text "!WFShowteams:Show teams", 770, 107 70 68 8, tab 9 text "!WFScores : See Scores", 790, 107 77 65 8, tab 9 text "!WFstats: See your stats", 800, 107 84 67 8, tab 9 text "!WFchamp: Champ Score", 810, 107 91 67 8, tab 9 text "!WFlongest: Longest Word", 820, 107 98 65 8, tab 9 box "Commands", 360, 106 21 72 87, tab 9 text "Current mIRC version is:", 450, 8 32 57 8, tab 9 text "Word Frenzy Enabled :", 460, 8 55 57 8, tab 9 text "Currently in channel :", 470, 8 67 57 8, tab 9 text "Words List exists :", 480, 9 79 57 8, tab 9 text "Dictionary exists :", 490, 9 90 57 8, tab 9 text "Word Frenzy Version :", 500, 8 44 57 8, tab 9 text [ $version ], 510, 76 32 25 8, tab 9 text [ %WFversion ], 950, 76 44 25 8, tab 9 text [ %WFrenzy ] , 960, 76 55 25 8, tab 9 text "Yes", 970, 76 67 25 8, tab 9 text "Yes", 980, 76 79 25 8, tab 9 text "Yes", 990, 76 90 25 8, tab 9 button "OK", 2000, 73 109 37 12, flat ok text "by OtherwiseBrunette ", 40, 120 112 57 8, disable text "Word Frenzy V4.0", 310, 8 112 57 8, disable } on *:dialog:WFrenzy:init:*: { if (%wf.oponly == 1) { did -c WFrenzy 530 } if (%wf.idletimer == 1) { did -c WFrenzy 540 } if (%wf.penalty == 1) { did -c Wfrenzy 550 } if (%wf.html.hof == 1) { did -c Wfrenzy 390 } if (%wf.html.BRound == 1) { did -c Wfrenzy 400 } if (%wf.html.lengths == 1) { did -c Wfrenzy 410 } if (%wf.html.wscores == 1) { did -c Wfrenzy 420 } if (%wf.html.mwords == 1) { did -c WFrenzy 430 } if (%allowjoin == 1 ) { did -c WFrenzy 12 } if (%champmode == 1) { did -c Wfrenzy 3 } did -a Wfrenzy 240 1 did -a WFrenzy 240 2 did -a WFrenzy 240 3 did -a Wfrenzy 240 4 did -a Wfrenzy 240 5 did -a WFrenzy 240 6 did -a WFrenzy 5 %champgoal loaddata didtok $dname 300 32 %dialog.listtext if (%wf.respam != $null ) { did -c WFrenzy 240 %wf.respam } unset %dialog.* dll ImgDlg.dll ImgDlg 1 1 $dialog(wfrenzy).hwnd heart.bmp } on *:dialog:WFrenzy:sclick:2000 : { %wf.oponly = $did(530).state %wf.idletimer = $did(540).state %wf.penalty = $did(550).state %wf.html.hof = $did(390).state %wf.html.bround = $did(400).state %wf.html.lengths = $did(410).state %wf.html.wscores = $did(420).state %wf.html.mwords = $did(430).state %allowjoin = $did(12).state %champmode = $did(3).state %starttimer = $did(600) %Roundtimer = $did(610) %breaktimer = $did(620) %idletimer = $did(630) %timer = $did(650) %limitjoin = $did(690) = $did(130) = $did(160) %noteamwin = $did(180) %team1win = $did(190) %team2win = $did(200) %wf.respam = $did(240) %frenzy.dir = $did(280) %wordlist = $did(320) %dictionary = $did(1040) = $did(250) %champgoal = $did(5) var %max = $did(300).lines,%c = 1 while (%c <= %max) { %dialog.listtext = %dialog.listtext $did(300,%c) | inc %c } } on *:dialog:WFrenzy:sclick:700: { run } on *:dialog:WFrenzy:sclick:350: { var %add.word = $$?="Insert The Word You want to add to the dictionary..." if (!$read(%dictionary , w , *. $+ %add.word $+ .* )) { write %dictionary . $+ %add.word $+ . echo -a Thank You! Your word has been added to the dictionary! did -a $dname 300 %add.word } else echo -a Sorry this word already exists in the dictionary! } on *:dialog:WFrenzy:sclick:1010: { did -r WFrenzy 300 } on *:dialog:WFrenzy:sclick:780: { did -r WFrenzy 830,880,930,940 | deletescores } on *:dialog:WFrenzy:sclick:870: { dialog -k WFrenzy WFrenzy | wfhtmlbuild | run WordFrenzy.html } alias loaddata { var %i = 1 , %j = 10 while ( %i <= %j ) && ($lines(frenzyscores.txt) != 0 ) { %x = $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt, %i ),1,32) %y = $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt, %i ),2,32) %z = $readini(bestrs.ini, %x , score) %w = $readini(bestrs.ini, %x , number) did -a WFrenzy 830 %i $msn.decode(%x) did -a WFrenzy 880 %y did -a WFrenzy 930 %z did -a WFrenzy 940 %w inc %i } return } alias WFhtmlbuild { var %start.ticks = $ticks if ($exists(WordFrenzy.html)) { .remove WordFrenzy.html } $doWFsort(FrenzyScores) if ($exists(WordFrenzy.htm)) { .remove WordFrenzy.htm } DoWFsort3 write WordFrenzy.html

WordFrenzy Version 4.0
by OtherwiseBrunette
The Scores files were created on
$date at $time

write WordFrenzy.html
Word Frenzy Hall of Fame
$+ %i $+ $+ $msn.decode($gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ $+ $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt, %i),2,32) $+

} if (%wf.html.BRound == 1) { write WordFrenzy.html
write WordFrenzy.html
Best Round Scores
RankingPlayerNo. Of WordsScore
$+ %i $+ $+ $msn.decode($gettok($read(BestRS.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ $+ $gettok($read(BestRS.txt, %i),3,32) $+ $+ $gettok($read(BestRS.txt, %i),2,32) $+

} if (%wf.html.lengths == 1) { write WordFrenzy.html
write WordFrenzy.html
Words Lengths
$msn.decode($gettok($read(length.txt, %i),1,32)) $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),2,32)) $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),3,32)) $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),4,32)) $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),5,32)) $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),6,32)) $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),7,32)) $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),8,32)) $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),9,32)) 0

} if (%wf.html.wscores == 1) { write WordFrenzy.html
write WordFrenzy.html
Word Scores
WordNo. Of WordsTotal Points
$+ $gettok($read(wordscores.txt, %i) ,1,32) $+ $+ $gettok($read(wordscores.txt, %i) ,3,32) $+ $+ $gettok($read(wordscores.txt, %i) ,2,32) $+

} if (%wf.html.mwords == 1) { write WordFrenzy.html
write WordFrenzy.html
Maximum Words Made Up
$+ %i $+ $+ $msn.decode($gettok($read(maxword.txt, %i) ,1,32)) $+ $+ $gettok($read(maxword.txt, %i) ,3,32) $+ $+ $gettok($read(maxword.txt, %i) ,2,32) $+

} echo 0,12Word FrenzyV4.0 ~ by OtherwiseBrunette ~ HTML 0,94 Created = 0,4 in $calc(($ticks - %start.ticks) / 1000) $+ secs. } alias WFTeamhtmlbuild { var %start.ticks = $ticks DoWFsort1 if ($exists(TeamWF.html)) { .remove TeamWF.html } if ($exists(TeamWF.htm)) { .remove TeamWF.htm } write TeamWF.html

WordFrenzy Version 4.0
by OtherwiseBrunette
The Scores files were created on
$date at $time

write TeamWF.html
TEAM $upper( )
$+ %i $+ $+ $msn.decode($gettok($read(teambluescore.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ $+ $gettok($read(teambluescore.txt, %i),2,32) $+
Total %team.scores.1

write TeamWF.html
write TeamWF.html
TEAM $upper(
$+ %i $+ $+ $msn.decode($gettok($read(teamredscore.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ $+ $gettok($read(teamredscore.txt, %i),2,32) $+
Total %team.scores.2

write TeamWF.html
write TeamWF.html
Best Round Scores
$+ %i $+ $+ $msn.decode($gettok($read(bestteamRs.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ $+ $getteam($gettok($read(bestteamRs.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ $+ $gettok($read(bestteamRS.txt, %i),3,32) $+ $+ $gettok($read(bestteamRS.txt, %i),2,32) $+

write TeamWF.html
write TeamWF.html
Word Scores
WordNo. of WordsTotal Points
$+ $gettok($read(teamwordscores.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ $+ $gettok($read(teamwordscores.txt, %i),3,32)) $+ $+ $gettok($read(teamwordscores.txt, %i),2,32) $+

write TeamWF.html
write TeamWF.html
Maximum Words Made Up
$+ %i $+ $+ $msn.decode($gettok($read(TeamMaxWord.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ $+ $getteam($gettok($read(teammaxword.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ $+ $gettok($read(teammaxword.txt, %i),3,32)) $+ $+ $gettok($read(teammaxword.txt, %i),2,32) $+

write TeamWF.html
write TeamWF.html
Words Lengths
$msn.decode($gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),1,32)) $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),2,32)) $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),3,32)) $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),4,32)) $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),5,32)) $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),6,32)) $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),7,32)) $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),8,32)) $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),9,32)) 0

remove wfteam.ini | remove bestteamrs.ini | remove teamwordscores.ini | remove teammaxword.ini | remove wordlength.ini | teamoptions echo 0,12Word FrenzyV4.0 ~ by OtherwiseBrunette ~ HTML 0,94 Created = 0,4 in $calc(($ticks - %start.ticks) / 1000) $+ secs. } alias ListofCommands { var %start.ticks = $ticks write Commands.html

WordFrenzy Version 4.0
by OtherwiseBrunette
write Commands.html
Word Frenzy List of Commands
!WFstart To Begin Word Frenzy
!WFstart Team (time in Mins) To Start Team Word Frenzy
!WFstop To Stop Word Frenzy
!WFPause To Pause Word Frenzy
!WFResume To Resume Word Frenzy
!WFrepeat To Repeat Initial Word
!WFLongest To Show the Longest Word
!WFhof To See The Word Frenzy Hall of Fame
!WFBestRounds To See The Best Rounds Scores
!WFBestWords To See The Best Word Scores
!WFMaxWords To See The Maximum Words Made Up
!WFchamp To See Champ Score
!WFstat To See your Stats
!WFstat (nickname) To See That Player's Stats
!WFscores To See Current Players' Scores
!join 1 or !join 2 To Join Team 1 or Team 2
!WFshowteams To Show Members of Teams
!WFversion To Get Current Version of Word FRenzy

echo 0,12Word FrenzyV4.0 ~ by Otherwisebrunette ~ HTML 0,94 Created = 0,4 in $calc(($ticks - %start.ticks) / 1000) $+ secs. } #WordFrenzyV4.0 end ; You can add these to access.ini for remote control of the game. on admin:TEXT:@EnableWordFrenzy:#:/ .enable #WordFrenzyV3 | set %WFrenzy Enabled | /msg $chan S eTahoma;0 (o) Word Frenzy ~ Enabled. Type !WordFrenzy to Play (o) | /echo 0,12 Word Frenzy 0,94 Loaded on admin:TEXT:@DisableWordFrenzy:#:/ .disable #WordFrenzyV3 | set %WFrenzy Disabled | /msg $chan S eTahoma;0 (o) Word Frenzy ~ Disabled - Game Over. | /echo 0,12 Word Frenzy 0,4 Unloaded ```


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AHBARAR   -  Jul 04, 2008

i make it work if any 1 needed help ... i will try my best :) i even changed alot of it for now

CodingNewbie   -  Jun 26, 2008

I\'ve tried this and it won\'t work, after you join the game won\'t start. Any ideas why?

wizard38   -  Jun 08, 2008

i have this game but i have problem, i have the game supertrivia 5.0, and when the question appears to bet \"Special question, bet your points, preceeded by a dot\" would like the players do not play the frenzy
someone knows the code for not playing fenzy during a question of bet?

AHBARAR   -  Jun 06, 2008

Sry Didnt Know But If U look At The Forums U WIll see It There too And No 1 Replays For It .. So Maybe Its Better Here Where All Can See it :P

LucSatise   -  Jun 06, 2008

wrong place. shuld be posted on forum. and i can see errors right through that

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