Gambling script

By Joel-Kun on May 26, 2008

Okay, so I redid the script, after all it kind of sucked from the start. I used the "'" trigger because no one else I know used it. But I changed it up a bit. The new version doesn't have roulette, since that was just a pain, plus there were too many things to idiot proof. New Commands: 'dice (opponents name here), 'self, 'loan and 'stats

Dice: throws dice with an opponent, betting that you'll get a higher number.
Self: allows you to gamble with yourself between either dice or a slot machine.
Loan: sets your money back to 100, and if you don't have money, it does the same.
Stats: allows you to see the amount of money you, or a given nick has left.

So yeah, enjoy :D
Plus I also made a cheat for a master/person you trust very much, so you always win xD
just type /master and enter the person's nick in the box :D
Have fun!
I'll have a 'ghelp command soon, but at the moment I'm a little busy.

 JJJJJJ    OOOO    EEEEEE  LL           KK   KK  UU   UU   N     N  ''   SSSSSS
 JJJJJJ  OO    OO  EE      LL     ____  KK KK    UU   UU   N N   N '  ' S
   JJ    OO    OO  EEEE    LL    |____| KK       UU   UU   N  N  N | /   SSSSSS
JJ JJ    OO    OO  EE      LL           KK KK    UU   UU   N   N N             S
 JJJ       OOOO    EEEEEE  LLLLLL       KK   KK   UUUUU    N     N       SSSSSS

                           ;Gambling Script;

alias master {
set %master $$?="Who's the great master?"
alias slot {
  set %slot1 $r(1,4)
  set %slot2 $r(1,4)
  set %slot3 $r(1,4)
  if (%slot1 = 1) { set %slot1 4@ }
  if (%slot1 = 2) { set %slot1 7© }
  if (%slot1 = 3) { set %slot1 12£ }
  if (%slot1 = 4) { set %slot1 7 }
  if (%slot2 = 1) { set %slot2 4@ }
  if (%slot2 = 2) { set %slot2 7© }
  if (%slot2 = 3) { set %slot2 12£ }
  if (%slot2 = 4) { set %slot2 7 }
  if (%slot3 = 1) { set %slot3 4@ }
  if (%slot3 = 2) { set %slot3 7© }
  if (%slot3 = 3) { set %slot3 12£ }
  if (%slot3 = 4) { set %slot3 7 }
alias win {
  set %gamoney [ $+ [ %challenge ] ] $calc(%gamoney [ $+ [ %challenge ] ] + %wager)
  set %gamoney [ $+ [ %oppo ] ] $calc(%gamoney [ $+ [ %oppo ] ] - %wager)
alias lose {
  set %gamoney [ $+ [ %challenge ] ] $calc(%gamoney [ $+ [ %challenge ] ] - %wager)
  set %gamoney [ $+ [ %oppo ] ] $calc(%gamoney [ $+ [ %oppo ] ] + %wager)
on *:text:'dice*:#: {
  if (%gambling == on) { msg $chan There is already a game going on, please be patient. | halt }
  if (!$2) { msg $chan $nick $+ , you need to specify a person to gamble with and a money amount. | halt }
  elseif (!$3) { msg $chan $nick $+ , you need to specify an amount of money. | halt }
  if ($2 == $me) { msg $chan I has no moneys :3 | halt }
  if ($2 == $nick) { msg $chan You can't gamble against yourslef. | halt }
  if ($2 !ison $chan) { msg $chan $2 isn't on the channel | halt }
  if (%gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { msg $chan $nick $+ , you have no money, type 'loan to get it | halt }
  if (%gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) {
    if (%gamoney [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $null) { msg $chan $2 doesn't even have money :/ | halt }
    if (%gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < $3) { msg $chan You don't have enough money to play | halt }
    if (%gamoney [ $+ [ $2 ] ] < $3) { msg $chan $2 doesn't have enough money to play | halt }
    set %challenge $nick
    set %wager $3
    set %gambling on
    set %tempoppo $2
    msg $chan %tempoppo $+ , If you except %challenge $+ 's challenge of dice for %wager dollars, type 'go, and if not type 'end
on *:text:'end:#: {
  if (%challenge == $nick) { msg $chan You can't negatively turn down your self, it hurts your ego... | halt }
  if ($nick != %tempoppo) { msg $chan %challenge didn't challenge you | halt }
  if (%challenge == $null) && (%tempoppo == $null) { msg $chan No one has challenged you yet... | halt }
  msg $chan Sorry %challenge $+ , $nick turned down your offer.
  unset %challenge
  unset %wager
  unset %tempoppo
  set %gambling off
on *:text:'go:#: {
  if ($nick == %challenge) { msg $chan You can't challenge yourslef stupid. | halt }
  if ($nick != %tempoppo) && (%challenge != $null) { msg $chan %challenge didn't challenge you | halt } 
  if (%challenge == $null) && (%tempoppo == $null) { msg $chan There is no one to challenge your gamble. | halt }
  msg $chan So you except %challenge $+ 's challenge? Okay then....
  msg $chan Say 'play to commense.
  unset %tempoppo
  set %oppo $nick
on *:text:'play*:#: {
  if (%gambling != on) { msg $chan No one has made a challenge yet | halt }
  if ($nick != %challenge) && ($nick != %oppo) { halt }
  if ($nick == %oppo) && (%chwaiting == on) {
    msg $chan Now we commense %challenge vs %oppo $+ !
    unset %chwaiting
    unset %opwaiting
    goto strt
  if ($nick == %challenge) && (%opwaiting == on) {
    msg $chan Now we commense %challenge vs %oppo $+ !
    unset %opwaiting
    unset %chwaiting
    goto strt 
  if ($nick == %challenge) && (%opwaiting != on) { 
    set %opwaiting on
    set %chwaiting on
    msg $chan Now %oppo $+ , say 'play 
  if ($nick == %oppo) && (%chwaiting != on) {
    set %chwaiting on
    set %opwaiting on
    msg $chan Now %challenge $+ , say 'play 
  set %roll1 $r(1,6)
  set %roll2 $r(1,6)
  if (%challenge == %master) { set %roll1 999 | goto ultracheap }
if (%challenge == %master) { set %roll2 999 | goto ultracheao }  
  msg $chan %challenge rolls a [4 $+ %roll1 $+ 1]
  msg $chan %oppo rolls a [4 $+ %roll2 $+ 1]
  if (%roll1 > %roll2) { 
    msg $chan %challenge won against %oppo $+ !
    msg $chan %challenge now has %gamoney [ $+ [ %challenge ] ] dollars and...
    msg $chan %oppo now has %gamoney [ $+ [ %oppo ] ] dollars.
    msg $chan Nice Game!
  if (%roll1 < %roll2) { 
    msg $chan %oppo won against %challenge $+ !
    msg $chan %challenge now has %gamoney [ $+ [ %challenge ] ] dollars and...
    msg $chan %oppo now has %gamoney [ $+ [ %oppo ] ] dollars.
    msg $chan Nice Game!
  if (%roll1 == %roll2) {
    msg $chan It was a tie between %challenge and %oppo $+ !
    msg $chan %challenge still has %gamoney [ $+ [ %challenge ] ]
    msg $chan And %oppo stll has %gamoney [ $+ [ %oppo ] ]
    msg $chan Good try.
  unset %challenge
  unset %oppo
  unset %roll1
  unset %roll2 
  set %gambling off
on *:text:'loan:#: {
  set %gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 
  msg $chan There you go $nick $+ , you know have %gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] dollars... 
on *:text:'stats*:#: {
  if ($2 != $null) { msg # $nick $+ , $2 $+ 's money amount is %gamoney [ $+ [ $2 ] ] dollars. }
  else { msg # $nick $+ , you have %gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] dollars left. }
on *:text:'self*:#: {
  set %wager $2
  if ($3 == dice) {
    set %selfroll $r(1,6)
    set %myroll $r(1,6)
    if ($nick == %master) { set %selfroll 999 | goto supacheata }
    msg $chan $nick rolls a [4 $+ %selfroll $+ 1]
    msg $chan $me rolls a [4 $+ %myroll $+ 1]
    if (%myroll > %selfroll) { 
      msg $chan Sorry I win :D
      set %gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %wager)
      msg $chan You know have %gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] dollars!
      unset %selfroll
      unset %myroll
    if (%myroll < %selfroll) {
      msg $chan Darn, you win :/
      set %gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + %wager)
      msg $chan You know have %gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] dollars!
      unset %Selfroll
      unset %myroll
    if (%myroll == %selfroll) { msg $chan Aww man, we tied :p | msg $chan You still have %gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] dollars! }
    unset %selfroll
    unset %myroll

  if ($3 == slots) {
    if ($nick == %master) { set %slot1 7 | set %slot2 7 | set %slot3 7 | goto mastercheat }
    msg $chan The machine is spinning....
    msg $chan Slot 1 shows the %slot1 symbol...
    msg $chan Slot 2 shows the %slot2 symbol...
    msg $chan Slot 3 shows the %slot3 symbol...
    msg $chan The machine shows %slot1 $+ %slot2 $+ %slot3
    if (%slot1 == %slot2) && (%slot1 == %slot3) && (%slot2 == %slot3) {
      msg $chan YOU WON!
      set %gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + %wager)
      msg $chan You now have %gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] dollars!
    else {
      msg $chan Ooh, that's to bad....
      set %gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] - %wager)
      msg $chan You now have %gamoney [ $+ [ $nick ] ] dollars left


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selyos   -  Apr 23, 2009

how do you win this game though

Joel-Kun   -  Jun 02, 2008

Thanks, I think I got it covered.

criminal   -  May 28, 2008

You should silence them all.. It\'s quite big so easy to flood
instead of msg $chan, .msg $chan
And instead of all those different variables like %selfroul, %quickchange, ...
Make them like this: %GAMBLEselfroul, %GAMBLEquickchange, ...
So you don\'t need to type unset %, unset %, unset %, ... Just use unset %GAMBLE*

Zaiba91   -  May 27, 2008


But seriously though, i see alot of places that can be cleaned up like:

if ($2 == $null)

can be replaced with

if (!$2) {

now where was I... oh yeah.

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